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Last active May 2, 2017 13:11
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Singly Linked List in Haskell
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (iterate, reverse)
import Data.IORef
data LinkedList a
= None
| Node { value ∷ IORef a
, next ∷ IORef (LinkedList a)
linkedlist ∷ a → IO (LinkedList a)
linkedlist x =
v ← newIORef x
n ← newIORef None
pure $ Node { value = v , next = n }
get_value ∷ LinkedList a → IO a
get_value n =
case n of
None → error "Empty"
node → (readIORef $ value node) >>= \ x → pure x
set_value ∷ a → LinkedList a → IO ()
set_value x n =
case n of
None → pure ()
node → writeIORef (value node) x
get_next ∷ LinkedList a → IO (LinkedList a)
get_next n =
case n of
None → error "Empty"
node → (readIORef $ next node) >>= \x → pure x
set_next ∷ LinkedList a → LinkedList a → IO ()
set_next n1 n2 =
case n1 of
None → pure ()
node → writeIORef (next node) n2
reverse ∷ LinkedList a → IO (LinkedList a)
reverse l =
let reverse' ∷ LinkedList a → LinkedList a → IO (LinkedList a)
reverse' n1 n2 =
case n2 of
None → pure n1
_ → do
n3 ← get_next n2
set_next n2 n1
reverse' n2 n3
reverse' None l
iterate ∷ (a → IO ()) -> LinkedList a -> IO ()
iterate f l =
case l of
None → pure ()
_ →
v ← get_value l
f v
n ← get_next l
iterate f n
print_list ∷ Show a ⇒ LinkedList a → IO ()
print_list l =
iterate (\ x → putStr $ show x ++ " ") l
main ∷ IO ()
main =
l1 ← linkedlist 1
l2 ← linkedlist 2
l3 ← linkedlist 3
l4 ← linkedlist 4
l5 ← linkedlist 5
let lists = [ ("l1", l1) , ("l2", l2) ,
("l3", l3) , ("l4", l4) ,
("l5", l5)
putStr "\n"
putStr ">>> Before linking the lists\n"
mapM_ (\ (s, l) →
putStr $ s ++ " : "
print_list l
putStr "\n"
set_next l1 l2
set_next l2 l3
set_next l3 l4
set_next l4 l5
putStr "\n"
putStr ">>> After linking and before reversing the linked list\n"
mapM_ (\ (s, l) →
putStr $ s ++ " : "
print_list l
putStr "\n"
putStr "\n"
putStr " The evaluation of `reverse l1´ computes the reversed\n\
\ list of l1 and the final result is equal to l5,\n\
\ the new head of the linked list.\n\n"
_ ← reverse l1
putStr ">>> After reversing the linked list\n"
mapM_ (\ (s, l) →
putStr $ s ++ " : "
print_list l
putStr "\n"
putStr "\n"
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$ runhaskell reverse.hs

>>> Before linking the lists
l1 : 1
l2 : 2
l3 : 3
l4 : 4
l5 : 5

>>> After linking and before reversing the linked list
l1 : 1 2 3 4 5
l2 : 2 3 4 5
l3 : 3 4 5
l4 : 4 5
l5 : 5

 The evaluation of `reverse l1´ computes the reversed
 list of l1 and the final result is equal to l5,
 the new head of the linked list.

>>> After reversing the linked list
l1 : 1
l2 : 2 1
l3 : 3 2 1
l4 : 4 3 2 1
l5 : 5 4 3 2 1

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