Step 0:
- What is the title of your project?
- what is the theme of your project?
- what is the research question underlying your project?
- what is the hypothesis of your project?
- what is the domain?
- what are core concepts of your project?
- what are the relevant keywords?
Step 1 (acquiring):
- which resources have data that is relevant to your research question?
- how do these resources allow you to acquire relevant data?
- searching and browsing
- download whole collection
- extract data through API
- which API is appropriate for your project?
- What is the data that you need from the API?
- What query or queries would give you the data you need (think of the keywords you entered for step 0)?
Step 1b (reflecting on acquisition):
- is the data from these sources sufficient for your research?
- is the data from these sources complete and reliable?
- what are limitations of acquiring data through the API?
- what are limitations of the queries you can create?
Step 2 (parsing):
- what type of data are you working with?
- metadata description with multiple fields
- natural language description (summary, review,)
- full-text document
- non-textual document (image, video, audio recording)
- how is the data structured?
- is the data structured consistently?
Step 3 (filtering):
- from the data that the API returned, which parts do you need for your research?
- which parts can be removed?
Step 4 (mine):
- what kind of information do you want to get from each relevant part?
- frequency of occurrence
- frequency of co-occurrence
- order of occurrence (timeline)
Step 5 (represent):
- What kind of visual model would best allow you to analyse your data to answer your research question?
Step 6 (refine):
- what are areas of interest in the representation that may need more detail?
- what aspects of the representation would you like to highlight or represent differently?
- what refinement methods would give focus to the areas of interest?
- using different colours for data points in the area of interest.
- zooming in on the areas of interest.
- rotating the presentation
Step 7 (Interact):
- how do you want to manipulate the data in the visualisation to be able to view it from different perspectives?