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Created April 15, 2014 23:49
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Clojure/edn formatter
(ns segmentation.util.format
(:require [clojure.pprint :refer [pprint with-pprint-dispatch code-dispatch]]
[rewrite-clj.parser :as p]
[rewrite-clj.printer :as prn]))
(defn is-token-sandwich [triplet]
(let [first-token (-> triplet first first)
second-token (-> triplet second first)
result (and (not= first-token :newline) (= second-token :whitespace))]
(defn is-missing-whitespace [triplet]
(let [first-token (-> triplet first first)
second-token (-> triplet second first)
result (and (not (contains? #{:newline :whitespace} first-token)) (not (contains? #{:newline :whitespace} second-token)))]
(defn drop-whitespace-from-ast [ast]
(let [descriptor (first ast)
tokens (rest ast)
dropped (drop-while #(contains? #{:newline :whitespace} (first %1)) tokens)
reversed-tokens (reverse dropped)
dropped (reverse (drop-while #(contains? #{:newline :whitespace} (first %1)) reversed-tokens))
my-range (dec (count dropped))
token-sandwiches (reduce (fn [accum x] (assoc accum (inc x) (is-token-sandwich (subvec (vec dropped) x (+ x 2))))) {} (range my-range))
missing-whitespaces (reduce (fn [accum x] (assoc accum (inc x) (is-missing-whitespace (subvec (vec dropped) x (+ x 2))))) {} (range my-range))
eaten (vec (for [x (range (count dropped)) :let [token (nth dropped x)]] (if (get token-sandwiches x) [(first token) " "] token)))
bloated (reduce (fn [accum x]
(let [token (nth eaten x)]
(if (get missing-whitespaces x)
(conj accum [:whitespace " "] token)
(conj accum token)))) [] (range (count eaten)))
recursed-tokens (map (fn [token]
(if (contains? #{:set :seq :vector :list :map} (first token))
(drop-whitespace-from-ast token)
new-ast (vec (cons descriptor recursed-tokens))]
(defn code-format [code]
(let [ast (p/parse-string-all code)
new-ast (drop-whitespace-from-ast ast)]
(prn/->string new-ast)))
(defn write-file [filename content]
(with-open [w ( filename :append false)]
(.write w content)))
(defn format-file [filename]
(let [code (slurp filename)
formatted-content(code-format code)]
(write-file filename formatted-content)))
(defn -main
"If called with args, expects args to be file paths and will write format output to each path.
Otherwise, reads from standard input and writes output to standard output"
[& args]
(if (not-empty args)
(doseq [file args]
(format-file file))
(let [code (slurp *in*)]
(print (code-format code)))))
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