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Last active August 17, 2024 15:29
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A simple, configurable GLSL scanline effect shader for Dolphin
GUIName = Blur Area
OptionName = BLUR_SIZE
MinValue = 0.0
MaxValue = 10.0
StepAmount = 0.1
DefaultValue = 1.6
GUIName = Scanline Alpha
MinValue = 0.0
MaxValue = 1.0
StepAmount = 0.05
DefaultValue = 0.15
GUIName = Scanline Width
MinValue = 0.0
MaxValue = 64
StepAmount = 0.1
DefaultValue = 6.3
GUIName = Brightness Boost
MinValue = 0.0
MaxValue = 2.0
StepAmount = 0.01
DefaultValue = 1.25
void main()
const float PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
float4 c0 = Sample();
float blursize = GetOption(BLUR_SIZE);
float subtleLevel = GetOption(SEPARATOR_ALPHA); // 0 is very dark separator, 1 is no separator
float scanlineSize = GetOption(SCANLINE_SIZE);
float boost = GetOption(BRIGHTNESS_BOOST);
float4 blurtotal = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
blurtotal += SampleLocation(GetCoordinates() + float2(-blursize, -blursize) * GetInvResolution());
blurtotal += SampleLocation(GetCoordinates() + float2(-blursize, blursize) * GetInvResolution());
blurtotal += SampleLocation(GetCoordinates() + float2( blursize, -blursize) * GetInvResolution());
blurtotal += SampleLocation(GetCoordinates() + float2( blursize, blursize) * GetInvResolution());
blurtotal += SampleLocation(GetCoordinates() + float2(-blursize, 0.0) * GetInvResolution());
blurtotal += SampleLocation(GetCoordinates() + float2( blursize, 0.0) * GetInvResolution());
blurtotal += SampleLocation(GetCoordinates() + float2( 0.0, -blursize) * GetInvResolution());
blurtotal += SampleLocation(GetCoordinates() + float2( 0.0, blursize) * GetInvResolution());
blurtotal *= 0.125;
c0 = blurtotal;
// get color factor intensity based on vertical pixel position
// coordinates are 0 to 1 while resolution is a pixel resolution
float vPos = GetCoordinates().y * GetWindowResolution().y;
float lineIntensity = subtleLevel + abs(cos(PI / scanlineSize * vPos));
// output
SetOutput(c0 * clamp(lineIntensity, 0.0, 1.125) * boost);
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This is amazing! Thank you for making it! It's really improved my immersion playing Resident Evil 2 :)

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ha7ak3 commented Mar 26, 2023

Works great! 👍

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Thank you!

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walterg74 commented Mar 9, 2024

Hi @mariodivece , I also would prefer no flicker so came to get this one. However, while the other one shows the scanlines nice and thin like I expected, this one with default settings shows them way too big:


vs. scanlines:

What values should I configure the second one to match the first?

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Can you please port The Shader "crt-royale" to Dolphin? I tried renaming the one i found from ".glslp" to ".glsl" Format and putting it in the shaders folder of my Dolphin Folder, it shows up in Dolphin's Graphics Enhancement Menu, but when i select it and run a game it just gives me error messages. i tried both of your Dolphin shaders you made, they work fine, but i don't prefer them, "crt-royale" is actually really awesome CRT Shader on Duckstation that is almost perfect, and i would really love if you would make this one work for Dolphin.

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