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Last active July 17, 2020 16:39
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train new tagger after custom tokenizer
import random
from pathlib import Path
import spacy
import sys
import os
from resolution_coreferences_pronominales.custom_model_training.custom_tokenizer import nlp_loader
output_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + '/customPOS/'
# base_model = 'fr_core_news_sm'
base_model = 'customTokenizerModel/'
# meta.json of the new model
lang = 'fr'
name = 'custom_sm'
description = 'Custom model based on fr_core_news_sm : French multi-task CNN trained on the ' \
'French Sequoia (Universal Dependencies) and ' \
'WikiNER corpus. Assigns context-specific token vectors, POS tags, dependency ' \
'parse and named entities. Supports identification of PER, LOC, ORG and MISC ' \
version = '0.0.0'
('Adrien voudrait plus de gateau. Il est culotté celui-là.',
{'tags': ['PROPN', 'VERB', 'ADV', 'ADP', 'NOUN', 'PUNCT', 'PRON', 'VERB', 'ADJ', 'PRON','PUNCT']})
def train_tagger(model='fr_core_news_sm', output=None, n_iter=25):
# Loading the model with custom tokenizer
nlp = nlp_loader()
# nlp = spacy.load(base_model)
# Training the custom model tagger starting with the existing 'fr_core_news_sm' tagger = 'spacy_pretrained_vectors'
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
for i in range(n_iter):
losses = {}
for text, annotations in TRAIN_DATA:
nlp.update([text], [annotations], sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
# Temporary ! Testing the trained model with phrases from a file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
print('\nTesting the trained model :')
text1 = 'Il est culotté celui-là.'
text2 = 'Il est culotté celui-ci.'
doc1 = nlp(text1)
doc2 = nlp(text2)
print('"' + doc1.text + '"')
print([[token.text, token.pos_] for token in doc1])
print('"' + doc2.text + '"')
print([[token.text, token.pos_] for token in doc2])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# save model to output directory
if output is not None:
output = Path(output)
if not output.exists():
nlp.meta['lang'] = lang
nlp.meta['name'] = name
nlp.meta['description'] = description
nlp.meta['version'] = version
print('\nSaved model to', output)
# test the saved model
# Temporary ! Testing the trained model with phrases from a file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
print('Loading from', output, '\n')
print('Testing the saved trained model :')
nlp2 = spacy.load(output)
text1 = 'Il est culotté celui-là.'
text2 = 'Il est culotté celui-ci.'
doc1 = nlp2(text1)
doc2 = nlp2(text2)
print('"' + doc1.text + '"')
print([[token.text, token.pos_] for token in doc1])
print('"' + doc2.text + '"')
print([[token.text, token.pos_] for token in doc2])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
if __name__ == '__main__':
train_tagger(base_model, output_dir)
import fr_core_news_sm
import os
from spacy.matcher import Matcher
import json
from spacy.language import Language
from spacy.tokens import Doc
import spacy
json_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")) + \
output_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + '/customTokenizerModel/'
lang = 'fr'
name = 'custom_tokenizer_sm'
description = 'Custom model tokenizer model based on fr_core_news_sm : French multi-task CNN trained on the ' \
'French Sequoia (Universal Dependencies) and ' \
'WikiNER corpus. Assigns context-specific token vectors, POS tags, dependency ' \
'parse and named entities. Supports identification of PER, LOC, ORG and MISC ' \
version = '0.0.0'
def nlp_loader():
Temporary fonction allowing to load the nlp with the custom tokenizer.
This will later become a fonction creating a new model and scripts will no longer be loading the model with
this fonction but directly from the new customized model
:return: nlp
nlp = fr_core_news_sm.load()
class CompoundWordsMerger:
def __init__(self, words_path):
# self.model_size = model_size
self.words_path = words_path
def __call__(self, doc: Doc):
# Adding hyphen compound words to the matcher
matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
matcher.add('HYPHENS', None, [{'IS_ALPHA': True}, {'TEXT': '-'}, {'IS_ALPHA': True}])
# Opening the json file containing the information about our custom compound words
with open(self.words_path) as json_file:
compound_words = json.load(json_file)
# Creating a list which will contain the keys of the dictionary in words_path json file
# These keys correspond to the custom compound words text
custom_exceptions_list = []
for key in compound_words.keys():
# Adding the custom compound words from the json file to the matcher
for word in custom_exceptions_list:
pattern = []
for word in word.split(' '):
pattern.append({'TEXT': word})
matcher.add(word, None, pattern)
# Adding the matches containing the compound words to the doc
matched_spans = []
matches = matcher(doc)
for match_id, start, end in matches:
span = doc[start:end]
if str(span) in compound_words.keys():
[{'ORTH': str(span), 'POS': compound_words[str(span)]["pos"]}])
for span in matched_spans: # merge into one token after collecting all matches
# Adding the custom lemmas for the custom compound words
for token in doc:
if ' ' in token.text:
if token.text in compound_words.keys():
token.lemma_ = compound_words[token.text]["lemma"]
return doc
first=True) # , first=True : add it right after the tokenizer; default : last
# Adding the custom pipeline to the factories
Language.factories['CompoundWordsMerger'] = lambda _: CompoundWordsMerger(json_path)
nlp.meta['lang'] = lang
nlp.meta['name'] = name
nlp.meta['description'] = description
nlp.meta['version'] = version
print("Saved model to", output_dir)
# ------------------------- temporary test ------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':
nlp2 = spacy.load(output_dir)
text = 'Il est beau celui-là. Les intelligences artificielles sont méchantes.'
doc = nlp2(text)
for token in doc:
return nlp
if __name__ == '__main__':
# This is the output when I tag 'celui-là' with 'PRON','PUNCT','PRON' (rather than what I want to achieve : just 'PRON')
Saved model to /home/maria/Documents/resolution-des-coreferences-pronominales/resolution_coreferences_pronominales/custom_model_training/customTokenizerModel/
{'parser': 0.0, 'tagger': 0.0, 'ner': 0.0}
{'ner': 0.0, 'parser': 0.0, 'tagger': 0.0}
{'parser': 0.0, 'ner': 0.0, 'tagger': 0.0}
{'tagger': 0.0, 'parser': 0.0, 'ner': 0.0}
{'tagger': 0.0, 'parser': 0.0, 'ner': 0.0}
{'tagger': 0.0, 'parser': 0.0, 'ner': 0.0}
{'parser': 0.0, 'ner': 0.0, 'tagger': 0.0}
{'parser': 0.0, 'tagger': 0.0, 'ner': 0.0}
{'tagger': 0.0, 'ner': 0.0, 'parser': 0.0}
{'tagger': 0.0, 'ner': 0.0, 'parser': 0.0}
{'ner': 0.0, 'parser': 0.0, 'tagger': 0.0}
{'tagger': 0.0, 'parser': 0.0, 'ner': 0.0}
{'parser': 0.0, 'tagger': 0.0, 'ner': 0.0}
{'ner': 0.0, 'parser': 0.0, 'tagger': 0.0}
{'tagger': 0.0, 'ner': 0.0, 'parser': 0.0}
{'parser': 0.0, 'ner': 0.0, 'tagger': 0.0}
{'ner': 0.0, 'parser': 0.0, 'tagger': 0.0}
{'parser': 0.0, 'ner': 0.0, 'tagger': 0.0}
{'tagger': 0.0, 'ner': 0.0, 'parser': 0.0}
{'tagger': 0.0, 'parser': 0.0, 'ner': 0.0}
{'ner': 0.0, 'tagger': 0.0, 'parser': 0.0}
{'parser': 0.0, 'ner': 0.0, 'tagger': 0.0}
{'parser': 0.0, 'tagger': 0.0, 'ner': 0.0}
{'ner': 0.0, 'parser': 0.0, 'tagger': 0.0}
{'ner': 0.0, 'tagger': 0.0, 'parser': 0.0}
Testing the trained model :
"Il est culotté celui-là."
[['Il', 'PRON'], ['est', 'AUX'], ['culotté', 'VERB'], ['celui-là', 'ADJ'], ['.', 'PUNCT']]
"Il est culotté celui-ci."
[['Il', 'PRON'], ['est', 'AUX'], ['culotté', 'VERB'], ['celui-ci', 'PRON'], ['.', 'PUNCT']]
Saved model to /home/maria/Documents/resolution-des-coreferences-pronominales/resolution_coreferences_pronominales/custom_model_training/customPOS
Loading from /home/maria/Documents/resolution-des-coreferences-pronominales/resolution_coreferences_pronominales/custom_model_training/customPOS
Testing the saved trained model :
"Il est culotté celui-là."
[['Il', 'PRON'], ['est', 'AUX'], ['culotté', 'VERB'], ['celui-là', 'ADJ'], ['.', 'PUNCT']]
"Il est culotté celui-ci."
[['Il', 'PRON'], ['est', 'AUX'], ['culotté', 'VERB'], ['celui-ci', 'PRON'], ['.', 'PUNCT']]
# Output when trying to tag 'celui-là' with 'PRON'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "........./", line 89, in <module>
train_tagger(base_model, output_dir)
File "........./", line 43, in train_tagger
nlp.update([text], [annotations], sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
File "........./spacy/", line 496, in update
docs, golds = self._format_docs_and_golds(docs, golds)
File "........./spacy/", line 468, in _format_docs_and_golds
gold = GoldParse(doc, **gold)
File "gold.pyx", line 801, in
IndexError: list index out of range
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