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Last active April 26, 2024 06:03
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Save marioroy/693d952b578792bf090fe20c2aaccad5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
C++ phmap and vector demonstrations using string_cnt_t

This gist contains two C++ programs, three header files, and utilities for the Long List is Long (LLiL) challenge.

See also, improved variants with dynamic buffer allocation.

  1. - phmap::parallel_flat_hash_map demonstration
  2. - similarly, a std::vector demonstration
  3. string_cnt.h - original + key length stored with count
  4. string_cnt_f.h - fixed-length-only version
  5. string_cnt_u.h - union std::array
  6. - generate 92 big files (total 2.8 GB)
  7. - generate 92 long files (total 5.0 GB)
  8. - generate LLiL test file
  9. - shuffle LLiL test file

Obtain the parallel hashmap library (required dependency).

git clone --depth=1

Build with clang++ (preferably), or g++. On Clear Linux, see this guide to restore OpenMP functionality.

clang++ -o llil4map -std=c++20 -fopenmp -Wall -O3 -I./parallel-hashmap
clang++ -o llil4vec -std=c++20 -fopenmp -Wall -O3

Generate input files. Ensure adequate disk space.

bash   # 2.8 GB
bash  # 5.0 GB, optional


cd tmp

# Note: ~ 17.5 GB memory to process long
../llil4map big* big* big* | cksum
../llil4map long* long* long* | cksum

# Note: ~ 33.0 GB memory to process long
../llil4vec big* big* big* | cksum
../llil4vec long* long* long* | cksum

# Append suffix for lesser memory consumption
../llil4map longa* longa* longa* | cksum
../llil4vec longa* longa* longa* | cksum
# Script for generating input files for and
# 2.8 GB disk utilization, 31 MB per file.
# Usage: bash
mkdir -p tmp
cp tmp
cd tmp
# create 26 random files
for n in $(perl -le "print for 'aa'..'az'"); do
perl big$n 200 3 1
perl big$n >1; mv 1 big$n
done &
# create 26 random files
for n in $(perl -le "print for 'ba'..'bz'"); do
perl big$n 200 3 1
perl big$n >2; mv 2 big$n
done &
# create 26 random files
for n in $(perl -le "print for 'ca'..'cz'"); do
perl big$n 200 3 1
perl big$n >3; mv 3 big$n
done &
# create 14 random files (total 92 files)
for n in $(perl -le "print for 'da'..'dn'"); do
perl big$n 200 3 1
perl big$n >4; mv 4 big$n
done &
cd ..
# Script for generating input files for and
# Mixed sizes, alternating 74 MB and 31 MB. 5.0 GB disk utilization.
# Usage: bash
mkdir -p tmp
cp tmp
cd tmp
# create 26 random files
for n in $(perl -le "print for 'aa'..'az'"); do
perl long$n 200 16 1
perl long$n >1; mv 1 long$n
done &
# create 26 random files
for n in $(perl -le "print for 'ba'..'bz'"); do
perl long$n 200 3 1
perl long$n >2; mv 2 long$n
done &
# create 26 random files
for n in $(perl -le "print for 'ca'..'cz'"); do
perl long$n 200 16 1
perl long$n >3; mv 3 long$n
done &
# create 14 random files (total 92 files)
for n in $(perl -le "print for 'da'..'dn'"); do
perl long$n 200 3 1
perl long$n >4; mv 4 long$n
done &
cd ..
# Crude program to generate a big LLiL test file to use in benchmarks
# Author: eyepopslikeamosquito,
# On Windows running:
# perl big2.txt 200 3 - produces a test file with size = 35,152,000 bytes
# (lines terminated with "\r\n")
# perl big2.txt 200 3 1 - produces a test file with size = 31,636,800 bytes
# (lines terminated with "\n")
# On Unix, lines are terminated with "\n" and the file size is always 31,636,800 bytes
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
my $ordmin = ord('a');
my $ordmax = ord('z') + 1;
# Generate a random word
sub gen_random_word {
my $word = shift; # word prefix
my $nchar = shift; # the number of random chars to append
for my $i (1 .. $nchar) {
$word .= chr( $ordmin + int( rand($ordmax - $ordmin) ) );
return $word;
sub create_test_file {
my $fname = shift;
my $count = shift;
my $wordlen = shift;
my $fbin = shift;
open( my $fh_out, '>', $fname );
$fbin and binmode($fh_out);
for my $c ( 'aaa' .. 'zzz' ) {
for my $i (1 .. $count) {
print {$fh_out} gen_random_word( $c, $wordlen ) . "\t" . 1 . "\n";
my $outfile = shift;
my $count = shift;
my $wordlen = shift;
my $fbin = shift; # default is to use text stream (not a binary stream)
defined($fbin) or $fbin = 0;
$outfile or die "usage: $0 outfile count wordlen\n";
$count or die "usage: $0 outfile count wordlen\n";
print "generating test file '$outfile' with count '$count' (binmode=$fbin)\n";
create_test_file($outfile, $count, $wordlen, $fbin);
print "file size=", -s $outfile, "\n";
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// (using string_cnt_t)
// A phmap::parallel_flat_hash_set demonstration.
// April 25, 2024
// Based on llil3m.cpp
// Original challenge
// and summary
// Other demonstrations
// Authors
// Mario Roy - C++ demonstration with parallel capabilities
// eyepopslikeamosquito - Co-author, learning C++ at
// Gregory Popovitch - Further changes and simplification
// See also, memory efficient variant
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// OpenMP Little Book -
// Obtain the parallel hashmap library (required dependency):
// git clone --depth=1
// Compile on Linux (clang++ or g++):
// clang++ -o llil4map_next -std=c++20 -fopenmp -Wall -O3 -I./parallel-hashmap
// On macOS, use g++-12 from (installation: brew install gcc@12).
// The g++ command also works with mingw C++ compiler (
// that comes bundled with Strawberry Perl (C:\Strawberry\c\bin\g++.exe).
// Obtain and from
// perl big1.txt 200 3 1
// perl big2.txt 200 3 1
// perl big3.txt 200 3 1
// To make random input, obtain from
// perl big1.txt >tmp && mv tmp big1.txt
// perl big2.txt >tmp && mv tmp big2.txt
// perl big3.txt >tmp && mv tmp big3.txt
// Example run: llil4map big1.txt big2.txt big3.txt >out.txt
// NUM_THREADS=3 llil4map ...
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <compare>
#include <chrono>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <thread>
#include <execution>
#include <atomic>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <parallel_hashmap/phmap.h>
static_assert(sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(int64_t), "size_t too small, need a 64-bit compile");
// Specify 0/1 to use boost's parallel sorting algorithm; faster than __gnu_parallel::sort.
// This requires the boost header files: e.g. devpkg-boost bundle on Clear Linux.
// Note: Another option is downloading and unpacking Boost locally.
// (no need to build it because the bits we use are header file only)
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
#include <boost/sort/sort.hpp>
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#include <boost/sort/sort.hpp>
#ifdef _OPENMP
#include <omp.h>
class spinlock_mutex {
// Assignment is disabled.
spinlock_mutex& operator=(const spinlock_mutex& rhs) = delete;
void lock() noexcept {
for (;;) {
if (!, std::memory_order_acquire))
while (lock_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))
void unlock() noexcept {, std::memory_order_release);
alignas(4 * sizeof(std::max_align_t)) std::atomic_bool lock_ = false;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
typedef uint32_t int_type;
// #include "string_cnt.h" // original + key length stored with cnt
// #include "string_cnt_f.h" // fixed-length-only version
#include "string_cnt_u.h" // union std::array
using string_cnt = string_cnt_t<12>;
namespace std {
template<> struct hash<string_cnt> {
std::size_t operator()(const string_cnt& v) const noexcept { return v.hash(); };
using string_cnt_vector_t = std::vector<string_cnt>;
// declare the type of the parallel_flat_hash_set with spinlock mutexes
using string_cnt_set_t = phmap::parallel_flat_hash_set<
// Mimic the Perl get_properties subroutine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// convert positive number from string to uint32_t
inline uint32_t fast_atoll64(const char* str)
uint32_t val = 0;
uint8_t digit;
while ((digit = uint8_t(*str++ - '0')) <= 9)
val = val * 10 + digit;
return val;
// Helper function to find a character.
inline char* find_char(char* first, char* last, char c)
while (first != last) {
if (*first == c) break;
return first;
// Limit chunk size and line length.
inline constexpr size_t CHUNK_SIZE = 32768;
inline constexpr size_t MAX_LINE_LEN = 255;
static int64_t get_properties(
const char* fname, // in : the input file name
string_cnt_set_t& set_ret) // inout : the set to be updated
int64_t num_lines = 0;
std::ifstream fin(fname, std::ifstream::binary);
if (!fin.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "Error opening '" << fname << "' : " << strerror(errno) << '\n';
return num_lines;
#pragma omp parallel reduction(+:num_lines)
std::string buf;
buf.resize(CHUNK_SIZE + MAX_LINE_LEN + 1, '\0');
while (fin.good()) {
size_t len = 0;
// Read the next chunk serially.
#pragma omp critical
{[0], CHUNK_SIZE);
if ((len = fin.gcount()) > 0) {
if (buf[len - 1] != '\n' && fin.getline(&buf[len], MAX_LINE_LEN)) {
// Getline discards the newline char and appends null char.
// Therefore, change '\0' to '\n'.
len += fin.gcount();
buf[len - 1] = '\n';
if (!len)
buf[len] = '\0';
char *first = &buf[0];
char *last = &buf[len];
// Process max Nthreads chunks concurrently.
while (first < last) {
char* beg_ptr{first};
char* end_ptr{find_char(first, last, '\n')};
char* found = find_char(beg_ptr, end_ptr, '\t');
first = end_ptr + 1;
if (found == end_ptr)
assert(*found == '\t');
int_type count = fast_atoll64(found + 1);
string_cnt s{(const char *)beg_ptr, (size_t)(found - beg_ptr), count};
// Use lazy_emplace to modify the set while the mutex is locked.
[&](string_cnt_set_t::value_type& p) {
p.incr(count); // called only when key was already present
[&](const string_cnt_set_t::constructor& ctor) {
ctor(std::move(s)); // construct value_type in place when key not present
// std::cerr << "getprops done\n";
return num_lines;
// Output subroutine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
size_t divide_up(size_t dividend, size_t divisor)
if (dividend % divisor)
return (size_t)(dividend / divisor) + 1;
return (size_t)(dividend / divisor);
static void out_properties(
const int nthds, // in : the number of threads
string_cnt_vector_t& vec) // in : the vector to output
size_t num_chunks = divide_up(vec.size(), CHUNK_SIZE);
#ifdef _OPENMP
int nthds_out = std::min(nthds, 32);
#pragma omp parallel for ordered schedule(static, 1) num_threads(nthds_out)
for (size_t chunk_id = 1; chunk_id <= num_chunks; ++chunk_id) {
std::string str(""); str.reserve(2048 * 1024);
auto it = vec.begin() + (chunk_id - 1) * CHUNK_SIZE;
auto it2 = vec.begin() + std::min(vec.size(), chunk_id * CHUNK_SIZE);
for (; it != it2; ++it) {
str.append("\t", 1);
str.append("\n", 1);
#pragma omp ordered
std::cout << str << std::flush;
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock high_resolution_clock;
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point time_point;
typedef std::chrono::milliseconds milliseconds;
double elaspe_time(time_point cend, time_point cstart) {
return double (
std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(cend - cstart).count()
) * 1e-3;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc < 2) {
if (argc > 0)
std::cerr << "usage: llil4map file1 file2 ... >out.txt\n";
return 1;
std::cerr << std::setprecision(3) << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
std::cerr << "llil4map start\n";
#ifdef _OPENMP
std::cerr << "use OpenMP\n";
std::cerr << "don't use OpenMP\n";
std::cerr << "don't use boost sort\n";
std::cerr << "use boost sort\n";
time_point cstart1, cend1, cstart2, cend2, cstart3, cend3s, cend3;
cstart1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
#ifdef _OPENMP
// Determine the number of threads.
const char* env_nthds = std::getenv("NUM_THREADS");
int nthds = ( env_nthds && strlen(env_nthds) )
? ::atoi(env_nthds)
: std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
int nthds_move = std::min(nthds, 12);
int nthds = 1;
int nthds_move = 1;
// Get the list of input files from the command line
int nfiles = argc - 1;
char** fname = &argv[1];
// Store the properties into a vector
string_cnt_vector_t propvec;
int64_t num_lines = 0;
// Enclose the set inside a block, so GC releases the object
// immediately after exiting the scope.
string_cnt_set_t set;
for (int i = 0; i < nfiles; ++i)
num_lines += get_properties(fname[i], set);
cend1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
double ctaken1 = elaspe_time(cend1, cstart1);
std::cerr << "get properties " << std::setw(8) << ctaken1 << " secs\n";
if (set.size() == 0) {
std::cerr << "No work, exiting...\n";
return 1;
cstart2 = high_resolution_clock::now();
if (nthds == 1) {
for (auto& x : set)
else {
std::vector<string_cnt_vector_t::iterator> I(set.subcnt());
auto cur = propvec.begin();
for (size_t i = 0; i < set.subcnt(); ++i) {
set.with_submap(i, [&](const string_cnt_set_t::EmbeddedSet& set) {
I[i] = cur;
cur += set.size();
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 1) num_threads(nthds_move)
for (size_t i = 0; i < set.subcnt(); ++i) {
set.with_submap_m(i, [&](string_cnt_set_t::EmbeddedSet& set) {
auto it = I[i];
for (auto& x : set)
*it++ = std::move(const_cast<string_cnt&>(x)); // force move
// reset the set (no longer needed) to reclaim memory early
set = string_cnt_set_t::EmbeddedSet();
cend2 = high_resolution_clock::now();
double ctaken2 = elaspe_time(cend2, cstart2);
std::cerr << "map to vector " << std::setw(8) << ctaken2 << " secs\n";
cstart3 = high_resolution_clock::now();
// Sort the vector by (count) in reverse order, (name) in lexical order
auto reverse_order = [](const string_cnt& left, const string_cnt& right) {
int_type left_cnt = left.getcnt(), right_cnt = right.getcnt();
return left_cnt != right_cnt ? left_cnt > right_cnt : left < right;
// Standard sort
std::sort(propvec.begin(), propvec.end(), reverse_order);
// Parallel sort
propvec.begin(), propvec.end(), reverse_order,
std::min(nthds, 32)
cend3s = high_resolution_clock::now();
// Output the sorted vector
out_properties(nthds, propvec);
cend3 = high_resolution_clock::now();
double ctaken = elaspe_time(cend3, cstart1);
double ctaken3s = elaspe_time(cend3s, cstart3);
double ctaken3o = elaspe_time(cend3, cend3s);
std::cerr << "vector stable sort " << std::setw(8) << ctaken3s << " secs\n";
std::cerr << "write stdout " << std::setw(8) << ctaken3o << " secs\n";
std::cerr << "total time " << std::setw(8) << ctaken << " secs\n";
std::cerr << " count lines " << num_lines << "\n";
std::cerr << " count unique " << propvec.size() << "\n";
// Free dynamically allocated memory in parallel.
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 200000) num_threads(nthds)
for (size_t i = 0; i < propvec.size(); i++)
// Hack to see Private Bytes in Windows Task Manager
// (uncomment next line so process doesn't exit too quickly)
// std::this_thread::sleep_for(milliseconds(9000));
return 0;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// (using string_cnt_t)
// A std::vector demonstration using OpenMP directives.
// April 25, 2024
// Based on llil3m.cpp
// Original challenge
// and summary
// Other demonstrations
// Authors
// Mario Roy - C++ demonstration with parallel capabilities
// eyepopslikeamosquito - Co-author, learning C++ at
// Gregory Popovitch - Further changes and simplification
// See also, memory efficient variant
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// OpenMP Little Book -
// Compile on Linux (clang++ or g++):
// clang++ -o llil4vec_next -std=c++20 -fopenmp -Wall -O3
// On macOS, use g++-12 from (installation: brew install gcc@12).
// The g++ command also works with mingw C++ compiler (
// that comes bundled with Strawberry Perl (C:\Strawberry\c\bin\g++.exe).
// Obtain and from
// perl big1.txt 200 3 1
// perl big2.txt 200 3 1
// perl big3.txt 200 3 1
// To make random input, obtain from
// perl big1.txt >tmp && mv tmp big1.txt
// perl big2.txt >tmp && mv tmp big2.txt
// perl big3.txt >tmp && mv tmp big3.txt
// Example run: llil4vec big1.txt big2.txt big3.txt >out.txt
// NUM_THREADS=3 llil4vec ...
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <compare>
#include <chrono>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <thread>
#include <execution>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
static_assert(sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(int64_t), "size_t too small, need a 64-bit compile");
// Specify 0/1 to use boost's parallel sorting algorithm; faster than __gnu_parallel::sort.
// This requires the boost header files: e.g. devpkg-boost bundle on Clear Linux.
// Note: Another option is downloading and unpacking Boost locally.
// (no need to build it because the bits we use are header file only)
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
#include <boost/sort/sort.hpp>
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#include <boost/sort/sort.hpp>
#ifdef _OPENMP
#include <omp.h>
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
typedef uint32_t int_type;
// #include "string_cnt.h" // original + key length stored with cnt
// #include "string_cnt_f.h" // fixed-length-only version
#include "string_cnt_u.h" // union std::array
using string_cnt = string_cnt_t<12>;
using string_cnt_vector_t = std::vector<string_cnt>;
// Mimic the Perl get_properties subroutine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// convert positive number from string to uint32_t
inline uint32_t fast_atoll64(const char* str)
uint32_t val = 0;
uint8_t digit;
while ((digit = uint8_t(*str++ - '0')) <= 9)
val = val * 10 + digit;
return val;
// Helper function to find a character.
inline char* find_char(char* first, char* last, char c)
while (first != last) {
if (*first == c) break;
return first;
static int64_t get_properties(
const char* fname, // in : the input file name
string_cnt_vector_t& vec_ret) // inout : the vector to be updated
int64_t num_lines = 0;
std::ifstream fin(fname, std::ios::binary);
if (!fin.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "Error opening '" << fname << "' : " << strerror(errno) << '\n';
return num_lines;
fin.seekg(0, std::ios::end); // Get the size of the file
std::streampos fsize = fin.tellg();
fin.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
std::vector<char> buf(1 + fsize); // Read the whole file into the buffer[0], fsize);
char* first = &buf[0];
char* last = &buf[fsize];
// Iterate through the buffer
while (first < last) {
char* beg_ptr{first};
char* end_ptr{find_char(first, last, '\n')};
char* found = find_char(beg_ptr, end_ptr, '\t');
first = end_ptr + 1;
if (found == end_ptr)
assert(*found == '\t');
int_type count = fast_atoll64(found + 1);
size_t klen = found - beg_ptr;
string_cnt s{(const char *)beg_ptr, klen, count};
// std::cerr << "getprops done\n";
return num_lines;
// Output subroutine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
inline constexpr size_t CHUNK_SIZE = 32768;
size_t divide_up(size_t dividend, size_t divisor)
if (dividend % divisor)
return (size_t)(dividend / divisor) + 1;
return (size_t)(dividend / divisor);
static void out_properties(
const int nthds, // in : the number of threads
string_cnt_vector_t& vec) // in : the vector to output
size_t num_chunks = divide_up(vec.size(), CHUNK_SIZE);
#ifdef _OPENMP
int nthds_out = std::min(nthds, 32);
#pragma omp parallel for ordered schedule(static, 1) num_threads(nthds_out)
for (size_t chunk_id = 1; chunk_id <= num_chunks; ++chunk_id) {
std::string str(""); str.reserve(2048 * 1024);
auto it = vec.begin() + (chunk_id - 1) * CHUNK_SIZE;
auto it2 = vec.begin() + std::min(vec.size(), chunk_id * CHUNK_SIZE);
for (; it != it2; ++it) {
str.append("\t", 1);
str.append("\n", 1);
#pragma omp ordered
std::cout << str << std::flush;
// Reduce a vector range (tally adjacent count fields of duplicate key names)
static void reduce_vec(
const int nthds, // in : the number of threads
auto& vec) // in : the vector to reduce
if (vec.size() == 0)
// Preferred for fixed-length-only version.
auto it1 = vec.begin(); auto itr = it1; auto itw = it1;
auto it2 = vec.end();
auto curr = itr;
for (++itr; itr != it2; ++itr) {
if (*itr == *curr) {
else {
if (itw != curr)
*itw = std::move(*curr);
curr = itr;
if (itw != curr)
*itw = std::move(*curr);
vec.resize(std::distance(it1, ++itw));
// Preferred for long strings.
// Stage 1: Reduce count.
auto it1 = vec.begin(); auto itr = it1; auto itw = it1;
auto it2 = vec.end();
auto curr = itr;
for (++itr; itr != it2; ++itr) {
if (*itr == *curr) {
else {
curr = itr;
// Stage 2: Free dynamically allocated memory (flagged records), in parallel.
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 200000) num_threads(nthds)
for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
if (vec[i].flagged()) vec[i].free();
// Stage 3: Purge vector.
auto it1 = vec.begin(); auto itr = it1; auto itw = it1;
auto it2 = vec.end();
auto curr = itr;
for (++itr; itr != it2; ++itr) {
if (!itr->flagged()) {
if (itw != curr)
*itw = std::move(*curr);
curr = itr;
if (itw != curr)
*itw = std::move(*curr);
vec.resize(std::distance(it1, ++itw));
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock high_resolution_clock;
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point time_point;
typedef std::chrono::milliseconds milliseconds;
double elaspe_time(time_point cend, time_point cstart) {
return double (
std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(cend - cstart).count()
) * 1e-3;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc < 2) {
if (argc > 0)
std::cerr << "usage: llil4vec file1 file2 ... >out.txt\n";
return 1;
std::cerr << std::setprecision(3) << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
std::cerr << "llil4vec start\n";
#ifdef _OPENMP
std::cerr << "use OpenMP\n";
std::cerr << "don't use OpenMP\n";
std::cerr << "don't use boost sort\n";
std::cerr << "use boost sort\n";
time_point cstart1, cend1, cstart2, cend2, cstart3, cend3r, cend3s, cend3;
cstart1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
#ifdef _OPENMP
// Determine the number of threads.
const char* env_nthds = std::getenv("NUM_THREADS");
int nthds = ( env_nthds && strlen(env_nthds) )
? ::atoi(env_nthds)
: std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
int nthds = 1;
// Get the list of input files from the command line
int nfiles = argc - 1;
char** fname = &argv[1];
// Create the vector of properties
string_cnt_vector_t propvec;
int64_t num_lines = 0;
// Run parallel, depending on the number of threads
if (nthds == 1 || nfiles == 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < nfiles; ++i)
num_lines += get_properties(fname[i], propvec);
#ifdef _OPENMP
else {
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 1) reduction(+:num_lines)
for (int i = 0; i < nfiles; ++i) {
string_cnt_vector_t locvec;
num_lines += get_properties(fname[i], locvec);
#pragma omp critical
// Append local vector to propvec
auto it = locvec.begin();
auto it2 = locvec.end();
for (; it != it2; ++it)
cend1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
double ctaken1 = elaspe_time(cend1, cstart1);
std::cerr << "get properties " << std::setw(8) << ctaken1 << " secs\n";
if (!propvec.size()) {
std::cerr << "No work, exiting...\n";
return 1;
cstart2 = high_resolution_clock::now();
// Needs to be sorted by word for later sum of adjacent count fields to work
auto reverse_order1 = [](const string_cnt& left, const string_cnt& right) {
return (left < right);
std::sort(propvec.begin(), propvec.end(), reverse_order1);
propvec.begin(), propvec.end(), reverse_order1,
std::min(nthds, 32)
cend2 = high_resolution_clock::now();
double ctaken2 = elaspe_time(cend2, cstart2);
std::cerr << "sort properties " << std::setw(8) << ctaken2 << " secs\n";
cstart3 = high_resolution_clock::now();
// Reduce in-place (tally adjacent count fields of duplicate key names)
reduce_vec(nthds, propvec);
cend3r = high_resolution_clock::now();
// Sort the vector by (count) in reverse order, (name) in lexical order
auto reverse_order2 = [](const string_cnt& left, const string_cnt& right) {
return left.getcnt() != right.getcnt()
? left.getcnt() > right.getcnt()
: left < right;
// Standard sort
std::sort(propvec.begin(), propvec.end(), reverse_order2);
// Parallel sort
propvec.begin(), propvec.end(), reverse_order2,
std::min(nthds, 32)
cend3s = high_resolution_clock::now();
// Output the sorted vector
out_properties(nthds, propvec);
cend3 = high_resolution_clock::now();
double ctaken = elaspe_time(cend3, cstart1);
double ctaken3r = elaspe_time(cend3r, cstart3);
double ctaken3s = elaspe_time(cend3s, cend3r);
double ctaken3o = elaspe_time(cend3, cend3s);
std::cerr << "vector reduce " << std::setw(8) << ctaken3r << " secs\n";
std::cerr << "vector stable sort " << std::setw(8) << ctaken3s << " secs\n";
std::cerr << "write stdout " << std::setw(8) << ctaken3o << " secs\n";
std::cerr << "total time " << std::setw(8) << ctaken << " secs\n";
std::cerr << " count lines " << num_lines << "\n";
std::cerr << " count unique " << propvec.size() << "\n";
// Free dynamically allocated memory in parallel.
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 200000) num_threads(nthds)
for (size_t i = 0; i < propvec.size(); i++)
// Hack to see Private Bytes in Windows Task Manager
// (uncomment next line so process doesn't exit too quickly)
// std::this_thread::sleep_for(milliseconds(9000));
return 0;
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util 'shuffle';
my @arr = shuffle <>;
print @arr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Author: Gregory Popovitch, April 8, 2024
// Author: Mario Roy, April 23, 2024
// Store the key length with the cnt variable, improves hash().
// Make free() public, allows freeing dynamically allocated memory in parallel.
// Stores a string + a count
// For strings up to N-1 bytes, total space used is N + 4 bytes
// For larger strings, uses N+4 bytes + strlen(string) + 1
// invariants
// if extra[mark_idx], str is a valid string pointer
// if !extra[mark_idx], the N bytes starting at (const char *)(&str) store a null_terminated string
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma once
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <compare>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
template<size_t N>
struct string_cnt_t {
using uint_t = uint32_t;
static_assert(N >= 12);
static constexpr size_t extra_sz = N - sizeof(char*);
static constexpr size_t mark_idx = extra_sz - 1;
char * str; // key name
char extra[extra_sz];
uint_t cnt; // (count << 8) + key length
static constexpr size_t buffsz = sizeof(str) + sizeof(extra);
// constructors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// string_cnt_t<N> s{};
string_cnt_t() : str{nullptr}, extra{0}, cnt{0} {}
// string_cnt_t<N> s{std::string_view{"foo"}};
// string_cnt_t<N> s{std::string_view{"foo"}, 10};
string_cnt_t(const std::string_view& s, uint_t c = 0) : str(nullptr), cnt(c) { set(s); }
// string_cnt_t<N> s{"bar", 3};
// string_cnt_t<N> s{"bar", 3, 10};
string_cnt_t(const char *s, size_t len, uint_t c = 0) : str(nullptr), cnt(c) {
set(s, len);
// string_cnt_t<N> s1{};
// string_cnt_t<N> s2{s1};
string_cnt_t(const string_cnt_t& o) {
str = nullptr;
set(o.getstr(), o.cnt & 0xff);
cnt = o.cnt;
// string_cnt_t<N> s1{};
// string_cnt_t<N> s2{std::move(s1)};
string_cnt_t(string_cnt_t&& o) noexcept {
if (o.extra[mark_idx]) {
str = o.str;
o.str = nullptr;
o.extra[mark_idx] = 0;
extra[mark_idx] = 1;
} else {
std::strcpy((char *)(&str), o.getstr());
extra[mark_idx] = 0;
cnt = o.cnt;
// destructor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~string_cnt_t() { free(); }
// assignments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// string_cnt_t<N> s1{}, s2{};
// s2 = s1;
string_cnt_t& operator=(const string_cnt_t& o) {
set(o.getstr(), o.cnt & 0xff);
cnt = o.cnt;
return *this;
// string_cnt_t<N> s1{}, s2{};
// s2 = std::move(s1);
string_cnt_t& operator=(string_cnt_t&& o) noexcept {
new (this) string_cnt_t(std::move(o));
return *this;
// comparisons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// string_cnt_t<N> s1{}, s2{};
// (s1 <=> s2)
std::strong_ordering operator<=>(const string_cnt_t& o) const {
return std::strcmp(getstr(), o.getstr()) <=> 0;
// string_cnt_t<N> s1{}, s2{};
// (s1 == s2)
bool operator==(const string_cnt_t& o) const {
return std::strcmp(getstr(), o.getstr()) == 0;
// functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
std::size_t hash() const {
auto s = getstr();
std::string_view sv {s, (cnt & 0xff) * sizeof(char)};
return std::hash<std::string_view>()(sv);
const char *getstr() const { return extra[mark_idx] ? str : (const char *)(&str); }
uint_t getcnt() const { return cnt >> 8; }
void incr(const uint_t c) { cnt += (c << 8); }
// Flag functions used by the llil4vec_new demonstration i.e. reduce_vec().
// In the case of the llil4vec_new program, the cnt variable is a tri-value.
// (1) count = cnt >> 8 (2) key length = cnt & 0xff (3) 0 means flagged.
// For llil4map_new, the cnt variable is simply a dual-value.
// (1) count = cnt >> 8 (2) key length = cnt & 0xff
void flag() { cnt = 0; }
bool flagged() { return cnt ? false : true; }
void free() {
if (extra[mark_idx]) {
delete [] str;
str = nullptr;
extra[mark_idx] = 0;
void set(const std::string_view& s) {
static_assert(buffsz == N);
static_assert(offsetof(string_cnt_t, cnt) == (intptr_t)buffsz);
assert(!extra[mark_idx] || !str);
if (s.empty())
std::memset(&str, 0, buffsz);
else {
auto len = s.size();
if (len >= buffsz) {
str = new char[len+1];
std::memcpy(str,, len);
str[len] = 0;
extra[mark_idx] = 1;
} else {
std::memcpy((char *)(&str),, len);
((char *)&str)[len] = 0;
extra[mark_idx] = 0;
cnt = (cnt << 8) + (len & 0xff);
void set(const char *s, size_t len) {
set(std::string_view{s, len});
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Author: Gregory Popovitch, April 8, 2024
// Author: Mario Roy, April 23, 2024
// Store the key length with the cnt variable, improves hash().
// Make free() public, allows freeing dynamically allocated memory in parallel.
// Fix-length-only version, no dynamic memory allocations.
// Stores a string + a count
// For strings up to N-1 bytes, total space used is N + 4 bytes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma once
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <compare>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <array>
template<size_t N>
struct string_cnt_t {
using uint_t = uint32_t;
static_assert(N >= 12);
std::array<char,N> str; // key name
uint_t cnt; // (count << 8) + key length
// constructors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// string_cnt_t<N> s{};
string_cnt_t() : cnt(0) { std::memset(, 0, N); }
// string_cnt_t<N> s{std::string_view{"foo"}};
// string_cnt_t<N> s{std::string_view{"foo"}, 10};
string_cnt_t(const std::string_view& s, uint_t c = 0) : cnt(c) { set(s); }
// string_cnt_t<N> s{"bar", 3};
// string_cnt_t<N> s{"bar", 3, 10};
string_cnt_t(const char *s, size_t len, uint_t c = 0) : cnt(c) {
cnt = c;
set(s, len);
// string_cnt_t<N> s1{};
// string_cnt_t<N> s2{s1};
string_cnt_t(const string_cnt_t& o) {
set(o.getstr(), o.cnt & 0xff);
cnt = o.cnt;
// string_cnt_t<N> s1{};
// string_cnt_t<N> s2{std::move(s1)};
string_cnt_t(string_cnt_t&& o) noexcept {
std::memcpy(, o.getstr(), N);
cnt = o.cnt;
// destructor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~string_cnt_t() { }
// assignments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// string_cnt_t<N> s1{}, s2{};
// s2 = s1;
string_cnt_t& operator=(const string_cnt_t& o) {
set(o.getstr(), o.cnt & 0xff);
cnt = o.cnt;
return *this;
// string_cnt_t<N> s1{}, s2{};
// s2 = std::move(s1);
string_cnt_t& operator=(string_cnt_t&& o) noexcept {
new (this) string_cnt_t(std::move(o));
return *this;
// comparisons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// string_cnt_t<N> s1{}, s2{};
// (s1 <=> s2)
std::strong_ordering operator<=>(const string_cnt_t& o) const {
return std::memcmp(getstr(), o.getstr(), N) <=> 0;
// string_cnt_t<N> s1{}, s2{};
// (s1 == s2)
bool operator==(const string_cnt_t& o) const {
return std::memcmp(getstr(), o.getstr(), N) == 0;
// functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
std::size_t hash() const {
auto s = getstr();
std::string_view sv {s, (cnt & 0xff) * sizeof(char)};
return std::hash<std::string_view>()(sv);
const char *getstr() const { return (const char *)(; }
uint8_t getlen() const { return cnt & 0xff; }
uint_t getcnt() const { return cnt >> 8; }
void incr(const uint_t c) { cnt += (c << 8); }
// Flag functions used by the llil4vec_new demonstration i.e. reduce_vec().
// In the case of the llil4vec_new program, the cnt variable is a tri-value.
// (1) count = cnt >> 8 (2) key length = cnt & 0xff (3) 0 means flagged.
// For llil4map_new, the cnt variable is simply a dual-value.
// (1) count = cnt >> 8 (2) key length = cnt & 0xff
void flag() { cnt = 0; }
bool flagged() { return cnt ? false : true; }
void free() { }
void set(const std::string_view& s) {
std::memset(, 0, N);
if (!s.empty()) {
auto len = s.size();
std::memcpy(,, std::min(len, N - 1));
cnt = (cnt << 8) + (len & 0xff);
void set(const char *s, size_t len) {
set(std::string_view{s, len});
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Author: Gregory Popovitch, April 8, 2024
// Author: Mario Roy, April 23, 2024
// Store the key length with the cnt variable, improves hash().
// Make free() public, allows freeing dynamically allocated memory in parallel.
// Add union std::array to improve sorting significantly for fixed length.
// Stores a string + a count
// For strings up to N-1 bytes, total space used is N + 4 bytes
// For larger strings, uses N+4 bytes + strlen(string) + 1
// invariants
// if extra[mark_idx], str is a valid string pointer
// if !extra[mark_idx], the N bytes starting at (const char *)(&str) store a null_terminated string
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma once
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <compare>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <array>
template<size_t N>
struct string_cnt_t {
using uint_t = uint32_t;
static_assert(N >= 12);
static constexpr size_t extra_sz = N - sizeof(char*);
static constexpr size_t mark_idx = extra_sz - 1;
union {
struct {
char * str; // key name
char extra[extra_sz];
uint_t cnt; // (count << 8) + key length
} s_;
std::array<char, N> f_;
static constexpr size_t buffsz = sizeof(s_.str) + sizeof(s_.extra);
// constructors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// string_cnt_t<N> s{};
string_cnt_t() {
s_.str = nullptr;
s_.cnt = 0;
std::memset(&s_.extra, 0, extra_sz);
// string_cnt_t<N> s{std::string_view{"foo"}};
// string_cnt_t<N> s{std::string_view{"foo"}, 10};
string_cnt_t(const std::string_view& s, uint_t c = 0) {
s_.str = nullptr;
s_.cnt = c;
// string_cnt_t<N> s{"bar", 3};
// string_cnt_t<N> s{"bar", 3, 10};
string_cnt_t(const char *s, size_t len, uint_t c = 0) {
s_.str = nullptr;
s_.cnt = c;
set(s, len);
// string_cnt_t<N> s1{};
// string_cnt_t<N> s2{s1};
string_cnt_t(const string_cnt_t& o) {
s_.str = nullptr;
set(o.getstr(), o.s_.cnt & 0xff);
s_.cnt = o.s_.cnt;
// string_cnt_t<N> s1{};
// string_cnt_t<N> s2{std::move(s1)};
string_cnt_t(string_cnt_t&& o) noexcept {
if (o.s_.extra[mark_idx]) {
s_.str = o.s_.str;
o.s_.str = nullptr;
o.s_.extra[mark_idx] = 0;
s_.extra[mark_idx] = 1;
} else {
std::memcpy(, o.getdata(), N);
s_.cnt = o.s_.cnt;
// destructor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~string_cnt_t() { free(); }
// assignments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// string_cnt_t<N> s1{}, s2{};
// s2 = s1;
string_cnt_t& operator=(const string_cnt_t& o) {
set(o.getstr(), o.s_.cnt & 0xff);
s_.cnt = o.s_.cnt;
return *this;
// string_cnt_t<N> s1{}, s2{};
// s2 = std::move(s1);
string_cnt_t& operator=(string_cnt_t&& o) noexcept {
new (this) string_cnt_t(std::move(o));
return *this;
// comparisons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// string_cnt_t<N> s1{}, s2{};
// (s1 <=> s2)
std::strong_ordering operator<=>(const string_cnt_t& o) const {
if (s_.extra[mark_idx] || o.s_.extra[mark_idx])
return std::strcmp(getstr(), o.getstr()) <=> 0;
return std::memcmp(getdata(), o.getdata(), N) <=> 0;
// string_cnt_t<N> s1{}, s2{};
// (s1 == s2)
bool operator==(const string_cnt_t& o) const {
if (s_.extra[mark_idx] || o.s_.extra[mark_idx])
return std::strcmp(getstr(), o.getstr()) == 0;
return std::memcmp(getdata(), o.getdata(), N) == 0;
// functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
std::size_t hash() const {
auto s = getstr();
std::string_view sv {s, (s_.cnt & 0xff) * sizeof(char)};
return std::hash<std::string_view>()(sv);
const char *getdata() const { return (const char *)(; }
const char *getstr() const { return s_.extra[mark_idx] ? s_.str : (const char *)(&s_.str); }
uint8_t getlen() const { return s_.cnt & 0xff; }
uint_t getcnt() const { return s_.cnt >> 8; }
void incr(const uint_t c) { s_.cnt += (c << 8); }
// Flag functions used by the llil4vec_new demonstration i.e. reduce_vec().
// In the case of the llil4vec_new program, the cnt variable is a tri-value.
// (1) count = cnt >> 8 (2) key length = cnt & 0xff (3) 0 means flagged.
// For llil4map_new, the cnt variable is simply a dual-value.
// (1) count = cnt >> 8 (2) key length = cnt & 0xff
void flag() { s_.cnt = 0; }
bool flagged() { return s_.cnt ? false : true; }
void free() {
if (s_.extra[mark_idx]) {
delete [] s_.str;
s_.str = nullptr;
s_.extra[mark_idx] = 0;
void set(const std::string_view& s) {
static_assert(buffsz == N);
static_assert(offsetof(string_cnt_t, s_.cnt) == (intptr_t)buffsz);
assert(!s_.extra[mark_idx] || !s_.str);
if (s.empty())
std::memset(&s_.str, 0, buffsz);
else {
auto len = s.size();
if (len >= buffsz) {
s_.str = new char[len+1];
std::memcpy(s_.str,, len);
s_.str[len] = 0;
s_.extra[mark_idx] = 1;
} else {
std::memset(, 0, N);
std::memcpy(,, std::min(len, N - 1));
s_.cnt = (s_.cnt << 8) + (len & 0xff);
void set(const char *s, size_t len) {
set(std::string_view{s, len});
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