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Forked from chytreg/gist:802d87e1fd6495cc4727
Created August 28, 2012 00:32
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html_helpers for hamlc
# HTML Tag class
# Programmatically generate HTML so you aren't scotch-taping strings together all the time.
# Usage: targetString = Tag.make(tagName, attributeHash, text)
# The text is NOT escaped by default. Use the special attribute 'escapeText': true to escape the inner text.
class Tag
constructor: (@tagName, @attributes = {}, @text = "") ->
if @attributes['escapeText']
delete @attributes['escapeText']
@text = HAML.escape(@text)
# Create a tag as string
@make: (tagName, attributes, text) ->
t = new Tag(tagName, attributes, text)
openTag: ->
close = if @text then '>' else ' />'
attributeStrings = []
attributeStrings.push("#{key}=\"#{attribute}\"") for key, attribute of @attributes
attributeString = if attributeStrings.length > 0 then ' ' + attributeStrings.join(' ') else ''
closeTag: (tagName) ->
toString: ->
s = ''
s += @openTag()
s += @text
s += @closeTag() if @text
# Use them in any hamlc template
@HtmlHelpers =
linkTo: (name, href, attrs = {}) ->
attrs['href'] ||= href
Tag.make 'a', attrs, name
textField: (name, value = "", attrs = {}) ->
attrs['type'] = 'text'
attrs['name'] = name
attrs['value'] = value
Tag.make 'input', attrs
passwordField: (name, value = "", attrs = {}) ->
attrs['type'] = 'password'
attrs['name'] = name
attrs['value'] = value
Tag.make 'input', attrs
fileField: (name, attrs = {}) ->
attrs['name'] = name
attrs['type'] = 'file'
Tag.make 'input', attrs
textarea: (name, value = "", attrs = {}) ->
attrs['name'] = name
Tag.make 'textarea', attrs, value
# Create a select tag with options
# @param collection is used to create the options. Can be an Array of Strings (used as text and value), or Array of [text, value]
# @params attrs can include the options:
# * selected: value of the option that should be selected
# * caption: Text to use as first option (blank with blank value)
# * any other option will be used as HTML attribute in the select tag
# Examples:
# select('country', ['US', 'ES', 'GB', 'SE'], {id: 'country-selector', selected: 'ES'})
# select('language', [['English', 'en'], ['Spanish', 'es']], {caption: 'Select Language'})
select: (name, collection = [], attrs = {}) ->
attrs['name'] = name
selectBody = []
selectBody.push Tag.make('option', {value: ''}, attrs['caption']) if attrs['caption']
for opt in collection
if opt instanceof Array
body = opt[0]
value = opt[1]
body = opt
value = opt
selectOptions = {}
selectOptions['value'] = value
selectOptions['selected'] = 'selected' if attrs['selected'] && attrs['selected'].toString() == value.toString()
selectOptions['escapeText'] = true
selectBody.push Tag.make('option', selectOptions, body)
delete attrs['selected']
delete attrs['caption']
Tag.make 'select', attrs, selectBody.join('')
checkBox: (name, value = 1, checked = false, attrs = {}) ->
attrs['type'] = 'checkbox'
attrs['name'] = name
attrs['id'] ||= name
attrs['value'] = value
if checked
attrs['checked'] = 'checked'
Tag.make 'input', attrs, null
label: (name, content = "", attrs = {}) ->
attrs['for'] = name
Tag.make 'label', attrs, content
submit: (value = "", attrs = {}) ->
attrs['type'] = 'submit'
attrs['value'] = value
Tag.make 'input', attrs
# Make HtmlHelpers available as HAML.globals
HAML.globals = -> HtmlHelpers
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How could I make construction like
= label "foo" do
%span bar

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