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Last active January 6, 2025 21:39
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Creates a clone or copy of the object and the converted in the chosen position and size (inch, mm, m, µm...) or free. The base object is recognized in mm (FreeCAd base)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
* Copyright (c) 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 <mario52> *
* 2025 *
* This file is a supplement to the FreeCAD CAx development system. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) *
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* for detail see the LICENCE text file. *
** **
* Use at your own risk. The author assumes no liability for data loss. *
* It is advised to backup your data frequently. *
* If you do not trust the software do not use it. *
** **
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU Library General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public *
* License along with this macro; if not, write to the Free Software *
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 *
* USA *
* *
* WARNING! All changes in this file will be lost and *
* may cause malfunction of the program *
# CloneConvert.FCMacro
# Cree un clone ou une copie de l'objet ou des objets selectionne(s) et le met e l'echelle de la grandeur choisie
# utilisation : lancer CloneConvert selectionnez un objet choisissez la grandeur et cliquez sur OK
# Creates a clone of one copy the selected object and updates the selected size range
# use: start CloneConvert select an object choose the size and click OK
#OS: Windows 10 (10.0)
#Word size of OS: 64-bit
#Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
#Version: 0.19.21280 (Git)
#Build type: Release
#Branch: master
#Hash: 6f3160db3e88733536c7eaf97ad7d6ebd21baccd
#Python version: 3.6.8
#Qt version: 5.12.1
#Coin version: 4.0.0a
#OCC version: 7.3.0
#Locale: French/Mars (fr_MA)
# ver 0.3 31/07/2014 PyQt4 + PySide
# ver 0.4 25/07/2015 ajout rotation
# ver 0.5 26/07/2015 correction rotation plusieurs objets Copy
# ver 0.6 26/01/2016 correction placement avec plusieurs objets Copy
# ver 0.7 30/01/2016 reecriture du code avec Placement et ajout Increment et de boutons
# ver 0.8 31/01/2016 clique 2 fois pour mettre les valeurs a zero (en cas de modifications reinitialisait )
# ver 0.9 14/06/2016 ajout du bouton nombre de copies et optimisation des labels
# ver 0.10 07/06/2017 modifie Draft... pour copie ne faisait plus de copie a l'echelle ?? remplace par Part...Shape!
# ver 0.11 30/03/2018 ajout d'un checkBox choix clone unique avec plusieurs objets ou clones separes
# ver 0.12 01/06/2019 adapte pour 0.19 et correction "Copy:legacy=True" et ShapeColor .....
# ver 0.13 15/09/2019 remplace le signe grec micro par "um", remplace tous "_translate("MainWindow", "mm", None)" par "mm" et commente ligne "text.encode('utf-8')"
# ver 0.14 2020/05/20 GridLayout PySide2 ajoute ".ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.recompute()" ligne 909 causait une erreur dans FC 0.19
# ver 0.15 2020/06/06 icon
# ver 0.16 2025/01/06 remplace PySide2 to PySide augmente mini et maxi efface toutes les reference a PySide, PySide2 et QtWidgets et correction clone
__title__ = "CloneConvert"
__author__ = "mario52"
__url__ = ""
__version__ = "00.16"
__date__ = "2025/01/06" #YYYY/MM/DD
__Comment__ = "This macro creates Clone or Copy or Compound of object(s)"
__Web__ = ""
__Wiki__ = ""
__Icon__ = ""
__Help__ = "start the macro and follow the instructions"
__Status__ = "stable"
__Requires__= "0.19"
__Communication__ = ""
# icon fromTheme by FreeCAD
helpIcon = [
"24 24 4 1",
" c None",
". c #016AC5",
"+ c #F8F8FF",
"@ c #FFFFFF",
validIcon = [
"24 24 3 1",
" c None",
". c #4E9A06",
"+ c #FFFFFF",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" . ",
" .+. ",
" .+.+. ",
" .+...+. ",
" .+.....+. ",
" . .+.......+.",
" .+. .+.......+. ",
" .+.+. .+.......+. ",
" .+...+. .+.......+. ",
" .+.....+.+.......+. ",
".+.......+.......+. ",
" .+.............+. ",
" .+...........+. ",
" .+.........+. ",
" .+.......+. ",
" .+.....+. ",
" .+...+. ",
" .+.+. ",
" .+. ",
" . ",
" "]
quitIcon = [
"24 24 3 1",
" c None",
". c #FFFFFF",
"+ c #CC0000",
" .... ",
resetIcon = [
"24 24 3 1",
" c None",
". c #3465A4",
"+ c #888A85",
" ",
" ........ ",
" .++++++++. ",
" .++..+....+. ..... ",
" .+.. .+....+. .+++. ",
" .+. .+....+..+.+. ",
" ... .+....+.+.+. ",
" .+....+..+. ",
" .+......+. ",
" .+.....+. ",
" .+....+. ",
" ...... .+...+. ",
" .++++. .++++. ",
" .+...+. ...... ",
" .+....+. ",
" .+.....+. ",
" .+......+. ",
" .+..+....+. ",
" .+.+.+....+. ... ",
" .+.+..+....+. .+. ",
" .+++. .+....+. ..+. ",
" ..... .+....+..++. ",
" .++++++++. ",
" ........ "]
import PySide
from PySide import QtWidgets
from PySide.QtWidgets import *
except Exception:
from PySide import QtGui , QtCore
from PySide.QtGui import *
from PySide.QtCore import *
#import PySide.QtXml
Gui = FreeCADGui
App = FreeCAD
global ui ; ui = ""
global sourisPass ; sourisPass = 0
import Draft, Part, FreeCAD, math, PartGui, FreeCADGui
from math import sqrt, pi, sin, cos, asin
from FreeCAD import Base
from decimal import *
from Draft import *
from FreeCAD import Vector, Rotation, Placement, Console
import FreeCADGui
#### geometry
global setMainWindowMoveX; #setMainWindowMoveX= 0 # position X macro window
global setMainWindowMoveY; #setMainWindowMoveY= 0 # position Y macro window
global setFrameWindowSizeX #setFrameWindowSizeX=0 # dimension X macro window
global setFrameWindowSizeY #setFrameWindowSizeY=0 # dimension Y macro window
setMainWindowMoveX = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).GetInt("setMainWindowMoveX")
setMainWindowMoveY = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).GetInt("setMainWindowMoveY")
setFrameWindowSizeX= FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).GetInt("setFrameWindowSizeX")
setFrameWindowSizeY= FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).GetInt("setFrameWindowSizeY")
#### geometry
_fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8
except AttributeError:
def _fromUtf8(s):
return s
_encoding = QApplication.UnicodeUTF8
def _translate(context, text, disambig):
return QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig, _encoding)
except AttributeError:
def _translate(context, text, disambig):
return QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig)
global surface ; surface = 0.0
global volume_ ; volume_ = 0.0
global boundBox_ ; boundBox_ = 0.0
global boundBoxLX ; boundBoxLX = 0.0
global boundBoxLY ; boundBoxLY = 0.0
global boundBoxLZ ; boundBoxLZ = 0.0
global boundBox_S ; boundBox_S = ""
global uniteM_X ; uniteM_X = 1.0
global uniteM_Y ; uniteM_Y = 1.0
global uniteM_Z ; uniteM_Z = 1.0
global uniteM ; uniteM = 1.0
global uniteMs ; uniteMs = "mm" # default mm
global placement_X ; placement_X = 0.0
global placement_Y ; placement_Y = 0.0
global placement_Z ; placement_Z = 0.0
global Yaw_Z ; Yaw_Z = 0.0
global Pitch_Y ; Pitch_Y = 0.0
global Roll_X ; Roll_X = 0.0
global copyNumber ; copyNumber = 1
global copyUnique ; copyUnique = 0
global switchP ; switchP = 0
global switchA ; switchA = 0
global switchS ; switchS = 0
global sel ; sel = ""
global cloneCopy ; cloneCopy = 1
global a ; a = ""
global path
#path = FreeCAD.ConfigGet("AppHomePath")
#path = FreeCAD.ConfigGet("UserAppData")
#path = "your path"
param = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macro")# macro path
path = param.GetString("MacroPath","") + "/" # macro path
path = path.replace("\\","/")
#App.Console.PrintMessage(str("Path for the icons : ") + path + "\n" + __title__ + " : " +__version__ + " " + __date__ + "\n")
## icon freeCAD Theme
class Ui_MainWindow(object):
def __init__(self, MainWindow):
global path
global uniteMs
self.path = path
self.window = MainWindow
# MainWindow.resize(230, 549)
# MainWindow.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(230, 549))
# MainWindow.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(230, 549))
#### geometry
global setMainWindowMoveX
global setMainWindowMoveY
global setFrameWindowSizeX
global setFrameWindowSizeY
MainWindow.setGeometry(setMainWindowMoveX, setMainWindowMoveY, setFrameWindowSizeX, setFrameWindowSizeY)
#### geometry
self.centralWidget = QWidget(MainWindow)
self.label = QLabel()
font = QtGui.QFont()
self.groupBox_00 = QGroupBox()
self.groupBox = QGroupBox()
self.radioButton = QRadioButton()
self.radioButton.clicked.connect(self.on_radioButton_clicked) #connection radioButton mode clone
self.checkBox_00 = QCheckBox()
self.radioButton_2 = QRadioButton()
self.radioButton_2.clicked.connect(self.on_radioButton_2_clicked) #connection radioButton_2 mode copy
self.radioButton_3 = QRadioButton()
self.radioButton_3.clicked.connect(self.on_radioButton_3_clicked) #connection radioButton_3 mode compount
self.checkBox = QCheckBox()
self.groupBox_Translate = QGroupBox()
self.label_2 = QLabel()
# self.label_2.setStyleSheet("QLabel {color : #aa0000}")
self.doubleSpinBox = QDoubleSpinBox()
self.doubleSpinBox.setProperty("value", 0.0)
self.doubleSpinBox.valueChanged.connect(self.on_doubleSpinBox_valueChanged) #connection doubleSpinBox
self.label_3 = QLabel()
# self.label_3.setStyleSheet("QLabel {color : #00aa00}")
self.doubleSpinBox_2 = QDoubleSpinBox()
self.doubleSpinBox_2.setProperty("value", 0.0)
self.doubleSpinBox_2.valueChanged.connect(self.on_doubleSpinBox_2_valueChanged) #connection doubleSpinBox_2
self.label_4 = QLabel()
# self.label_4.setStyleSheet("QLabel {color : #0000aa}")
self.doubleSpinBox_3 = QDoubleSpinBox()
self.doubleSpinBox_3.setProperty("value", 0.0)
self.doubleSpinBox_3.valueChanged.connect(self.on_doubleSpinBox_3_valueChanged) #connection doubleSpinBox_3
self.pushButton_5 = QPushButton()
self.pushButton_5.clicked.connect(self.on_pushButton_5_clicked) # connect on def "on_pushButton_5_clicked"
self.groupBox_2 = QGroupBox()
self.comboBox = QComboBox()
QtCore.QObject.connect(self.comboBox, QtCore.SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)"), self.SIGNAL_comboBox_Changed)
self.groupBox_3 = QGroupBox()
self.doubleSpinBox_4 = QDoubleSpinBox()
self.doubleSpinBox_4.setProperty("value", 1.0)
self.doubleSpinBox_4.valueChanged.connect(self.on_doubleSpinBox_4_valueChanged) #connection doubleSpinBox_4
self.doubleSpinBox_5 = QDoubleSpinBox()
self.doubleSpinBox_5.setProperty("value", 1.0)
self.doubleSpinBox_5.valueChanged.connect(self.on_doubleSpinBox_5_valueChanged) #connection doubleSpinBox_5
self.doubleSpinBox_6 = QDoubleSpinBox()
self.doubleSpinBox_6.setProperty("value", 1.0)
self.doubleSpinBox_6.valueChanged.connect(self.on_doubleSpinBox_6_valueChanged) #connection doubleSpinBox_6
self.label_5 = QLabel()
self.label_6 = QLabel()
self.label_7 = QLabel()
self.pushButton_6 = QPushButton()
self.pushButton_6.clicked.connect(self.on_pushButton_6_clicked) # connect on def "on_pushButton_6_clicked"
self.pushButton_3 = QPushButton(self.groupBox_3)
self.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.on_pushButton03_clicked) #connection pushButton03 "..." align YZ to X
self.groupBox_4 = QGroupBox(self.centralWidget)
self.doubleSpinBox_7 = QDoubleSpinBox()
self.doubleSpinBox_7.valueChanged.connect(self.on_doubleSpinBox_7_valueChanged) #connection doubleSpinBox_7
self.doubleSpinBox_8 = QDoubleSpinBox()
self.doubleSpinBox_8.valueChanged.connect(self.on_doubleSpinBox_8_valueChanged) #connection doubleSpinBox_8
self.doubleSpinBox_9 = QDoubleSpinBox()
self.doubleSpinBox_9.valueChanged.connect(self.on_doubleSpinBox_9_valueChanged) #connection doubleSpinBox_9
self.groupBox_5 = QGroupBox()
self.groupBox_6 = QGroupBox()
self.SpinBox = QSpinBox()
self.SpinBox.setProperty("value", 1)
self.SpinBox.valueChanged.connect(self.on_SpinBox_valueChanged) #connection SpinBox
self.label_8 = QLabel()
self.label_9 = QLabel()
self.label_10 = QLabel()
self.pushButton_4 = QPushButton()
self.pushButton_4.clicked.connect(self.on_pushButton_4_clicked) # connect on def "on_pushButton_4_clicked"
self.lineEdit = QLineEdit()
self.pushButton_2 = QPushButton()
self.pushButton_2.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(quitIcon))) # icone dans une variable
self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.on_pushButton02_clicked) #connection pushButton02 "Quitter"
self.pushButton = QPushButton()
self.pushButton.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(resetIcon))) # icone dans une variable
self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.on_pushButton00_clicked) #connection pushButton00 "Reset"
self.pushButton_1 = QPushButton()
self.pushButton_1.setStyleSheet("QPushButton {background-color: Base}")
self.pushButton_1.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(validIcon)))# icone dans une variable
self.pushButton_1.clicked.connect(self.on_pushButton01_clicked) #connection pushButton01 "OK"
self.PB_Help = QPushButton()
self.PB_Help.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(helpIcon))) # icone dans une variable
self.PB_Help.clicked.connect(self.on_PB_Help) #
#### gridLayout debut ####################
gridLayout_00 = QGridLayout(self.centralWidget)
gridLayout_01 = QGridLayout(self.groupBox_00)
gridLayout_Tittle = QGridLayout(self.label)
gridLayout_Tittle.setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2)
gridLayout_01.addWidget(self.label, 0, 0, 1, 2)
self.gridLayout_Mode = QGridLayout(self.groupBox)
self.gridLayout_Mode.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10)
self.gridLayout_Mode.addWidget(self.radioButton, 0, 0, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Mode.addWidget(self.checkBox_00, 0, 1, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Mode.addWidget(self.radioButton_2, 1, 0, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Mode.addWidget(self.radioButton_3, 1, 1, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Mode.addWidget(self.checkBox, 1, 2, 1, 1)
gridLayout_01.addWidget(self.groupBox, 1, 0, 1, 2)
self.gridLayout_Translate = QGridLayout(self.groupBox_Translate)
self.gridLayout_Translate.addWidget(self.label_2, 0, 0, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Translate.addWidget(self.pushButton_5, 0, 1, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Translate.addWidget(self.doubleSpinBox, 0, 2, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Translate.addWidget(self.label_3, 1, 0, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Translate.addWidget(self.doubleSpinBox_2, 1, 2, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Translate.addWidget(self.label_4, 2, 0, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Translate.addWidget(self.doubleSpinBox_3, 2, 2, 1, 1)
gridLayout_01.addWidget(self.groupBox_Translate, 2, 0, 1, 2)
self.gridLayout_Rotation = QGridLayout(self.groupBox_4)
self.gridLayout_Rotation.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10)
self.gridLayout_Rotation.addWidget(self.label_8, 0, 0, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Rotation.addWidget(self.pushButton_4, 0, 1, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Rotation.addWidget(self.doubleSpinBox_7, 0, 2, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Rotation.addWidget(self.label_9, 1, 0, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Rotation.addWidget(self.doubleSpinBox_8, 1, 2, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Rotation.addWidget(self.label_10, 2, 0, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Rotation.addWidget(self.doubleSpinBox_9, 2, 2, 1, 1)
gridLayout_01.addWidget(self.groupBox_4, 3, 0, 1, 2)
self.gridLayout_Scale = QGridLayout(self.groupBox_2)
self.gridLayout_Scale.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10)
self.gridLayout_Scale.addWidget(self.comboBox, 0, 0, 1, 1)
gridLayout_01.addWidget(self.groupBox_2, 4, 0, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_NumberCopy = QGridLayout(self.groupBox_5)
self.gridLayout_NumberCopy.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10)
self.gridLayout_NumberCopy.addWidget(self.SpinBox, 0, 0, 1, 1)
gridLayout_01.addWidget(self.groupBox_5, 4, 1, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_ScaleFree = QGridLayout(self.groupBox_3)
self.gridLayout_ScaleFree.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10)
self.gridLayout_ScaleFree.addWidget(self.label_5, 0, 0, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_ScaleFree.addWidget(self.pushButton_3, 0, 1, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_ScaleFree.addWidget(self.doubleSpinBox_4, 0, 2, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_ScaleFree.addWidget(self.label_6, 1, 0, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_ScaleFree.addWidget(self.doubleSpinBox_5, 1, 2, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_ScaleFree.addWidget(self.label_7, 2, 0, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_ScaleFree.addWidget(self.doubleSpinBox_6, 2, 2, 1, 1)
gridLayout_01.addWidget(self.groupBox_3, 5, 0, 1, 2)
self.gridLayout_Command = QGridLayout(self.groupBox_6)
self.gridLayout_Command.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10)
self.gridLayout_Command.addWidget(self.pushButton_6, 0, 0, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Command.addWidget(self.lineEdit, 0, 1, 1, 3)
self.gridLayout_Command.addWidget(self.pushButton_2, 1, 0, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Command.addWidget(self.pushButton, 1, 1, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Command.addWidget(self.pushButton_1, 1, 2, 1, 1)
self.gridLayout_Command.addWidget(self.PB_Help, 1, 3, 1, 1)
gridLayout_01.addWidget(self.groupBox_6, 6, 0, 1, 2)
#### gridLayout fin ####################
def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow):
_translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate
MainWindow.setWindowTitle(_translate("MainWindow", __title__, None))
MainWindow.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(_fromUtf8(self.path + "Macro_CloneConvert.png"))) # change l'icone de la fenetre principale
MainWindow.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) # cette fonction met la fenetre en avant
self.groupBox_00.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "ver : " + __version__ + " : " + __date__, None))
self.label.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Clone Convert", None))
self.groupBox.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "Mode", None))
self.radioButton.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Clone", None))
self.radioButton.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Create a clone of the object(s)", None))
self.checkBox_00.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Unique", None))
self.checkBox_00.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "If checked and multiple object selected" + "\n"
"the clone created is one unique object" + "\n"
"or the 'Comp'ound object is created without" + "\n"
"modification or attach to the original(s) object(s)", None))
self.radioButton_2.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Copy", None))
self.radioButton_2.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Create a copy of the object(s)", None))
self.radioButton_3.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Comp.", None))
self.radioButton_3.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Create a compount of the object(s)" + "\n"
"If the checkBox 'Unique' is checked" + "\n"
"the compound is created in 1 object and not touch the original(s) object(s)" + "\n"
"if not the compound is one normal system compound", None))
self.checkBox.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Increm.", None))
self.checkBox.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Apply incremental changes to object Placement (Defaut)\n"+
"If this is not checked the Placement begin in coordinates 0,0,0 of FreeCAD\n"+
"In case a compound Placement information is [0,0,0] the Placement begin in the position of object\n"+
"If the real location is away from the base coordinates 0,0,0 use the ValueAt() button\n"
"for the real Placement of the subObject selected Face, Wire, Line ....", None))
self.groupBox_Translate.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "Translate", None))
self.label_2.setText("<html> <body> <text=""#000000""> Coordinate <FONT COLOR=""#aa0000""> X </font> </body> </html>" )
self.pushButton_5.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Align the YZ coordinates values to X value \n Two click reset the coordinates values to 0.0", None))
self.pushButton_5.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Align YZ ...", None))
self.doubleSpinBox.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Place the new object to the X coordinate ", None))
self.doubleSpinBox.setSuffix(_translate("MainWindow", " mm", None))
self.label_3.setText("<html> <body> <text=""#000000""> Coordinate <FONT COLOR=""#00aa00""> Y </font> </body> </html>" )
self.doubleSpinBox_2.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Place the new object to the Y coordinate", None))
self.doubleSpinBox_2.setSuffix(_translate("MainWindow", " mm", None))
self.label_4.setText("<html> <body> <text=""#000000""> Coordinate <FONT COLOR=""#0000aa""> Z </font> </body> </html>" )
self.doubleSpinBox_3.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Place the new object to the Z coordinate", None))
self.doubleSpinBox_3.setSuffix(_translate("MainWindow", " mm", None))
self.groupBox_4.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "Rotation", None))
# self.label_8.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Yaw ( Z )", None))
self.label_8.setText("<html> <body> <text=""#000000""> Yaw ( <FONT COLOR=""#0000aa""> Z </font> <text=""#000000""> ) </body> </html>" )
self.pushButton_4.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Align the YX degrees values to Z value \n Two click reset the rotations values to 0.0", None))
self.pushButton_4.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Align YX ...", None))
self.doubleSpinBox_7.setSuffix(_translate("MainWindow", " Deg", None))
self.doubleSpinBox_7.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Rotation of Yaw ( Axis Z )", None))
# self.label_9.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Pitch ( Y )", None))
self.label_9.setText("<html> <body> <text=""#000000""> Pitch ( <FONT COLOR=""#00aa00""> Y </font> <text=""#000000""> ) </body> </html>" )
self.doubleSpinBox_8.setSuffix(_translate("MainWindow", " Deg", None))
self.doubleSpinBox_8.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Rotation of Pitch ( Axis Y )", None))
# self.label_10.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Roll ( X )", None))
self.label_10.setText("<html> <body> <text=""#000000""> Roll ( <FONT COLOR=""#aa0000""> X </font> <text=""#000000""> ) </body> </html>" )
self.doubleSpinBox_9.setSuffix(_translate("MainWindow", " Deg", None))
self.doubleSpinBox_9.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Rotation of Roll ( Axis X )", None))
self.groupBox_2.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "Scale predefined", None))
self.comboBox.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Convert your object to . . .", None))
self.comboBox.setItemText(0, "km") #km # = 1000000
self.comboBox.setItemText(1, "hm") #hm # = 100000
self.comboBox.setItemText(2, "dam") #dam# = 10000
self.comboBox.setItemText(3, "m") #m # = 1000
self.comboBox.setItemText(4, "dm") #dm # = 100
self.comboBox.setItemText(5, "cm") #cm # = 10
self.comboBox.setItemText(6, "mm") #mm # = 1 #####
self.comboBox.setItemText(7, "um") #um # micro = 0.001
self.comboBox.setItemText(8, "nm") #nm # nano = 0.000001
self.comboBox.setItemText(9, "inch") #in # inch pouce = 25.400
self.comboBox.setItemText(10, "link") #lk # link chainon = 201.168
self.comboBox.setItemText(11, "foot") #ft # foot pied = 304.800
self.comboBox.setItemText(12, "yard") #yd # yard verge = 914.400
self.comboBox.setItemText(13, "perch") #rd # rod ou perch perche = 5029.200
self.comboBox.setItemText(14, "chain") #ch # chain chaine = 20116.800
self.comboBox.setItemText(15, "furlong") #fur# furlong = 201168
self.comboBox.setItemText(16, "mile") #mi # mile = 1609344
self.comboBox.setItemText(17, "league") #lea# league lieue = 4828032
self.comboBox.setItemText(18, "nautique") #nmi# mile nautique = 1852000
self.comboBox.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow",u"Select unit. . .", None))
self.groupBox_5.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "Number copy", None))
self.SpinBox.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Number copy of original", None))
self.groupBox_3.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "Scale free", None))
self.label_5.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Scale X", None))
self.pushButton_3.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Align the YZ scale values to X scale value \n Two click reset the scales values to 1.0", None))
self.pushButton_3.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Align YZ ...", None))
self.doubleSpinBox_4.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Scale free X multiplied by ...\nIf the value is negative the object result is reverted in X axis", None))
self.label_6.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Scale Y", None))
self.doubleSpinBox_5.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Scale free Y multiplied by ...\n"+
"If the value is negative the object result is reverted in Y axis", None))
self.label_7.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Scale Z", None))
self.doubleSpinBox_6.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Scale free Z multiplied by ...\n"+
"If the value is negative the object result is reverted in Z axis", None))
self.groupBox_6.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "Command", None))
self.pushButton_6.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Give the valueAt() the subObject selected Face, Wire, Line ...\n"+
"This option is useful in case a compound Placement information [0,0,0]\n"+
"and its real location is away from the base coordinates 0,0,0\n"+
"(gives no provide information about the tilt of the object)", None))
self.pushButton_6.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "ValueAt()", None))
self.pushButton_2.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Quit the macro", None))
self.pushButton_2.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Quit", None))
self.pushButton.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Reset the values", None))
self.pushButton.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Reset", None))
self.pushButton_1.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Ok for Convert Copy or Compount", None))
self.pushButton_1.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Ok", None))
self.PB_Help.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Help"))
def SIGNAL_comboBox_Changed(self,text):
global uniteM_X
global uniteM_Y
global uniteM_Z
global uniteM
global uniteMs
if text == "km": # = 1000000
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 1000000.0
uniteMs= "km"
elif text == "hm": # = 100000
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 100000.0
uniteMs= "hm"
elif text == "dam": # = 10000
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 10000.0
uniteMs= "dam"
elif text == "m": # = 1000
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 1000.0
uniteMs= "m"
elif text == "dm": # = 100
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 100.0
uniteMs= "dm"
elif text == "cm": # = 10
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 10.0
uniteMs= "cm"
elif text == "mm": # = 1 ###############################
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 1.0
uniteMs= "mm"
elif text == "um": # = 1000
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 1.0/1000.0
uniteMs= "um"
elif text == "nm": # = 1000000
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 1.0/1000000.0
uniteMs= u"nm"
elif text == "inch": # inch = 25.400
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 25.400
uniteMs= "in"
elif text == "link": # link = 201.168
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 201.168
uniteMs= "lk"
elif text == "foot": # foot = 304.800
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 304.800
uniteMs= "ft"
elif text == "yard": # yard = 914.400
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 914.400
uniteMs= "yd"
elif text == "perch": #rd # rod perche = 5029.200
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 5029.200
uniteMs= "rd"
elif text == "chain": # chain = 20116.800
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 20116.800
uniteMs= "ch"
elif text == "furlong": # furlong= 201168
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 201168
uniteMs= "fur"
elif text == "mile": # mile = 1609344
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 1609344
uniteMs= "mi"
elif text == "league": # league = 4828032
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 4828032
uniteMs= "lea"
elif text == "nautique": # nautique = 1852000
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 1852000
uniteMs= "nmi"
else: # mm = 1
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 1.0
uniteMs= "mm"
self.doubleSpinBox_4.setProperty("value", uniteM_X)
self.doubleSpinBox_5.setProperty("value", uniteM_Y)
self.doubleSpinBox_6.setProperty("value", uniteM_Z)
def on_radioButton_clicked(self): # if checked then mode clone
global cloneCopy
cloneCopy = 1
def on_radioButton_2_clicked(self): # if checked then mode copy
global cloneCopy
cloneCopy = 0
def on_radioButton_3_clicked(self): # if checked then mode compount
global cloneCopy
cloneCopy = 2
def on_doubleSpinBox_valueChanged(self,value): # doubleSpinbox X
global placement_X
global switchP
switchP = 0
placement_X = value
def on_doubleSpinBox_2_valueChanged(self,value): # doubleSpinbox Y
global placement_Y
global switchP
switchP = 0
placement_Y = value
def on_doubleSpinBox_3_valueChanged(self,value): # doubleSpinbox Z
global placement_Z
global switchP
switchP = 0
placement_Z = value
def on_doubleSpinBox_4_valueChanged(self,value): # doubleSpinbox free X
global uniteM_X
global switchS
switchS = 0
uniteM_X = value
if uniteM_X == 0:
uniteM_X = 1
def on_doubleSpinBox_5_valueChanged(self,value): # doubleSpinbox free Y
global uniteM_Y
global switchS
switchS = 0
uniteM_Y = value
if uniteM_Y == 0:
uniteM_Y = 1
def on_doubleSpinBox_6_valueChanged(self,value): # doubleSpinbox free Z
global uniteM_Z
global switchS
switchS = 0
uniteM_Z = value
if uniteM_Z == 0:
uniteM_Z = 1
def on_doubleSpinBox_7_valueChanged(self,value): # doubleSpinBox_7 Yaw ( Z )
global Yaw_Z
global switchA
switchA = 0
Yaw_Z = value
def on_doubleSpinBox_8_valueChanged(self,value): # doubleSpinBox_8 Pitch ( Y )
global Pitch_Y
global switchA
switchA = 0
Pitch_Y = value
def on_doubleSpinBox_9_valueChanged(self,value): # doubleSpinBox_9 Roll ( X )
global Roll_X
global switchA
switchA = 0
Roll_X = value
def on_SpinBox_valueChanged(self,value): # SpinBox Number copy
global copyNumber
copyNumber = value
def on_pushButton_5_clicked(self): # Bouton ... (align) placement
global placement_X
global placement_Y
global placement_Z
global switchP
if switchP == 0:
placement_Y = placement_Z = placement_X
switchP = 1
placement_Y = placement_Z = placement_X = 0.0
switchP = 0
self.doubleSpinBox.setProperty("value", placement_X)
self.doubleSpinBox_2.setProperty("value", placement_Y)
self.doubleSpinBox_3.setProperty("value", placement_Z)
def on_pushButton_6_clicked(self): # valueAt() placement detected
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()
App.Console.PrintMessage(str(sel[0].Placement) +"\r\n")
selectionObjects = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx() # Select an object or sub object getSelectionEx
edge = selectionObjects[0].SubObjects[0]
self.lineEdit.setText(str(edge.valueAt(0,0))) # face
self.pushButton_6.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "ValueAt(0,0)", None))
App.Console.PrintMessage(str(edge.valueAt(0,0)) +"\r\n")
except Exception:
self.lineEdit.setText(str(edge.valueAt(0))) # fil
self.pushButton_6.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "ValueAt(0)", None))
App.Console.PrintMessage(str(edge.valueAt(0)) +"\r\n")
except Exception:
self.pushButton_6.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "ValueAt()", None))
App.Console.PrintError("Select one subObject, Face, Wire, Line ..."+"\r\n")
def on_pushButton_4_clicked(self): # Bouton ... (align) rotation
global Yaw_Z
global Pitch_Y
global Roll_X
global switchA
if switchA == 0:
Pitch_Y = Roll_X = Yaw_Z
switchA = 1
Pitch_Y = Roll_X = Yaw_Z = 0.0
switchA = 0
self.doubleSpinBox_7.setProperty("value", Yaw_Z)
self.doubleSpinBox_8.setProperty("value", Pitch_Y)
self.doubleSpinBox_9.setProperty("value", Roll_X)
def on_pushButton03_clicked(self): # Bouton ... (align) uniteM
global uniteM_X
global uniteM_Y
global uniteM_Z
global switchS
global uniteM
global uniteMs
if switchS == 0:
uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = uniteM_X
switchS = 1
uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = uniteM_X = 1.0
switchS = 0
self.doubleSpinBox_4.setProperty("value", uniteM_X)
self.doubleSpinBox_5.setProperty("value", uniteM_Y)
self.doubleSpinBox_6.setProperty("value", uniteM_Z)
def on_pushButton00_clicked(self): # Bouton Reset
global sel
global uniteM_X
global uniteM_Y
global uniteM_Z
global uniteM
global uniteMs
global placement_X
global placement_Y
global placement_Z
global cloneCopy
global Yaw_Z
global Pitch_Y
global Roll_X
global copyNumber
sel = ""
self.pushButton_1.setToolTip("Ok for Convert or copy")
self.pushButton_1.setStyleSheet("QPushButton {background-color: Base}")
cloneCopy = 1
self.doubleSpinBox.setProperty("value", 0.0) # coordinates
self.doubleSpinBox_2.setProperty("value", 0.0)
self.doubleSpinBox_3.setProperty("value", 0.0)
placement_X = placement_Y = placement_Z = 0.0
self.doubleSpinBox_4.setProperty("value", 1.0) # scale
self.doubleSpinBox_5.setProperty("value", 1.0)
self.doubleSpinBox_6.setProperty("value", 1.0)
self.doubleSpinBox_7.setProperty("value", 0.0) # angles
self.doubleSpinBox_8.setProperty("value", 0.0)
self.doubleSpinBox_9.setProperty("value", 0.0)
self.SpinBox.setProperty("value", 1) # number copy
copyNumber = 1
uniteM = uniteM_X = uniteM_Y = uniteM_Z = 1.0
uniteMs= "mm"
uniteM = 1
def on_pushButton01_clicked(self): # Bouton OK
global sel
global surface
global volume_
global boundBox
global boundBoxLX
global boundBoxLY
global boundBoxLZ
global boundBox_S
global uniteM_X
global uniteM_Y
global uniteM_Z
global uniteM
global uniteMs
global placement_X
global placement_Y
global placement_Z
global sel
global Yaw_Z
global Pitch_Y
global Roll_X
global copyNumber
global copyUnique
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()
if len(sel) != 0:
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.openTransaction("FCCConvert") # memorise les actions (avec annuler restore)
#FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.commitTransaction() # restore les actions (avec annuler restore)
#FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.abortTransaction() # abandonne les actions(avec annuler restore)
self.pushButton_1.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Ok for Convert or copy", None))
self.pushButton_1.setStyleSheet("QPushButton {background-color: Base}")
FreeCADGui.updateGui() # rafraichi l'ecran
# boundinbox (dimensions hors tout)
boundBox_ = sel[0].Shape.BoundBox # pour 1 seul objet, (le premier)
boundBoxLX = boundBox_.XLength
boundBoxLY = boundBox_.YLength
boundBoxLZ = boundBox_.ZLength
boundBox_ = 0.0
boundBoxLX = 0.0
boundBoxLY = 0.0
boundBoxLZ = 0.0
boundBox_S = ""
# volume de tous les objets
volume_ = 0.0
for i in range(len(sel)):
volume_ += sel[i].Shape.Volume
volume_ = 0.0
# surface de tous les objets
surface = 0.0
for i in range(len(sel)):
surface += sel[i].Shape.Area
surface = 0.0
boundBox_S = "[X: "+str(boundBoxLX)+" mm] x [Y: "+str(boundBoxLY)+" mm] x [Z:"+str(boundBoxLZ)+" mm]"
App.Console.PrintMessage("Original boundBox : "+boundBox_S+"\r\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage("Original volume_ : "+str(volume_)+" mm3 ("+str(len(sel))+" element(s))"+"\r\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage("Original surface : "+str(surface)+" mm2 ("+str(len(sel))+" element(s))"+"\r\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage("- - - - - - - - - -"+"\r\n")
obj = comptName = ""
import Draft
for copies in range(1,copyNumber+1): ##### Boucle copies Debut ###########################
if copyNumber > 1:
comptName = str(copies)
if cloneCopy == 1: # clone ok clone object and stay solidaris
if self.checkBox_00.isChecked(): # create clone unique with all object Ok
mess = "Clone"
obj.Scale = (uniteM_X, uniteM_Y, uniteM_Z)
except Exception:
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(obj.Name).Length.Value = (sel[0].Length.Value * uniteM_X)
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(obj.Name).Thickness.Value = (sel[0].Thickness.Value * uniteM_Y)
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(obj.Name).Width.Value = (sel[0].Width.Value * uniteM_Z)
except Exception:
if self.checkBox.isChecked(): # if checkbox is checked then .... increment
obj.Placement=App.Placement(App.Vector(placement_X,placement_Y,placement_Z), App.Rotation(Yaw_Z,Pitch_Y,Roll_X), App.Vector(0,0,0)).multiply(App.activeDocument().getObject(obj.Name).Placement) # increment
obj.Placement=App.Placement(App.Vector(placement_X,placement_Y,placement_Z), App.Rotation(Yaw_Z,Pitch_Y,Roll_X), App.Vector(0,0,0))
oL = obj.Label[:5] + " " + comptName + " " + obj.Label[6:]
obj.Label = oL
else: # create clone object separated
mess = "Clone"
for i in range(len(sel)):
obj.Scale = (uniteM_X, uniteM_Y, uniteM_Z)
except Exception:
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(obj.Name).Length.Value = (sel[i].Length.Value * uniteM_X)
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(obj.Name).Thickness.Value = (sel[i].Thickness.Value * uniteM_Y)
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(obj.Name).Width.Value = (sel[i].Width.Value * uniteM_Z)
except Exception:
if self.checkBox.isChecked(): # if checkbox is checked then .... increment
obj.Placement=App.Placement(App.Vector(placement_X,placement_Y,placement_Z), App.Rotation(Yaw_Z,Pitch_Y,Roll_X), App.Vector(0,0,0)).multiply(App.activeDocument().getObject(sel[i].Name).Placement) # increment
obj.Placement=App.Placement(App.Vector(placement_X,placement_Y,placement_Z), App.Rotation(Yaw_Z,Pitch_Y,Roll_X), App.Vector(0,0,0))
oL = obj.Label[:5] + " " + comptName + " " + obj.Label[6:]
obj.Label = oL
obj.touch() # recompute l'objet
if len(sel) > 1:
obj = ""
if cloneCopy == 0: # copy ok copy object not touch original
mess = "Copy "
for i in range(len(sel)):
obj = Draft.scale(sel[i],App.Vector(uniteM_X, uniteM_Y, uniteM_Z),center=App.Vector(0,0,0),copy=True)
if self.checkBox.isChecked(): # if checkbox is checked then .... increment
obj.Placement=App.Placement(App.Vector(placement_X,placement_Y,placement_Z), App.Rotation(Yaw_Z,Pitch_Y,Roll_X), App.Vector(0,0,0)).multiply(App.activeDocument().getObject(obj.Name).Placement) # increment
obj.Placement=App.Placement(App.Vector(placement_X,placement_Y,placement_Z), App.Rotation(Yaw_Z,Pitch_Y,Roll_X), App.Vector(0,0,0))
obj2 =
FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().LineColor = sel[i].ViewObject.LineColor
FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().PointColor = sel[i].ViewObject.PointColor
FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().ShapeColor = sel[i].ViewObject.ShapeColor
App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.Label = "Copy " + comptName + " of " + sel[i].Label
obj = App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject
if cloneCopy == 2: # compound ok
liste = []
if self.checkBox_00.isChecked(): # create clone unique with all object not touch originalOk
mess = "Block "
for i in sel:
### Begin command Part_SimpleCopy # duplicate the original object
__shape = Part.getShape(App.ActiveDocument.getObject(i.Name),'',needSubElement=False,refine=False)
duplicate = App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject
### End command Part_SimpleCopy
objori = Draft.makeBlock(liste) # create Block other method compound
objori.Label = mess + "_" + str(len(liste))
for i in liste:
mess = "Compount " # ne modifie pas les originaux
for i in sel:
objori = App.activeDocument().addObject("Part::Compound","Compound")
App.activeDocument().Compound.Links = liste
obj = App.ActiveDocument.addObject('Part::Scale','Scale')
obj.Base = App.ActiveDocument.getObject(objori.Name)
obj.Uniform = False
obj.UniformScale = 1.0
obj.XScale = uniteM_X
obj.YScale = uniteM_Y
obj.ZScale = uniteM_Z
App.ActiveDocument.getObject(objori.Name).Visibility = False
if self.checkBox.isChecked(): # if checkbox is checked then .... increment
obj.Placement=App.Placement(App.Vector(placement_X,placement_Y,placement_Z), App.Rotation(Yaw_Z,Pitch_Y,Roll_X), App.Vector(0,0,0)).multiply(App.activeDocument().getObject(obj.Name).Placement) # increment
obj.Placement=App.Placement(App.Vector(placement_X,placement_Y,placement_Z), App.Rotation(Yaw_Z,Pitch_Y,Roll_X), App.Vector(0,0,0))
obj.Label = mess + " " + comptName + " of " + obj.Label
obj.Label = mess + "_" + obj.Label # renamme the original object
except Exception:
# try: # optional delette the original objects
# App.activeDocument().removeObject(objori.Name)
# for i in liste:
# App.activeDocument().removeObject(i.Name)
# except:
# None
##### Boucle copies Fin ###########################
# boundinbox (dimensions hors tout)
boundBox_ = obj.Shape.BoundBox
boundBoxLX = boundBox_.XLength
boundBoxLY = boundBox_.YLength
boundBoxLZ = boundBox_.ZLength
boundBox_ = 0.0
boundBoxLX = 0.0
boundBoxLY = 0.0
boundBoxLZ = 0.0
# volume
volume_ = 0.0
volume_ = obj.Shape.Volume
except Exception:
for i in range(len(obj)):
volume_ += obj[i].Shape.Volume
except Exception:
volume_ = 0.0
# surface
surface = 0.0
surface = obj.Shape.Area
for i in range(len(obj)):
surface += obj[i].Shape.Area
except Exception:
surface = 0.0
except Exception:
App.Console.PrintMessage("Convert mm in ' "+uniteMs+" ' (1 "+uniteMs+" = "+str(uniteM)+" mm)"+"\r\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage(mess + " boundBox_X : "+str(boundBoxLX)+" mm"+"\r\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage(mess + " boundBox_Y : "+str(boundBoxLY)+" mm"+"\r\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage(mess + " boundBox_Z : "+str(boundBoxLZ)+" mm"+"\r\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage(mess + " volume : "+str(volume_)+" mm3 ("+str(len(sel))+" element(s))"+"\r\n")#
App.Console.PrintMessage(mess + " surface : "+str(surface)+" mm2 ("+str(len(sel))+" element(s))"+"\r\n")#
self.pushButton_1.setStyleSheet("QPushButton {background-color: green}")
except Exception:
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Error interne"+"\r\n")
self.pushButton_1.setStyleSheet("QPushButton {background-color: red}")#red
self.pushButton_1.setToolTip("Not object selected for Convert or copy")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Select an object"+"\r\n") #App.Console.PrintMessage
sel = ""
def on_pushButton02_clicked(self): # Bouton Quitter
#### geometry
global setMainWindowMoveX
global setMainWindowMoveY
global setFrameWindowSizeX
global setFrameWindowSizeY
positionWindowXY = MainWindow.geometry()
setMainWindowMoveX = positionWindowXY.x()
setMainWindowMoveY = positionWindowXY.y()
positionWindowXY = MainWindow.size()
setFrameWindowSizeX = positionWindowXY.width()
setFrameWindowSizeY = positionWindowXY.height()
FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).SetInt("setMainWindowMoveX", setMainWindowMoveX) # setMainWindowMoveX
FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).SetInt("setMainWindowMoveY", setMainWindowMoveY) # setMainWindowMoveY
FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).SetInt("setFrameWindowSizeX", setFrameWindowSizeX) # setFrameWindowSizeX
FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).SetInt("setFrameWindowSizeY", setFrameWindowSizeY) # setFrameWindowSizeY
#### geometry
App.Console.PrintMessage("End CloneConvert\r\n")
def on_PB_Help(self): #
import webbrowser"")
App.Console.PrintMessage("" + "\n")
except Exception:
FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).SetString("Version",__version__ + " (" + __date__ + ")")#
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()
MainWindow = QMainWindow()
ui = Ui_MainWindow(MainWindow)
Copy link

This macro utility is intended for the use of the program FreeCAD
The icon for your toolbar, it is to place in your macros directory (in the same location of the macro)

macro_cloneconvert rename the image in Macro_CloneConvert.png

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