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Created December 1, 2018 11:12
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Genetic Algorithm Traveling Salesman Problem Solver
import math
import random
import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
def prepend_start(route):
return [0] + list(route)
def create_population(num_points, size):
order = list(range(1, num_points))
return [np.random.permutation(order) for _ in range(size)]
def get_pool(n_jobs):
num_processes = int(n_jobs if n_jobs > 0 else cpu_count())
if num_processes > 1:
return Pool(num_processes)
def compute_fitness(fitness_fn, points, routes, pool=None):
if pool is None:
return [fitness_fn(points, prepend_start(route)) for route in routes]
return pool.starmap(fitness_fn, ((points, prepend_start(route)) for route in routes))
def select_parents(fitness):
indices = np.argsort(fitness)
return indices[:int(len(fitness)*0.5)]
def crossover(routes, parents, target_size):
num_children = 2 * int(math.ceil(1.0*target_size / len(parents)))
new_routes = []
for i in range(0, len(parents)-1, 2):
parentA, parentB = routes[parents[i]], routes[parents[i+1]]
for _ in range(num_children):
child = np.empty(len(parentA), dtype=np.int8)
split = np.random.randint(0, int(len(parentA) / 2.0))
span = (split, split + int(len(parentA) / 4.0) + 1)
child[span[0]:span[1]] = parentA[span[0]:span[1]]
free_indices = list(range(0, span[0])) + list(range(span[1], len(parentA)))
used_values = set(parentA[span[0]:span[1]])
i = 0
for point in parentB:
if point not in used_values:
child[free_indices[i]] = point
i += 1
return new_routes
def mutate(routes, p=0.1):
for i, route in enumerate(routes):
if np.random.uniform() <= p:
idxA = np.random.randint(len(route))
idxB = idxA
while idxB == idxA:
idxB = np.random.randint(len(route))
route[idxA], route[idxB] = route[idxB], route[idxA]
routes[i] = route
return routes
def optimize_route(points, fitness_fn, min_population_size=100, max_population_size=1000, max_iter=1000, mutation_p=0.1, n_jobs=-1):
num_points = len(points)
population_size = int(np.clip(num_points * 10, min_population_size, max_population_size))
pool = get_pool(n_jobs)
population = create_population(num_points, population_size)
fitness_means = []
for i in range(max_iter):
fitness = compute_fitness(fitness_fn, points, population, pool)
parents = select_parents(fitness)
population = crossover(population, parents, population_size)
population = mutate(population, p=mutation_p)
if i > 0 and (i % 50) == 0:
threshold = fitness_means[-1] * 0.001
if np.abs(np.mean(fitness_means[-50:]) - np.mean(fitness_means[-10:])) < threshold:
fitness = compute_fitness(fitness_fn, points, population, pool)
best_idx = np.argmin(fitness)
if pool is not None:
return prepend_start(population[best_idx])
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