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Created October 12, 2021 16:14
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Diagnosing dependency problems on other platforms with conda-lock

Source: conda-forge/dvc-feedstock#240 (comment)

The exact procedure is as follows.

Use the following as a template:

docker run --rm -it condaforge/mambaforge:4.10.2-0
mamba install -y conda-lock
cat <<EOF > env.yaml
name: conda-lock-dvc
        - conda-forge
conda-lock -f env.yaml -p win-64 --mamba

To build the dependency list, I copy-paste from meta.yaml from the core dvc run requirements, and then append any additional dvc-ssh run requirements, in this case just

        - sshfs ==2021.8.1

Then I go back and modify everything for the selected environment. Namely, I change - python to - python =3.9, and I manually delete the lines which would be excluded by selectors, in this case

        - speedcopy >=2.0.1  # [py<38 and win]
        - dataclasses ==0.7  # [py<37]
        - importlib-metadata >=1.4  # [py<38]

End result is:

docker run --rm -it condaforge/mambaforge:4.10.2-0
mamba install -y conda-lock
cat <<EOF > env.yaml
name: conda-lock-dvc
        - conda-forge
        - python =3.9
        - ply >=3.9
        - colorama >=0.3.9
        - configobj >=5.0.6
        - gitpython >3
        - dulwich >=0.20.23
        - pygit2 >=1.5.0
        - setuptools >=34.0.0
        - nanotime >=0.5.2
        - pyasn1 >=0.4.1
        - voluptuous >=0.11.7
        - requests >=2.22.0
        - grandalf ==0.6
        - distro >=1.3.0
        - appdirs >=1.4.3
        - ruamel.yaml >=0.17.11
        - toml >=0.10.1
        - funcy >=1.14
        - pathspec >=0.6.0,<0.9.0
        - shortuuid >=0.5.0
        - tqdm >=4.45.0,<5
        - packaging >=19.0
        - zc.lockfile >=1.2.1
        - flufl.lock >=3.2,<4
        - win_unicode_console >=0.5  # [win]
        - pywin32 >=225  # [win]
        - networkx >=2.5
        - psutil >=5.8.0
        - pydot >=1.2.4
        - flatten-dict >=0.4.1,<1
        - tabulate >=0.8.7
        - pygtrie >=2.3.2
        - dpath >=2.0.1,<3
        - shtab >=1.3.4,<2
        - rich >=10.0.0
        - dictdiffer >=0.8.1
        - python-benedict >=0.21.1
        - pyparsing ==2.4.7
        - typing_extensions >=
        - fsspec ==2021.8.1
        - aiohttp-retry ==2.4.5
        - diskcache >=5.2.1
        - git
        - pip
        - sshfs ==2021.8.1
conda-lock -f env.yaml -p win-64 --mamba

And that's it! That allowed me to produce the above error message within in seconds. Hopefully there's no mystery now. Let me know if you have any questions!

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