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Last active August 7, 2017 11:57
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A few programs/functions I've created while learning Python from MOOC's course.
def censor(text, word):
"""takes two strings 'text' and 'word' as input and
returns the text with the word you chose replaced
with asterisks."""
import string # we're going to use split and join built-in functions
# first of all, we need to break the words into a list
text = string.split(text)
# now, we iterate over the list index
for index in range(0,len(text)): # let's calculate when to stop
# if we found the word into the list
if word == text[index]:
text[index] = len(word)*'*' # assign asterisks (multiplied by word's length) to the list index
# when we're done with the new assignments, let's join list's elements before printing
text = string.join(text)
# done!
return text
""" Dice roll
description: takes two parameters and generates random roll values for each die rolled.
call roll_dice(x,y) to play!
x = number of sides of the die
y = number of dice to roll """
def random_number(x):
import random
r = random.randint(1, x)
print r
return True
def roll_dice(x, y):
for i in range(0, y):
return "That's All"
def median(x):
""" takes in a sorted sequence of numbers
and output the middle number """
x.sort() # after taking the list, let's sort it
len_x = len(x) # now, let's get the list length
# even list goes here
if len_x % 2 == 0:
# let's play math
left_middle_index = (len_x/2)-1
right_middle_index = (len_x/2)
return (x[left_middle_index]+x[right_middle_index])/2.0
# odd list goes here
middle_index = int(round((len_x)/2))
return x[middle_index]
def pyglatim():
""" PygLatim translator
description: translate an English word into a PygLatim one
eg: If the user types 'car', it will be translated to 'arcay'. If the user types 'eggs' it will be translated to 'eggsay'
more info: """
# PygLatim variable
pyg = 'ay'
# user input
word = raw_input('Enter a word:\n')
# checks if the input is empty
if len(word) > 0:
# checks if the input has only alphabetic characters
if word.isalpha():
# convert to lower case letters
word = word.lower()
# store the first letter into a variable
first = word[0]
vowel = 'aeiou'
# checks if the first letter is vowel
for i in vowel:
if i == first:
new_word = word+pyg
print new_word
new_word = word[1:]+first+pyg
print new_word
print 'You must enter only alphabetic characters'
print 'You did not enter any value!'
def remove_duplicates(x):
""" takes in a list and removes elements of the list that are the same. """
# let's create another list to store no duplicate elements
newX = []
for i in range(0,len(x)):
# stores the first element from original list
while len(newX) == 0:
# after while loop, every time the program iterates through the original list
# it'll check if the element is already stored in our new list. If not, it will be stored.
if x[i] not in newX:
return newX
def rps(x,y):
""" takes two parameters: rock, paper or scissorts, and returns who won.
x = player_1
y = player_2 """
# making sure the entered arguments are strings and formed only with alphabetic characters
if ( (type(x) == str and type(y) == str) and (x.isalpha() == True and y.isalpha() == True) ):
# checking values from arguments
if x == "rock" or x == "paper" or x == "scissors":
if y == "rock" or y == "paper" or y == "scissors":
# if both arguments are the same
if x == y:
return "Tie!"
# let's play it!
if x == "rock":
if y == "paper":
return 'Y won!'
elif y == "scissors":
return 'X won!'
elif x == "paper":
if y == "scissors":
return 'Y won!'
elif y == "rock":
return 'X won!'
elif x == "scissors":
if y == "rock":
return 'Y won!'
elif y == "paper":
return 'X won!'
return "invalid value for y"
return "invalid value for x"
return "You must type only strings!"
def scrabble_score(word):
""" takes a string, compares its letters to score's indeces
and computes points for each letter from string"""
# table of scores
score = {"a": 1, "c": 3, "b": 3, "e": 1, "d": 2, "g": 2,
"f": 4, "i": 1, "h": 4, "k": 5, "j": 8, "m": 3,
"l": 1, "o": 1, "n": 1, "q": 10, "p": 3, "s": 1,
"r": 1, "u": 1, "t": 1, "w": 4, "v": 4, "y": 4,
"x": 8, "z": 10}
# let's make sure input string is lowercase
word = word.lower()
# init the total score
totalScore = 0
# for each character in word
for letter in word:
# for each index ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') in score dictionary
for index in score:
# if word's character = scores' index
if letter == index:
# storing points
totalScore = totalScore + score[index]
# that's it!
return totalScore
"""Zeller's algorithm
description: computes the day of the week on which a given date will fall (or fell)
more info:'s_congruence"""
# input
print "When were you born?"
A = int(raw_input("Month of the year"))
B = int(raw_input("Day of the month"))
C = int(raw_input("Year of the century"))
D = int(raw_input("Century"))
# processing
W = (13*A - 1) / 5
X = C / 4
Y = D / 4
Z = W + X + Y + B + C - 2*D
R = Z % 7
# output
if R > -1:
if R == 0:
print "You were born on Sunday"
elif R == 1:
print "You were born on Monday"
elif R == 2:
print "You were born on Tuesday"
elif R == 3:
print "You were born on Wednesday"
elif R == 4:
print "You were born on Thursday"
elif R == 5:
print "You were born on Friday"
elif R == 6:
print "You were born on Saturday"
print "error 1"
R = R + 7
if R == 0:
print "You were born on Sunday"
elif R == 1:
print "You were born on Monday"
elif R == 2:
print "You were born on Tuesday"
elif R == 3:
print "You were born on Wednesday"
elif R == 4:
print "You were born on Thursday"
elif R == 5:
print "You were born on Friday"
elif R == 6:
print "You were born on Saturday"
print "error 2"
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Hi wv12, how are you doing with Python classes?

Thanks for ponting me out on that, I've already made that change.


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