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Last active January 13, 2022 03:34
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  • Save marios8543/70caa65779171348bb2940fbf09cbeed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save marios8543/70caa65779171348bb2940fbf09cbeed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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var cols5 = [{ first: 'Κωδ.', second: 'Περιγραφή', third: 'Ποσότητα', fourth: 'M.M', fifth: 'Τιμή(€)', sixth: 'Έκπτωση (€)', seventh: 'Αξία (€)', eighth: 'ΦΠΑ %', nineth: 'ΦΠΑ (€)', tenth: 'Τελ. Αξία (€)' }];
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var lastInvoiceLine;
data2print.invoice.invoiceLines.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (index === data2print.invoice.invoiceLines.length - 1) {
lastInvoiceLine = item;
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first: item.itemCode,
second: item.itemDescr,
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eighth: item.vatCategoryDescription,
nineth: new Number(parseFloat(item.vatAmount).toFixed(2)).toLocaleString("el-GR", { minimumFractionDigits: 2 }),
tenth: new Number(parseFloat(item.totalValue).toFixed(2)).toLocaleString("el-GR", { minimumFractionDigits: 2 })
//Last I add the totals
var totalDiscount = 0;
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totalDiscount = data2print.totalDiscountValue;
var rowsTaxesTitles = getPaymentAndTaxesTitlesTable(data2print);
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{ content: lastInvoiceLine.quantity, colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255 } },
{ content: lastInvoiceLine.measurementUnitDescr, colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255 } },
{ content: new Number(parseFloat(lastInvoiceLine.itemUnitPrice).toFixed(2)).toLocaleString("el-GR", { minimumFractionDigits: 2 }), colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255 } },
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{ content: lastInvoiceLine.vatCategoryDescription, colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255 } },
{ content: new Number(parseFloat(lastInvoiceLine.vatAmount).toFixed(2)).toLocaleString("el-GR", { minimumFractionDigits: 2 }), colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255 } },
{ content: new Number(parseFloat(lastInvoiceLine.totalValue).toFixed(2)).toLocaleString("el-GR", { minimumFractionDigits: 2 }), colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255 } }
{ content: 'Σύνολα', colSpan: 5, styles: { halign: 'right', fillColor: 255 } },
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{ content: new Number(parseFloat(data2print.invoice.invoiceSummary.totalNetValue).toFixed(2)).toLocaleString("el-GR", { minimumFractionDigits: 2 }), colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255 } },
{ content: '', colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255 } },
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{ content: new Number(parseFloat(data2print.totalValue).toFixed(2)).toLocaleString("el-GR", { minimumFractionDigits: 2 }), colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255 } },
{ content: '', colSpan: 10, styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255 } },
{ content: 'Συνολ. Αξία', colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', textColor: textColorfootLines, fillColor: fillColorfootLines, fontSize: 7 } },
{ content: '(-) Παρακρατούμενοι', colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', textColor: textColorfootLines, fillColor: fillColorfootLines, fontSize: 7 } },
{ content: 'Παρακρατούμενοι (πλφ) ', colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', textColor: textColorfootLines, fillColor: fillColorfootLines, fontSize: 7 } },
{ content: '(-) Κρατήσεις', colSpan: 2, styles: { halign: 'center', textColor: textColorfootLines, fillColor: fillColorfootLines, fontSize: 7 } },
{ content: 'Κρατήσεις (πλφ)', colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', textColor: textColorfootLines, fillColor: fillColorfootLines, fontSize: 7 } },
{ content: '(+) Χαρτόσημο', colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', textColor: textColorfootLines, fillColor: fillColorfootLines, fontSize: 7 } },
{ content: '(+) Τέλη', colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', textColor: textColorfootLines, fillColor: fillColorfootLines, fontSize: 7 } },
{ content: '(+) Λοιποί Φόροι', colSpan: 2, styles: { halign: 'center', textColor: textColorfootLines, fillColor: fillColorfootLines, fontSize: 7 } },
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{ content: new Number(parseFloat(data2print.totalValue).toFixed(2)).toLocaleString("el-GR", { minimumFractionDigits: 2 }), colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', textColor: 0, fillColor: fillColorfootLinesData, fontSize: 7 } },
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{ content: new Number(parseFloat(data2print.invoice.totalWithHeldDecreasePaid).toFixed(2)).toLocaleString("el-GR", { minimumFractionDigits: 2 }), colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', textColor: 0, fillColor: fillColorfootLinesData, fontSize: 7 } },
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{ content: new Number(parseFloat(data2print.invoice.totalWithHeldInfo).toFixed(2)).toLocaleString("el-GR", { minimumFractionDigits: 2 }), colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', textColor: 0, fillColor: fillColorfootLinesData, fontSize: 7 } },
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{ content: new Number(parseFloat(data2print.invoice.invoiceSummary.totalStampDutyAmount).toFixed(2)).toLocaleString("el-GR", { minimumFractionDigits: 2 }), colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', textColor: 0, fillColor: fillColorfootLinesData, fontSize: 7 } },
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{ content: new Number(parseFloat(data2print.invoice.invoiceSummary.totalFeesAmount).toFixed(2)).toLocaleString("el-GR", { minimumFractionDigits: 2 }), colSpan: 1, styles: { halign: 'center', textColor: 0, fillColor: fillColorfootLinesData, fontSize: 7 } },
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{ content: new Number(parseFloat(data2print.invoice.invoiceSummary.totalOtherTaxesAmount).toFixed(2)).toLocaleString("el-GR", { minimumFractionDigits: 2 }), colSpan: 2, styles: { halign: 'center', textColor: 0, fillColor: fillColorfootLinesData, fontSize: 7 } },
{ content: '', colSpan: 10, styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255 } },
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function getPaymentAndTaxesTitlesTable(data2print) {
var result = [];
var fillColorPayment = [0, 145, 212];
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if (data2print.invoice.invoiceTaxes != null) {
content: 'Τρόπος Πληρωμής',
colSpan: 2,
//styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: [41, 128, 185], textColor: 255, fontSize: 8, font: 'OpenSans-Bold', lineWidth: 0.1 }
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content: '',
colSpan: 1,
styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255, textColor: 255, fontSize: 8, font: 'OpenSans-Bold' }
content: 'Ανάλυση Φόρων/ Τελών / Χαρτοσήμων',
colSpan: 7,
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content: 'Τρόπος Πληρωμής',
colSpan: 2,
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content: '',
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styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255, textColor: 255, fontSize: 8, font: 'OpenSans-Bold' }
content: '',
colSpan: 7,
styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255, textColor: 255, font: 'OpenSans-Bold' }
return result;
function addDummyRowInPaymentAndTaxesTable(data2print) {
var result = [];
var fillColorPayment = [255, 255, 255];
var textColorPayment = [255, 255, 255];
var fontPayment = 'OpenSans-Regular';
if (data2print.invoice.invoiceTaxes != null) {
content: '',
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content: '',
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content: '',
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content: '',
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content: '',
colSpan: 7,
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return result;
function getPaymentAndTaxesTableData(data2print, footlines) {
if (data2print.invoice.invoiceTaxes != null) {
data2print.invoice.invoiceTaxes.forEach(function (item, index) {
var tmp = [];
if (index == 0) {
content: data2print.paymentDescription,
colSpan: 2,
styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255, textColor: 0, fontSize: 8, font: 'OpenSans-Regular' }
//styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255, textColor: 156, fontSize: 8, font: 'OpenSans-Regular', lineWidth: 0.1 }
content: '',
colSpan: 1,
styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255, textColor: 0, fontSize: 8, font: 'OpenSans-Regular' }
content: item.taxTitle,
colSpan: 5,
styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255, textColor: 0, fontSize: 7, font: 'OpenSans-Regular' }
//content: parseFloat(item.taxAmount).toFixed(2),
content: new Number(parseFloat(item.taxAmount).toFixed(2)).toLocaleString("el-GR", { minimumFractionDigits: 2 }),
colSpan: 3,
styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255, textColor: 0, fontSize: 7, font: 'OpenSans-Regular' }
else {
content: '',
colSpan: 2,
styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255, textColor: 0, fontSize: 8, font: 'OpenSans-Regular' }
content: '',
colSpan: 1,
styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255, textColor: 0, fontSize: 8, font: 'OpenSans-Regular' }
content: item.taxTitle,
colSpan: 5,
styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255, textColor: 0, fontSize: 7, font: 'OpenSans-Regular' }
//content: parseFloat(item.taxAmount).toFixed(2),
content: new Number(parseFloat(item.taxAmount).toFixed(2)).toLocaleString("el-GR", { minimumFractionDigits: 2 }),
colSpan: 3,
styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255, textColor: 0, fontSize: 7, font: 'OpenSans-Regular' }
else {
var tmp = [];
content: data2print.paymentDescription,
colSpan: 2,
styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255, textColor: 0, fontSize: 8, font: 'OpenSans-Regular' }
content: '',
colSpan: 1,
styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255, textColor: 0, fontSize: 8, font: 'OpenSans-Regular' }
content: '',
colSpan: 5,
styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255, textColor: 0, fontSize: 7, font: 'OpenSans-Regular' }
content: '',
colSpan: 2,
styles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: 255, textColor: 0, fontSize: 7, font: 'OpenSans-Regular' }
return footlines;
function calcTableBodyHeight(tbl) {
var height = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < tbl.body.length; i++) {
height += tbl.body[i].height;
return height;
function calcTableDrawnBodyHeight(tbl, rowIndex) {
var height = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= rowIndex - 1; i++) {
height += tbl.body[i].height;
return height;
function isDummyFootRow(tableFoot) {
isDummy = true;
for (var i = 0; i < tableFoot.raw.length; i++) {
if (tableFoot.raw[i].content != '') {
isDummy = false;
return isDummy;
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