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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Front-end build setup

Tools used

Configure environment

  1. Install node.js follow instructions on node.js homepage:

  2. In the GUI root dir (where package.json is) run in terminal:

     npm install

    This installs all the node modules listed as dev-dependencies in package.json including Gulp and Bower.

  3. Now we need Gulp installed globally so we can run gulp commands from terminal:

     npm install -g gulp

    If this command cannot be run due to permissions, it is not recommended to use sudo for package management but to change owner of the /usr/local directory instead (more info here):

     sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local
  4. Run build:


    This runs all tasks defined as "default" in Currently:

    • transpile .coffee files into .js -> app/js
    • copy .js files into app/js
    • download bower dependencies to lib folder
    • copy non-bower libs to lib folder
    • injects .js dependencies into index.html template

    This is all for a build

Run watcher for development

For a file watcher, which will automatically compile coffeescript into js, and which copies source js files into app/ directory, run:

    gulp watch

to be done:

  1. LESS lib bower - broken link due to version number in filename (wrong main file too) - is hardcoded for now
  2. LESS to CSS
  3. for production build also concatenation and minification is possible
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