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Created January 16, 2018 18:24
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Read doses in Python
"""Dose module to load and represent voxelized Monte Carlo dose data"""
import struct
import numpy as np
class Dose(object):
"""Voxelized Monte Carlo dose data"""
def __init__(self, num_voxels, x_voxels, y_voxels, z_voxels, doses, uncerts):
self.num_voxels = num_voxels
self.x_voxels = x_voxels
self.y_voxels = y_voxels
self.z_voxels = z_voxels
self.doses = doses
self.uncerts = uncerts
def print_dose_statistics(self):
print("Number of nonzero dose voxels: {}".format(np.count_nonzero(self.doses)))
avg_dose = np.average(self.doses[np.nonzero(self.doses)])
print("Average dose of nonzero dose voxels: {}".format(avg_dose))
avg_uncert = np.average(self.uncerts[np.nonzero(self.doses)])
print("Average uncertainty of nonzero dose voxels: {}".format(avg_uncert))
def from_3ddose(cls, path):
"Create Dose instance from 3ddose file"
print("Loading {}".format(path))
with open(path, "r") as dose_file:
num_voxels = [int(i) for i in dose_file.readline().split()]
x_pos = np.array(dose_file.readline().split(), dtype=np.float)
y_pos = np.array(dose_file.readline().split(), dtype=np.float)
z_pos = np.array(dose_file.readline().split(), dtype=np.float)
dose_array = np.array(dose_file.readline().strip().split(), dtype=np.float)
doses = np.reshape(dose_array, (num_voxels[2], num_voxels[1], num_voxels[0]))
uncert_array = np.array(dose_file.readline().strip().split(), dtype=np.float)
uncerts = np.reshape(uncert_array, (num_voxels[2], num_voxels[1], num_voxels[0]))
return cls(num_voxels, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos, doses, uncerts)
def from_bindos(cls, path):
"Create Dose instance from bindos file"
print("Loading {}".format(path))
with open(path, "rb") as binfile:
# num_voxels (3 ints)
vox_fmt = "=3i"
data =
num_voxels = struct.unpack(vox_fmt, data)
# x_voxels (num_voxels[0] + 1 floats)
voxels_fmt = "={}f".format(num_voxels[0]+1)
data =
x_pos = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.float32)
# y_voxels (num_voxels[1] + 1 floats)
voxels_fmt = "={}f".format(num_voxels[1]+1)
data =
y_pos = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.float32)
# z_voxels (num_voxels[2] + 1 floats)
voxels_fmt = "={}f".format(num_voxels[2]+1)
data =
z_pos = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.float32)
# number of nonzero dose voxels (1 int)
nonzero_fmt = "=i"
data =
num_nonzero = struct.unpack(nonzero_fmt, data)[0]
# voxel indices of nonzero dose voxels (num_nonzero ints)
voxel_indices_fmt = "={}i".format(num_nonzero)
data =
voxel_indices = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.int32)
# nonzero dose voxels (num_nonzero floats)
nonzero_doses_fmt = "={}f".format(num_nonzero)
data =
nonzero_doses = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.float32)
# nonzero uncert voxels (num_nonzero floats)
nonzero_uncerts_fmt = "={}f".format(num_nonzero)
data =
nonzero_uncerts = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.float32)
doses = np.zeros(num_voxels[0] * num_voxels[1] * num_voxels[2], dtype=np.float32)
uncerts = np.zeros(num_voxels[0] * num_voxels[1] * num_voxels[2], dtype=np.float32)
doses[voxel_indices] = nonzero_doses
uncerts[voxel_indices] = nonzero_uncerts
doses = np.reshape(doses, (num_voxels[2], num_voxels[1], num_voxels[0]))
uncerts = np.reshape(uncerts, (num_voxels[2], num_voxels[1], num_voxels[0]))
return cls(num_voxels, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos, doses.astype(np.float), uncerts.astype(np.float))
def from_randydos(cls, path):
"Create Dose instance from randydos file"
print("Loading {}".format(path))
with open(path, "rb") as randyfile:
# num_voxels (3 ints)
vox_fmt = "=3i"
data =
num_voxels = struct.unpack(vox_fmt, data)
# x_voxels (num_voxels[0] + 1 floats)
voxels_fmt = "={}f".format(num_voxels[0]+1)
data =
x_pos = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.float32)
# y_voxels (num_voxels[1] + 1 floats)
voxels_fmt = "={}f".format(num_voxels[1]+1)
data =
y_pos = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.float32)
# z_voxels (num_voxels[2] + 1 floats)
voxels_fmt = "={}f".format(num_voxels[2]+1)
data =
z_pos = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.float32)
# number of nonzero dose voxels (1 int)
nonzero_fmt = "=i"
data =
num_nonzero = struct.unpack(nonzero_fmt, data)[0]
# number of voxel blocks (1 int)
num_block_fmt = "=i"
data =
num_blocks = struct.unpack(num_block_fmt, data)[0]
# Nonzero voxel blocks (2 * num_blocks ints)
block_fmt = "={}i".format(2 * num_blocks)
data =
blocks = struct.unpack(block_fmt, data)
# For some reason performance suffers greatly if frombuffer is used
#blocks = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.int32)
# nonzero dose voxels (num_nonzero floats)
nonzero_doses_fmt = "={}f".format(num_nonzero)
data =
nonzero_doses = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.float32)
# nonzero uncert voxels (num_nonzero floats)
nonzero_uncerts_fmt = "={}f".format(num_nonzero)
data =
nonzero_uncerts = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.float32)
doses = np.zeros(num_voxels[0] * num_voxels[1] * num_voxels[2], dtype=np.float32)
uncerts = np.zeros(num_voxels[0] * num_voxels[1] * num_voxels[2], dtype=np.float32)
# Snippet from Randy
processed = 0
for block_start, block_end in zip(blocks[::2], blocks[1::2]):
block_size = block_end - block_start
doses[block_start:block_end] = nonzero_doses[processed:processed + block_size]
uncerts[block_start:block_end] = nonzero_uncerts[processed:processed + block_size]
processed += block_size
doses = np.reshape(doses, (num_voxels[2], num_voxels[1], num_voxels[0]))
uncerts = np.reshape(uncerts, (num_voxels[2], num_voxels[1], num_voxels[0]))
return cls(num_voxels, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos, doses.astype(np.float), uncerts.astype(np.float))
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