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Created September 3, 2019 23:49
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Test that reproduces compiler error
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test import StdlibUnittest
#if os(macOS)
import Darwin.C
import Glibc
var OptionalTests = TestSuite("Optional")
typealias OptionalGrad = Optional<Float>.TangentVector
extension Optional: Differentiable where Wrapped: Differentiable {
public struct TangentVector: Differentiable,
AdditiveArithmetic {
public var value: Wrapped.TangentVector?
public init(value: Wrapped.TangentVector?) {
self.value = value
public static var zero: Self {
get { Self(value: }
public static func + (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
public static func - (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
public typealias TangentVector = Self
public mutating func move(along direction: TangentVector) -> () {
return //self = self.zeroTangentVector //self?.move(along: direction.value!) }
public var zeroTangentVector: TangentVector {
return //TangentVector(value: .zero)
OptionalTests.test("Optional Dense") {
func optIdentity( _ f1: Optional<Float>) -> Optional<Float>{
return f1
let backprop = pullback(at: 5, in: optIdentity)
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