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Created March 21, 2016 17:08
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# based on
# using MCE::Hobo and MCE::Shared
Using Mojolicious and L<MCE> for forked independant workers,
communicating via L<MCE::Queue>.
Run this with C<./ daemon>, then visit C<http://localhost:3000>.
There are 4 queues:
* One for requests for files that should be MD5'd
* One for directory requests (which feeds into the first)
* One for the results of each MD5
* One for log entries
We can add files, or directories via the web interface. Even adding massive
directories does not cause a slowdown, as the directory is processed in a
separate process, which feeds the MD5 queue, again processed in another process.
The homepage gives us a dynamic view of the queues and the results.
L<Mojo::IOLoop> timers are used to pull results and logs out of the queues
into our web server process, without blocking.
use strict;
use warnings;
$ENV{'MOJO_REACTOR'} = 'Mojo::Reactor::Poll' if ($^O eq 'MSWin32');
use Mojolicious::Lite;
use Mojo::IOLoop;
use MCE::Hobo;
use MCE::Shared;
use Time::HiRes qw/time/;
use File::Find qw/find/;
use Digest::MD5;
my $Q_md5_req = MCE::Shared->queue(); # queue for md5 requests
my $Q_dir_req = MCE::Shared->queue(); # queue for md5 requests
my $Q_md5_res = MCE::Shared->queue(); # queue for md5 responses
my $Q_log = MCE::Shared->queue(); # log messages
## Dir and MD5 roles
sub dir_role {
$Q_log->enqueue(scalar(localtime) . " starting dir worker, PID: $$");
# when directories come into the queue, add all the files within to the
# md5 file request queue
while (defined (my $dir = $Q_dir_req->dequeue)) {
my $now = time();
$Q_log->enqueue(scalar(localtime) . " begin: scanning dir $dir");
find(sub { $Q_md5_req->enqueue($File::Find::name)
if -f $File::Find::name && -r $File::Find::name }, $dir);
sub md5_role {
$Q_log->enqueue(scalar(localtime) . " starting md5 worker, PID: $$");
# pull file off this queue and calculate the md5
while (defined (my $req = $Q_md5_req->dequeue)) {
my $now = time();
$Q_log->enqueue(scalar(localtime) . " begin: md5 on $req");
# calculate the md5
my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new();
open my $fh, "<", $req || next;
binmode $fh;
# store the results
$Q_md5_res->enqueue({ $req => $md5->hexdigest });
$Q_log->enqueue(scalar(localtime) . " end: md5 on $req took " . (time() - $now));
# spawn MCE Hobo workers
MCE::Hobo->create('dir_role') for ( 1 .. 1 );
MCE::Hobo->create('md5_role') for ( 1 .. 4 );
## Main Mojolicious WebApp
my $md5s = {};
my @audit_log = ();
# watch our results queue, bring results into process as they
# appear
my $md5_Q_watch = Mojo::IOLoop->recurring( 1.0 => sub {
my $loop = shift;
while (defined (my $result = $Q_md5_res->dequeue_nb)) {
$md5s = { %$md5s, %$result };
# also watch the log queue
my $log_Q_watch = Mojo::IOLoop->recurring( 2.0 => sub {
while (defined (my $log = $Q_log->dequeue_nb)) {
push @audit_log, $log;
# log to a local file
app->log(Mojo::Log->new(path => 'mce_mojo2.log'));
# route for adding files/dirs to the request queue
get '/queue' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $path = $self->param('add');
my $msg;
if (-f $path && -r $path) {
$msg = "added $path";
elsif (-d $path) {
$msg = "added directory $path";
else {
$msg = "No such file or directory $path";
$Q_log->enqueue(scalar(localtime) . " $msg");
$self->flash(msg => $msg);
# our main status page
get '/' => sub {
my $self = shift;
$Q_log->enqueue(scalar(localtime) . " user requested /");
$self->stash(pending => $Q_md5_req->pending);
$self->stash(results => $md5s);
$self->stash(logs => \@audit_log);
# log our startup
$Q_log->enqueue(scalar(localtime) . " starting web server, PID: $$");
@@ index.html.ep
% layout 'default';
% title 'Mojolicious+MCE MD5 Server Status Page';
<h1>Mojolicious and MCE example</h1>
% if (flash('msg')) {
<p><b><%= flash('msg') %></b></p>
% }
<p>Enter a filename or directory to calculate MD5sums for.</p>
%= form_for queue => begin
%= text_field 'add'
%= submit_button
% end
<p>Reload this page for status updates and results.</p>
<h4>Queued <%= $pending %> / <%= scalar keys %$results %> computed so far</h4>
% foreach (sort keys %$results) {
<tr><td><%= $_ %></td><td><%= -s $_ %></td><td><%= $results->{$_} %></td></tr>
% }
<%= join("\n", reverse @$logs) %>
@@ layouts/default.html.ep
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title><%= title %></title></head>
<body><%= content %></body>
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