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Last active July 19, 2016 15:05
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shapeless record try
package me.sgrouples.rogue
import io.fsq.field.Field
import shapeless._
import labelled.{FieldType, field}
import syntax.singleton._
import record._
import ops.record._
import org.bson.{BsonDocument, BsonNull, BsonValue}
import shapeless.syntax.SingletonOps
class CField(val name:String)
trait CcFields[T] {
type RecRepr
def flds:RecRepr
trait LowPrioFields {
abstract class CcFieldFormat[Wrapped, SubRepr](implicit tpe :Typeable[Wrapped]) {
type RecRepr
def flds: RecRepr
object CcFieldFormat {
type Aux[Wrapperd, SubRepr, H] = CcFieldFormat[Wrapperd, SubRepr] { type RecRepr = H }
implicit def ccFieldHNil[Wrapped, R](implicit tpe: Typeable[Wrapped]): Aux[Wrapped, HNil, HNil] = new CcFieldFormat[Wrapped, HNil] {
type RecRepr = HNil
override def flds = HNil
implicit def hListExtFormat[Wrapped, Key <: Symbol, Value, Remaining <: HList, RecRemH <: HList](
t: Typeable[Wrapped],
key: Witness.Aux[Key],
remFormat: CcFieldFormat.Aux[Wrapped, Remaining, RecRemH]
): CcFieldFormat.Aux[Wrapped, FieldType[Key, Value] :: Remaining, FieldType[Key, CField] :: RecRemH ] =
new CcFieldFormat[Wrapped, FieldType[Key, Value] :: Remaining]{
type RecRepr = FieldType[Key, CField] :: RecRemH
override def flds = {
val cc = new CField(
val f= field[Key](cc)
val k= f :: remFormat.flds
//this does not work too... val k= ( ->> cc ) :: remFormat.flds
implicit def ccEncoder[T, Repr, RR](implicit gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[T, Repr],
sg: CcFieldFormat.Aux[T, Repr, RR],
tpe: Typeable[T]
) : CcFields.Aux[T, RR] = new CcFields[T] {
type RecRepr = sg.RecRepr
override val flds = sg.flds
object CcFields extends LowPrioFields{
type Aux[T, R] = CcFields[T] { type RecRepr = R}
def apply[T](implicit f: CcFields[T]): Aux[T, f.RecRepr] = f
case class C(i: Int, s: String)
object Test {
val f = CcFields[C]
//TODO - make it work, or any other name syntax like f.flds('i)
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