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Last active June 13, 2019 07:26
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A Java 8 Try
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.*;
import static java.util.Optional.*;
public abstract class Try<T> {
private Try() { }
public static <T> Try<T> success(T value) {
return new Success<T>(value);
public static <T> Try<T> attempt(ThrowingSupplier<? extends T> supplier) {
try {
return new Success<T>(supplier.get());
} catch(Exception e) {
return new Failure<T>(e);
public interface ThrowingSupplier<T> {
T get() throws Exception;
* Returns true if the Try is a Success, false otherwise.
public abstract boolean isSuccess();
* Returns the value from this Success or throws the exception (wrapped in a runtime one) if this is a Failure.
public abstract T get();
* Converts this to a Failure if the predicate is not satisfied.
public abstract Try<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> p);
* Maps the given function to the value from this Success or returns this if this is a Failure.
public abstract <U> Try<U> map(Function<? super T, ? extends U> f);
* Returns the given function applied to the value from this Success or returns this if this is a Failure.
public abstract <U> Try<U> flatMap(Function<? super T, Try<U>> f);
* Applies the given function f if this is a Success, otherwise does nothing if this is a Failure.
public abstract void apply(Consumer<? super T> c);
* Applies the given function f if this is a Failure, otherwise returns this if this is a Success.
* This is like map for the exception.
public abstract <U extends T> Try<U> recover(Function<Exception, ? extends U> f);
* Applies the given function f if this is a Failure, otherwise returns this if this is a Success.
public abstract <U extends T> Try<U> recoverWith(Function<Exception, Try<U>> f);
* Returns the value from this Success or the given default argument if this is a Failure
public abstract T orElse(T other);
* Return the value from this Success otherwise invoke {@code other} and return
* the result of that invocation.
public abstract T orElseGet(Supplier<? extends T> other);
* Returns Optional.EMPTY if this is a Failure or an Optional containing the value if this is a Success.
public abstract Optional<T> toOptional();
* Completes this Try by applying the function f to this if this is of type Failure,
* or conversely, by applying s if this is a Success.
public abstract <U> Try<U> transform(Function<? super T, Try<U>> s, Function<Exception, Try<U>> f);
public static class Success<T> extends Try<T> {
private final T value;
public Success(T value) {
this.value = value;
public boolean isSuccess() {
return true;
public T get() {
return value;
public Try<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> p) {
return p.test(value) ? this : new Failure<T>(null);
public <U> Try<U> map(Function<? super T, ? extends U> f) {
try {
return new Success<U>(f.apply(value));
} catch (Exception e) {
return new Failure<U>(e);
public <U> Try<U> flatMap(Function<? super T, Try<U>> f) {
try {
return f.apply(value);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new Failure<U>(e);
public void apply(Consumer<? super T> c) {
public <U extends T> Try<U> recover(Function<Exception, ? extends U> f) {
return (Try<U>)this;
public <U extends T> Try<U> recoverWith(Function<Exception, Try<U>> f) {
return (Try<U>)this;
public T orElse(T other) {
return value;
public T orElseGet(Supplier<? extends T> other) {
return value;
public Optional<T> toOptional() {
return of(value);
public <U> Try<U> transform(Function<? super T, Try<U>> s, Function<Exception, Try<U>> f) {
return flatMap(s);
public String toString() {
return "Success(" + value + ")";
public static class Failure<T> extends Try<T> {
private final Exception e;
public Failure(Exception e) {
this.e = e;
public boolean isSuccess() {
return false;
public T get() {
throw e instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException)e : new RuntimeException(e);
public Try<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> p) {
return this;
public <U> Try<U> map(Function<? super T, ? extends U> f) {
return (Try<U>)this;
public <U> Try<U> flatMap(Function<? super T, Try<U>> f) {
return (Try<U>)this;
public void apply(Consumer<? super T> c) { }
public <U extends T> Try<U> recover(Function<Exception, ? extends U> f) {
return new Success<>(f.apply(e));
public <U extends T> Try<U> recoverWith(Function<Exception, Try<U>> f) {
return f.apply(e);
public T orElse(T other) {
return other;
public T orElseGet(Supplier<? extends T> other) {
return other.get();
public Optional<T> toOptional() {
return empty();
public <U> Try<U> transform(Function<? super T, Try<U>> s, Function<Exception, Try<U>> f) {
return f.apply(e);
public String toString() {
return "Failure(" + e + ")";
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Very nice!

Too bad you can't overload the methods orElse (iso orElseGet), recover (iso recoverWith) or map (iso flatMap). The name flatMap was a bit confusing since I associate it more with flattening collections of collections. At least it should be consistent with 'recoverWith'. Maybe 'tryMap' and 'tryRecover'?

I see also a problem with the different return type in:

    public <U extends T> Try<U> recoverWith(Function<Exception, Try<U>> f);

If the recovering function produces a more specific class (U extends T), the result overall can be either T or U, so it cannot be safely cast to U, and the return type should be Try <T>:

    public <U extends T> Try<T> recoverWith(Function<Exception, Try<U>> f);

On the other hand, you could also allow a recovering function to produce a less specific class (U super T), and then the result can (only) be safely cast to U.

    public <U super T> Try<U> recoverWith(Function<Exception, Try<U>> f);

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Also, since the 'attempt' method is the main factory method, it's maybe better to use a more common word. I know 'try' is a reserved keyword, but maybe 'tryTo' is a good alternative?

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