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Last active February 17, 2024 16:58
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AI Git Commit Message Generator
commitm() {
local system_prompt='Based on these changes, suggest a concise commit message, ideally less than 5 words:'
local execute_commit=false
local git_output_temp_file=$(mktemp)
local commit_message_temp_file=$(mktemp)
local cleaned_up=false # Flag to indicate whether cleanup has been run
# Check for the execute flag (-e)
if [[ "$1" == "--execute" ]] || [[ "$1" == "-e" ]]; then
cleanup() {
# Only run cleanup if it hasn't been done yet
if [[ "$cleaned_up" == false ]]; then
cleaned_up=true # Set the flag to prevent duplicate cleanup
# Remove the temporary files if they exist
[[ -f "$git_output_temp_file" ]] && rm "$git_output_temp_file"
[[ -f "$commit_message_temp_file" ]] && rm "$commit_message_temp_file"
# Reset the signal trap to the default behavior to clean up resources
trap - SIGINT
# Set the trap for cleanup on SIGINT
trap cleanup SIGINT
# Check for staged changes to commit
if ! git diff --cached --quiet; then
# Capture the verbose dry-run output of git commit to a temp file
git commit --dry-run -v > "$git_output_temp_file" 2>&1
echo "No changes staged for commit." >&2
return 1
# Process git commit dry-run output with llm, including the system prompt for better context.
if ! llm -s "$system_prompt" < "$git_output_temp_file" > "$commit_message_temp_file" --no-stream; then
echo "Error calling llm. Ensure llm is configured correctly and you have an active internet connection." >&2
return 1
# Check if the commit message was generated
if [[ ! -s "$commit_message_temp_file" ]]; then
echo "Failed to generate commit message." >&2
return 1
# Output the commit message and copy command to clipboard
local commit_message=$(cat "$commit_message_temp_file")
echo -e "Generated commit message: \e[1m\e[34m$commit_message\e[0m\n"
# Execute the git commit command with the generated message if the execute flag is set
if [[ "$execute_commit" == true ]]; then
git commit -m "$commit_message"
local commit_command="git commit -m '$commit_message'"
echo "$commit_command" | pbcopy
echo "The commit command has been copied to your clipboard. You can paste it into your terminal to commit."
# Perform cleanup

AI Git Commit Message Generator using LLM

Inspired by my brother Adam's AI Shell Command Generator (tweet).

  • Runs git commit --dry-run -v to get a summary of your staged changes.
  • Prompts llm to generate a commit message.
  • Copies the git commit -m 'My commit message' command to your clipboard.




Install and configure the llm CLI tool. Add the commitm function to your .zshrc.

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