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Last active December 20, 2022 15:33
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Example code for the tutorial on Pedersen Commitments and Confidential Transactions available under
convert -background none inputs_before.png inputs_after.png +append inputs.png
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import hashlib
from minicurve import MiniCurve as mc
from minicurve import Visualizer
from minicurve.helpers import inverse
def add_digits(num, p):
return (num - 1) % p if num > 0 else 0
def hashtard(m, p):
hash = hashlib.sha256(str.encode(m))
num = int.from_bytes(hash.digest(), 'big')
num = add_digits(num, p)
return num
def sign(m, k, d, G, p):
# calculate public key R = k*G
R = k*G
# calculate e = H(M || r) where || is concatenation
e = hashtard(m, p)
# calculate the signature
s = np.mod(k + d*e, p)
# signature is s, R
return s, R
def verify(m, s, G, P, R, p):
# e_v = H(M || r_v)
e = hashtard(m, p)
# calculate the verification
lhs = s*G
rhs = R+e*P
# test if lhs = rhs
if lhs == rhs:
return True, lhs, rhs
return False, lhs, rhs
# n is a group order
def isTransactionValid(G, inputs_data, outputs_data, p):
inp, inputs_signature = inputs_data
out, outputs_signature = outputs_data
# calculate inputs - outputs
P = inp - out
# check if signature matches proving the difference is 0
inp_s, inp_R = inputs_signature
out_s, out_R = outputs_signature
s_comb = np.mod(inp_s - out_s, p)
valid, _, _ = verify('m', s_comb, G, P, inp_R - out_R, p)
return valid
# article URL
url = ''
# eliptic curve and finite field parameters
p = 13
a = 1
b = 7
# we need two generator points, G for blinding factors and H for the amounts
G = mc(a, b, p, x=10, y=4, label='G', color='tab:green', tracing=True)
H = mc(a, b, p, x=9, y=11, label='H', color='tab:cyan', tracing=True)
# construct the inputs
# blinding factors
bs = [1, 5]
# amounts
am = [2, 4]
# compute blinded inputs
inputs = []
for bsv, amv in zip(bs, am):
R = bsv*G + amv*H
# visualize pre-transaction space
vis = Visualizer(a, b, p)
vis.points = [G, H] + inputs
vis.generatePlot(title='Inputs before the transaction')
plt.figtext(0.0, 0.01, url, rotation=0)
# perform the transaction
# the payor owns an input of value of 4 coins
# is going to transfer 1 coin to payee and 3 coins
# back to him/herself as a change
inp = inputs[1]
# payor signs input with blinding factor as the private key
k = 9 # random nonce
inp_s, inp_R = sign('m', k, bs[1], G, p)
# calculate the change, sending 3 coins back and choosing
# the blinding factor 6
chn = 6*G + 3*H
# payor signs change with blinding factor as the private key, payor chooses 6
k = 1 # random nonce
chn_s, chn_R = sign('m', k, 6, G, p)
# now the payee creates own output, is receiving 1 coin
# and choses the blinding factor of 7
nout = 7*G + 1*H
# payee signs own output with newly chosen blinding factor
k = 3 # random nonce
out_s, out_R = sign('m', k, 7, G, p)
# gather all the outputs together to form a single output
out = nout + chn
# add output signatures as well
comb_R = out_R + chn_R
comb_s = np.mod(out_s + chn_s, p)
# prepare data for the verifier
inputs_signature = inp_s, inp_R
inputs_data = inp, inputs_signature
outputs_signature = comb_s, comb_R
outputs_data = out, outputs_signature
valid = isTransactionValid(G, inputs_data, outputs_data, p)
print('Is transaction valid?', valid)
# visualize the finite field after the transaction is made
# start by removing the input that was just spent from the
# finite field
del inputs[1]
# include the newly created inputs into the field
# plot again
vis = Visualizer(a, b, p)
vis.points = [G, H] + inputs
vis.generatePlot(title='Inputs after the transaction')
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