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Created February 1, 2019 20:52
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How to read data from SDS011 sensor via USB serial connection, from
# Anpassung für big endian unter RHEL 7
while true; do
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 9600 raw
INPUT=$(dd conv=swab bs=10 count=1 </dev/ttyUSB0 2>/dev/null | od -x -N10 |head -n 1|cut -f2-10 -d" ");
#echo $INPUT
#echo " "
FIRST4BYTES=$(echo $INPUT|cut -b1-4);
if [ "$FIRST4BYTES" = "aac0" ]; then
# echo "check for correct intro characters: ok"
echo " "
echo "incorrect sequence, exiting"
PPM25LOW=$(echo $INPUT|cut -f2 -d " "|cut -b1-2);
PPM25HIGH=$(echo $INPUT|cut -f2 -d " "|cut -b3-4);
PPM10LOW=$(echo $INPUT|cut -f3 -d " "|cut -b1-2);
PPM10HIGH=$(echo $INPUT|cut -f3 -d " "|cut -b3-4);
#zu Dezimal konvertieren
PPM25LOWDEC=$( echo $((0x$PPM25LOW)) );
PPM25HIGHDEC=$( echo $((0x$PPM25HIGH)) );
PPM10LOWDEC=$( echo $((0x$PPM10LOW)) );
PPM10HIGHDEC=$( echo $((0x$PPM10HIGH)) );
PPM25=$(echo "scale=1;((( $PPM25HIGHDEC * 256 ) + $PPM25LOWDEC ) / 10 )"|bc -l );
PPM10=$(echo "scale=1;((( $PPM10HIGHDEC * 256 ) + $PPM10LOWDEC ) / 10 )"|bc -l );
echo "Feinstaub PPM25: $PPM25"
echo "Feinstaub PPM10: $PPM10"
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Vielen dank!

Really helpful to quickly get started / test the sensor / get a few readings. :)

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