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Last active July 4, 2016 14:27
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  • Save marek-saji/d790b3274984e38111a8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save marek-saji/d790b3274984e38111a8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Useful things to put in your ~/.gitconfig
email =
name = Your Name
user = your-login
ui = auto
# Show submodule commits instead of hashes
submodule = log
# Normally git-pull merges fetched branch into current branch, this
# switches this behaviour to rebase
# This makes commit history more linear
rebase = true
# Remove deleted remote branches
prune = true
default = tracking
# Do not allow pushing submodule revisions that are not available in
# remote-tracking branch.
recurseSubmodules = check
# Show submodule commits
submoduleSummary = -1
lineNumber = true
# common typos
vomit = commit
stauts = status
staus = status
ad = add
# Short and sweet, with just enough information
ls = status -su
# TODO cut at max($COLUMNS, first occurance of "]")
b = !"git -c color.ui=always branch -vv | sed -s 's/\\].*$/]/' | less -SRX --quit-if-one-screen"
pullpush = !git pull && git push
stashpull = !"command git stash save 'STASHED FOR PULLING' && git pull && git stash pop #"
# branches by last commit date
# source:
activebranches = !"git for-each-ref --sort='-committerdate' --format='%(refname)%09%(committerdate)' refs/heads | sed -e 's~refs/heads/~~'"
pullall = !git submodule update --remote --rebase && git pull
all = !"\"$@\" ; command git submodule foreach --recursive \"$@\" | sed -r -e \"s/^Entering '(.*)'$/Entering '\\1'/\" #"
gitall = !"command git all git -c color.ui=always"
diffall = !"git gitall diff \"$@\" | command git pager #"
grepall = "gitall grep"
statusall = "gitall status"
# checkoutall = "gitall checkout"
# stashall = "gitall stash"
backup = !"set -e ; TARGET=\"/tmp/git$( echo $PWD | sed -e 's/\\//:/g' )\" ; echo \"Backing up to $TARGET\" ; { [ -e \"$TARGET\" && trash \"$TARGET\" ; } ; cp -ra .git \"${TARGET}\""
cprev = !git rev-parse HEAD | tee /dev/stderr | xclip -in -selection clipboard
# open
open = !"command git web--browse $( printf \"$( command git config --get project.commit-url )\" \"$( command git rev-parse \"${1:-HEAD}\" )\" ) #"
# slim log
lg = log --graph --pretty=slim --abbrev-commit --date=relative --submodule=log
# lg date: sorted by date and with absolute dates
lgd = log --graph --pretty=slim --abbrev-commit --date=local --date-order --submodule=log
# lg upstream: also show upstream branch
lgu = !command git lg $( command git rev-parse --symbolic HEAD@{u} || echo master ) HEAD
# lg others: not my commits
lgo = log --graph --pretty=slim --abbrev-commit --date=relative --author='^(?!Marek.*Augustynowicz).*$' --perl-regexp --submodule=log
# lg date, upstream
lgdu = !command git lgd $( command git rev-parse --symbolic HEAD@{u} || echo master ) HEAD
# lg me: my commits from all branches, by date
lgme = !command git lgd --author=\"$( command git config --get )\" --all
# branches hierarchy
lgb = !command git lga --simplify-by-decoration
# show commits from all branches
lga = !command git lgd --all
# show all commits that exist
#lgaa = !command git lg $( find "$( git rev-parse --show-toplevel )"/.git/objects/?? -type f | grep -Eo '[a-f0-9]{2}/[a-f0-9]{38}' | tr -d / )
# show all commits from reflog
lgaa = !command git lgd $( command git reflog --format=%H )
# show all commits that are unreachable
lgaaa =!command git fsck --unreachable | grep commit | cut -d\\ -f3 | xargs git lgd --all
# show commits from submodules as well
# (Skips first commit, because it may be too big to handle)
#lgs = !command git -c color.ui=no log --graph --oneline -U0 --submodule $( command git log --format=format:%H --reverse --ancestry-path $( command git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD ).. | head -n1 ).. | grep -E '^[*| /\\]+([0-9a-f]{7} |Submodule |> |$)' | eval "$( command git config --get core.pager )"
lgs = "!command git -c color.ui=always lg -U0 -p --submodule $( command git log --format=format:%H --reverse --ancestry-path $( command git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD ).. | head -n1 ).. | grep -vE \"^((\\[[0-9;]*m)*[| ])+(\\[[0-9;]*m)* ($|(\\[[0-9;]*m)*(diff|index|new|Binary|rename|similarity|deleted|[\\@+-]))\" | command git pager #"
# code review
review = "!START=\"$1\"; test \"$#\" -gt 0 && shift; git log --reverse -p $( { test -n \"$START\" && echo \"$START\"; } || git config --get project.main-branch 2>/dev/null || echo master )@{u}.."
# what's new since last (version?) tag
whatsnew = "!command git fetch --tags && { LAST=\"$( command git describe --tags --abbrev=0 --match='v*' 2>/dev/null || command git describe --tags --abbrev=0 )\" ; command git log --reverse --first-parent \"${LAST}\"..master \"${LAST}\"..master@{u}; }"
# grep with some context (and a header)
hgrep = grep --heading --show-function -B3 -A3
# diff by word
diffword = diff --word-diff --word-diff-regex='\\w+|[[:space:]]+|[^[:space:]]'
# diff by character
diffchar = diff --word-diff --word-diff-regex='.'
# checkout files with only whitespace changes
whitespacecheckout = "!command git status --porcelain | GREP_OPTIONS= grep '^.M' | cut -b4- | while read file ; do if test -z \"$( command git diff -w \"$file\" )\"; then command git checkout -- \"$file\" ; fi; done"
rebaselocal = "!REMOTE=$( command git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD@{u} || git config --get project.main-branch 2>/dev/null || echo master ) ; command git rebase -i \"$@\" $( command git merge-base HEAD ${REMOTE} ) #"
rebasebranch = "!REMOTE=$( git config --get project.main-branch 2>/dev/null || echo master ) ; if [ \"${REMOTE}\" = \"$( command git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD )\" ]; then git rebaselocal \"$@\"; else command git rebase -i \"$@\" $( command git merge-base HEAD ${REMOTE} ); fi #"
# Used by other aliases
pager = !"eval \"$( command git config --get core.pager || which sensible-pager || echo ${PAGER:-less} )\""
slim = "%C(red)%h%C(yellow)%d%C(reset) %s %C(green)(%cd) %C(bold blue)<%an>%C(reset)"
worklog = "%C(yellow)%ai %C(red)%h%C(yellow)%d%C(reset)%n%B"
worklogdates = "%n%C(yellow)%ai %C(red)%h%C(yellow)%d%C(reset)"
browser = xdg-open
[browser "xdg-open"]
cmd = xdg-open
# pager
# - use n/p in git-diff (and friends) to cycle through commit, diff and diff chunks
# - replace emoji codes with emojis, where possible
# These do not work:
# -e 's/:heavy_minus_sign:/➖/g' -e 's/:heavy_plus_sign:/➕/g' -e 's/:bug:/🐛/g'
pager = "{ head -n-2 ~/.lesshst ; printf \".less-history-file:\\n\\\"^(commit|diff|@@)\n\\\"^(commit|diff)\n\\\"^commit\n\" ; tail -n2 ~/.lesshst ; } > ~/.gitlesshst ; { [ -e /usr/share/doc/git/contrib/diff-highlight/diff-highlight ] && perl /usr/share/doc/git/contrib/diff-highlight/diff-highlight || cat; } | sed -e 's/:arrow_up:/⬆/g' -e 's/:arrow_down:/⬇/g' -e 's/:arrows_clockwise:/⭮/g' -e 's/:arrows_counterclockwise:/⭯/g' -e 's/:telephone:/☎/' -e 's/:sparke:/❇/g' -e 's/:zap:/⚡/g' -e 's/:heavy_minus_sign:/(-)/g' -e 's/:heavy_plus_sign:/(+)/g' -e 's/:bug:/(bug)/g' | less -MFRSX"
attributesfile = ~/.gitattributes
renames = true
[diff "po"]
textconv = msgcat --no-location --no-wrap --sort-output
[diff "strings"]
textconv = strings
[diff "image"]
textconv = "exiftool \"$1\" | grep -vP '^(Directory|File (Name|Permissions|.*Date/Time))' ; convert \"$1\" jpg:- | jp2a --width=`tput cols` --colors - #"
# autocorrect = 30
# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4
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