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Created July 10, 2015 07:10
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OCamlによるTerm Rewriting Systemの実装とリー環への完備化の適用
let rec nth =
function (x :: _, 0) -> x
| (x :: xs, n) -> nth(xs, n - 1)
| ([], _) -> raise INVALID_ARGUMENT
let null s =
match s with
| [] -> true
| (_ :: _) -> false
let rec zip =
function ([], []) -> []
| (x :: xs, y :: ys) -> (x, y) :: zip (xs, ys)
| (_, _) -> raise INVALID_ARGUMENT
let rec forall p =
function [] -> true
| (x :: xs) -> p x && forall p xs
let rec multi_forall p =
function ([], []) -> true
| (x :: xs, y :: ys) -> p x y && multi_forall p (xs, ys)
| (_ :: _, []) -> raise INVALID_ARGUMENT
| ([], _ :: _) -> raise INVALID_ARGUMENT
let rec exists f =
function [] -> false
| (y :: ys) -> if f y then true else exists f ys
let rec map f =
function [] -> []
| (x :: xs) -> (f x) :: map f xs
let rec concat =
function [] -> []
| (x :: xs) -> x @ (concat xs)
let rec allapp f g =
function [] -> ()
| (x :: xs) -> f x; g xs; allapp f g xs
type vname = string * int
let compare_vname (v, i) (w, j) = v w
type term =
| V of vname
| T of string * term list
let rec print_term t =
match t with
| (V (str, _))
-> print_string str; flush stdout
| (T (str, s))
-> print_string str;
if null s then flush stdout else print_string "("; flush stdout;
allapp print_term (fun s -> if null s then flush stdout else print_string ", "; flush stdout) s;
if null s then flush stdout else print_string ")"; flush stdout;
type subst = (vname * term) list
(* get_vname: vname * term -> vname *)
let get_vname vt =
match vt with
| (v, t) -> v
(* get_vname: vname * term -> term *)
let get_term vt =
match vt with
| (v, t) -> t
let empty_subst = []
(* add_subst: subst -> vname -> term -> subst *)
let add_subst s x t = (x, t) :: s
(* indom: vname -> subst -> bool *)
let indom x s = exists (fun (y, _) -> x = y) s
(* app: subst -> vname -> term *)
let rec app s x =
match s with
| (y, t) :: rest -> if x = y then t else app rest x
(* lift: subst -> term -> term *)
let rec lift s t =
match t with
| V x -> if indom x s then app s x else V x
| T (f, ts) -> T (f, map (lift s) ts)
(* occurs: vname -> term -> bool *)
let rec occurs x t =
match t with
| V y -> x = y
| T (_, ts) -> exists (occurs x) ts
exception UNIFY
(* solve: (term * term) list * internal_subst -> internal_subst *)
let rec solve ttlist_and_subst =
match ttlist_and_subst with
| ([], s)
-> s
| ((V x, t) :: rest, s)
-> if V x = t then solve (rest, s) else elim x t rest s
| ((t, V x) :: rest, s)
-> elim x t rest s
| ((T (f, ts), T (g, us)) :: rest, s)
-> if f = g then solve (zip(ts, us) @ rest, s) else raise UNIFY
(* elim: vname -> term -> (term * term) list -> internal_subst -> internal_subst *)
and elim x t rest s =
let xt = lift (add_subst empty_subst x t) in
if occurs x t then raise UNIFY
else solve(map (fun (t1, t2) -> (xt t1, xt t2)) rest,
(x, t) :: (map (fun (y, u) -> (y, xt u)) s))
(* unify: term * term -> subst *)
let unify (t1, t2) = solve ([(t1, t2)], [])
(* matchs: (term * term) list -> subst -> subst *)
let rec matchs ttlist s =
match ttlist with
| []
-> s
| (V x, t) :: rest
-> if indom x s then if app s x = t then matchs rest s else raise UNIFY
else matchs rest (add_subst s x t)
| (t, V x) :: rest
-> raise UNIFY
| (T (f, ts), T (g, us)) :: rest
-> if f = g then matchs (zip (ts, us) @ rest) s else raise UNIFY
(* pattern_match: term * term -> subst *)
let pattern_match pat obj = matchs [(pat, obj)] empty_subst
exception NORM
(* rewrite: (term * term) * list -> term -> term *)
let rec rewrite ttlist t =
try try_rewrite ttlist t with
| UNIFY -> retry_rewrite ttlist t
(* try_rewrite: (term * term) * list -> term -> term *)
and try_rewrite ttlist t =
match ttlist with
| [] -> raise NORM
| ((l, r) :: rest) -> lift (pattern_match l t) r
(* retry_rewrite: (term * term) * list -> term -> term *)
and retry_rewrite ttlist t =
match ttlist with
| [] -> raise NORM
| ((l, r) :: rest) -> rewrite rest t
(* norm: (term * term) list -> term *)
let rec norm r t =
match t with
| V x -> V x
| T (f, ts) -> inner_norm r f ts
(* inner_norm: (term * term) list -> vname -> term list *)
and inner_norm r f ts =
let u = T (f, map (norm r) ts) in
try norm r (rewrite r u) with
| NORM -> u
type order =
| GR
| EQ
let int_to_order a = if a > 0 then GR else if a = 0 then EQ else NGE
(* lex: order -> alpha list * beta list -> order *)
let rec lex ord alpha_list_and_beta_list =
match alpha_list_and_beta_list with
| ([], []) -> EQ
| (x :: xs, y :: ys) -> inner_lex (ord (x, y)) ord xs ys
| (_, _) -> raise INVALID_ARGUMENT
(* inner_lex: order -> alpha list -> beta list -> order *)
and inner_lex o ord xs ys =
match o with
| GR -> GR
| EQ -> lex ord (xs, ys)
| NGE -> NGE
(* lpo: (string * string -> order) -> (term * term) -> order *)
let rec lpo ord st =
match st with
| (s, V x)
-> if s = V x then EQ
else if occurs x s then GR else NGE
| (V _, T _)
-> NGE
| (T (f, ss), T (g, ts))
-> if forall (fun si -> lpo ord (si, T (g, ts)) = NGE) ss
then inner_lpo (ord (f, g)) ord (T (f, ss)) ss ts
else GR
(* inner_lpo: order -> (string * string -> order) -> term -> (term * term) -> order *)
and inner_lpo o ord s ss ts =
match o with
| GR
-> if forall (fun ti -> lpo ord (s, ti) = GR) ts
then GR else NGE
| EQ
-> if forall (fun ti -> lpo ord (s, ti) = GR) ts
then lex (lpo ord) (ss, ts)
else NGE
-> NGE
let lpo_functor (t, u) = (lpo (fun (a, b) -> int_to_order ( a b))) (t, u)
let lpo_functor_debug (t, u) =
print_string "lpo compare ";
print_term t;
print_string " vs ";
print_term u;
print_string "\n";
(lpo (fun (a, b) -> print_string a; print_string ", "; print_string b; print_string " = "; print_int ( a b); print_string "\n"; int_to_order ( a b)))
(t, u)
(* lvpo: (string * string -> order) -> (term * term) -> order *)
let rec lvpo ord st =
match st with
| (V (x, _), V (y, _))
-> print_int ( x y); print_string "\n"; flush stdout; int_to_order ( x y)
| (T (f, []), T (g, []))
-> if f = g then EQ else NGE
| (T (f, t :: ts), T (g, u :: us))
-> let result = lvpo ord (t, u)
in if f = g then if result = EQ then lvpo ord (T (f, ts), T (g, us)) else result else NGE
| _
-> NGE
let lvpo_functor (t, u) = (lvpo (fun (a, b) -> int_to_order ( a b))) (t, u)
let lvpo_functor_debug (t, u) =
print_string "lvpo compare ";
print_term t;
print_string " vs ";
print_term u;
print_string "\n";
(lvpo (fun (a, b) -> print_string a; print_string ", "; print_string b; print_string " = "; print_int ( a b); print_string "\n"; int_to_order ( a b)))
(t, u)
(* rename: int -> term -> term *)
let rec rename n =
function (V (x, i)) -> V (x, i + n)
| (T (f, ts)) -> T (f, map (rename n) ts)
(* maxs: int list -> int *)
let rec maxs =
function (i :: is) -> max i (maxs is)
| [] -> 0
(* maxindex: term -> int *)
let rec maxindex =
function (V (x, i)) -> i
| (T (_, ts)) -> maxs (map maxindex ts)
(* ccp: (term -> term) -> term * term -> term * term -> (term * term) list *)
let ccp c tr l2r2 =
match tr with
| (t, r) -> match l2r2 with
| (l2, r2) ->
[(lift (unify (t, l2)) r, lift (unify (t, l2)) (c r2))]
| UNIFY -> []
let rec ccps ttlist (l, r) =
let rec cps c =
function (V _, _) -> []
| (T (f, ts), r) -> concat (map (ccp c (T (f, ts), r)) ttlist) @ (inner_cps c (f, [], ts, r))
and inner_cps c =
function (_, _, [], _) -> []
| (f, ts0, t :: ts1, r)
-> let cf s = c (T (f, ts0 @ [s] @ ts1)) in
(cps cf (t, r)) @ (inner_cps c (f, ts0 @ [t], ts1, r))
and m t = rename (maxs (map (fun (ts, us) -> max (maxindex ts) (maxindex us)) ttlist) + 1) t
in cps (fun t -> t) (m l, m r)
let critical_pairs2 r1 r2 = concat (map (ccps r1) r2)
let critical_pairs r = critical_pairs2 r r
let rec replace context t =
match context with
| [] -> t
| ((f, ts, us) :: cs) -> replace cs (T (f, ts @ [t] @ us))
type ids = (term * term) list
let rec print_ids ttlist =
match ttlist with
| (t, u) :: s -> print_term t; print_string " = "; print_term u; print_string "\n"; print_ids s
| [] -> print_string "empty..."
exception FAIL
let add_rule (l, r, ids_e, ids_s, ids_r) =
let rec simpl triple_ids =
match triple_ids with
| ([], e', r')
-> (e', r')
| ((g, d) :: u, e', u')
-> let g' = norm [(l, r)] g
in if g' = g
then let d' = norm ((l, r) :: ids_r @ ids_s) d
in simpl (u, e', (g, d') :: u')
else simpl (u, (g', d) :: ids_e, u')
in let (e', s') = simpl (ids_s, ids_e, [])
in let (e'', r') = simpl (ids_r, e', [])
in (e'', (l, r) :: s', r')
let orient ord vord =
let rec ori triple_ids =
match triple_ids with
| ([], ids_s, ids_r)
-> (ids_s, ids_r)
| ((s, t) :: ids_e, ids_s, ids_r)
-> let s' = norm (ids_r @ ids_s) s
and t' = norm (ids_r @ ids_s) t
in if s' = t' then ori (ids_e, ids_s, ids_r)
else if ord (s', t') = GR then ori (add_rule (s', t', ids_e, ids_s, ids_r))
else if ord (t', s') = GR then ori (add_rule (t', s', ids_e, ids_s, ids_r))
else raise FAIL
in ori
let rec size t =
match t with
| (V _) -> 1
| (T (_, ts)) -> sizes ts + 1
and sizes ts =
match ts with
| [] -> 0
| (t :: ts) -> size t + sizes ts
let rec min_rule tt_i_ids_ids =
match tt_i_ids_ids with
| (rl, n, [], r')
-> (rl, r')
| (rl, n, (l, r) :: rest, r')
-> let m = size l + size r
in if m < n then min_rule ((l, r), m, rest, rl :: r')
else min_rule (rl, n, rest, (l, r) :: r')
let choose ttlist =
match ttlist with
| ((l, r) :: rest) -> min_rule ((l, r), size l + size r, rest, [])
let complete ord vord ids_e =
let rec compl esr =
match orient ord vord esr with
| ([], r')
-> r'
| (s', r')
-> let (rl, s'') = choose s'
in let cps = critical_pairs2 [rl] r' @
critical_pairs2 r' [rl] @
critical_pairs2 [rl] [rl]
in compl (cps, s'', rl :: r')
in compl (ids_e, [], [])
let ct name = T (name, [])
let fn name s = T (name, s)
let var name = V (name, 0)
let f x y = fn "f" [x; y]
let l x y = fn "L" [x; y]
let zero = ct "0"
let vx = var "x"
let vy = var "y"
let vz = var "z"
let rule1 =
(l (f vx vy) vz, f (l vx vz) (l vy vz))
let rule2 =
(l vz (f vx vy), f (l vz vx) (l vz vy))
let rule3 =
(f (f (l vx (l vy vz)) (l vy (l vz vx))) (l vz (l vx vy)), zero)
let rule4 =
(l vx vx, zero)
let rule = [rule1; rule2; rule3; rule4]
let test_complete () = print_ids (complete lpo_functor_debug lvpo_functor_debug rule)
let main () = test_complete ();;
main ()
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