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Last active August 28, 2017 17:20
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Geo::GDAL + MCE + PDL parallel demonstration
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Demonstration - August 25, 2017
# Use MCE 1.830 or later
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( state );
use MCE;
use Geo::GDAL;
use Time::HiRes qw( time );
use ProgressBar::Stack;
# Usage: image1.tif [ image2.tif ... ]
use PDL;
use PDL::Types;
sub BufToPDL {
my ( $buf, $type, $xdim, $ydim ) = @_;
state $DATATYPE2PDL = {
$Geo::GDAL::Const::GDT_Byte => $PDL::Types::PDL_B,
$Geo::GDAL::Const::GDT_Int16 => $PDL::Types::PDL_S,
$Geo::GDAL::Const::GDT_UInt16 => $PDL::Types::PDL_US,
$Geo::GDAL::Const::GDT_Int32 => $PDL::Types::PDL_L,
$Geo::GDAL::Const::GDT_Float32 => $PDL::Types::PDL_F,
$Geo::GDAL::Const::GDT_Float64 => $PDL::Types::PDL_D
my $pdl = PDL->new;
$pdl->set_datatype( $DATATYPE2PDL->{$type} // -1 );
$pdl->setdims([ $xdim, $ydim ]);
my $data = $pdl->get_dataref();
$$data = $buf;
return $pdl;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# input iterator
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
my ( $band, $pc, $type, $minval, $maxval );
sub _min {
$_[0] < $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1];
sub make_iterator {
my ( $file ) = @_;
# open geotiff file
$band = Geo::GDAL::Open($file, 'ReadOnly')->Band();
$pc = Geo::GDAL::PackCharacter($band->{DataType});
$type = $band->{DataType};
my ( $W, $H ) = $band->Size;
my ( $w, $h ) = $band->GetBlockSize;
my ( $xoff, $yoff, $count, $done ) = ( 0,0,0,0 );
# reset progress, values
init_progress(); ( $minval, $maxval ) = ( 255, 0 );
return sub {
return if $done;
if ( $xoff >= $W ) {
update_progress( sprintf "%0.1f", $yoff / $H * 100 )
if ( ++$count % 5 == 0 );
$xoff = 0, $yoff += $h;
if ( $yoff >= $H ) {
$done = 1, print "\n\n";
my @args = ( $xoff, $yoff, _min($W-$xoff,$w), _min($H-$yoff,$h) );
my $buf = $band->ReadRaster( @args );
$xoff += $w;
return [ $buf, @args ];
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# construct MCE, spawn workers, and run
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
sub update_vals {
my ( $min, $max ) = @_;
# update min-max values
$minval = $min if ( $min < $minval );
$maxval = $max if ( $max > $maxval );
my $mce = MCE->new(
max_workers => MCE::Util::get_ncpu(),
user_begin => sub {
# my ( $mce, $task_id, $task_name ) = @_;
# reset worker's copy
( $band, $pc, $type ) = @{ MCE->user_args() };
( $minval, $maxval ) = ( 255, 0 );
user_func => sub {
# fyi: $_ is $chunk_ref->[0]
# my ( $mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id ) = @_;
# my ( $buf, $xoff, $yoff, $xsize, $ysize ) = @{ $_ };
my $pdl = BufToPDL( $_->[0], $type, $_->[3], $_->[4] );
my ( $min, $max ) = minmax $pdl;
# update worker's copy
$minval = $min if ( $min < $minval );
$maxval = $max if ( $max > $maxval );
user_end => sub {
# my ( $mce, $task_id, $task_name ) = @_;
# notify manager process computed min-max values
MCE->do('update_vals', $minval, $maxval);
# process one or more files, workers persist between runs
for my $file ( @ARGV ) {
my $start = time;
print "\nComputing minmax vals: $file\n";
# run parallel
input_data => make_iterator($file),
user_args => [ $band, $pc, $type ]
printf "Duration : %0.03f seconds\n", time - $start;
print "Min value : $minval\n";
print "Max value : $maxval\n";
print "\n" if @ARGV;
# shutdown MCE workers
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