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Created March 12, 2016 21:43
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# Allow a command to continue execution after logout
nohup mycommand &
# Display one particular line from a file
gzip -dc mytarball.tar.gz | tar xvf -
# Display current runlevel
who -r
# Split lines of text into n-char lines
echo "some line of chars" | fold -w 3
# Insert spaces at beginning of each line in vi
:5,16s/^/ / # for lines 5 through 16, for example
# Display last 10 system reboots
last reboot | head
# Check which processes are listening on which ports
lsof -i | grep LISTEN
# Print range of lines from a file
sed -n '100,200 p' filename
# Move last file modified
mv `ls -1 -t *.txt | head -1` whatever.txt
# Bourne-type shells: Find a file’s hard links
inode=`ls -li /path/and/filename | awk '{print $1}'`
find / -inum $inode -exec ls -li {} \;
# Sybase – Check status of databases
# su - sybase
> isql -Usa -Ppassword -w200
1> use master
2> go
1> select status, name from sysdatabases
2> go
# Convert single column into two columns line by line
$ cat foofile
$ paste -d: - - < foofile
# gunzip and untar with one pipe
gzip -dc SOMEFILE.tar.gz | tar xvf -
# or with GNU tar
tar xvzf SOMEFILE.tar.gz
# Quickly copy a directory tree with tar
cd /path/to/source
tar cvf - ./* | ( cd /dest; tar xvf - )
# Access the local shell from an ftp session
# note - this depends on your ftp client
ftp> !
$ echo "Now in local shell"
# iconv convert between codesets
iconv -f UTF-8 -t iso85591 somefile
# recursively change permissions on directories only
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; -print 2>/dev/null
# set MTU value for an interface
ifconfig interface mtu n
# e.g.
ifconfig hme0 mtu 1500
# place in hostname.interface file for persistence
# ping using alternative interface
ping -i bge1 somehost
# shutdown your system
init 0
shutdown -h now
# reboot
init 6
shutdown -r now
# make a file immutable
chattr +i somefile
# show inode information for all files in a directory
find . -type f -exec stat {} \;
# Linux screenshots
xwd -display servername:0 -root > myfile.dmp
xwd | xwud
# perform a reverse DNS lookup
host dns_server_ip
# check mouse is operational
cat /dev/mouse # then move the mouse
# is SELinux enabled?
selinuxenabled && echo Yes
# or
# getenforce
# Display SELinux context in ls listings
ls -lZ /some/dir
# tcpdump port 123 (ntp)
tcpdump port 123
# disable HTTP TRACE in apache
# vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
# grep Rewrite /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule .* - [F]
# apachectl restart
# check TCPD rules in /etc/hosts.{allow,deny}
grep -v "^#" /etc/hosts.allow /etc/hosts.deny | grep -v "^[ ]*$"
# common vi(m) options
# ignore case
:set ic
# line numbers
:set num
:set nonum
# turn off search highlighting (VIM)
# syntax highlight on (VIM)
:sy on
# show unprintable characters
:set list
# remove files older than one week
/usr/bin/find /some/dir -name "*whatever*" -mtime +7 | xargs rm
# find world writable files
/usr/bin/find / -perm -0777 -exec /usr/bin/ls -ld {} \;
# symbolic links will always be 77 so we can ignore them
/usr/bin/find -perm -0777 ! -type l -exec /usr/bin/ls -ld {} \;
# gzip and tar in one line
tar cvf - ./* | gzip -c > foo.tar.gz
# untar
tar xzvf foo.tar.gz
# find ip address for an interface
/sbin/ifconfig interface | grep inet
# e.g.
/sbin/ifconfig bge0 | grep inet
# filename completion ksh (vi mode)
# bourne based shells – show current environment variables
# show all variables
# show shell options
set -o
# current shell options (set via set -x, etc)
echo $-
# bash
# show current shell
echo $0
# stop people logging in
touch /etc/nologin
# sed to replace \ with \\
sed -e 's_\\_\\\\_g'
# recursive grep
find . -type f -exec grep "somestring" {} /dev/null \;
# show subdirectories only in an ls listing
ls -l | grep "^d"
# recursively
find . -type d -exec ls -ld {} \;
# create soft link
ln -s file_to_link link_name
# hard link
ln file_to_link link_name
# searching for a literal $ in a file
grep '\$' filename
# or fgrep / grep -F
fgrep '$' filename
# correct permissions on /tmp and /var/tmp
chmod 1777 /var/tmp
# or
chmod a=rwx,+t /var/tmp
# display unprintable filenames
ls -lb somedir
# find files larger than 300k
find / -size +300k -ls 2> /dev/null
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