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Brian Marick marick

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(defn successor [cell]
(condp = (living-neighbor-count cell)
3 (vivified cell)
2 (if (living? cell)
(vivified cell)
(killed cell))
(killed cell))
(pending border unborder
living? living-neighbor-count killed vivified)
(defn world []
(println "executing root binding")
"root value")
(defn f [ignored-value]
(println "within f, world at" world "produces" (world))
(println "Root world function is at" world)
(know "how living neighbors are counted"
(living-neighbor-count => 1
(neighbors => [ ...dead-cell... ]
(living? => true
(living? ...dead-cell...) => false)
(defn living-neighbor-count [cell]
(count (filter living? (neighbors cell)))
(know "that neighbors are constructed from coordinates alone"
(neighbors (cell-at 3 88) => (have-coordinates
[2 89] [3 89] [4 89]
[2 88] [4 88]
[2 87] [3 87] [4 87])
user=> (def product (cartesian-product [-1 0 1] [-1 0 1]))
user=> product
((-1 -1) (-1 0) (-1 1) (0 -1) (0 0) (0 1) (1 -1) (1 0) (1 1))
user=> (def meaningful-values (remove #{ [0 0] } product))
user=> meaningful-values
((-1 -1) (-1 0) (-1 1) (0 -1) (0 1) (1 -1) (1 0) (1 1))
user=> (#{1} 1)
user=> (#{1} 0)
user=> (def cell [3 88])
user=> (defn shifter [[x-shift y-shift]] [ (+ (first cell) x-shift)
(+ (second cell) y-shift)])
user=> (shifter [-1 1])
[2 89]
user=> (map shifter meaningful-values)
([2 87] [2 88] [2 89] [3 87] [3 89] [4 87] [4 88] [4 89])