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Last active October 20, 2019 15:01
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Emacs Cheatsheet
Add new line below the line you are in :: Ctrl + j
Backward search :: Ctrl + r
Barf left :: Ctrl + {
Barf right :: Ctrl + }
Cancel out of the mess you've gotten yourself into :: Ctrl + g
Close current window :: Ctrl + x + 0
Complete word at cursor :: Meta + /
Copy selected text into clipboard :: Meta + w
Delete character forward :: Ctrl + d
Delete word forward :: Meta + d
Deletes line :: Ctrl + k Ctrl + k
Delete marked region :: Ctrl + x + Ctrl + k
Evaluate buffer so repl can know about it :: Ctrl + c Ctrl + k
Fuzzy file finder in project :: Ctrl + c f
Indent-region :: Ctrl + Meta + \
Join from above with below :: Ctrl + u Meta + ^
Join up from the line where you are :: Meta + ^
Jump around the list of other windows :: Ctrl + x + o
Jump back to where you were :: Meta + ,
Jump from repl to buffer :: Ctrl + c Ctrl + z
Jump into s-expression (navigate expressions inside) :: Meta + Ctrl + d
Jump to a line in the buffer :: Meta + g g
Jump to bottom of buffer :: Meta + >
Jump to bottom of buffer :: Meta + >
Jump to complement of wrapping char :: Meta + Ctrl + f
Jump to definition of function :: Meta + .
Jump to search result items :: Meta + g Meta + n (or p)
Jump to test for this clojure file :: Ctrl + c Ctrl + t
Jump to top of buffer :: Meta + <
Kills from where you are to the end of the line :: Ctrl + k
Kill long-running job in repl :: Ctrl + d Ctrl + b
Maggit :: Ctrl + c g
Mark where you are for making a selection :: Ctrl + Space
Mark whole buffer :: Ctrl + x + h
Move back to the beginning of the S-expression where you are :: Ctrl + Meta + b
Move forward to the end of the S-expression where you are :: Ctrl + Meta + f
Move one word backward :: Meta + b
Move one word forward :: Meta + f
Open a file :: Ctrl + x Ctrl + f
Quit the current repl :: Ctrl + c Ctrl + q
Reformat the current window :: Ctrl + c n
Repeat last command in repl :: Meta + p
Save all files :: Ctrl + x + s
Save file :: Ctrl + x + Ctrl + s
Search forward :: Ctrl + s
Search in project for function invocation :: Meta + x rgrep
Search reverse :: Ctrl + r
Show clojure docs for a symbol :: Ctrl + c Ctrl + d
Show help for keyboard command :: Ctrl + h k <keyboard command, like Meta Up-arrow>
Show open buffers in the mini buffer :: Ctrl + x + b
Slurp to the left :: Meta + (
Slurp to the right :: Meta + )
Split horizontally :: Ctrl + x + 2
Split vertically :: Ctrl + x + 3
Start a repl from emacs :: Ctrl + c Meta + j
Switch the repl to the namespace of the buffer you run that command from :: Ctrl + c Meta + n
Undo :: Ctrl + _
With cursor at the beginning of something you want to introduce a let for :: Ctrl + c Ctrl + x il
=== RSpec Mode ===
Run the spec file associated with the current buffer :: Ctrl + c , v
Run all specs related to the current buffer :: Ctrl + c , m
Run all specs for a project :: Ctrl + c , a
Re-run just the failed examples from the last run :: Ctrl + c , f
Verify the example or method defined at point :: Ctrl + c , s
Toggle back and forth between a spec and its target :: Ctrl + c , t
Toggle back and forth between a method and its examples in the spec file :: Ctrl + c , e
=== Robe Mode ===
Start the Ruby REPL :: Meta + x inf-ruby-console-auto
Load the current file :: Ctrl + c Ctrl + l
Reload the whole environment at once :: Ctrl + c Ctrl + k
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