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Created July 3, 2013 09:54
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rsa python
import socket
import rsa
s = socket.socket()
s.connect(("", 9999))
#Generar llaves propias
rsa.arch_key(10, "cli")
publicServ = rsa.get_key('servpub.key')
privateCli = rsa.get_key('clipriv.key')
while True:
mensaje = raw_input(" Ingresa Mensaje: ")
publicServ = rsa.get_key('servpub.key')
s.send(str(rsa.E(rsa.cifrar(mensaje), publicServ)))
print "Mensaje encriptado enviado: %s" %(str(rsa.E(rsa.cifrar(mensaje), publicServ)))
if mensaje == "quit":
print "adios"
from sys import argv
def gcdit(a, b):
while True:
c = (a%b)
if c == 0:
return a
(a, b) = (b, c)
def gcdrec(a,b):
c = a % b
if c == 0:
return (b,0,1)
(r,x,y) = gcdrec(b,c)
return (r,y, x - (y * (a/b)))
def gcd(a,b):
if a%b == 0:
return b
return gcd(b, a%b)
def egcd(a,b):
c = a % b
if c == 0:
return (b,0,1)
(r,x,y) = egcd(b,c)
return (r,y, x - (y * (a/b)))
from sys import argv
from potmod import potmod
from gcd import gcd, egcd
from randprime import rprime,pickone,inversa
def E(m,(e,n)):
return potmod(m,e,n)
def D(c,(d,n)):
return potmod(c,d,n)
# Codigo extraido de
# Convierte un string en un numero
def msg2num(s):
n = 0
for c in s:
n <<= 8
n += ord(c)
return n
# Convierte un numero en un string
def num2msg(n):
s = []
while n > 0:
s.insert(0, chr(n & 255))
n >>= 8
return ''.join(s)
def cifrar(m):
chipertext = 0
for c in m:
chipertext <<= 8
chipertext += ord(c)
return chipertext
def decifrar(c):
mensaje = []
while c > 0:
mensaje.insert(0, chr(c & 255))
c >>= 8
return ''.join(mensaje)
# Fin de codigo extraido
def arch_key(size, name):
(publica, privada) = key_gen(size)
pub = open(name+'pub.key', 'w')
priv = open(name+'priv.key', 'w')
for i in range(len(publica)):
def get_key(archivo):
f = open(archivo, 'r')
e = int(f.readline())
n = int(f.readline())
return (e, n)
def key_gen(d):
p = rprime(d)
q = rprime(d)
n = p * q
phin = (p-1) * (q-1)
while True:
e = pickone(phin)
if gcd(phin, e) == 1:
d = inversa(e, phin)
return ((e, n), (d, n))
import socket
import rsa
s = socket.socket()
s.bind(("", 9999))
sc, addr = s.accept()
#generar llaves propias
rsa.arch_key(10, "serv")
public = rsa.get_key('servpub.key')
private = rsa.get_key('servpriv.key')
while True:
recibido = sc.recv(1024)
if recibido == "quit":
print "Mensaje Encriptado Recibido: ", recibido
print "Mensaje Desencriptado: %s" %(rsa.decifrar(rsa.D(int(recibido), private)))
print "adios"
from random import randint
from gcd import egcd
from math import sqrt
def prime(n):
if n <=1:
return False
if n % 2 == 0:
if n == 2:
return True
return False
i = 3
while i <= sqrt(n):
if n % i == 0:
return False
i += 2
return True
def inversa(e, n):
(gcd,tmp,d) = egcd(e, n)
if not gcd == 1:
return None
return (tmp+n) %n
def rprime(digits):
minimum = 10**(digits-1)
maximum = minimum * 10 - 1
while True:
r = randint(minimum,maximum)
if prime(r):
return r
def checkgen(n,mod):
t = 1
c = 0
while not t == 1 or c == 0:
t = (t*n) % mod
if c == mod:
if c == mod - 1:
return True
return False
def findgen(mod):
while True:
cand = randint(2,mod -1)
if checkgen(cand,mod):
return cand
def pickone(mod):
return randint(2,mod-1)
def potmod(x, pot, mod):
bits = pot
res = 1
temp = x
while bits > 0:
if bits %2 == 1:
res = (res * temp % mod)
temp = (temp * temp) % mod
bits = bits >> 1
return res
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