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Created June 12, 2011 16:23
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Save mariofusco/1021723 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Encodes a number in one (or more) list of words corresponding to its phone mnemonic code
class MnemonicsCoder(words: List[String]) {
private val mnemonics = Map('2' -> "ABC", '3' -> "DEF", '4' -> "GHI", '5' -> "JKL",
'6' -> "MNO", '7' -> "PQRS", '8' -> "TUV", '9' -> "WXYZ")
/** Invert the mnemonics map to give a map from chars 'A' ... 'Z' to '2' ... '9' */
private val charCode: Map[Char, Char] =
for ((digit, str) <- mnemonics; letter <- str) yield (letter -> digit)
/** Maps a word to the digit string it can represent */
private def wordCode(word: String): String =
word.toUpperCase map charCode
/** A map from digit strings to the words that represent them,
* e,g. “5282” ‐> Set(“Java”, “Kata”, “Lava”, ...) */
private val wordsForNum: Map[String, List[String]] =
(words groupBy wordCode) withDefaultValue List.empty
/** Return all ways to encode a number as a list of words */
private def encode(number: String): Set[List[String]] =
if (number.isEmpty)
else {
for {
splitPoint <- 1 to number.length
word <- wordsForNum(number take splitPoint)
rest <- encode(number drop splitPoint)
} yield word :: rest
/** Maps a number to a list of all word phrases that can represent it */
def translate(number: String): Set[String] =
encode(number) map (_ mkString " ")
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Excellent! I've been meaning to write this up myself. Thanks for this Mario.

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