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Last active November 16, 2020 04:14
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Gatsby + S3 no trailing slash redirect patch
# This is the first of the two scripts that are being used to work around
# the limitations of conventional filesystems where two filesystem nodes
# can't share the same name regardless of whether they're of the same type
# or not (folder / file).
# S3 is not a conventional filesystem, it's an object storage where filename
# is the key and the value is the object and therefore this limitation does
# not apply to S3.
# However, since we need to build the application locally first, we need to
# append an extension to the cloned files locally and then after uploading
# all files to S3, we run the 2nd script that will remove the file extension.
# This script will find all index.html files that are nested at least 2 levels deep and copy them
# to the grandparent folder while renaming them to match their original parent folder name and
# appending .collision extension because most filesystem don't allow two filesystem nodes to share
# the same name regardless of their type (folder / file). However, S3 is not a typical filesystem
# and allows such a configuration where folder and file share the same name and that's what we're
# utilizing here. So the order of steps is as follows:
# 1. Deployment artifact is built
# 2. is ran which creates clones with a .collision.html extension to
# prevent conflicts (this script)
# 3. public folder is deployed
# 4. is ran which removes the .collision.html extension
echo "Cloning nested index.html files and copying them to the grandparent folder"
find ./public -mindepth 2 -name "index.html" | sed 's/^\(.*\)\/index\.html$/\1/' | grep -v 404 | xargs -L1 -t -I {} cp "{}/index.html" "{}.collision.html"
echo "Done"
// Loosely based on
// Script to work around discrepancies in s3 <=> os file and directory names.
// It allows you to host your static website on s3 without trailing slashes.
// e.g. and
const http = require('http')
const https = require('https')
const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
const async = require('async')
// Resource limits
http.globalAgent.maxSockets = 72
https.globalAgent.maxSockets = 72
// Script input assertions
if (!process.env.S3_BUCKET) throw new Error('Must configure S3_BUCKET env var')
if (!process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID) throw new Error('Must configure AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env var')
if (!process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)
throw new Error('Must configure AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY env var')
// AWS SDK configuration
const options = {
bucket: process.env.S3_BUCKET,
region: process.env.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION,
key: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
secret: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
bucketPrefix: '',
accessKeyId: options.key,
secretAccessKey: options.secret,
region: options.region,
// AWS SDK error handling'httpError', function onHttpError() {
if (this.response.error && this.response.error.code === 'UnknownEndpoint') {
this.response.error.retryable = true
const s3 = new AWS.S3()
// This function will determine the mime type based on the file extension
function determineMimeType(prefix) {
const ext = prefix.split('.').pop()
switch (ext.toLowerCase()) {
case 'html':
case 'aspx':
return 'text/html'
// S3 SDK does not offer a method to rename files hence we had to bake our own
// This function will remove the .collision.html extension from the name of the
// S3 object stored under the prefix path and configure its mime type correctly
function renameObject(prefix, callback) {
const renamedPrefix = prefix.replace('.collision.html', '')
const mimeType = determineMimeType(prefix)
console.log('renameObject %s -> %s; mime = %s', prefix, renamedPrefix, mimeType)
const params = {
Bucket: options.bucket,
CopySource: `${options.bucket}/${prefix}`,
Key: renamedPrefix,
MetadataDirective: 'REPLACE',
if (mimeType) {
params.ContentType = mimeType
s3.copyObject(params, function onCopyObject(err, data) {
if (err) return callback(err)
console.log('\t-> copied (%s)', prefix)
Bucket: options.bucket,
Key: prefix,
function onDeleteObject(err, data) {
if (err) return callback(err)
console.log('\t-> removed (%s)', prefix)
// This function returns true if the prefix ends with our magic file extension
function collisionsOnly(prefix) {
return prefix
function removeMagicExtension(prefix) {
return async.apply(renameObject, prefix)
const allKeys = []
const listAllKeys = function listAllKeys(marker, cb) {
s3.listObjects({ Bucket: options.bucket, Marker: marker }, function onListObjects(err, data) {
if (err) {
return cb(err)
allKeys, onMapContents(el) {
return el.Key
if (data.IsTruncated) {
listAllKeys(data.Contents.slice(-1)[0].Key, cb)
} else {
// Traverse the entire tree of files and remove the magic extension
// from all matching files.
listAllKeys(options.bucketPrefix, function onListAllKeys(err) {
if (err) {
async.parallelLimit(allKeys.filter(collisionsOnly).map(removeMagicExtension), 12, function onDone(
) {
if (err) throw err
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