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Created February 5, 2014 11:47
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  • Save marek-saji/8821995 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save marek-saji/8821995 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
" be (VI)iMproved
set nocompatible
" UTF-8, anyone?
if has("multi_byte")
if &termencoding == ""
let &termencoding=&encoding
if $TERM == "linux" || $TERM_PROGRAM == "GLterm"
let &termencoding="latin1"
elseif $TERM == "xterm" || $TERM == "xterm-color"
let propv = system("xprop -id $WINDOWID -f WM_LOCALE_NAME 8s ' $0' -notype WM_LOCALE_NAME")
if propv !~ "WM_LOCALE_NAME .*UTF.*8"
let &termencoding="latin1"
" use utf-8 internally
set encoding=utf-8
" change default file encoding when writing new files
setglobal fileencoding=utf-8
" don't use tabs at begining of the line
set nosmarttab
" don't show options, when tab-completing
" (doesn't play well with CtrlP plugin)
set nowildmenu
" history lines to remember
set history=1000
" ask instead of failing
set confirm
" support all, in this order
set fileformats=unix,dos,mac
" make sure it can save viminfo
set viminfo+=!
" none ot thes should be word dividers
set iskeyword+=_,$,@,%,#,-
if has("clipboard")
set clipboard=unnamed
elseif has("xterm_clipboard") && has("unnamedplus")
set clipboard=unnamedplus
" Files / Backups
silent !mkdir -p ~/.cache/vim/{backup,temp}
set backup
set backupdir=~/.cache/vim/backup
set directory=~/.cache/vim/temp
set makeef=error.err
" vim UI
" command bar height
set cmdheight=1
" show line numbers
set number
" allow hidden, unsaved buffers
set hidden
" make backspace act flexible
set backspace=indent,eol,start
" backspace and cursor keys wrap
set whichwrap+=<,>,h,l
" use mouse everywhere
set mouse=a
" shortens messages to avoid 'press a key' prompt
set shortmess=atI
set textwidth=72
" don't break already long lines
set formatoptions+=l
" relative to textwidth
set colorcolumn=+0
" highlight column at textwidth
highlight clear ColorColumn
highlight ColorColumn cterm=underline
" hightlight characters above textwidth
highlight clear OverLength
highlight OverLength cterm=bold
execute 'match OverLength /\%'.&textwidth.'v.*/'
" colors for GUI set in .gvimrc
" show matching brackets
set showmatch
" highlight searched for phrases
set hlsearch
" highlight as you type you search phrase
set incsearch
" list tabs and trailing spaces
if (&termencoding == "utf-8")
set list listchars=tab:⇒·,trail:◦,nbsp:•,extends:▻
set list listchars=tab:>-,trail:.,nbsp:_,extends:>
" text formatting / layout
set formatoptions=tcrqn
" Use the 'j' format option when available.
if v:version ># 703 || v:version ==# 703 && has('patch541')
set formatoptions+=j
set autoindent
set smartindent
set cindent
set shiftwidth=4
set softtabstop=4
set tabstop=4
set expandtab
" auto-close curly brackets
" Try out Raimondi/delimitMate if that's not enough
inoremap {<CR> {<CR>}<Esc>O
inoremap {<CR>} {<CR>}
" folding
set foldenable
" Make folding indent sensitive
"set foldmethod=syntax
set foldmethod=indent
"set foldcolumn=2
"" Don't autofold anything (but I can still fold manually)
set foldlevel=100
" don't open folds when you search into them
set foldopen-=search
" don't open folds when you undo in them
set foldopen-=undo
" spelling
set spelllang=pl,en
highlight clear SpellBad
highlight SpellBad ctermbg=red ctermfg=white
" correct common typos
command Q q
command Qa qa
command QA qa
command W w
command Wq wq
command WQ wq
" prev/next tab with C-left/right
map  <esc>:tabn<CR>
map  <esc>:tabp<CR>
" prev/next buffer with C-down/up
"map  <esc>:bn<CR> " C-down
"map  <esc>:bp<CR> " C-up
" Create directory, when saving a file
" source:
function s:MkNonExDir(file, buf)
if empty(getbufvar(a:buf, '&buftype')) && a:file!~#'\v^\w+\:\/'
let dir=fnamemodify(a:file, ':h')
if !isdirectory(dir)
call mkdir(dir, 'p')
augroup BWCCreateDir
autocmd BufWritePre * :call s:MkNonExDir(expand('<afile>'), +expand('<abuf>'))
augroup END
" term and screen titles
if has("statusline") && has("title")
if &term =~ 'screen\(\.\(xterm\|rxvt\)\(-\(256\)\?color\)\?\)\?'
" term title.
set t_ts=]2;
set t_fs=
set title
set titlestring=vim\ :\ %t%(\ %M%)%(\ %{fugitive#statusline()}%)%(\ (%{expand(\"%:p:h\")})%)%(\ %a%)
" screen title
set t_IS=k
set t_IE=\
set icon
set iconstring=vim\ %t%(\ %M%)%(\ (%{expand(\"%:p:h\")})%)%(\ %a%)
" term title
set title
set titlestring=vim\ —\ %t%(\ %M%)%(\ (%{expand(\"%:p:h\")})%)%(\ %a%)
" Turns on filetype detection if not already on,
" and then applies filetype-specific highlighting.
syntax enable
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