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Forked from tmplinshi/KeypressOSD.ahk
Last active January 3, 2018 19:52
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I moved to GitHub: I post updates on the following forum thread:
; KeypressOSD.ahk - main file
; Latest version at:
; Charset for this file must be UTF 8 with BOM.
; it may not function properly otherwise.
; Script written for AHK_H v1.1.27 Unicode.
; Keyboard language definitions file:
; keypress-osd-languages.ini
; File required for AutoDetectKBD = 1, to detect keyboard layouts.
; File must be placed in the same folder with the script.
; It adds support for around 110 keyboard layouts covering about 55 languages.;
; Change log file:
; keypress-osd-changelog.txt
; Initialization
#SingleInstance force
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 500
#MaxThreads 255
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 255
#MaxThreadsBuffer On
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
SetBatchLines, -1
SetWinDelay, 50
SetControlDelay, 10
ListLines, Off
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
Critical, on
; Default Settings / Customize:
global IgnoreAdditionalKeys := 0
, IgnorekeysList := "a.b.c"
, DoNotBindDeadKeys := 0
, DoNotBindAltGrDeadKeys := 0
, AutoDetectKBD := 1 ; at start, detect keyboard layout
, ConstantAutoDetect := 1 ; continuously check if the keyboard layout changed; if AutoDetectKBD=0, this is ignored
, SilentDetection := 0 ; do not display information about language switching
, audioAlerts := 0 ; generate beeps when key bindings fail
, ForceKBD := 0 ; force detection of a specific keyboard layout ; AutoDetectKBD must be set to 1
, ForcedKBDlayout1 := "00010418" ; enter here the HEX code of your desired keyboards
, ForcedKBDlayout2 := "0000040c"
, ForcedKBDlayout := 0
, enableAltGrUser := 1
, DisableTypingMode := 0 ; do not echo what you write
, OnlyTypingMode := 0
, enableTypingHistory := 0
, enterErasesLine := 1
, pgUDasHE := 0 ; page up/down behaves like home/end
, UpDownAsHE := 0 ; up/down behaves like home/End
, UpDownAsLR := 0 ; up/down behaves like Left/Right
, ShowDeadKeys := 0
, autoRemDeadKey := 1
, ShowSingleKey := 1 ; show only key combinations ; it disables typing mode
, HideAnnoyingKeys := 1 ; Left click and PrintScreen can easily get in the way.
, ShowMouseButton := 1 ; in the OSD
, StickyKeys := 0 ; how modifiers behave; set it to 1 if you use StickyKeys in Windows
, ShowSingleModifierKey := 1 ; make it display Ctrl, Alt, Shift when pressed alone
, DifferModifiers := 0 ; differentiate between left and right modifiers
, ShowPrevKey := 1 ; show previously pressed key, if pressed quickly in succession
, ShowPrevKeyDelay := 300
, ShowKeyCount := 1 ; count how many times a key is pressed
, ShowKeyCountFired := 0 ; show only key presses (0) or catch key fires as well (1)
, NeverDisplayOSD := 0
, ReturnToTypingUser := 15 ; in seconds
, DisplayTimeTypingUser := 10 ; in seconds
, synchronizeMode := 0
, alternativeJumps := 0
, pasteOSDcontent := 1
, DisplayTimeUser := 3 ; in seconds
, JumpHover := 0
, OSDborder := 0
, GUIposition := 1 ; toggle between positions with Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F9
, GuiXa := 40
, GuiYa := 250
, GuiXb := 60
, GuiYb := 800
, GuiWidth := 350
, maxGuiWidth := 500
, FontName := "Arial"
, FontSize := 19
, FavorRightoLeft := 0
, NeverRightoLeft := 0
, OSDbgrColor := "111111"
, OSDtextColor := "ffffff"
, CapsColorHighlight := "88AAff"
, OSDautosize := 1 ; make adjustments to the growth factors to match your font size
, OSDautosizeFactory := round(A_ScreenDPI / 1.1)
, CapslockBeeper := 1 ; only when the key is released
, ToggleKeysBeeper := 1
, KeyBeeper := 0 ; only when the key is released
, deadKeyBeeper := 1
, ModBeeper := 0 ; beeps for every modifier, when released
, MouseBeeper := 0 ; if both, ShowMouseButton and VisualMouseClicks are disabled, mouse click beeps will never occur
, TypingBeepers := 0
, DTMFbeepers := 0
, beepFiringKeys := 0
, LowVolBeeps := 1
, SilentMode := 0
, prioritizeBeepers := 0 ; this will probably make the OSD stall
, KeyboardShortcuts := 1 ; system-wide shortcuts
, ClipMonitor := 1 ; show clipboard changes
, ShiftDisableCaps := 1
, VisualMouseClicks := 0 ; shows visual indicators for different mouse clicks
, MouseClickRipples := 0
, MouseVclickAlpha := 150 ; from 0 to 255
, ClickScaleUser := 10
, ShowMouseHalo := 0 ; constantly highlight mouse cursor
, MouseHaloRadius := 35
, MouseHaloColor := "eedd00" ; HEX format also accepted
, MouseHaloAlpha := 130 ; from 0 to 255
, FlashIdleMouse := 0 ; locate an idling mouse with a flashing box
, MouseIdleRadius := 40
, MouseIdleAfter := 10 ; in seconds
, IdleMouseAlpha := 70 ; from 0 to 255
, MouseRippleMaxSize := 155
, MouseRippleThickness := 10
, UseINIfile := 1
, IniFile := "keypress-osd.ini"
, version := "3.93"
, releaseDate := "2018 / 01 / 03"
; Initialization variables. Altering these may lead to undesired results.
IniRead, firstRun, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, firstRun, 1
if (firstRun=0) && (UseINIfile=1)
} else if (UseINIfile=1)
global typed := "" ; hack used to determine if user is writing
, visible := 0
, ClickScale := ClickScaleUser/10
, DisplayTime := DisplayTimeUser*1000
, DisplayTimeTyping := DisplayTimeTypingUser*1000
, ReturnToTypingDelay := ReturnToTypingUser*1000
, prefixed := 0 ; hack used to determine if last keypress had a modifier
, Capture2Text := 0
, tickcount_start2 := A_TickCount
, tickcount_start := 0 ; timer to count repeated key presses
, keyCount := 0
, modifiers_temp := 0
, GuiX := GuiX ? GuiX : GuiXa
, GuiY := GuiY ? GuiY : GuiYa
, GuiHeight := 50
, maxAllowedGuiWidth := A_ScreenWidth
, rightoleft := 0
, prefOpen := 0
, MouseClickCounter := 0
, shiftPressed := 0
, AltGrPressed := 0
, enableAltGr := enableAltGrUser
, visibleTextField := ""
, text_width := 60
, CaretPos := "1"
, maxTextChars := "4"
, lastTypedSince := 0
, editingField := "3"
, editField1 := " "
, editField2 := " "
, editField3 := " "
, backTyped := ""
, backTyped2 := ""
, backTypedUndo := ""
, CurrentKBD := "Default: English US"
, loadedLangz := A_IsCompiled ? 1 : 0
, kbLayoutRaw := 0
, LangChanged := 0
, DeadKeys := 0
, DKnotShifted_list := ""
, DKshift_list := ""
, DKaltGR_list := ""
, SCnames2 := "▪"
, FontList := []
, missingAudios := 1
, deadKeyPressed := "9500"
, previewWindowText := "Preview window..."
, showPreview := 0
maxAllowedGuiWidth := (OSDautosize=1) ? maxGuiWidth : GuiWidth
ScriptelSuspendel := 0
IniWrite, %ScriptelSuspendel%, %IniFile%, TempSettings, ScriptelSuspendel
SetFormat, integer, H
global InputLocaleID := % DllCall("GetKeyboardLayout", "UInt", DllCall("GetWindowThreadProcessId", "Ptr", WinActive("A"), "Ptr", 0))
SetFormat, integer, D
StringReplace, InputLocaleID, InputLocaleID, -,
global NewInputLocaleID := InputLocaleID
Sleep, 250
if ((VisualMouseClicks=1) || (FlashIdleMouse=1) || (ShowMouseHalo=1))
global mouseFonctiones := ahkthread(" #Include *i keypress-files\keypress-mouse-functions.ahk ")
if (MouseClickRipples=1)
global mouseRipplesThread := ahkthread(" #Include *i keypress-files\keypress-mouse-ripples-functions.ahk ")
global beeperzDefunctions := ahkthread(" #Include *i keypress-files\keypress-beeperz-functions.ahk ")
if (ClipMonitor=1)
; The script
TypedLetter(key) {
; ; Sleep, 50 ; megatest
if (ShowSingleKey=0 || DisableTypingMode=1)
typed := ""
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount
if (enableAltGr=1) && (StickyKeys=1) && (AltGrPressed=1) || (enableAltGr=1) && (AltGrPressed=2)
typed := backTyped
vk := "0x0" SubStr(key, InStr(key, "vk", 0, 0)+2)
sc := "0x0" GetKeySc("vk" vk)
key := toUnicodeExtended(vk, sc)
typed := InsertChar2caret(key)
if (enableAltGr=1) && (StickyKeys=1) && (AltGrPressed=1) || (enableAltGr=1) && (AltGrPressed=2)
backTyped := typed
AltGrPressed := 0
return typed
replaceSelection() {
backTypedUndo := typed
lola := "│"
lola2 := "║"
StringGetPos, CaretPos, typed, %lola%
StringGetPos, CaretPos2, typed, %lola2%
if (CaretPos2 > CaretPos)
loca := st_subString(typed, lola, direction:="B", match:=1, lola2)
} else
loca := st_subString(typed, lola2, direction:="B", match:=1, lola)
StringReplace, typed, typed, %loca%, %lola%
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola2%
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola%
InsertChar2caret(char) {
; Sleep, 150 ; megatest
lola := "│"
lola2 := "║"
if (st_count(typed, lola2)>0)
if (CaretPos = 2000)
CaretPos := 1
if (CaretPos = 3000)
CaretPos := StrLen(typed)+1
StringGetPos, CaretPos, typed, %lola%
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola%
CaretPos := CaretPos+1
typed := ST_Insert(char lola, typed, CaretPos)
Return typed
CalcVisibleTextFieldDummy() {
if (StrLen(visibleTextField)>0)
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
SetTimer,, off
st_subString(string,search1,direction:="R",match:=1,search2:="",CaseSensitive:="") { ;Credit @ AfterLemon
StringCaseSense,% (V?"On":"Off")
E := (ErrorLevel<m?1:0)
If !E{
return (E?"":R)
CalcVisibleText() {
; Sleep, 30 ; megatest
if (A_TickCount-tickcount_start2 < 20) && (A_TickCount-deadKeyPressed > 1500)
SetTimer, CalcVisibleTextFieldDummy, 150, 100
visibleTextField := typed
maxTextLimit := 0
text_width0 := GetTextExtentPoint(typed, FontName, FontSize) / (OSDautosizeFactory/100)
if (text_width0 > maxAllowedGuiWidth) && typed
maxTextLimit := 1
if (maxTextLimit>0)
lola := "│"
lola2 := "║"
maxA_Index := (maxTextChars<6) ? StrLen(typed) : round(maxTextChars*1.3)
if (st_count(typed, lola2)>0)
StringGetPos, RealCaretPos, typed, %lola%
StringGetPos, SelCaretPos, typed, %lola2%
addSelMarker := 1
addSelMarkerLocation := (SelCaretPos < RealCaretPos) ? 1 : 2
lola := lola2
LoopJumpStart := (maxTextChars > StrLen(typed)-5) ? 1 : Round(maxTextChars/2)
StringGetPos, vCaretPos, typed, %lola%
Stringmid, NEWvisibleTextField, typed, vCaretPos+1+round(maxTextChars/3.5), LoopJumpStart+A_Index, L
text_width2 := GetTextExtentPoint(NEWvisibleTextField, FontName, FontSize) / (OSDautosizeFactory/100)
if (text_width2 >= maxAllowedGuiWidth-30-(OSDautosizeFactory/15))
allGood := 1
Until (allGood=1) || (A_Index=maxA_Index)
if (allGood!=1)
Stringmid, NEWvisibleTextField, typed, vCaretPos+A_Index, , L
text_width3 := GetTextExtentPoint(NEWvisibleTextField, FontName, FontSize) / (OSDautosizeFactory/100)
if (text_width3 >= maxAllowedGuiWidth-30-(OSDautosizeFactory/15))
stopLoop2 := 1
Until (stopLoop2 = 1) || (A_Index=round(maxA_Index/1.25))
if (addSelMarker=1)
NEWvisibleTextField := (addSelMarkerLocation=2) ? "├ " NEWvisibleTextField : NEWvisibleTextField " ┤"
visibleTextField := NEWvisibleTextField
maxTextChars := maxTextChars<3 ? maxTextChars : StrLen(visibleTextField)+3
ST_Insert(insert,input,pos=1) {
; String Things - Common String & Array Functions, 2014
; function by tidbit
Length := StrLen(input)
((pos > 0) ? (pos2 := pos - 1) : (((pos = 0) ? (pos2 := StrLen(input),Length := 0) : (pos2 := pos))))
output := SubStr(input, 1, pos2) . insert . SubStr(input, pos, Length)
If (StrLen(output) > StrLen(input) + StrLen(insert))
((Abs(pos) <= StrLen(input)/2) ? (output := SubStr(output, 1, pos2 - 1) . SubStr(output, pos + 1, StrLen(input))) : (output := SubStr(output, 1, pos2 - StrLen(insert) - 2) . SubStr(output, pos - StrLen(insert), StrLen(input))))
return, output
caretMover(direction) {
lola := "│"
lola2 := "║"
StringGetPos, CaretPos, typed, %lola%
if (st_count(typed, lola2)>0)
StringGetPos, CaretPos2, typed, %lola2%
if ((CaretPos2 > CaretPos) && (direction=2)) || ((CaretPos2 < CaretPos) && (direction=0))
CaretPos := CaretPos2
CaretPos := (direction=2) ? CaretPos - 2 : CaretPos + 1
} Else
CaretPos := (direction=2) ? CaretPos - 2 : CaretPos + 1
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola%
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola2%
CaretPos := CaretPos + direction
if (CaretPos<=1)
CaretPos := 1
if (CaretPos >= (StrLen(typed)+1) )
CaretPos := StrLen(typed)+1
typed := ST_Insert(lola, typed, CaretPos)
if (InStr(typed, "▫" lola))
StringGetPos, CaretPos, typed, %lola%
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola%
CaretPos := CaretPos + direction
typed := ST_Insert(lola, typed, CaretPos)
caretMoverSel(direction) {
lola2 := "│"
lola := "║"
StringGetPos, CaretPos, typed, %lola2%
if (st_count(typed, lola)>0)
StringGetPos, CaretPos, typed, %lola%
} else
StringGetPos, CaretPos, typed, %lola2%
CaretPos := (direction=1) ? CaretPos + 1 : CaretPos
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola%
CaretPos := (direction=1) ? CaretPos + 2 : CaretPos
if (CaretPos<=1)
CaretPos := 1
if (CaretPos >= (StrLen(typed)+1) )
CaretPos := StrLen(typed)+1
typed := ST_Insert(lola, typed, CaretPos)
if (InStr(typed, "▫" lola))
StringGetPos, CaretPos, typed, %lola%
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola%
CaretPos := CaretPos + direction
typed := ST_Insert(lola, typed, CaretPos)
if (InStr(typed, lola lola2) || InStr(typed, lola2 lola))
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola%
st_count(string, searchFor="`n") {
StringReplace, string, string, %searchFor%, %searchFor%, UseErrorLevel
return ErrorLevel
caretJumpMain(direction) {
if (CaretPos<=1)
CaretPos := 1.5
theRegEx := "i)((?=[[:space:]│!""@#$%^&*()_¡°¿+{}\[\]|;:<>?/.,\-=``~])[\p{L}\p{M}\p{Z}\p{N}\p{P}\p{S}]\b(?=\S)|\s(?!\s)(?=\p{L}))"
alternativeRegEx := "i)(((\p{L}|\p{N}|\w)(?=\S))([\p{M}\p{Z}!""@#$%^&*()_¡°¿+{}\[\]|;:<>?/.,\-=``~\p{S}\p{C}])|\s+[[:punct:]])"
if (direction=1)
CaretuPos := RegExMatch(typed, theRegEx, , CaretPos+1) + 1
if (alternativeJumps=1)
CaretuPosa := RegExMatch(typed, alternativeRegEx, , CaretPos+1) + 1
if (CaretuPosa>CaretPos)
CaretuPos := CaretuPosa < CaretuPos ? CaretuPosa : CaretuPos
CaretPos := CaretuPos < CaretPos ? StrLen(typed)+1 : CaretuPos
if (direction=0)
typed := ST_Insert(" z.", typed, StrLen(typed)+1)
if (CaretPos<=1)
skipLoop := 1
CaretuPos := CaretPos - A_Index
CaretelPos := RegExMatch(typed, theRegEx, , CaretuPos)+1
if (alternativeJumps=1)
CaretelPosa := RegExMatch(typed, alternativeRegEx, , CaretuPos)+1
CaretelPos := CaretelPosa < CaretelPos ? CaretelPosa : CaretelPos
CaretelPos := CaretelPos < CaretuPos ? StrLen(typed)+1 : CaretelPos
if (CaretelPos < CaretPos+1)
CaretPos := CaretelPos > CaretPos ? 1 : CaretelPos
allGood := 1
if (CaretelPos < CaretuPos+1) || (A_Index>CaretPos+5)
skipLoop := 1
} Until (skipLoop=1 || allGood=1 || A_Index=300)
StringTrimRight, typed, typed, 3
if (CaretPos<=1)
CaretPos := 1
if (CaretPos >= (StrLen(typed)+1) )
CaretPos := StrLen(typed)+1
caretJumper(direction) {
lola := "│"
lola2 := "║"
if (st_count(typed, lola2)>0)
StringGetPos, CaretPos, typed, %lola%
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola%
typed := ST_Insert(lola, typed, CaretPos)
caretJumpSelector(direction) {
lola := "│"
lola2 := "║"
if (st_count(typed, lola2)>0)
StringGetPos, CaretPos, typed, %lola2%
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola2%
} Else
StringGetPos, CaretPos, typed, %lola%
CaretPos := (direction=1) ? CaretPos+1 : CaretPos
typed := ST_Insert(lola2, typed, CaretPos)
if (InStr(typed, lola lola2) || InStr(typed, lola2 lola))
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola2%
st_delete(string, start=1, length=1) {
; String Things - Common String & Array Functions, 2014
; function by tidbit
if (abs(start+length) > StrLen(string))
return string
if (start>0)
return substr(string, 1, start-1) . substr(string, start + length)
else if (start<=0)
return substr(string " ", 1, start-length-1) SubStr(string " ", ((start<0) ? start : 0), -1)
toUnicodeExtended(uVirtKey,uScanCode,wFlags:=0) {
; Many thanks to Helgef:
nsa := DllCall("MapVirtualKey", "Uint", uVirtKey, "Uint", 2)
if (nsa<=0) && (DeadKeys=0)
if (deadKeyBeeper = 1) && (ShowSingleKey = 1)
beeperzDefunctions.ahkPostFunction["OnDeathKeyPressed", ""]
if (ShowDeadKeys=1) && (DoNotBindDeadKeys=0)
RmDkSymbol := (autoRemDeadKey=1) ? "▫" : "▪"
if (StrLen(typed)<3) && (DoNotBindDeadKeys=0)
ShowHotkey("[dead key]")
Sleep, 300
thread := DllCall("GetWindowThreadProcessId", "ptr", WinActive("A"), "ptr", 0)
hkl := DllCall("GetKeyboardLayout", "uint", thread, "ptr")
cchBuff := 3 ; number of characters the buffer can hold
VarSetCapacity(pwszBuff, (cchBuff+1) * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1), 0) ; this will hold cchBuff (3) characters and the null terminator on both unicode and ansi builds.
; for modifier, vk in {Shift:0x10, Control:0x11, Alt:0x12}
; NumPut(128*(GetKeyState("L" modifier) || GetKeyState("R" modifier)) , lpKeyState, vk, "Uchar")
if (shiftPressed=2)
shiftPressed := 1
NumPut(128*shiftPressed, lpKeyState, 0x10, "Uchar")
if (AltGrPressed=2)
AltGrPressed := 1
NumPut(128*AltGrPressed, lpKeyState, 0x12, "Uchar")
NumPut(128*AltGrPressed, lpKeyState, 0x11, "Uchar")
if (StickyKeys=1)
if (shiftPressed=1)
NumPut(128*shiftPressed, lpKeyState, 0x10, "Uchar")
if (AltGrPressed=1)
NumPut(128*AltGrPressed, lpKeyState, 0x12, "Uchar")
NumPut(128*AltGrPressed, lpKeyState, 0x11, "Uchar")
if NumGet(lpKeyState, 0x11, "Uchar") && NumGet(lpKeyState, 0x11, "Uchar") && (StickyKeys=0)
AltGrPressed := 1
NumPut(GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T") , &lpKeyState+0, 0x14, "Uchar")
n := DllCall("ToUnicodeEx", "Uint", uVirtKey, "Uint", uScanCode, "UPtr", &lpKeyState, "ptr", &pwszBuff, "Int", cchBuff, "Uint", wFlags, "ptr", hkl)
if (DeadKeys=1)
n := DllCall("ToUnicodeEx", "Uint", uVirtKey, "Uint", uScanCode, "UPtr", &lpKeyState, "ptr", &pwszBuff, "Int", cchBuff, "Uint", wFlags, "ptr", hkl)
return StrGet(&pwszBuff, n, "utf-16")
OnMousePressed() {
Thread, Priority, -20
Critical, off
if (Visible=1)
tickcount_start := A_TickCount-500
shiftPressed := 0
AltGrPressed := 0
try {
key := GetKeyStr()
if (ShowMouseButton=1)
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : "" ; concerning TypedLetter(" ") - it resets the content of the OSD
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
OnRLeftPressed() {
key := GetKeyStr()
if (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince < ReturnToTypingDelay) && strlen(typed)>1 && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (key ~= "i)^((.?Shift \+ )?(Left|Right))") && (ShowSingleKey=1)
if ((key ~= "i)^(Left)"))
if ((key ~= "i)^(Right)"))
if ((key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+ Left)"))
if ((key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+ Right)"))
if (!(CaretPos=StrLen(typed)) && (CaretPos!=1))
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount
dropOut := (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince > DisplayTimeTyping/2) && (keyCount>10) && (OnlyTypingMode=0) ? 1 : 0
if (CaretPos=StrLen(typed) && (dropOut=1)) || ((CaretPos=1) && (dropOut=1))
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount - ReturnToTypingDelay
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
if (prefixed && !((key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+)")) || strlen(typed)<2 || (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince > (ReturnToTypingDelay+50)))
if (keyCount>10) && (OnlyTypingMode=0)
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount - ReturnToTypingDelay
if (StrLen(typed)<2)
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : ""
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
if (DisableTypingMode=1) || prefixed && !((key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+)"))
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : ""
shiftPressed := 0
AltGrPressed := 0
OnUpDownPressed() {
key := GetKeyStr()
if (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince < ReturnToTypingDelay) && strlen(typed)>1 && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (key ~= "i)^((.?Shift \+ )?(Up|Down))") && (ShowSingleKey=1)
if (UpDownAsHE=1) && (UpDownAsLR=0)
lola := "│"
lola2 := "║"
if (key ~= "i)^(Up)")
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola%
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola2%
CaretPos := 1
typed := ST_Insert(lola, typed, CaretPos)
maxTextChars := maxTextChars*2
if (key ~= "i)^(Down)")
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola%
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola2%
CaretPos := StrLen(typed)+1
typed := ST_Insert(lola, typed, CaretPos)
maxTextChars := StrLen(typed)+2
if (key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+ Down)")
if (key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+ Up)")
if (UpDownAsLR=1) && (UpDownAsHE=0)
if ((key ~= "i)^(Up)"))
if ((key ~= "i)^(Down)"))
if ((key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+ Up)"))
if ((key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+ Down)"))
if (!(CaretPos=StrLen(typed)) && (CaretPos!=1))
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount
dropOut := (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince > DisplayTimeTyping/2) && (keyCount>10) && (OnlyTypingMode=0) ? 1 : 0
if (CaretPos=StrLen(typed) && (dropOut=1)) || ((CaretPos=1) && (dropOut=1))
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount - ReturnToTypingDelay
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
if (prefixed && !((key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+)")) || strlen(typed)<2 || (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince > (ReturnToTypingDelay+50)))
if (keyCount>10) && (OnlyTypingMode=0)
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount - ReturnToTypingDelay
if (StrLen(typed)<2)
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : ""
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
if (DisableTypingMode=1) || prefixed && !((key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+)"))
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : ""
shiftPressed := 0
AltGrPressed := 0
OnHomeEndPressed() {
key := GetKeyStr()
if (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince < ReturnToTypingDelay) && strlen(typed)>1 && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (key ~= "i)^((.?Shift \+ )?(Home|End))") && (ShowSingleKey=1) && (keyCount<10)
lola := "│"
lola2 := "║"
if (key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+ End)") || InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "~+End")
skipRest := 1
if (key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+ Home)") || InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "~+Home")
skipRest := 1
if (key ~= "i)^(Home)") && (skipRest!=1)
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola%
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola2%
CaretPos := 1
typed := ST_Insert(lola, typed, CaretPos)
maxTextChars := maxTextChars*2
if (key ~= "i)^(End)") && (skipRest!=1)
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola%
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola2%
CaretPos := StrLen(typed)+1
typed := ST_Insert(lola, typed, CaretPos)
maxTextChars := StrLen(typed)+2
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
if (prefixed && !((key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+)")) || strlen(typed)<2 || (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince > (ReturnToTypingDelay+50)) || (keyCount>10) && OnlyTypingMode=0 )
if (keyCount>10) && (OnlyTypingMode=0)
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount - ReturnToTypingDelay
if (StrLen(typed)<2)
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : ""
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
if (DisableTypingMode=1) || prefixed && !((key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+)"))
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : ""
shiftPressed := 0
AltGrPressed := 0
SelectHomeEnd(direction) {
lola := "│"
lola2 := "║"
StringGetPos, CaretPos3, typed, %lola%
if ((CaretPos3 >= StrLen(typed)-1) && (direction=1)) || ((CaretPos3<=1) && (direction=0))
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola2%
if (typed ~= "i)^(║)") && (direction=0) || (typed ~= "i)(║)$") && (direction=1) || (CaretPos<=1) && (direction!=1) || (CaretPos >= StrLen(typed)) && (direction=1)
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola2%
CaretPos2 := (direction=0) ? 1 : StrLen(typed)+1
typed := ST_Insert(lola2, typed, CaretPos2)
maxTextChars := maxTextChars*2
OnPGupDnPressed() {
key := GetKeyStr()
if (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince < ReturnToTypingDelay) && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (key ~= "i)^((.?Shift \+ )?Page )") && (ShowSingleKey=1) && (keyCount<10)
lola := "│"
lola2 := "║"
if (pgUDasHE=1) && (key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+ )")
if (key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+ Page down)")
if (key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+ Page up)")
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
if (enableTypingHistory=1)
if (key ~= "i)^(Page Down)") && !visible && StrLen(typed)<3
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount - ReturnToTypingDelay
if (StrLen(typed)<2)
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : ""
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola%,, All
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola2%,, All
StringReplace, editField1, editField1, %lola%,, All
StringReplace, editField2, editField2, %lola%,, All
StringReplace, editField3, editField3, %lola%,, All
StringReplace, editField1, editField1, %lola2%,, All
StringReplace, editField2, editField2, %lola2%,, All
StringReplace, editField3, editField3, %lola2%,, All
if (key ~= "i)^(Page Up)")
if (editingField=3)
backTyped := typed
editingField := (editingField<=1) ? 1 : editingField-1
typed := editField%editingField%
if (key ~= "i)^(Page Down)")
if (editingField=3)
backTyped := typed
editingField := (editingField>=3) ? 3 : editingField+1
typed := (editingField=3) ? backTyped : editField%editingField%
CaretPos := (typed=" ") ? StrLen(typed) : StrLen(typed)+1
typed := ST_Insert(lola, typed, 0)
if (enableTypingHistory=0) && (pgUDasHE=1)
if (key ~= "i)^(Page up)")
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola%
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola2%
CaretPos := 1
typed := ST_Insert(lola, typed, CaretPos)
maxTextChars := maxTextChars*2
if (key ~= "i)^(Page down)")
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola%
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola2%
CaretPos := StrLen(typed)+1
typed := ST_Insert(lola, typed, CaretPos)
maxTextChars := StrLen(typed)+2
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
if (prefixed && !((key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+)")) || !typed || (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince > (ReturnToTypingDelay+50))) || (keyCount>10) && (OnlyTypingMode=0)
if (keyCount>10) && (OnlyTypingMode=0)
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount - ReturnToTypingDelay
if (StrLen(typed)<2)
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : ""
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
if (DisableTypingMode=1) || prefixed && !((key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+)"))
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : ""
if (StrLen(typed)>1) && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince < ReturnToTypingDelay) && (keyCount<10)
SetTimer, returnToTyped, % -DisplayTime/4.5
shiftPressed := 0
AltGrPressed := 0
OnKeyPressed() {
; Sleep, 30 ; megatest
try {
backTyped2 := typed || (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince > DisplayTimeTyping) ? typed : backTyped2
key := GetKeyStr()
AltGrPressed := 0
TypingFriendlyKeys := "i)^((.?shift \+ )?(Num|Caps|Scroll|Insert|Tab)|\{|AppsKey|Volume |Media_|Wheel |◐)"
if ((key ~= "i)(enter|esc)") && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (ShowSingleKey=1))
if (enterErasesLine=0) && (OnlyTypingMode=1)
InsertChar2caret(" ")
if (enterErasesLine=0) && (OnlyTypingMode=1) && (key ~= "i)(esc)")
dontReturn := 1
backTypedUndo := typed
backTyped2 := " "
if (strlen(typed)>4) && (enableTypingHistory=1)
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola%
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola2%
editField1 := editField2
editField2 := typed
editingField := 3
if (enterErasesLine=1)
typed := ""
if (A_TickCount-tickcount_start2 < 50) && StrLen(typed)>2 && prefixed
AltGrMatcher := "i)^((.?ctrl \+ )?(AltGr|.?Ctrl \+ Alt) \+ (.?shift \+ )?((.)$|(.)[\r\n \,]))|^(altgr .?|.?ctrl \+ (alt|altgr) \+ )"
if (!(key ~= TypingFriendlyKeys)) && (DisableTypingMode=0)
if (key ~= AltGrMatcher) && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (enableAltGr=1)
test := SubStr(key, InStr(key, "+", 0, 0)+2)
if (!test)
AltGrPressed := 1
backTyped := !typed && (AltGrPressed=1) && (enableAltGr=1) ? backTyped : typed
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : ""
} else if ((key ~= "i)^((.?Shift \+ )?Tab)") && typed && (DisableTypingMode=0))
InsertChar2caret(" ")
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
if (StrLen(typed)>1) && (dontReturn!=1)
SetTimer, returnToTyped, % -DisplayTime/4.5
OnLetterPressed() {
; ; Sleep, 60 ; megatest
if (DisableTypingMode=0)
if InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "+")
shiftPressed := 2
if InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "^!") || InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "<^>")
AltGrPressed := 2
backTyped := !typed ? backTyped : typed
if (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince > ReturnToTypingDelay*1.25) && strlen(typed)<3 && (OnlyTypingMode=0)
typed := ""
if (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince > ReturnToTypingDelay*1.75) && strlen(typed)>4
InsertChar2caret(" ")
try {
if (DeadKeys=1 && (A_TickCount-deadKeyPressed < 1100)) ; this delay helps with dead keys, but it generates errors; the following actions: stringleft,1 and stringlower help correct these
sleep, 80
} else if (typed && DeadKeys=1)
sleep, 20
if (typed && DeadKeys=1 && DoNotBindDeadKeys=1)
sleep, 100
AltGrMatcher := "i)^((.?ctrl \+ )?(AltGr|.?Ctrl \+ Alt) \+ (.?shift \+ )?((.)$|(.)[\r\n \,]))"
key := GetKeyStr(1) ; consider it a letter
if (prefixed || DisableTypingMode=1)
if (key ~= AltGrMatcher) && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (enableAltGr=1) || ((AltGrPressed=1) && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (StrLen(key)<2) && (ShowSingleKey=1) && (StickyKeys=1)) && (enableAltGr=1)
typed := (enableAltGr=1) ? TypedLetter(A_ThisHotkey) : ""
if ((StrLen(typed)>2) && (OnlyTypingMode=0)) || ((StrLen(typed)>2) && (OnlyTypingMode=1))
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
} else
typed := (key ~= AltGrMatcher) && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (enableAltGr=1) ? typed : ""
} else
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : ""
if (ShowSingleKey=1) && (DisableTypingMode=0)
if (key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+ ((.)$|(.)[\r\n \,]))")
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
} else
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
shiftPressed := 0
AltGrPressed := 0
if (beepFiringKeys=1) && (SilentMode=0) && (A_TickCount-tickcount_start > 600) && (keyBeeper=1) || (beepFiringKeys=1) && (SilentMode=0) && (keyBeeper=0)
beeperzDefunctions.ahkPostFunction["OnKeyPressed", ""]
OnCtrlAction() {
if (StickyKeys=1)
typed := backTyped2
try {
key := GetKeyStr()
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
if (StrLen(typed)>3)
SetTimer, returnToTyped, 90
OnCtrlAup() {
if (StickyKeys=1)
typed := backTyped2
if (ShowSingleKey=1) && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (StrLen(typed)>2)
lola := "│"
lola2 := "║"
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola%
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola2%
CaretPos := StrLen(typed)+1
typed := ST_Insert(lola2, typed, CaretPos)
CaretPos := 1
typed := ST_Insert(lola, typed, CaretPos)
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount
SetTimer, returnToTyped, 2
if (KeyBeeper=1) || (beepFiringKeys=1)
beeperzDefunctions.ahkPostFunction["OnLetterPressed", ""]
OnCtrlRLeft() {
Try {
key := GetKeyStr()
if (StickyKeys=1)
typed := backTyped2
if (StrLen(typed)<3)
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
} else
Sleep, 20
if ((key ~= "i)^(.?Ctrl \+ .?Shift \+ Left)") || InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "~+^Left"))
skipRest := 1
if ((key ~= "i)^(.?Ctrl \+ .?Shift \+ Right)") || InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "~+^Right"))
skipRest := 1
if ((key ~= "i)^(.?Ctrl \+ Left)") && skipRest!=1 || InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "~^Left"))
if ((key ~= "i)^(.?Ctrl \+ Right)") && skipRest!=1 || InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "~^Right"))
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
OnCtrlDelBack() {
Try {
key := GetKeyStr()
if (StickyKeys=1)
typed := backTyped2
if (StrLen(typed)<3)
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
} else
backTypedUndo := typed
lola := "│"
StringGetPos, CaretzoiPos, typed, %lola%
if ((key ~= "i)^(.?Ctrl \+ Backspace)")) || InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "~^Back")
if (CaretzoiPos >= strlen(typed)-1)
typed := typed "zzz"
removeEnd := 3
StringGetPos, CaretzoaiaPos, typed, %lola%
typed := st_delete(typed, CaretzoaiaPos+1, CaretzoiPos - CaretzoaiaPos+1)
if (removeEnd>1)
StringTrimRight, typed, typed, 3
if (st_count(typed, lola)<1)
typed := ST_Insert(lola, typed, CaretzoaiaPos+1)
if ((key ~= "i)^(.?Ctrl \+ Delete)")) || InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "~^Del")
StringGetPos, CaretzoaiaPos, typed, %lola%
typed := st_delete(typed, CaretzoiPos+1, CaretzoaiaPos - CaretzoiPos)
if (st_count(typed, lola)<1)
typed := ST_Insert(lola, typed, CaretzoaiaPos)
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
OnCtrlVup() {
if (StickyKeys=1)
typed := backTyped2
toPaste := Clipboard
if (ShowSingleKey=1) && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (StrLen(toPaste)>0)
backTypedUndo := typed
Stringleft, toPaste, toPaste, 950
StringReplace, toPaste, toPaste, `r`n, %A_SPACE%, All
CaretPos := CaretPos + StrLen(toPaste)
maxTextChars := StrLen(typed)+2
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount
SetTimer, returnToTyped, 2
if (KeyBeeper=1) || (beepFiringKeys=1)
beeperzDefunctions.ahkPostFunction["OnLetterPressed", ""]
OnCtrlXup() {
if (StickyKeys=1)
typed := backTyped2
if (StrLen(typed)>3)
lola2 := "║"
if (ShowSingleKey=1) && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (st_count(typed, lola2)>0)
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount
SetTimer, returnToTyped, 2
} else
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
if (KeyBeeper=1) || (beepFiringKeys=1)
beeperzDefunctions.ahkPostFunction["OnLetterPressed", ""]
OnCtrlZup() {
if (StickyKeys=1)
typed := backTyped2
if (StrLen(typed)>0) && (ShowSingleKey=1) && (DisableTypingMode=0)
blahBlah := typed
typed := (strLen(backTypedUndo)>1) ? backTypedUndo : typed
backTypedUndo := (strlen(blahBlah)>1) ? blahBlah : backTypedUndo
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
SetTimer, returnToTyped, 2
if (KeyBeeper=1) || (beepFiringKeys=1)
beeperzDefunctions.ahkPostFunction["OnLetterPressed", ""]
OnSpacePressed() {
try {
key := GetKeyStr()
if (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince < ReturnToTypingDelay) && strlen(typed)>1 && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (ShowSingleKey=1)
if (typed ~= "i)(▫│)$")
typed := SubStr(typed, 1, StrLen(typed) - 2)
} else
InsertChar2caret(" ")
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
if (prefixed || strlen(typed)<2 || (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince > (ReturnToTypingDelay+50)))
if (StrLen(typed)<2)
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : ""
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
if (DisableTypingMode=1) || (prefixed && !(key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+ )"))
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : ""
shiftPressed := 0
AltGrPressed := 0
OnBspPressed() {
key := GetKeyStr()
dropOut := (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince > DisplayTimeTyping/2) && (CaretPos = 2000) && (keyCount>10) && (OnlyTypingMode=0) ? 1 : 0
if (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince < ReturnToTypingDelay) && strlen(typed)>1 && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (ShowSingleKey=1) && (dropOut=0)
lola := "│"
lola2 := "║"
if (st_count(typed, lola2)>0)
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
StringGetPos, CaretPos, typed, % lola
CaretPos := (CaretPos < 1) ? 2000 : CaretPos
if (CaretPos = 2000)
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime*2
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount
typedLength := StrLen(typed)
CaretPosy := (CaretPos = typedLength) ? 0 : CaretPos
typed := (caretpos<1) ? typed : st_delete(typed, CaretPosy, 1)
if InStr(typed, "▫" lola)
StringGetPos, CaretPos, typed, % lola
CaretPos := (CaretPos < 1) ? 2000 : CaretPos
CaretPosy := (CaretPos = typedLength) ? CaretPos-1 : CaretPos
typed := st_delete(typed, CaretPosy, 1) = typed ? SubStr(typed, 1, StrLen(typed) - 1) : st_delete(typed, CaretPosy, 1)
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
if (prefixed || (dropOut=1) || strlen(typed)<2 || (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince > (ReturnToTypingDelay+50)))
if (keyCount>10) && (OnlyTypingMode=0)
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount - ReturnToTypingDelay
if (StrLen(typed)<2)
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : ""
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
if (DisableTypingMode=1) || (prefixed && !(key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+ )"))
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : ""
shiftPressed := 0
AltGrPressed := 0
OnDelPressed() {
key := GetKeyStr()
dropOut := (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince > DisplayTimeTyping/2) && (CaretPos = 3000) && (keyCount>10) && (OnlyTypingMode=0) ? 1 : 0
if (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince < ReturnToTypingDelay) && strlen(typed)>1 && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (ShowSingleKey=1) && (dropOut=0)
lola := "│"
lola2 := "║"
if (st_count(typed, lola2)>0)
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
if (CaretPos = 3000)
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime*2
StringGetPos, CaretPos, typed, % lola
if (CaretPos >= StrLen(typed)-2 )
endReached := 1
if InStr(typed, lola "▫")
deleteNext := 1
if (endReached!=1) && InStr(typed, lola)
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount
typed := st_delete(typed, CaretPos+2, 1)
StringGetPos, CaretPos, typed, % lola
CaretPos := CaretPos+1
} else if (CaretPos!=3000)
StringGetPos, CaretPos, typed, % lola
if (CaretPos > StrLen(typed)-2 )
endNow := 1
CaretPos := 3000
if (endNow!=1)
typed := st_delete(typed, CaretPos+1, 1) = typed ? st_delete(typed, 0, 1) : st_delete(typed, CaretPos+1, 1)
if (deleteNext=1)
StringGetPos, CaretPos, typed, % lola
l2 := StrLen(typed)
typed := st_delete(typed, CaretPos+2, 1)
l2b := StrLen(typed)
if (l2b = l2)
typed := st_delete(typed, 0, 1)
CaretPos := CaretPos+1
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
if (prefixed || (dropOut=1) || strlen(typed)<2 || (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince > (ReturnToTypingDelay+50)))
if (keyCount>10) && (OnlyTypingMode=0)
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount - ReturnToTypingDelay
if (StrLen(typed)<2)
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : ""
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
if (DisableTypingMode=1) || (prefixed && !(key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+ )"))
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : ""
shiftPressed := 0
AltGrPressed := 0
OnNumpadsPressed() {
if (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince > ReturnToTypingDelay*1.25) && strlen(typed)<3 && (OnlyTypingMode=0)
typed := ""
if (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince > ReturnToTypingDelay*1.75) && strlen(typed)>4
InsertChar2caret(" ")
try {
key := GetKeyStr(1) ; consider it a letter
if ((prefixed && !(key ~= "i)^(.?Shift \+ )")) || DisableTypingMode=1)
typed := (OnlyTypingMode=1) ? typed : ""
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
} else if (ShowSingleKey=1)
key := SubStr(key, 3, 1)
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
shiftPressed := 0
AltGrPressed := 0
OnKeyUp() {
global tickcount_start := A_TickCount
shiftPressed := 0
AltGrPressed := 0
SetTimer, capsHighlightDummy, 100, -20
OnLetterUp() {
if (KeyBeeper=1) || (CapslockBeeper=1)
beeperzDefunctions.ahkPostFunction["OnLetterPressed", ""]
capsHighlightDummy() {
GetKeyState, CapsState, CapsLock, T
If CapsState = D
GuiControl, OSD:, CapsDummy, 100
If CapsState != D
GuiControl, OSD:, CapsDummy, 0
SetTimer,, off
OnModPressed() {
if (A_TickCount-tickcount_start2 < 40) || (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince < 35)
static modifierz := ["LCtrl", "RCtrl", "LAlt", "RAlt", "LShift", "RShift", "LWin", "RWin"]
static repeatCount := 1
for i, mod in modifierz
if GetKeyState(mod)
fl_prefix .= mod " + "
if GetKeyState("Shift")
shiftPressed := (shiftPressed=0) ? 1 : shiftPressed
If (StrLen(typed)>1) && (DisableTypingMode=0)
GuiControl, OSD:, CapsDummy, 60
if (ShowKeyCountFired=0) && (ShowKeyCount=1) && (A_TickCount-tickcount_start2 > 150)
repeatCount := (A_TickCount-tickcount_start2 > 5) ? repeatCount+1 : repeatCount
if (ShiftDisableCaps=1)
SetCapsLockState, off
if (StickyKeys=0)
fl_prefix := RTrim(fl_prefix, "+ ")
fl_prefix := CompactModifiers(fl_prefix)
if !fl_prefix {
StringReplace, keya, A_ThisHotkey, ~*,
fl_prefix := keya ? keya : "Unknown key"
fl_prefix := CompactModifiers(fl_prefix)
keyCount := 0.1
if (DisableTypingMode=0)
shiftPressed := InStr(fl_prefix, "shift") ? 2 : 0
AltGrPressed := InStr(fl_prefix, "altgr") ? 2 : 0
if InStr(fl_prefix, modifiers_temp)
valid_count := 1
if (repeatCount>1)
keyCount := 0.1
} else
valid_count := 0
modifiers_temp := fl_prefix
if (StickyKeys=0 && !prefixed)
keyCount := 0.1
if (valid_count=1) && (ShowKeyCountFired=0) && (ShowKeyCount=1) && !InStr(fl_prefix, "AltGr")
trackingPresses := tickcount_start2 - tickcount_start < 100 ? 1 : 0
repeatCount := (trackingPresses=0 && repeatCount<2) ? repeatCount+1 : repeatCount
if (trackingPresses=1)
repeatCount := !repeatCount ? 1 : repeatCount+1
ShowKeyCountValid := 1
} else if (valid_count=1) && (ShowKeyCountFired=1) && (ShowKeyCount=1)
repeatCount := !repeatCount ? 0 : repeatCount+1
if InStr(fl_prefix, "AltGr") && repeatCount>3
repeatCount := repeatCount-1+0.49
ShowKeyCountValid := 1
} else
repeatCount := 1
ShowKeyCountValid := 0
if (ShowKeyCountValid=1) && (StickyKeys=0)
if !InStr(fl_prefix, "+") {
modifiers_temp := fl_prefix
fl_prefix .= " (" round(repeatCount) ")"
} else
repeatCount := 1
AltGrMatcher := "i)^((.?ctrl \+ )?(AltGr|.?Ctrl \+ Alt) \+ (.?shift \+ )?((.)$|(.)[\r\n \,]))|^(altgr|.?ctrl \+ (alt|altgr))|^(.?ctrl)"
if (fl_prefix ~= AltGrMatcher) && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (enableAltGr=1) && (StickyKeys=0) && (strLen(typed)>2) || (fl_prefix ~= AltGrMatcher) && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (enableAltGr=1) && (AltGrPressed=2) && (strLen(typed)>2)
backTyped := !typed ? backTyped : typed
if ((strLen(typed)>1) && (fl_prefix ~= "i)^(.?Shift.?.?.?)$") && (visible=1) && (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince < DisplayTimeTyping)) || (ShowSingleKey = 0) || ((A_TickCount-tickcount_start > 1800) && visible && !typed && keycount>7) || (OnlyTypingMode=1)
sleep, 5
} else
if (ShowSingleModifierKey=1)
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime/2
if !InStr(fl_prefix, " + ")
SetTimer, returnToTyped, % -DisplayTime/4.5
OnModUp() {
global tickcount_start := A_TickCount
if (StickyKeys=0) && StrLen(typed)>1
SetTimer, returnToTyped, % -DisplayTime/4.5
OnDeadKeyPressed() {
sleep, 100
global deadKeyPressed := A_TickCount
RmDkSymbol := "▪"
TrueRmDkSymbol := GetDeadKeySymbol(A_ThisHotkey)
StringRight, TrueRmDkSymbol, TrueRmDkSymbol, 1
RmDkSymbol := TrueRmDkSymbol
if (autoRemDeadKey=1)
RmDkSymbol := "▫"
if ((ShowDeadKeys=1) && typed && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (ShowSingleKey=1))
if (typed ~= "i)(▫│)")
} else
if ((autoRemDeadKey=1) && (StrLen(typed)>1) && (DisableTypingMode=0)) || ((ShowDeadKeys=0) && (StrLen(typed)>1) && (DisableTypingMode=0))
lola := "│"
StringReplace, visibleTextField, visibleTextField, % lola, % TrueRmDkSymbol
SetTimer, returnToTyped, 800, -10
shiftPressed := 0
AltGrPressed := 0
keyCount := 0.1
if (StrLen(typed)<3)
if (ShowDeadKeys=1) && (DisableTypingMode=0)
if (A_ThisHotkey ~= "i)^(~\+)")
TrueRmDkSymbol := "Shift + " TrueRmDkSymbol
ShowHotkey(TrueRmDkSymbol " [dead key]")
} else if (ShowSingleKey=1)
ShowHotkey(TrueRmDkSymbol " [dead key]")
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
if (deadKeyBeeper=1)
beeperzDefunctions.ahkPostFunction["OnDeathKeyPressed", ""]
deadKeyProcessing() {
if (A_TickCount-tickcount_start2 < 15) && (A_TickCount-deadKeyPressed > 1500)
if (ShowDeadKeys=0) || (DisableTypingMode=1) || (autoRemDeadKey=0) || (ShowSingleKey=0) || (DeadKeys=0)
Loop, 5
deadkeyPosition := RegExMatch(typed, "▫[^[:alpha:]]")
nextChar := SubStr(typed, deadkeyPosition+1, 1)
if (nextChar!="▫") && (deadkeyPosition>=1)
typed := st_overwrite("▪", typed, deadkeyPosition)
OnAltGrDeadKeyPressed() {
sleep, 100
global deadKeyPressed := A_TickCount
RmDkSymbol := "▪"
TrueRmDkSymbol := GetDeadKeySymbol(A_ThisHotkey)
StringRight, TrueRmDkSymbol, TrueRmDkSymbol, 1
RmDkSymbol := TrueRmDkSymbol
if (autoRemDeadKey=1)
RmDkSymbol := "▫"
if (DisableTypingMode=0) && (ShowSingleKey=1)
typed := backTyped
if (ShowDeadKeys=1) && (DisableTypingMode=0) && (ShowSingleKey=1)
typed := backTyped
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount
if (typed ~= "i)(▫│)")
} else
SetTimer, returnToTyped, 800, -10
AltGrPressed := 0
shiftPressed := 0
keyCount := 0.1
if ((StrLen(typed)>2) && (ShowDeadKeys=0) && (DisableTypingMode=0)) || ((autoRemDeadKey=1) && (StrLen(typed)>2) && (ShowDeadKeys=1) && (DisableTypingMode=0))
lola := "│"
StringReplace, visibleTextField, visibleTextField, % lola, % TrueRmDkSymbol
SetTimer, returnToTyped, 800, -10
if (autoRemDeadKey=0) && (StrLen(typed)>2) && (ShowDeadKeys=1)
SetTimer, returnToTyped, 90, -10
if (StrLen(typed)<3)
if (A_ThisHotkey ~= "i)^(~\^!)")
DeadKeyMods := "Ctrl + Alt + " TrueRmDkSymbol
if (A_ThisHotkey ~= "i)^(~\+\^!)")
DeadKeyMods := "Ctrl + Alt + Shift + " TrueRmDkSymbol
if (A_ThisHotkey ~= "i)^(~<\^>!)")
DeadKeyMods := "AltGr + " TrueRmDkSymbol
ShowHotkey(DeadKeyMods " [dead key]")
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
if (deadKeyBeeper=1)
beeperzDefunctions.ahkPostFunction["OnDeathKeyPressed", ""]
st_overwrite(overwrite, into, pos=1) {
; String Things - Common String & Array Functions, 2014
; function by tidbit
If (abs(pos) > StrLen(into))
return into
else If (pos>0)
return substr(into, 1, pos-1) . overwrite . substr(into, pos+StrLen(overwrite))
else If (pos<0)
return SubStr(into, 1, pos) . overwrite . SubStr(into " ",(abs(pos) > StrLen(overwrite) ? pos+StrLen(overwrite) : 0),abs(pos+StrLen(overwrite)))
else If (pos=0)
return into . overwrite
returnToTyped() {
if (StrLen(typed) > 2) && (keycount<10) && (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince < ReturnToTypingDelay) && (ShowSingleKey=1) && (DisableTypingMode=0) && !A_IsSuspended
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
SetTimer, , off
CreateOSDGUI() {
CapsDummy := 1
Gui, OSD: destroy
Gui, OSD: +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +Owner +LastFound +ToolWindow
Gui, OSD: Margin, 20, 10
Gui, OSD: Color, %OSDbgrColor%
Gui, OSD: Font, c%OSDtextColor% s%FontSize% bold, %FontName%, -wrap
if (OSDautosize=0)
widthDelimitator := FavorRightoLeft=1 ? 1.25 : 1.05+FontSize/450
rightoleft := (GuiWidth > A_ScreenWidth - GuiX*1.1) ? 1 : 0
} else
widthDelimitator := FavorRightoLeft=1 ? 1.85 : 1.4+FontSize/250
rightoleft := (GuiX > A_ScreenWidth/widthDelimitator) ? 1 : 0
if (NeverRightoLeft=1)
rightoleft := 0
textAlign := "left"
widtha := A_ScreenWidth - 50
positionText := 10
if ((rightoleft=1) && (NeverRightoLeft=0) && (OSDautosize=1)) || ((rightoleft=1) && (FavorRightoLeft=1))
textAlign := "right"
positionText := -10
if (A_OSVersion!="WIN_XP")
Gui, OSD: Add, Edit, -E0x200 x%positionText% -multi %textAlign% readonly -WantCtrlA -wrap w%widtha% vHotkeyText, %HotkeyText%
if (A_OSVersion="WIN_XP")
Gui, OSD: Add, Text, 0x80 w%widtha% vHotkeyText %textOrientation% %wrappy%
if (OSDborder=1)
WinSet, Style, +0xC40000
WinSet, Style, -0xC00000
WinSet, Style, +0x800000 ; small border
progressHeight := (FontSize*2.5 < 64) ? 65 : FontSize*2.5
progressWidth := FontSize/2 < 11 ? 11 : FontSize/2
Gui, OSD: Add, Progress, x0 y0 w%progressWidth% h%progressHeight% Background%OSDbgrColor% c%CapsColorHighlight% vCapsDummy, 0
CreateHotkey() {
#MaxThreads 255
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 255
#MaxThreadsBuffer On
if (AutoDetectKBD=1)
static mods_noShift := ["!", "!#", "!#^", "!#^+", "!+", "!+^", "!^", "#", "#!", "#!+", "#!^", "#+^", "#^", "+#", "+^", "^"]
static mods_list := ["!", "!#", "!#^", "!#^+", "!+", "#", "#!", "#!+", "#!^", "#+^", "#^", "+#", "+^", "^"]
megaDeadKeysList := DKaltGR_list "." DKshift_list "." DKnotShifted_list
; bind to the lisst of possible letters/chars
Loop, 256
k := A_Index
code := Format("{:x}", k)
n := GetKeyName("vk" code)
if (n = "")
n := GetKeyChar("vk" code)
if (n = " ") || (n = "") || (StrLen(n)>1)
if (DeadKeys=1)
for each, char2skip in StrSplit(megaDeadKeysList, ".") ; dead keys to ignore
if (InStr(char2skip, "vk" code) || (n = char2skip))
continue, 2
if (IgnoreAdditionalKeys=1)
for each, char2skip in StrSplit(IgnorekeysList, ".") ; dead keys to ignore
if ((n = char2skip) && (IgnoreAdditionalKeys=1))
continue, 2
Hotkey, % "~*vk" code, OnLetterPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~+vk" code, OnLetterPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~^!vk" code, OnLetterPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~<^>!vk" code, OnLetterPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~+^!vk" code, OnLetterPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~+<^>!vk" code, OnLetterPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~*vk" code " Up", OnLetterUp, useErrorLevel
if (errorlevel!=0) && (audioAlerts=1)
soundbeep, 1900, 50
; bind to dead keys to show the proper symbol when such a key is pressed
if ((DeadKeys=1) && (DoNotBindAltGrDeadKeys=0)) || ((DeadKeys=1) && (DoNotBindDeadKeys=0))
Loop, parse, DKaltGR_list, .
for i, mod in mods_list
if (enableAltGr=1)
Hotkey, % "~^!" A_LoopField, OnAltGrDeadKeyPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~+^!" A_LoopField, OnAltGrDeadKeyPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~<^>!" A_LoopField, OnAltGrDeadKeyPressed, useErrorLevel
if (enableAltGr=0)
Hotkey, % "~^!" A_LoopField, OnLetterPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~^!" A_LoopField " Up", OnLetterUp, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~+^!" A_LoopField , OnLetterPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~+^!" A_LoopField " Up", OnLetterUp, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~<^>!" A_LoopField , OnLetterPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~<^>!" A_LoopField " Up", OnLetterUp, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~" mod A_LoopField, OnLetterPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~" mod A_LoopField " Up", OnLetterUp, useErrorLevel
if !InStr(DKshift_list, A_LoopField)
Hotkey, % "~+" A_LoopField, OnLetterPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~+" A_LoopField " Up", OnLetterUp, useErrorLevel
if !InStr(DKnotShifted_list, A_LoopField)
Hotkey, % "~" A_LoopField, OnLetterPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~" A_LoopField " Up", OnLetterUp, useErrorLevel
if (DeadKeys=1) && (DoNotBindDeadKeys=0)
Loop, parse, DKshift_list, .
for i, mod in mods_list
Hotkey, % "~+" A_LoopField, OnDeadKeyPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~" mod A_LoopField, OnLetterPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~" mod A_LoopField " Up", OnLetterUp, useErrorLevel
if !InStr(DKnotShifted_list, A_LoopField)
Hotkey, % "~" A_LoopField, OnLetterPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~" A_LoopField " Up", OnLetterUp, useErrorLevel
Loop, parse, DKnotShifted_list, .
for i, mod in mods_list
Hotkey, % "~" A_LoopField, OnDeadKeyPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~" mod A_LoopField, OnLetterPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~" mod A_LoopField " Up", OnLetterUp, useErrorLevel
if !InStr(DKShift_list, A_LoopField)
Hotkey, % "~+$" A_LoopField, OnLetterPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~+" A_LoopField " Up", OnLetterUp, useErrorLevel
ShiftRelatedDKlist := DKshift_list "." DKnotShifted_list
Loop, parse, ShiftRelatedDKlist, .
for i, mod in mods_noShift
if !InStr(DKaltGR_list, A_LoopField) && (enableAltGr=1)
Hotkey, % "~" mod A_LoopField, OnLetterPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~" mod A_LoopField " Up", OnLetterUp, useErrorLevel
if (enableAltGr=0)
Hotkey, % "~" mod A_LoopField, OnLetterPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~" mod A_LoopField " Up", OnLetterUp, useErrorLevel
} ; dead keys parser
; get dead key symbols
if (DeadKeys=1) && (DoNotBindDeadKeys=0)
StickyKeys := 1
Loop, parse, DKnotShifted_list, .
backupSymbol := SubStr(A_LoopField, InStr(A_LoopField, "vk")+2, 2)
vk := "0x0" SubStr(A_LoopField, InStr(A_LoopField, "vk", 0, 0)+2)
sc := "0x0" GetKeySc("vk" vk)
if toUnicodeExtended(vk, sc)
SCnames2 .= toUnicodeExtended(vk, sc) "~" A_LoopField
} else if GetKeyName("vk" backupSymbol)
SCnames2 .= GetKeyName("vk" backupSymbol) "~" A_LoopField
Loop, parse, DKShift_list, .
shiftPressed := 1
vk := "0x0" SubStr(A_LoopField, InStr(A_LoopField, "vk", 0, 0)+2)
sc := "0x0" GetKeySc("vk" vk)
if toUnicodeExtended(vk, sc)
SCnames2 .= toUnicodeExtended(vk, sc) "~+" A_LoopField
shiftPressed := 0
Loop, parse, DKaltGR_list, .
AltGrPressed := 1
vk := "0x0" SubStr(A_LoopField, InStr(A_LoopField, "vk", 0, 0)+2)
sc := "0x0" GetKeySc("vk" vk)
if toUnicodeExtended(vk, sc)
SCnames2 .= toUnicodeExtended(vk, sc) "~^!" A_LoopField
SCnames2 .= toUnicodeExtended(vk, sc) "~+^!" A_LoopField
SCnames2 .= toUnicodeExtended(vk, sc) "~<^>!" A_LoopField
AltGrPressed := 0
IniRead, StickyKeys, %inifile%, SavedSettings, StickyKeys, %StickyKeys%
Hotkey, ~*Left, OnRLeftPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*Left Up, OnKeyUp, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*Right, OnRLeftPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*Right Up, OnKeyUp, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*Up, OnUpDownPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*Up Up, OnKeyUp, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*Down, OnUpDownPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*Down Up, OnKeyUp, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*Home, OnHomeEndPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~+Home, OnHomeEndPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*Home Up, OnKeyUp, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*End, OnHomeEndPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~+End, OnHomeEndPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*End Up, OnKeyUp, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*PgUp, OnPGupDnPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*PgUp Up, OnKeyUp, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*PgDn, OnPGupDnPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*PgDn Up, OnKeyUp, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*Del, OnDelPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*Del Up, OnKeyUp, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*BackSpace, OnBspPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*BackSpace Up, OnKeyUp, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*Space, OnSpacePressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~*Space Up, OnKeyUp, useErrorLevel
if (DisableTypingMode=0)
Hotkey, ~^vk41, OnCtrlAction, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~^vk41 Up, OnCtrlAup, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~^vk43, OnCtrlAction, useErrorLevel ; ctrl+c
Hotkey, ~^vk56, OnCtrlAction, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~^vk56 Up, OnCtrlVup, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~^vk58, OnCtrlAction, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~^vk58 Up, OnCtrlXup, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~^vk5A, OnCtrlAction, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~^vk5A Up, OnCtrlZup, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~^BackSpace, OnCtrlDelBack, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~^Del, OnCtrlDelBack, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~^Left, OnCtrlRLeft, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~^Right, OnCtrlRLeft, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~+^Left, OnCtrlRLeft, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, ~+^Right, OnCtrlRLeft, useErrorLevel
if (OnlyTypingMode!=1)
Loop, 24 ; F1-F24
Hotkey, % "~*F" A_Index, OnKeyPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~*F" A_Index " Up", OnKeyUp, useErrorLevel
if (errorlevel!=0) && (audioAlerts=1)
soundbeep, 1900, 50
NumpadKeysList := "NumpadDel|NumpadIns|NumpadEnd|NumpadDown|NumpadPgdn|NumpadLeft|NumpadClear|NumpadRight|NumpadHome|NumpadUp|NumpadPgup|NumpadEnter"
Loop, parse, NumpadKeysList, |
Hotkey, % "~*" A_LoopField, OnKeyPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~*" A_LoopField " Up", OnKeyUp, useErrorLevel
if (errorlevel!=0) && (audioAlerts=1)
soundbeep, 1900, 50
Loop, 10 ; Numpad0 - Numpad9 ; numlock on
Hotkey, % "~*Numpad" A_Index - 1, OnNumpadsPressed, UseErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~*Numpad" A_Index - 1 " Up", OnKeyUp, UseErrorLevel
if (errorlevel!=0) && (audioAlerts=1)
soundbeep, 1900, 50
NumpadSymbols := "NumpadDot|NumpadDiv|NumpadMult|NumpadAdd|NumpadSub"
Loop, parse, NumpadSymbols, |
Hotkey, % "~*" A_LoopField, OnNumpadsPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~*" A_LoopField " Up", OnKeyUp, useErrorLevel
if (errorlevel!=0) && (audioAlerts=1)
soundbeep, 1900, 50
Otherkeys := "WheelDown|WheelUp|WheelLeft|WheelRight|XButton1|XButton2|Browser_Forward|Browser_Back|Browser_Refresh|Browser_Stop|Browser_Search|Browser_Favorites|Browser_Home|Volume_Mute|Volume_Down|Volume_Up|Media_Next|Media_Prev|Media_Stop|Media_Play_Pause|Launch_Mail|Launch_Media|Launch_App1|Launch_App2|Help|Sleep|PrintScreen|CtrlBreak|Break|AppsKey|Tab|Enter|Esc"
. "|Insert|CapsLock|ScrollLock|NumLock|Pause|sc146|sc123|sc11d"
Loop, parse, Otherkeys, |
Hotkey, % "~*" A_LoopField, OnKeyPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~*" A_LoopField " Up", OnKeyUp, useErrorLevel
if (errorlevel!=0) && (audioAlerts=1)
soundbeep, 1900, 50
if (ShowMouseButton=1) || (visualMouseClicks=1)
Loop, Parse, % "LButton|MButton|RButton", |
Hotkey, % "~*" A_LoopField, OnMousePressed, useErrorLevel
if (errorlevel!=0) && (audioAlerts=1)
soundbeep, 1900, 50
If (StickyKeys=0)
for i, mod in ["LShift", "RShift", "LCtrl", "RCtrl", "LAlt", "RAlt", "LWin", "RWin"]
Hotkey, % "~*" mod, OnModPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~*" mod " Up", OnModUp, useErrorLevel
if (errorlevel!=0) && (audioAlerts=1)
soundbeep, 1900, 50
if (StickyKeys=1)
for i, mod in ["LCtrl", "RCtrl", "LAlt", "RAlt", "LWin", "RWin"]
Hotkey, % "~*" mod, OnKeyPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~*" mod " Up", OnModUp, useErrorLevel
if (errorlevel!=0) && (audioAlerts=1)
soundbeep, 1900, 50
for i, mod in ["LShift", "RShift"]
Hotkey, % "~*" mod, OnModPressed, useErrorLevel
Hotkey, % "~*" mod " Up", OnModUp, useErrorLevel
if (errorlevel!=0) && (audioAlerts=1)
soundbeep, 1900, 50
ShowHotkey(HotkeyStr) {
; Sleep, 30 ; megatest
if (HotkeyStr ~= "i)^(\s+)$")
if (HotkeyStr ~= "i)( \+ )$") && !typed && ShowSingleModifierKey=0 && StickyKeys=1 || (NeverDisplayOSD=1) ; || (OnlyTypingMode=1)
if (HotkeyStr ~= "i)(Shift \+ )$") && (ShowSingleModifierKey=0) && (StickyKeys=1)
if (HotkeyStr ~= "i)( \+ )") && !(typed ~= "i)( \+ )") && (OnlyTypingMode=1)
global tickcount_start2 := A_TickCount
if (OSDautosize=1)
growthIncrement := (FontSize/2)*(OSDautosizeFactory/150)
startPoint := GetTextExtentPoint(HotkeyStr, FontName, FontSize) / (OSDautosizeFactory/100) + 30
if (startPoint > text_width+growthIncrement) || (startPoint < text_width-growthIncrement)
text_width := round(startPoint)
text_width := (text_width > maxAllowedGuiWidth-growthIncrement*2) ? maxAllowedGuiWidth : text_width
} else if (OSDautosize=0)
text_width := maxAllowedGuiWidth
dGuiX := round(GuiX)
GuiControl, OSD: , HotkeyText, %HotkeyStr%
if (rightoleft=1)
GuiGetSize(W, H, 1)
dGuiX := round(w) ? round(GuiX) - round(w) : round(GuiX)
GuiControl, OSD: Move, HotkeyText, w%text_width% Left
SetTimer, checkMousePresence, on, 400, -5
Gui, OSD: Show, NoActivate x%dGuiX% y%GuiY% h%GuiHeight% w%text_width%, KeypressOSD
if (rightoleft=1)
GuiGetSize(W, H, 1)
dGuiX := round(w) ? round(GuiX) - round(w) : round(GuiX)
Gui, OSD: Show, NoActivate x%dGuiX% y%GuiY% h%GuiHeight% w%text_width%, KeypressOSD
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, KeypressOSD
visible := 1
ShowLongMsg(stringo) {
text_width2 := GetTextExtentPoint(stringo, FontName, FontSize) / (OSDautosizeFactory/100)
maxAllowedGuiWidth := text_width2 + 30
maxAllowedGuiWidth := (OSDautosize=1) ? maxGuiWidth : GuiWidth
GetTextExtentPoint(sString, sFaceName, nHeight, initialStart := 0) {
; by Sean from
; Sleep, 30 ; megatest
bBold := 1
bItalic := 0
bUnderline := 0
bStrikeOut := 0
nCharSet := 0
hDC := DllCall("GetDC", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr")
nHeight := -DllCall("MulDiv", "int", nHeight, "int", DllCall("GetDeviceCaps", "ptr", hDC, "int", 90), "int", 72)
hFont := DllCall("CreateFont"
, "int", nHeight
, "int", 0 ; nWidth
, "int", 0 ; nEscapement
, "int", 0 ; nOrientation
, "int", 700 ; fnWeight
, "Uint", 0 ; fdwItalic
, "Uint", 0 ; fdwUnderline
, "Uint", 0 ; fdwStrikeOut
, "Uint", 0 ; fdwCharSet
, "Uint", 0 ; fdwOutputPrecision
, "Uint", 0 ; fdwClipPrecision
, "Uint", 0 ; fdwQuality
, "Uint", 0 ; fdwPitchAndFamily
, "str", sFaceName
, "Ptr")
hFold := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hDC, "ptr", hFont, "Ptr")
DllCall("GetTextExtentPoint32", "ptr", hDC, "str", sString, "int", StrLen(sString), "int64P", nSize)
DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hDC, "ptr", hFold)
DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hFont)
DllCall("ReleaseDC", "Ptr", 0, "ptr", hDC)
SetFormat, Integer, D
nWidth := nSize & 0xFFFFFFFF
nWidth := (nWidth<35) ? 36 : round(nWidth)
if ((initialStart=1) || A_IsSuspended)
minHeight := round(FontSize*1.55)
maxHeight := round(FontSize*3.1)
GuiHeight := nSize >> 32 & 0xFFFFFFFF
GuiHeight := GuiHeight / (OSDautosizeFactory/100) + (OSDautosizeFactory/10) + 4
GuiHeight := (GuiHeight<minHeight) ? minHeight+1 : round(GuiHeight)
GuiHeight := (GuiHeight>maxHeight) ? maxHeight+1 : round(GuiHeight)
Return nWidth
GuiGetSize( ByRef W, ByRef H, vindov) { ; function by VxE from
; Sleep, 30 ; megatest
if (vindov=1)
Gui, OSD: +LastFoundExist
if (vindov=2)
Gui, MouseH: +LastFoundExist
if (vindov=3)
Gui, MouseIdlah: +LastFoundExist
if (vindov=4)
Gui, Mouser: +LastFoundExist
VarSetCapacity( rect, 16, 0 )
DllCall("GetClientRect", "Ptr", MyGuiHWND := WinExist(), "Ptr", &rect )
W := round(NumGet( rect, 8, "int" ))
H := round(NumGet( rect, 12, "int" ))
GetKeyStr(letter := 0) {
; Sleep, 30 ; megatest
modifiers_temp := 0
static modifiers := ["LCtrl", "RCtrl", "LAlt", "RAlt", "LShift", "RShift", "LWin", "RWin"]
FriendlyKeyNames := {NumpadDot:"[ . ]", NumpadDiv:"[ / ]", NumpadMult:"[ * ]", NumpadAdd:"[ + ]", NumpadSub:"[ - ]", numpad0:"[ 0 ]", numpad1:"[ 1 ]", numpad2:"[ 2 ]", numpad3:"[ 3 ]", numpad4:"[ 4 ]", numpad5:"[ 5 ]", numpad6:"[ 6 ]", numpad7:"[ 7 ]", numpad8:"[ 8 ]", numpad9:"[ 9 ]", NumpadEnter:"[Enter]", NumpadDel:"[Delete]", NumpadIns:"[Insert]", NumpadHome:"[Home]", NumpadEnd:"[End]", NumpadUp:"[Up]", NumpadDown:"[Down]", NumpadPgdn:"[Page Down]", NumpadPgup:"[Page Up]", NumpadLeft:"[Left]", NumpadRight:"[Right]", NumpadClear:"[Clear]", Media_Play_Pause:"Media_Play/Pause", MButton:"Middle Click", RButton:"Right Click", Del:"Delete", PgUp:"Page Up", PgDn:"Page Down"}
; If any mod but Shift, go ; If shift, check if not letter
for i, mod in modifiers
if ((InStr(mod, "Shift", true) && typed) ? (!letter && GetKeyState(mod)) : GetKeyState(mod))
; if GetKeyState(mod)
prefix .= mod " + "
if (!prefix && !ShowSingleKey)
key := A_ThisHotkey
StringRight, backupKey, key, 1
key := RegExReplace(key, "i)^(~\+\$.?)$", "[ ▪ ]")
key := RegExReplace(key, "i)^(~\+\^!|~\+<!<\^|~\+<!>\^|~\+<\^>!|~<\^>!|~!#\^\+|~<\^<!|~>\^>!|~\^!|~#!\+|~#!\^|~#\+\^|~\+!\^|~!#\^|~!\+\^|~!#|~\+#|~#\^|~!\+|~!\^|~\+\^|~#!|~\*|~\^|~!|~#|~\+)")
StringReplace, key, key, ~,
if (GetKeyState("Shift") && (ShiftDisableCaps=1))
SetCapsLockState, off
if (key ~= "i)^(LCtrl|RCtrl|LShift|RShift|LAlt|RAlt|LWin|RWin)$")
if (ShowSingleKey = 0) || ((A_TickCount-tickcount_start > 1800) && visible && !typed && keycount>5)
} else
backupKey := key
key := ""
if (StickyKeys=0)
prefix := CompactModifiers(prefix)
if (!prefix && !key)
if backupKey
prefix := backupKey ? "{" backupKey "}" : "{unknown key}"
keyCount := 0.1
prefix := CompactModifiers(prefix)
if InStr(prefix, "altgr")
prefix := "AltGr +"
AltGrPressed := 2
backTyped := !typed ? backTyped : typed
} else
backupKey := !key ? backupKey : key
if (StrLen(key)=1)
StringLeft, key, key, 2
key := GetKeyChar(key)
} else if (SubStr(key, 1, 2) = "sc") && (key != "ScrollLock") && StrLen(typed)<2 || (SubStr(key, 1, 2) = "vk") && StrLen(typed)<2 || (SubStr(key, 1, 2) = "vk") && prefix {
key := (GetSpecialSC(key) || GetSpecialSC(key)=0) ? GetSpecialSC(key) : key
} else if (StrLen(key)<1) && !prefix {
key := (ShowDeadKeys=1) ? "◐" : "(unknown key)"
key := backupKey ? backupKey : key
} else if FriendlyKeyNames.hasKey(key) {
key := FriendlyKeyNames[key]
} else if (key = "Volume_Up") {
Sleep, 40
SoundGet, master_volume
key := "Volume up: " round(master_volume)
} else if (key = "Volume_Down") {
Sleep, 40
SoundGet, master_volume
key := "Volume down: " round(master_volume)
} else if (key = "Volume_mute") {
SoundGet, master_volume
SoundGet, master_mute, , mute
if master_mute = on
key := "Volume mute"
if master_mute = off
key := "Volume level: " round(master_volume)
} else if (key = "PrintScreen") {
if (HideAnnoyingKeys=1 && !prefix)
key := "Print Screen"
} else if (key ~= "i)(wheel)") {
if (ShowMouseButton=0)
} else
StringReplace, key, key, wheel, wheel%A_Space%
} else if (key = "LButton") && IsDoubleClick() {
key := "Double Click"
} else if (key ~= "i)(lock)") && !prefixed {
key := GetCrayCrayState(key)
} else if (key = "LButton") {
if (HideAnnoyingKeys=1 && !prefix)
if (!(typed ~= "i)( │)") && strlen(typed)>3 && (ShowMouseButton=1)) {
typed := InsertChar2caret(" ")
key := "Left Click"
_key := key ; what's this for? :)
prefix := CompactModifiers(prefix)
static pre_prefix, pre_key
StringUpper, key, key, T
if InStr(key, "lock on")
StringUpper, key, key
StringUpper, pre_key, pre_key, T
keyCount := (key=pre_key) && (prefix = pre_prefix) && (repeatCount<1.5) ? keyCount : 1
if ((ShowPrevKey=1) && (keyCount<2) && (A_TickCount-tickcount_start < ShowPrevKeyDelay) && (!(pre_key ~= "i)^(vk|Media_|Volume|Caps lock|Num lock|Scroll lock)")))
ShowPrevKeyValid := 0
if ((prefix != pre_prefix && key=pre_key) || (key!=pre_key && !prefix) || (key!=pre_key && pre_prefix))
ShowPrevKeyValid := 1
if (InStr(pre_key, " up") && StrLen(pre_key)=4)
StringLeft, pre_key, pre_key, 1
} else
ShowPrevKeyValid := 0
if (key=pre_key) && (ShowKeyCountFired=0) && (ShowKeyCount=1) && !(key ~= "i)(volume)")
trackingPresses := tickcount_start2 - tickcount_start < 100 ? 1 : 0
keyCount := (trackingPresses=0 && keycount<2) ? keycount+1 : keycount
if (trackingPresses=1)
keyCount := !keycount ? 1 : keyCount+1
if (trackingPresses=0) && InStr(prefix, "+") && (A_TickCount-tickcount_start < 600) && (tickcount_start2 - tickcount_start < 500)
keyCount := !keycount ? 1 : keyCount+1
ShowKeyCountValid := 1
} else if (key=pre_key) && (ShowKeyCountFired=1) && (ShowKeyCount=1) && !(key ~= "i)(volume)")
keyCount := !keycount ? 0 : keyCount+1
ShowKeyCountValid := 1
} else if (key=pre_key) && (ShowKeyCount=0) && (DisableTypingMode=0)
keyCount := !keycount ? 0 : keyCount+1
ShowKeyCountValid := 0
} else
keyCount := 1
ShowKeyCountValid := 0
if (InStr(prefix, "+")) || ((!letter) && DisableTypingMode=0) || (DisableTypingMode=1)
if (prefix != pre_prefix)
result := (ShowPrevKeyValid=1) ? prefix key " {" pre_prefix pre_key "}" : prefix key
keyCount := 1
} else if (ShowPrevKeyValid=1)
key := (round(keyCount)>1) && (ShowKeyCountValid=1) ? (key " (" round(keyCount) ")") : (key ", " pre_key)
} else if (ShowPrevKeyValid=0)
key := (round(keyCount)>1) && (ShowKeyCountValid=1) ? (key " (" round(keyCount) ")") : (key)
} else {
keyCount := 1
pre_prefix := prefix
pre_key := _key
prefixed := prefix ? 1 : 0
return result ? result : prefix . key
CompactModifiers(stringy) {
if (DifferModifiers = 1)
StringReplace, stringy, stringy, LCtrl + RAlt, AltGr, All
StringReplace, stringy, stringy, LCtrl + RCtrl + RAlt, RCtrl + AltGr, All
StringReplace, stringy, stringy, RAlt, AltGr, All
StringReplace, stringy, stringy, LAlt, Alt, All
} else if (DifferModifiers = 0)
StringReplace, stringy, stringy, LCtrl + RAlt, AltGr, All
; StringReplace, stringy, stringy, LCtrl + RCtrl + RAlt, RCtrl + AltGr, All
StringReplace, stringy, stringy, LCtrl, Ctrl, All
StringReplace, stringy, stringy, RCtrl, Ctrl, All
StringReplace, stringy, stringy, LShift, Shift, All
StringReplace, stringy, stringy, RShift, Shift, All
StringReplace, stringy, stringy, LAlt, Alt, All
StringReplace, stringy, stringy, LWin, WinKey, All
StringReplace, stringy, stringy, RWin, WinKey, All
StringReplace, stringy, stringy, Ctrl + Ctrl, Ctrl, All
StringReplace, stringy, stringy, Shift + Shift, Shift, All
StringReplace, stringy, stringy, WinKey + WinKey, WinKey, All
StringReplace, stringy, stringy, RAlt, AltGr, All
return stringy
GetCrayCrayState(key) {
GetKeyState, keyState, %key%, T
If (keyState = "D")
tehResult := key " ON"
else {
tehResult := key " off"
StringReplace, tehResult, tehResult, lock, %A_SPACE%lock
Return tehResult
GetSpecialSC(sc) {
k := {sc11d: "(special key)", sc146: "Pause/Break", sc123: "Genius LuxeMate Scroll"}
if !k[sc]
brr := GetKeyChar(sc)
StringLeft, brr, brr, 1
k[sc] := brr
if !k[sc]
k[sc] := GetKeyName(sc)
return k[sc]
GetDeadKeySymbol(hotkeya) {
lenghty := InStr(SCnames2, hotkeya)
lenghty := (lenghty=0) ? 2 : lenghty
symbol := SubStr(SCnames2, lenghty-1, 1)
symbol := (symbol="") || (symbol="v") || (symbol="k") ? "▪" : symbol
return symbol
; <tmplinshi>: thanks to Lexikos:
GetKeyChar(Key) {
; Sleep, 30 ; megatest
if (key ~= "i)^(vk)")
sc := "0x0" GetKeySC(Key)
sc := sc + 0
vk := "0x0" SubStr(key, InStr(key, "vk")+2, 3)
} else if (StrLen(key)>7)
sc := SubStr(key, InStr(key, "sc")+2, 3) + 0
vk := "0x0" SubStr(key, InStr(key, "vk")+2, 2)
vk := vk + 0
} else
sc := GetKeySC(Key)
vk := GetKeyVK(Key)
nsa := DllCall("MapVirtualKey", "Uint", vk, "Uint", 2)
if (nsa<=0) && (DeadKeys=0)
thread := DllCall("GetWindowThreadProcessId", "ptr", WinActive("A"), "ptr", 0)
hkl := DllCall("GetKeyboardLayout", "uint", thread, "UInt")
VarSetCapacity(state, 256, 0)
VarSetCapacity(char, 4, 0)
n := DllCall("ToUnicodeEx", "uint", vk, "uint", sc, "ptr", &state, "ptr", &char, "int", 2, "uint", 0, "UInt", hkl)
if (DeadKeys=1)
n := DllCall("ToUnicodeEx", "uint", vk, "uint", sc, "ptr", &state, "ptr", &char, "int", 2, "uint", 0, "UInt", hkl)
return StrGet(&char, n, "utf-16")
global LastKBDchangeTime := A_TickCount
IdentifyKBDlayout() {
if (AutoDetectKBD=1) && (ForceKBD=0)
VarSetCapacity(kbLayoutRaw, 32, 0)
DllCall("GetKeyboardLayoutName", "Str", kbLayoutRaw)
backupkbLayoutRaw := kbLayoutRaw
IniRead, kbLayoutRaw2, %inifile%, TempSettings, kbLayoutRaw2, 0
if (kbLayoutRaw=kbLayoutRaw2)
SetFormat, Integer, H
perWindowKbLayout := % DllCall("GetKeyboardLayout", "UInt", DllCall("GetWindowThreadProcessId", "Ptr", WinActive("A"), "Ptr",0))
SetFormat, Integer, D
StringReplace, perWindowKbLayout, perWindowKbLayout, -,
if !(perWindowKbLayout ~= "i)^(0x0|0x1|0x2|0x7|0xC)$")
usePerWindowKbLayout := 1
IniWrite, %kbLayoutRaw%, %IniFile%, TempSettings, kbLayoutRaw2
if (ForceKBD=1)
kbLayoutRaw := (ForcedKBDlayout = 0) ? ForcedKBDlayout1 : ForcedKBDlayout2
#Include *i %A_Scriptdir%\keypress-files\keypress-osd-languages.ini
if (!FileExist("keypress-files\keypress-osd-languages.ini") && (AutoDetectKBD=1) && (loadedLangz!=1) && !A_IsCompiled) || (FileExist("keypress-files\keypress-osd-languages.ini") && (AutoDetectKBD=1) && (loadedLangz!=1) && !A_IsCompiled)
ShowLongMsg("Downloading language definitions file... Please wait.")
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime*2
if (A_IsCompiled && (loadedLangz!=1))
ReloadCounter := 1000
IniWrite, %ReloadCounter%, %IniFile%, TempSettings, ReloadCounter
ForceKBD := 0
AutoDetectKBD := 0
IniWrite, %AutoDetectKBD%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, AutoDetectKBD
IniWrite, %ForceKBD%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, ForceKBD
MsgBox, File compiled without language definitions.
IniRead, LangChanged, %inifile%, TempSettings, LangChanged, 0
IniRead, LangChanged2This, %IniFile%, TempSettings, LangChanged2This
if ((LangChanged=1) && (ForceKBD=0)) || ((usePerWindowKbLayout=1) && (ForceKBD=0))
if (usePerWindowKbLayout=1)
LangChanged2This := perWindowKbLayout
StringLeft, LangChanged2Thiz, LangChanged2This, 5
if (LangChanged2This ~= "i)^(0x100c|0x1009|0x1809|0x4009)")
StringLeft, LangChanged2Thiz, LangChanged2This, 6
if ConvertLangCodeList1.hasKey(LangChanged2Thiz)
kbLayoutRaw := "000" ConvertLangCodeList1[LangChanged2Thiz]
} else if ConvertLangCodeList2.hasKey(LangChanged2Thiz)
kbLayoutRaw := "000" ConvertLangCodeList2[LangChanged2Thiz]
} else if ConvertLangCodeList3.hasKey(LangChanged2Thiz)
kbLayoutRaw := "000" ConvertLangCodeList3[LangChanged2Thiz]
} else if ConvertLangCodeList4.hasKey(LangChanged2Thiz)
kbLayoutRaw := "000" ConvertLangCodeList4[LangChanged2Thiz]
} else if ConvertLangCodeList5.hasKey(LangChanged2Thiz)
kbLayoutRaw := "000" ConvertLangCodeList5[LangChanged2Thiz]
} else if ConvertLangCodeList6.hasKey(LangChanged2Thiz)
kbLayoutRaw := "000" ConvertLangCodeList6[LangChanged2Thiz]
} else if ConvertLangCodeList7.hasKey(LangChanged2Thiz)
kbLayoutRaw := "000" ConvertLangCodeList7[LangChanged2Thiz]
} else if ConvertLangCodeList8.hasKey(LangChanged2Thiz)
kbLayoutRaw := "000" ConvertLangCodeList8[LangChanged2Thiz]
} else
kbLayoutRaw := backupkbLayoutRaw
if (kbLayoutRaw=kbLayoutRaw2)
LangIDfailed := (LangChanged=1) ? 1 : 2
global LastKBDchangeTime := A_TickCount
StringRight, kbLayout, kbLayoutRaw, 4
#IncludeAgain *i %A_Scriptdir%\keypress-files\keypress-osd-languages.ini
check_kbd := StrLen(LangName_%kbLayout%)>2 ? 1 : 0
check_kbd_exact := StrLen(LangRaw_%kbLayoutRaw%)>2 ? 1 : 0
if (check_kbd_exact=0)
partialKBDmatch = (Partial match)
if (check_kbd=0) && (loadedLangz=1)
ShowLongMsg("Unrecognized layout: (kbd " kbLayoutRaw ").")
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
CurrentKBD := kbLayoutRaw ". " perWindowKbLayout ". Layout unrecognized:"
soundbeep, 500, 900
StringLeft, kbLayoutSupport, LangName_%kbLayout%, 1
if (kbLayoutSupport="-") && (check_kbd=1) && (loadedLangz=1)
ShowLongMsg("Unsupported layout: " LangName_%kbLayout% " (kbd" kbLayout ").")
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
soundbeep, 500, 900
CurrentKBD := LangName_%kbLayout% " unsupported. " kbLayoutRaw " / " perWindowKbLayout
if (DeadKeysPresent_%kbLayoutRaw%=1)
DeadKeys := 1
if DKaltGR_%kbLayoutRaw%
DKaltGR_list := DKaltGR_%kbLayoutRaw%
if DKshift_%kbLayoutRaw%
DKshift_list := DKshift_%kbLayoutRaw%
if DKnotShifted_%kbLayoutRaw%
DKnotShifted_list := DKnotShifted_%kbLayoutRaw%
if (kbLayoutSupport!="-") && (check_kbd=1) && (loadedLangz=1)
identifiedKbdName := (check_kbd_exact=1) ? LangRaw_%kbLayoutRaw% : LangName_%kbLayout%
CurrentKBD := "Auto-detected: " identifiedKbdName ". " kbLayoutRaw " / " perWindowKbLayout
if (LangIDfailed=2)
CurrentKBD := "Default layout: " identifiedKbdName ". " kbLayoutRaw " / " perWindowKbLayout
if (LangIDfailed=1)
CurrentKBD := "Layout identification failed. Default: " identifiedKbdName ". " kbLayoutRaw " / " perWindowKbLayout
If (ForceKBD=1)
CurrentKBD := "Enforced: " identifiedKbdName ". " kbLayoutRaw
if (SilentDetection=0)
if (ForceKBD!=1) && (LangIDfailed!=1) && (LangIDfailed!=2)
ShowLongMsg("Layout detected: " identifiedKbdName " (kbd" kbLayout "). " partialKBDmatch)
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
Sleep, 200
if (ForceKBD=1)
ShowLongMsg("Enforced layout: " identifiedKbdName " (kbd" kbLayout "). " partialKBDmatch)
if (LangIDfailed=2)
ShowLongMsg("Default layout: " identifiedKbdName " (kbd" kbLayout "). " partialKBDmatch)
if (LangIDfailed=1)
ShowLongMsg("Layout identification failed. Default: " identifiedKbdName " (kbd" kbLayout "). " partialKBDmatch)
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
LangChanged := 0
IniWrite, %LangChanged%, %IniFile%, TempSettings, LangChanged
if (AutoDetectKBD=1) && (loadedLangz=1)
identifiedKbdName := Strlen(identifiedKbdName)>3 ? identifiedKbdName : "unsupported layout"
StringLeft, clayout, identifiedKbdName, 25
Menu, tray, add, %clayout%, dummy
Menu, tray, Disable, %clayout%
Menu, tray, add
If (check_kbd_exact=1) && (ForceKBD=0)
SetFormat, Integer, H
ThisInputLocaleID := % DllCall("GetKeyboardLayout", "UInt",DllCall("GetWindowThreadProcessId", "Ptr",WinActive("A"), "Ptr",0))
SetFormat, Integer, D
StringReplace, ThisInputLocaleID, ThisInputLocaleID, -,
IniWrite, %identifiedKbdName%, %IniFile%, Languages, %ThisInputLocaleID%
if (ConstantAutoDetect=1) && (AutoDetectKBD=1) && (loadedLangz=1) && (ForceKBD=0)
SetTimer, dummyDelayer, 5000, 915
checkInstalledLangs() {
#IncludeAgain *i %A_Scriptdir%\keypress-files\keypress-osd-languages.ini
Loop, 25
RegRead, langInstalled, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Keyboard Layout\Preload, %A_Index%
if (ErrorLevel=1)
stopNow := 1
RegRead, langRealInstalled, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Keyboard Layout\Substitutes, %langInstalled%
if (ErrorLevel=1)
langRealInstalled := langInstalled
StringRight, ShortlngCode, langRealInstalled, 4
if (LangRaw_%langRealInstalled%)
StringRight, langRealInstalledCode, langRealInstalled, 5
niceMenuName := LangRaw_%langRealInstalled%
if !niceMenuName
niceMenuName := LangName_%ShortlngCode%
StringRight, testKBDselected, kbLayoutRaw, 5
Menu, kbdList, add, %langRealInstalledCode% %niceMenuName%, ForceSpecificLanguage
if (langRealInstalledCode = testKBDselected) && (LangIDfailed!=2) && (AutoDetectKBD=1)
Menu, kbdList, Check, %langRealInstalledCode% %niceMenuName%
} else if (LangName_%ShortlngCode%)
niceMenuName := LangName_%ShortlngCode%
StringRight, ShortlngCode, langRealInstalled, 5
Menu, kbdList, add, %ShortlngCode% %niceMenuName%, dummy
Menu, kbdList, Disable, %ShortlngCode% %niceMenuName%
if (langRealInstalled = kbLayoutRaw) && (AutoDetectKBD=1)
Menu, kbdList, Check, %ShortlngCode% %niceMenuName%
} else if (langRealInstalled)
StringRight, ShortlangRealInstalledCode, langRealInstalled, 5
Menu, kbdList, add, %ShortlangRealInstalledCode% unrecognized layout, dummy
Menu, kbdList, Disable, %ShortlangRealInstalledCode% unrecognized layout
if (langRealInstalled = kbLayoutRaw) && (AutoDetectKBD=1)
Menu, kbdList, Check, %ShortlangRealInstalledCode% unrecognized layout
} Until (stopNow=1)
ForceSpecificLanguage() {
ForceKBD := 1
AutoDetectKBD := 1
StringLeft, MenuSelected, A_ThisMenuItem, 5
if (ForcedKBDlayout=0)
ForcedKBDlayout1 := "000" MenuSelected
if (ForcedKBDlayout=1)
ForcedKBDlayout2 := "000" MenuSelected
ShowLongMsg("Switching keyboard layout...")
IniWrite, %AutoDetectKBD%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, AutoDetectKBD
IniWrite, %ForceKBD%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, ForceKBD
IniWrite, %ForcedKBDlayout%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, ForcedKBDlayout
IniWrite, %ForcedKBDlayout1%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, ForcedKBDlayout1
IniWrite, %ForcedKBDlayout2%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, ForcedKBDlayout2
sleep, 1100
dummyDelayer() {
Thread, Priority, -20
Critical, off
kbdList_count := DllCall("GetMenuItemCount", "ptr", MenuGetHandle("kbdList"))
if (kbdList_count>1)
SetTimer, ConstantKBDtimer, 950, -25
SetTimer,, off
ConstantKBDtimer() {
if A_IsSuspended
SetFormat, Integer, H
NewInputLocaleID := % DllCall("GetKeyboardLayout", "UInt",DllCall("GetWindowThreadProcessId", "Ptr",WinActive("A"), "Ptr",0))
StringReplace, NewInputLocaleID, NewInputLocaleID, -,
if (NewInputLocaleID ~= "i)^(0x0|0x1|0x2|0x7|0xC)$")
if (InputLocaleID != NewInputLocaleID)
InputLocaleID := NewInputLocaleID
SetFormat, Integer, D
LangChanged := 1
global LastKBDchangeTime := A_TickCount
if (LangChanged=1)
sleep, 50
ConstantKBDlayoutChanger() {
if A_IsSuspended
SetFormat, Integer, H
IniRead, currentLayout, %IniFile%, TempSettings, LangChanged2This
if (currentLayout=InputLocaleID)
LangChanged := 0
sleep, 50
if (A_TickCount - LastKBDchangeTime > 1000) && (A_TickCount - lastTypedSince > 2000) && (A_TickCount - tickcount_start > 2000) && (currentLayout!=InputLocaleID)
InputLocaleID := NewInputLocaleID
lastKBDid := InputLocaleID
LangChanged := 1
IniWrite, %LangChanged%, %IniFile%, TempSettings, LangChanged
IniWrite, %lastKBDid%, %IniFile%, TempSettings, LangChanged2This
IniRead, InputLocaleName, %inifile%, Languages, %InputLocaleID%, %InputLocaleID%
if (SilentDetection=0)
InputLocaleName := Strlen(InputLocaleName)>3 && !InStr(InputLocaleName, "unsupported") ? InputLocaleName : lastKBDid
ShowLongMsg("Layout changed to: " InputLocaleName)
sleep, 1000
IsDoubleClick(MSec = 300) {
Return (A_ThisHotKey = A_PriorHotKey) && (A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < MSec)
IsDoubleClickEx(MSec = 300) {
preHotkey := RegExReplace(A_PriorHotkey, "i) Up$")
Return (A_ThisHotKey = preHotkey) && (A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < MSec)
HideGUI() {
Thread, Priority, -20
Critical, off
visible := 0
Gui, OSD: Hide
SetTimer, checkMousePresence, off
checkMousePresence() {
Thread, Priority, -20
Critical, off
id := mouseIsOver()
title := getWinTitleFromID(id)
if (title = "KeypressOSD") && (JumpHover=0)
} else if (title = "KeypressOSD") && (JumpHover=1)
mouseIsOver() {
MouseGetPos,,, id
return id
getWinTitleFromID(id) {
WinGetTitle, title, % "ahk_id " id
return title
CreateGlobalShortcuts() {
if (pasteOSDcontent=1) && (DisableTypingMode=0)
Hotkey, ^+Insert, sendOSDcontent
Hotkey, ^!Insert, sendOSDcontent2
if (KeyboardShortcuts=1)
Hotkey, !+^F7, ToggleForcedLanguage
Hotkey, !+^F8, ToggleShowSingleKey
Hotkey, !+^F9, TogglePosition
Hotkey, !+^F11, DetectLangNow
Hotkey, !+^F12, ReloadScriptNow
Hotkey, !Pause, ToggleCapture2Text ; Alt+Pause/Break
if (DisableTypingMode=0)
Hotkey, #Insert, SynchronizeApp
Hotkey, #!Insert, SynchronizeApp2
Hotkey, +Pause, SuspendScript ; shift+Pause/Break
SynchronizeApp() {
lola := "│"
lola2 := "║"
loalee := Clipboard
Clipboard := ""
if (synchronizeMode=0)
sleep 10
Sendinput {LCtrl Down}
sleep 10
Sendinput a
sleep 10
Sendinput c
sleep 10
Sendinput {LCtrl Up}
sleep 10
Sendinput {Right}
sleep 10
Sendinput {End 2}
} else if (synchronizeMode=1)
sleep 10
Sendinput {LShift Down}
sleep 10
Sendinput {Up 2}
sleep 10
Sendinput {Home 2}
sleep 10
Sendinput {LShift Up}
sleep 10
Sendinput ^c
sleep 10
Sendinput {Right}
} Else
sleep 10
Sendinput {End 2}
sleep 10
Sendinput {LShift Down}
sleep 10
Sendinput {Home 2}
sleep 10
Sendinput {LShift Up}
sleep 10
Sendinput ^c
sleep 10
Sendinput {Left}
sleep 10
Sendinput {Right}
sleep 10
Sendinput {End 2}
if (StrLen(Clipboard)>0)
StringRight, typed, Clipboard, 950
CaretPos := StrLen(typed)+1
typed := ST_Insert(lola, typed, CaretPos)
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
Clipboard := loalee
loalee := " "
SynchronizeApp2() {
synchronizeMode := 5
IniRead, synchronizeMode, %inifile%, SavedSettings, synchronizeMode, %synchronizeMode%
sendOSDcontent2() {
synchronizeMode := 10
IniRead, synchronizeMode, %inifile%, SavedSettings, synchronizeMode, %synchronizeMode%
sendOSDcontent() {
typed := backTyped2 ? backtyped2 : backtyped
if (StrLen(typed)>2)
loalee := Clipboard
lola := "│"
lola2 := "║"
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola%
StringReplace, typed, typed, %lola2%
Clipboard := typed
sleep 10
if (synchronizeMode=10)
Sendinput ^a
sleep 10
Sendinput ^v
sleep 10
CaretPos := StrLen(typed)+1
typed := ST_Insert(lola, typed, CaretPos)
global lastTypedSince := A_TickCount
Clipboard := loalee
loalee := " "
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTimeTyping
SuspendScript() { ; Shift+Pause/Break
Suspend, Permit
Thread, Priority, 50
Critical, On
if ((prefOpen = 1) && (A_IsSuspended=1))
SoundBeep, 300, 900
WinActivate, KeyPress OSD
ScriptelSuspendel := A_IsSuspended ? 0 : 1
IniWrite, %ScriptelSuspendel%, %IniFile%, TempSettings, ScriptelSuspendel
Menu, Tray, UseErrorLevel
Menu, Tray, Rename, &KeyPress activated,&KeyPress deactivated
if (ErrorLevel=1)
Menu, Tray, Rename, &KeyPress deactivated,&KeyPress activated
Menu, Tray, Check, &KeyPress activated
Menu, Tray, Uncheck, &KeyPress deactivated
ShowLongMsg("KeyPress OSD toggled")
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime/6
Sleep, DisplayTime/6+15
ToggleConstantDetection() {
if ((prefOpen = 1) && (A_IsSuspended=1))
SoundBeep, 300, 900
WinActivate, KeyPress OSD
AutoDetectKBD := 1
ConstantAutoDetect := (ConstantAutoDetect=0) ? 1 : 0
IniWrite, %ConstantAutoDetect%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, ConstantAutoDetect
IniWrite, %AutoDetectKBD%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, AutoDetectKBD
if (ConstantAutoDetect=1)
SetTimer, ConstantKBDtimer, 950, -25
Menu, Tray, Check, &Monitor keyboard layout
if (ConstantAutoDetect=0)
Menu, Tray, Uncheck, &Monitor keyboard layout
SetTimer, ConstantKBDtimer, off
Sleep, 500
ToggleNeverDisplay() {
NeverDisplayOSD := (NeverDisplayOSD=0) ? 1 : 0
IniWrite, %NeverDisplayOSD%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, NeverDisplayOSD
if (NeverDisplayOSD=1) {
Menu, SubSetMenu, Check, &Never show the OSD
} else
Menu, SubSetMenu, unCheck, &Never show the OSD
Sleep, 300
ToggleShowSingleKey() {
ShowSingleKey := (!ShowSingleKey) ? 1 : 0
if (ShowSingleKey=0)
OnlyTypingMode := 0
if (ShowSingleKey=1)
IniRead, OnlyTypingMode, %inifile%, SavedSettings, OnlyTypingMode, %OnlyTypingMode%
IniWrite, %ShowSingleKey%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, ShowSingleKey
ShowLongMsg("Show single keys = " ShowSingleKey)
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime/2
TogglePosition() {
if (A_IsSuspended=1)
SoundBeep, 300, 900
WinActivate, KeyPress OSD
GUIposition := (GUIposition=1) ? 0 : 1
Gui, OSD: hide
if (GUIposition=1)
GuiY := GuiYa
GuiX := GuiXa
} else
GuiY := GuiYb
GuiX := GuiXb
Gui, OSD: Destroy
sleep, 20
sleep, 20
if (Capture2Text!=1)
IniWrite, %GUIposition%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, GUIposition
ShowLongMsg("OSD position changed")
sleep, 450
ShowLongMsg("OSD position changed")
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime/3
Gui, OSD: Destroy
sleep, 20
sleep, 20
ToggleForcedLanguage() {
ReloadCounter := 1
IniWrite, %ReloadCounter%, %IniFile%, TempSettings, ReloadCounter
ForceKBD := 1
AutoDetectKBD := 1
ForcedKBDlayout := (ForcedKBDlayout = 0) ? 1 : 0
niceNaming := (ForcedKBDlayout = 0) ? "A" : "B"
ShowLongMsg("Switching layout to preset " niceNaming "...")
IniWrite, %AutoDetectKBD%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, AutoDetectKBD
IniWrite, %ForceKBD%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, ForceKBD
IniWrite, %ForcedKBDlayout%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, ForcedKBDlayout
sleep, 1100
ToggleSilence() {
SilentMode := (SilentMode = 0) ? 1 : 0
IniWrite, %SilentMode%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, SilentMode
if (SilentMode=1)
Menu, SubSetMenu, Check, S&ilent mode
} else
Menu, SubSetMenu, unCheck, S&ilent mode
sleep, 400
DetectLangNow() {
ReloadCounter := 1
IniWrite, %ReloadCounter%, %IniFile%, TempSettings, ReloadCounter
ForceKBD := 0
AutoDetectKBD := 1
IniWrite, %ForceKBD%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, ForceKBD
IniWrite, %AutoDetectKBD%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, AutoDetectKBD
ShowLongMsg("Detecting keyboard layout...")
sleep, 1100
ReloadScriptNow() {
ReloadScript(silent:=1) {
Thread, Priority, 50
Critical, on
thisFile := A_ScriptName
if FileExist(thisFile)
if (silent!=1)
sleep, 1100
} Else
ShowLongMsg("Main file missing... Adios.")
sleep, 3000
ToggleCapture2Text() { ; Alt+Pause/Break
if (A_IsSuspended=1)
SoundBeep, 300, 900
DetectHiddenWindows, on
IfWinNotExist, Capture2Text
if (Capture2Text!=1)
SoundBeep, 1900
MsgBox, 4,, Capture2Text was not detected. Do you want to continue?
IfMsgBox Yes
featureValidated := 1
} else
featureValidated := 0
featureValidated := featureValidated=0 ? 0 : 1
if (featureValidated=1)
Menu, Tray, UseErrorLevel
Menu, Tray, Rename, &Capture2Text enable, &Capture2Text enabled
if (ErrorLevel=1)
Menu, Tray, Rename, &Capture2Text enabled, &Capture2Text enable
Menu, Tray, Uncheck, &Capture2Text enable
Menu, Tray, Check, &Capture2Text enabled
Sleep, 300
Capture2Text := (Capture2Text=1) ? 0 : 1
if (Capture2Text=1) && (featureValidated=1)
JumpHover := 1
if (ClipMonitor=0)
ClipMonitor := 1
SetTimer, capturetext, 1500, -10
ShowLongMsg("Enabled automatic Capture 2 Text")
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime/7
} else if (featureValidated=1)
Capture2Text := (Capture2Text=1) ? 0 : 1
IniRead, GUIposition, %inifile%, SavedSettings, GUIposition, %GUIposition%
if (GUIposition=1)
GuiY := GuiYa
GuiX := GuiXa
} else
GuiY := GuiYb
GuiX := GuiXb
IniRead, JumpHover, %inifile%, SavedSettings, JumpHover, %JumpHover%
Gui, OSD: Destroy
sleep, 50
sleep, 50
IniRead, ClipMonitor, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ClipMonitor, %ClipMonitor%
SetTimer, capturetext, off
Capture2Text := (Capture2Text=1) ? 0 : 1
ShowLongMsg("Disabled automatic Capture 2 Text")
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime
DetectHiddenWindows, off
capturetext() {
if ((A_TimeIdlePhysical < 2000) && !A_IsSuspended)
Send, {Pause} ; set here the keyboard shortcut configured in Capture2Text
ClipChanged(Type) {
Thread, Priority, -20
Critical, off
sleep, 200
if ((type=1) && (ClipMonitor=1) && !A_IsSuspended && (A_TickCount-lastTypedSince > DisplayTimeTyping))
troll := clipboard
Stringleft, troll, troll, 150
StringReplace, troll, troll, `r`n, %A_SPACE%, All
StringReplace, troll, troll, %A_TAB%, %A_SPACE%, All
StringReplace, troll, troll, %A_SPACE%%A_SPACE%, , All
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime*2
} else if (type=2 && ClipMonitor=1 && !A_IsSuspended)
ShowLongMsg("Clipboard data changed")
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime/7
InitializeTray() {
Menu, SubSetMenu, add, &Keyboard, ShowKBDsettings
Menu, SubSetMenu, add, &Typing mode, ShowTypeSettings
Menu, SubSetMenu, add, &Sounds, ShowSoundsSettings
Menu, SubSetMenu, add, &Mouse, ShowMouseSettings
Menu, SubSetMenu, add, &OSD appearances, ShowOSDsettings
Menu, SubSetMenu, add
Menu, SubSetMenu, add, &Never show the OSD, ToggleNeverDisplay
Menu, SubSetMenu, add, S&ilent mode, ToggleSilence
Menu, SubSetMenu, add, Start at boot, SetStartUp
Menu, SubSetMenu, add
Menu, SubSetMenu, add, Restore defaults, DeleteSettings
Menu, SubSetMenu, add
Menu, SubSetMenu, add, Key &history, KeyHistoryWindow
Menu, SubSetMenu, add
Menu, SubSetMenu, add, &Check for updates, updateNow
regEntry := """" A_ScriptFullPath """"
RegRead, currentReg, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, KeyPressOSD
if (currentReg=regEntry)
Menu, SubSetMenu, Check, Start at boot
if (NeverDisplayOSD=1)
Menu, SubSetMenu, Check, &Never show the OSD
if (SilentMode=1)
Menu, SubSetMenu, Check, S&ilent mode
if !FileExist("keypress-files\keypress-beeperz-functions.ahk")
Menu, SubSetMenu, Disable, S&ilent mode
Menu, SubSetMenu, Disable, &Sounds
if !FileExist("keypress-files\keypress-mouse-functions.ahk")
Menu, SubSetMenu, Disable, &Mouse
Menu, tray, tip, KeyPress OSD v%version%
Menu, tray, NoStandard
kbdList_count := DllCall("GetMenuItemCount", "ptr", MenuGetHandle("kbdList"))
if (AutoDetectKBD=1) && (ForceKBD=0) && (loadedLangz=1) && (kbdList_count>1)
Menu, tray, add, &Monitor keyboard layout, ToggleConstantDetection
Menu, tray, check, &Monitor keyboard layout
if (ConstantAutoDetect=0)
Menu, tray, uncheck, &Monitor keyboard layout
if (loadedLangz=1) && (kbdList_count>1)
Menu, tray, add, &Installed keyboard layouts, :kbdList
if (ConstantAutoDetect=0) && (ForceKBD=0) && (loadedLangz=1)
Menu, tray, add, &Detect keyboard layout now, DetectLangNow
if (kbdList_count>1)
Menu, tray, add, &Monitor keyboard layout, ToggleConstantDetection
Menu, tray, add
Menu, tray, add, &Preferences, :SubSetMenu
Menu, tray, add
if (ForceKBD=1) && (loadedLangz=1)
niceNaming := (ForcedKBDlayout = 0) ? "A" : "B"
Menu, tray, add, Toggle &forced layout (%niceNaming%), ToggleForcedLanguage
Menu, tray, add
if (ConstantAutoDetect=0) && (loadedLangz=1)
Menu, tray, add, &Detect keyboard layout now, DetectLangNow
Menu, tray, add, &Toggle OSD positions, TogglePosition
Menu, tray, add, &Capture2Text enable, ToggleCapture2Text
Menu, tray, add
Menu, tray, add, &KeyPress activated, SuspendScript
Menu, tray, Check, &KeyPress activated
Menu, tray, add, &Restart, ReloadScriptNow
Menu, tray, add
Menu, tray, add, &Troubleshooting, HelpFAQstarter
Menu, tray, add, &Help, HelpStarter
Menu, tray, add, &About, AboutWindow
Menu, tray, add
Menu, tray, add, E&xit, KillScript
presentationHtml := "keypress-files\help\presentation.html"
faqHtml := "keypress-files\help\faq.html"
if !FileExist(presentationHtml)
Menu, tray, Disable, &Help
if !FileExist(faqHtml)
Menu, tray, Disable, &Troubleshooting
KeyHistoryWindow() {
HelpStarter() {
Run, %A_WorkingDir%\keypress-files\help\presentation.html
HelpFaqStarter() {
Run, %A_WorkingDir%\keypress-files\help\faq.html
DeleteSettings() {
MsgBox, 4,, Are you sure you want to delete the stored settings?
IfMsgBox Yes
FileSetAttrib, -R, %IniFile%
FileDelete, %IniFile%
verifyNonCrucialFilesRan := 2
IniWrite, %verifyNonCrucialFilesRan%, %inifile%, TempSettings, verifyNonCrucialFilesRan
KillScript() {
Thread, Priority, 50
Critical, on
thisFile := A_ScriptName
if FileExist(thisFile)
ShowLongMsg("Bye byeee :-)")
Sleep, 350
} Else
ShowLongMsg("Adiiooosss :-(((")
Sleep, 1550
SoundBeep, 600, 200
Sleep, 150
SoundBeep, 500, 100
Sleep, 150
SoundBeep, 400, 50
Sleep, 150
SoundBeep, 300, 25
Sleep, 150
SoundBeep, 200, 25
Sleep, 150
SoundBeep, 100, 25
SettingsGUI() {
Gui, SettingsGUIA: destroy
Gui, SettingsGUIA: Default
Gui, SettingsGUIA: -sysmenu
Gui, SettingsGUIA: margin, 15, 15
ShowTypeSettings() {
if (prefOpen = 1)
SoundBeep, 300, 900
WinActivate, KeyPress OSD
if (A_IsSuspended!=1)
Sleep, 50
prefOpen := 1
global editF1, editF2
deadKstatus := (DeadKeys=1) && !InStr(CurrentKBD, "unsupported") && !InStr(CurrentKBD, "unrecognized") ? "Dead keys present." : " "
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x15 y15 gVerifyTypeOptions Checked%ShowSingleKey% vShowSingleKey, Show single keys in the OSD, not just key combinations
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 gVerifyTypeOptions Checked%DisableTypingMode% vDisableTypingMode, Disable typing mode
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 gVerifyTypeOptions Checked%OnlyTypingMode% vOnlyTypingMode, Typing mode only
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+30 gVerifyTypeOptions Checked%enableTypingHistory% venableTypingHistory, Typed text history (with Page Up / Down)
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 gVerifyTypeOptions Checked%pgUDasHE% vpgUDasHE, Page Up / Down should behave as Home / End
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 gVerifyTypeOptions Checked%UpDownAsHE% vUpDownAsHE, Up / Down arrow keys should behave as Home / End
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+15 yp+20 gVerifyTypeOptions Checked%UpDownAsLR% vUpDownAsLR, ... or as the Left / Right keys
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp-15 yp+30 gVerifyTypeOptions Checked%pasteOSDcontent% vpasteOSDcontent, Ctrl+Shift+Insert to paste the OSD content into active text field
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 gVerifyTypeOptions Checked%synchronizeMode% vsynchronizeMode, Synchronize with host app (Win+Ins) using Shift+Up, Home
Gui, Add, text, xp+15 yp+15, By default, Ctrl+A [select all] is used to collect the text.
Gui, Add, text, xp-15 yp+30, Display time when typing (in seconds)
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+265 yp+0 w45 r1 limit2 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF1, %DisplayTimeTypingUser%
Gui, Add, UpDown, vDisplayTimeTypingUser Range2-99, %DisplayTimeTypingUser%
Gui, Add, text, xp-265 yp+20, Timer to resume typing with text related keys (in sec.)
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+265 yp+0 w45 r1 limit2 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF2, %ReturnToTypingUser%
Gui, Add, UpDown, vReturnToTypingUser Range2-99, %ReturnToTypingUser%
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x330 y15 gVerifyTypeOptions Checked%enterErasesLine% venterErasesLine, Enter and Escape keys erase texts from the OSD
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 Checked%enableAltGrUser% venableAltGrUser, Enable Ctrl+Alt / AltGr support
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+30 gVerifyTypeOptions Checked%ShowDeadKeys% vShowDeadKeys, Insert the dead key symbol in the OSD when typing
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 gVerifyTypeOptions Checked%autoRemDeadKey% vautoRemDeadKey, Do not treat dead keys as a different character (generic symbol)
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 gVerifyTypeOptions Checked%DoNotBindDeadKeys% vDoNotBindDeadKeys, Do not bind (ignore) known dead keys
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+15 yp+20 gVerifyTypeOptions Checked%DoNotBindAltGrDeadKeys% vDoNotBindAltGrDeadKeys, Ignore dead keys associated with AltGr as well
Gui, SettingsGUIA: font, bold
Gui, Add, text, xp-15 yp+20, Check this if you cannot use dead keys on supported layouts.
Gui, SettingsGUIA: font, normal
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+30 gVerifyTypeOptions Checked%alternativeJumps% valternativeJumps, Alternative rules to jump between words with Ctrl+Left/Right
Gui, Add, text, xp+15 yp+15, Please note, applications have inconsistent rules for this.
Gui, SettingsGUIA: font, bold
Gui, SettingsGUIA: Add, text, xp+0 yp+30, Keyboard layout status: %deadKstatus%
Gui, SettingsGUIA: font, normal
Gui, Add, text, xp+0 yp+15 w280, %CurrentKBD%.
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, Button, xp+150 yp+20 w70 h30 Default gApplySettings, A&pply
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, Button, xp+75 yp+0 w70 h30 gCloseSettings, C&ancel
Gui, SettingsGUIA: show, autoSize, Typing mode settings: KeyPress OSD
VerifyTypeOptions() {
GuiControlGet, DisableTypingMode
GuiControlGet, ShowSingleKey
GuiControlGet, enableAltGrUser
GuiControlGet, enableTypingHistory
GuiControlGet, ShowDeadKeys
GuiControlGet, autoRemDeadKey
GuiControlGet, DisplayTimeTypingUser
GuiControlGet, ReturnToTypingUser
GuiControlGet, OnlyTypingMode
GuiControlGet, enterErasesLine
GuiControlGet, pgUDasHE
GuiControlGet, UpDownAsHE
GuiControlGet, UpDownAsLR
GuiControlGet, editF1
GuiControlGet, editF2
GuiControlGet, DoNotBindDeadKeys
GuiControlGet, DoNotBindAltGrDeadKeys
if (ShowSingleKey=0)
GuiControl, Disable, DisableTypingMode
GuiControl, Disable, enableTypingHistory
GuiControl, Disable, CapslockBeeper
GuiControl, Disable, ShowDeadKeys
GuiControl, Disable, autoRemDeadKey
GuiControl, Disable, DisplayTimeTypingUser
GuiControl, Disable, ReturnToTypingUser
GuiControl, Disable, OnlyTypingMode
GuiControl, Disable, UpDownAsHE
GuiControl, Disable, UpDownAsLR
GuiControl, Disable, alternativeJumps
GuiControl, Disable, pasteOSDcontent
GuiControl, Disable, synchronizeMode
GuiControl, Disable, pgUDasHE
GuiControl, Disable, enterErasesLine
GuiControl, Disable, editF1
GuiControl, Disable, editF2
} else
GuiControl, Enable, DisableTypingMode
GuiControl, Enable, enableTypingHistory
GuiControl, Enable, CapslockBeeper
GuiControl, Enable, ShowDeadKeys
GuiControl, Enable, autoRemDeadKey
GuiControl, Enable, DisplayTimeTypingUser
GuiControl, Enable, ReturnToTypingUser
GuiControl, Enable, OnlyTypingMode
GuiControl, Enable, pasteOSDcontent
GuiControl, Enable, synchronizeMode
GuiControl, Enable, enterErasesLine
GuiControl, Enable, pgUDasHE
GuiControl, Enable, UpDownAsHE
GuiControl, Enable, alternativeJumps
GuiControl, Enable, UpDownAsLR
GuiControl, Enable, editF1
GuiControl, Enable, editF2
if (DisableTypingMode=1)
GuiControl, Disable, CapslockBeeper
GuiControl, Disable, enableTypingHistory
GuiControl, Disable, ShowDeadKeys
GuiControl, Disable, autoRemDeadKey
GuiControl, Disable, DisplayTimeTypingUser
GuiControl, Disable, ReturnToTypingUser
GuiControl, Disable, OnlyTypingMode
GuiControl, Disable, pgUDasHE
GuiControl, Disable, UpDownAsHE
GuiControl, Disable, UpDownAsLR
GuiControl, Disable, alternativeJumps
GuiControl, Disable, pasteOSDcontent
GuiControl, Disable, synchronizeMode
GuiControl, Disable, enterErasesLine
GuiControl, Disable, editF1
GuiControl, Disable, editF2
} else if (ShowSingleKey!=0)
GuiControl, Enable, CapslockBeeper
GuiControl, Enable, enableTypingHistory
GuiControl, Enable, ShowDeadKeys
GuiControl, Enable, autoRemDeadKey
GuiControl, Enable, DisplayTimeTypingUser
GuiControl, Enable, ReturnToTypingUser
GuiControl, Enable, OnlyTypingMode
GuiControl, Enable, enterErasesLine
GuiControl, Enable, alternativeJumps
GuiControl, Enable, synchronizeMode
GuiControl, Enable, pasteOSDcontent
GuiControl, Enable, pgUDasHE
GuiControl, Enable, UpDownAsHE
GuiControl, Enable, UpDownAsLR
GuiControl, Enable, editF1
GuiControl, Enable, editF2
if (ShowDeadKeys=0)
GuiControl, Disable, autoRemDeadKey
} else if ((DisableTypingMode!=1) || (ShowSingleKey!=1))
GuiControl, Enable, autoRemDeadKey
if (ShowSingleKey!=1)
GuiControl, Disable, autoRemDeadKey
if ((ForceKBD=0) && (AutoDetectKBD=0))
GuiControl, Disable, enableAltGrUser
GuiControl, Disable, ShowDeadKeys
GuiControl, Disable, autoRemDeadKey
if (OnlyTypingMode=0)
GuiControl, Disable, enterErasesLine
if (DoNotBindDeadKeys=1)
GuiControl, Disable, ShowDeadKeys
GuiControl, Disable, autoRemDeadKey
} else if (DisableTypingMode=0) && (ShowSingleKey!=0)
GuiControl, Enable, ShowDeadKeys
if (ShowDeadKeys=1) && (ShowSingleKey!=0)
GuiControl, Enable, autoRemDeadKey
if (DoNotBindDeadKeys=1)
GuiControl, Enable, DoNotBindAltGrDeadKeys
} else
GuiControl, Disable, DoNotBindAltGrDeadKeys
if (UpDownAsHE=1)
GuiControl, , UpDownAsLR, 0
if (UpDownAsLR=1)
GuiControl, , UpDownAsHE, 0
ShowSoundsSettings() {
if (prefOpen = 1)
SoundBeep, 300, 900
WinActivate, KeyPress OSD
if (A_IsSuspended!=1)
verifyNonCrucialFilesRan := 2
IniWrite, %verifyNonCrucialFilesRan%, %inifile%, TempSettings, verifyNonCrucialFilesRan
Sleep, 50
prefOpen := 1
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, text, x15 y15, Make a beep when the following keys are released:
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gVerifySoundsOptions xp+15 yp+20 Checked%KeyBeeper% vKeyBeeper, All bound keys
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gVerifySoundsOptions xp+0 yp+20 Checked%deadKeyBeeper% vdeadKeyBeeper, Recognized dead keys
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gVerifySoundsOptions xp+0 yp+20 Checked%ModBeeper% vModBeeper, Modifiers (Ctrl, Alt, WinKey, Shift)
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gVerifySoundsOptions xp+0 yp+20 Checked%ToggleKeysBeeper% vToggleKeysBeeper, Toggle keys (Caps / Num / Scroll lock)
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gVerifySoundsOptions xp+0 yp+20 Checked%MouseBeeper% vMouseBeeper, On mouse clicks
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gVerifySoundsOptions xp-15 yp+30 Checked%CapslockBeeper% vCapslockBeeper, Beep distinctively when typing with CapsLock turned on
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gVerifySoundsOptions xp+0 yp+20 Checked%TypingBeepers% vTypingBeepers, Distinct beeps for different key groups
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gVerifySoundsOptions xp+0 yp+20 Checked%DTMFbeepers% vDTMFbeepers, DTMF beeps for numpad keys
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gVerifySoundsOptions xp+0 yp+20 Checked%beepFiringKeys% vbeepFiringKeys, Generic beep for every key fire
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gVerifySoundsOptions xp+0 yp+20 Checked%audioAlerts% vaudioAlerts, At start, beep for every failed key binding
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gVerifySoundsOptions xp+0 yp+30 Checked%LowVolBeeps% vLowVolBeeps, Play beeps at reduced volume
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gVerifySoundsOptions xp+0 yp+20 Checked%prioritizeBeepers% vprioritizeBeepers, Prioritize beeps (may interfere with typing mode)
if (missingAudios=1)
Gui, font, bold
Gui, add, text, xp+0 yp+30, WARNING. Sound files are missing.
Gui, add, text, xp+0 yp+15, The attempts to download them seem to have failed.
Gui, add, text, xp+0 yp+15, The beeps will be synthesized at a high volume.
Gui, font, normal
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, Button, xp+0 yp+40 w70 h30 Default gApplySettings, A&pply
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, Button, xp+75 yp+0 w70 h30 gCloseSettings, C&ancel
Gui, SettingsGUIA: show, autoSize, Sounds settings: KeyPress OSD
VerifySoundsOptions() {
GuiControlGet, keyBeeper
GuiControlGet, TypingBeepers
if (keyBeeper=0)
GuiControl, Disable, TypingBeepers
} else
GuiControl, Enable, TypingBeepers
if (ShowMouseButton=0 && VisualMouseClicks=0)
GuiControl, Disable, MouseBeeper
} else
GuiControl, Enable, MouseBeeper
if ((ForceKBD=0) && (AutoDetectKBD=0)) || (DoNotBindDeadKeys=1)
GuiControl, Disable, deadKeyBeeper
if (DisableTypingMode=1)
GuiControl, Disable, CapslockBeeper
if (missingAudios=1)
GuiControl, Disable, LowVolBeeps
GuiControl, Disable, DTMFbeepers
GuiControl, , LowVolBeeps, 0
GuiControl, , DTMFbeepers, 0
ShowKBDsettings() {
if (prefOpen = 1)
SoundBeep, 300, 900
WinActivate, KeyPress OSD
if (A_IsSuspended!=1)
Sleep, 50
prefOpen := 1
Gui, Add, text, x15 y15 w220, Status: %CurrentKBD%
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, text, xp+0 yp+40, Settings regarding keyboard layouts:
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+10 yp+20 gVerifyKeybdOptions Checked%AutoDetectKBD% vAutoDetectKBD, Detect keyboard layout at start
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 gVerifyKeybdOptions Checked%ConstantAutoDetect% vConstantAutoDetect, Continuously detect layout changes
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 gVerifyKeybdOptions Checked%SilentDetection% vSilentDetection, Silent detection (no messages)
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 Checked%audioAlerts% vaudioAlerts, Beep for failed key bindings
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 Checked%enableAltGrUser% venableAltGrUser, Enable Ctrl+Alt / AltGr support
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 gForceKbdInfo Checked%ForceKBD% vForceKBD, Force detected keyboard layout (A / B)
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+20 yp+20 w68 r1 limit8 -multi -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap vForcedKBDlayout1, %ForcedKBDlayout1%
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+73 yp+0 w68 r1 limit8 -multi -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap vForcedKBDlayout2, %ForcedKBDlayout2%
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp-93 yp+30 gVerifyKeybdOptions Checked%IgnoreAdditionalKeys% vIgnoreAdditionalKeys, Ignore specific keys (dot separated)
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+20 yp+20 w140 r1 -multi -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap vIgnorekeysList, %IgnorekeysList%
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, text, x260 y15, Display behavior:
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+10 yp+20 gVerifyKeybdOptions Checked%ShowSingleKey% vShowSingleKey, Show single keys
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 Checked%HideAnnoyingKeys% vHideAnnoyingKeys, Hide Left Click and PrintScreen
Gui, Font, Bold
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 Checked%StickyKeys% vStickyKeys, Sticky keys mode
Gui, Font, Normal
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 gVerifyKeybdOptions Checked%ShowSingleModifierKey% vShowSingleModifierKey, Display modifiers
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 Checked%DifferModifiers% vDifferModifiers, Differ left and right modifiers
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 gVerifyKeybdOptions Checked%ShowKeyCount% vShowKeyCount, Show key count
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 gVerifyKeybdOptions Checked%ShowKeyCountFired% vShowKeyCountFired, Count number of key fires
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 gVerifyKeybdOptions Checked%ShowPrevKey% vShowPrevKey, Show previous key (delay in ms)
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+180 yp+0 w24 r1 limit3 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap vShowPrevKeyDelay, %ShowPrevKeyDelay%
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, text, xp-190 yp+35, Other options:
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+10 yp+20 Checked%KeyboardShortcuts% vKeyboardShortcuts, Global keyboard shortcuts
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 Checked%ShiftDisableCaps% vShiftDisableCaps, Shift turns off Caps Lock
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+20 Checked%ClipMonitor% vClipMonitor, Monitor clipboard changes
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, Button, x15 yp+10 w70 h30 Default gApplySettings, A&pply
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, Button, xp+75 yp+0 w70 h30 gCloseSettings, C&ancel
Gui, SettingsGUIA: show, autoSize, Keyboard settings: KeyPress OSD
VerifyKeybdOptions() {
GuiControlGet, AutoDetectKBD
GuiControlGet, ConstantAutoDetect
GuiControlGet, IgnoreAdditionalKeys
GuiControlGet, ForceKBD
GuiControlGet, ForcedKBDlayout1
GuiControlGet, ForcedKBDlayout2
GuiControlGet, ShowSingleKey
GuiControlGet, HideAnnoyingKeys
GuiControlGet, SilentDetection
GuiControlGet, ShowSingleModifierKey
GuiControlGet, ShowKeyCount
GuiControlGet, ShowKeyCountFired
GuiControlGet, ShowPrevKey
GuiControlGet, enableAltGrUser
if (ShowSingleModifierKey=0)
GuiControl, Disable, DifferModifiers
} else
GuiControl, Enable, DifferModifiers
if (ShowPrevKey=0)
GuiControl, Disable, ShowPrevKeyDelay
} else
GuiControl, Enable, ShowPrevKeyDelay
if (ShowKeyCount=0)
GuiControl, Disable, ShowKeyCountFired
} else
GuiControl, Enable, ShowKeyCountFired
if (ShowSingleKey=0)
GuiControl, Disable, HideAnnoyingKeys
GuiControl, Disable, ShowSingleModifierKey
} else
GuiControl, Enable, HideAnnoyingKeys
GuiControl, Enable, ShowSingleModifierKey
if (AutoDetectKBD=1)
GuiControl, Enable, ConstantAutoDetect
GuiControl, Enable, ForceKBD
} else
GuiControl, Disable, ConstantAutoDetect
GuiControl, , ForceKBD, 0
GuiControl, Disable, ForceKBD
GuiControl, Disable, ForcedKBDlayout1
GuiControl, Disable, ForcedKBDlayout2
if (ForceKBD=1) && (AutoDetectKBD=1)
GuiControl, Enable, ForcedKBDlayout1
GuiControl, Enable, ForcedKBDlayout2
GuiControl, Disable, ConstantAutoDetect
} else
GuiControl, Disable, ForcedKBDlayout1
GuiControl, Disable, ForcedKBDlayout2
if ((ForceKBD=0) && (AutoDetectKBD=0))
GuiControl, Disable, SilentDetection
GuiControl, Disable, enableAltGrUser
} else
GuiControl, Enable, SilentDetection
GuiControl, Enable, enableAltGrUser
if (IgnoreAdditionalKeys=1)
GuiControl, Enable, IgnorekeysList
} else
GuiControl, Disable, IgnorekeysList
ForceKbdInfo() {
GuiControlGet, ForceKBD
if (ForceKBD=1)
MsgBox, , About Force Keyboard Layout, Please enter the keyboard layout codes you want to enforce. Please use the "Installed keyboard layouts" menu to easily define these. You can toggle between the two layouts with Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F7. See Help for more details.
ShowMouseSettings() {
if (prefOpen = 1)
SoundBeep, 300, 900
WinActivate, KeyPress OSD
if (A_IsSuspended!=1)
Sleep, 50
prefOpen := 1
global editF1, editF2, editF3, editF4, editF5, editF6, editF7, btn1
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gVerifyMouseOptions x15 y15 Checked%ShowMouseButton% vShowMouseButton, Show mouse clicks in the OSD
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gVerifyMouseOptions xp+0 yp+20 Checked%MouseBeeper% vMouseBeeper, Beep on mouse clicks
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gVerifyMouseOptions xp+0 yp+20 Checked%VisualMouseClicks% vVisualMouseClicks, Visual mouse clicks (scale, alpha)
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+16 yp+20 w45 r1 limit2 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF1, %ClickScaleUser%
Gui, Add, UpDown, vClickScaleUser Range3-90, %ClickScaleUser%
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+50 yp+0 w45 r1 limit3 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF2, %MouseVclickAlpha%
Gui, Add, UpDown, vMouseVclickAlpha Range10-240, %MouseVclickAlpha%
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gVerifyMouseOptions xp-65 yp+35 Checked%MouseClickRipples% vMouseClickRipples, Show ripples on clicks (size, thickness)
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+16 yp+20 w45 r1 limit3 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF8, %MouseRippleMaxSize%
Gui, Add, UpDown, vMouseRippleMaxSize Range90-400, %MouseRippleMaxSize%
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+50 yp+0 w45 r1 limit2 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF9, %MouseRippleThickness%
Gui, Add, UpDown, vMouseRippleThickness Range5-50, %MouseRippleThickness%
Gui, Add, Edit, x335 y40 w60 r1 limit3 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF3, %MouseHaloRadius%
Gui, Add, UpDown, vMouseHaloRadius Range5-950, %MouseHaloRadius%
Gui, Add, Progress, xp+0 yp+25 w35 h20 BackgroundBlack c%MouseHaloColor% vMouseHaloColor, 100
Gui, Add, Button, xp+36 yp+0 w25 h20 gChooseColorHalo vBtn1, P
Gui, Add, Edit, xp-36 yp+25 w60 r1 limit3 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF4, %MouseHaloAlpha%
Gui, Add, UpDown, vMouseHaloAlpha Range10-240, %MouseHaloAlpha%
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+0 yp+55 w60 r1 limit3 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF5, %MouseIdleAfter%
Gui, Add, UpDown, vMouseIdleAfter Range3-950, %MouseIdleAfter%
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+0 yp+25 w60 r1 limit3 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF6, %MouseIdleRadius%
Gui, Add, UpDown, vMouseIdleRadius Range5-950, %MouseIdleRadius%
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+0 yp+25 w60 r1 limit3 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF7, %IdleMouseAlpha%
Gui, Add, UpDown, vIdleMouseAlpha Range10-240, %IdleMouseAlpha%
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gVerifyMouseOptions x220 y15 Checked%ShowMouseHalo% vShowMouseHalo, Mouse halo / highlight
Gui, Add, text, xp+15 yp+25, Radius:
Gui, Add, text, xp+0 yp+25, Color:
Gui, Add, text, xp+0 yp+25, Alpha:
Gui, Add, Checkbox, gVerifyMouseOptions xp-15 yp+33 Checked%FlashIdleMouse% vFlashIdleMouse, Flash idle mouse to locate it
Gui, Add, text, xp+15 yp+25, Idle after (in sec.)
Gui, Add, text, xp+0 yp+25, Halo radius:
Gui, Add, text, xp+0 yp+25, Alpha:
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, Button, x15 yp-20 w70 h30 Default gApplySettings, A&pply
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, Button, xp+75 yp+0 w70 h30 gCloseSettings, C&ancel
Gui, SettingsGUIA: show, autoSize, Mouse settings: KeyPress OSD
ChooseColorHalo() {
if (ShowMouseHalo=0)
cc := dlg_color(MouseHaloColor,hwnd)
MouseHaloColor := hexRGB(cc)
StringRight, MouseHaloColor, MouseHaloColor, 6
GuiControl, +c%MouseHaloColor%, MouseHaloColor
hexRGB(c) {
setformat, IntegerFast, H
r := ((c&255)<<16)+(c&65280)+((c&0xFF0000)>>16),c:=SubStr(r,1)
SetFormat, IntegerFast, D
return c
Dlg_Color(Color,hwnd) {
if !cc {
Loop, 16 {
; retrieve custom colors if saved by the user to ini file, then load them here instead of 0x00FFFFFF
Color := hexRGB("0x" Color)
ret := DllCall("comdlg32\ChooseColor","UPtr",&CHOOSECOLOR,"UInt")
if !ret
; Loop,16
; {
; NumGet(custom,(A_Index-1)*4,"UInt")
; save custom colors to ini file, to be loaded on a subsequent session
; }
setformat, IntegerFast, H
Color := NumGet(CHOOSECOLOR,3*A_PtrSize,"UInt")
SetFormat, IntegerFast, D
return Color
VerifyMouseOptions() {
GuiControlGet, FlashIdleMouse
GuiControlGet, ShowMouseHalo
GuiControlGet, ShowMouseButton
GuiControlGet, VisualMouseClicks
GuiControlGet, MouseClickRipples
if (ShowMouseButton=0 && VisualMouseClicks=0)
GuiControl, Disable, MouseBeeper
} else
GuiControl, Enable, MouseBeeper
if (VisualMouseClicks=0)
GuiControl, Disable, ClickScaleUser
GuiControl, Disable, MouseVclickAlpha
GuiControl, Enable, MouseClickRipples
GuiControl, Disable, editF1
GuiControl, Disable, editF2
} else
GuiControl, Enable, ClickScaleUser
GuiControl, Enable, MouseVclickAlpha
GuiControl, Disable, MouseClickRipples
GuiControl, Enable, editF1
GuiControl, Enable, editF2
if (FlashIdleMouse=0)
GuiControl, Disable, MouseIdleAfter
GuiControl, Disable, MouseIdleRadius
GuiControl, Disable, IdleMouseAlpha
GuiControl, Disable, editF5
GuiControl, Disable, editF6
GuiControl, Disable, editF7
} else
GuiControl, Enable, MouseIdleAfter
GuiControl, Enable, MouseIdleRadius
GuiControl, Enable, IdleMouseAlpha
GuiControl, Enable, editF5
GuiControl, Enable, editF6
GuiControl, Enable, editF7
disabledColor := "cccccc"
if (ShowMouseHalo=0)
GuiControl, Disable, MouseHaloRadius
GuiControl, +c%disabledColor%, MouseHaloColor
GuiControl, Disable, MouseHaloAlpha
GuiControl, Disable, btn1
GuiControl, Disable, editF3
GuiControl, Disable, editF4
} else
GuiControl, Enable, MouseHaloRadius
GuiControl, +c%MouseHaloColor%, MouseHaloColor
GuiControl, Enable, MouseHaloAlpha
GuiControl, Enable, btn1
GuiControl, Enable, editF3
GuiControl, Enable, editF4
if (MouseClickRipples=0)
GuiControl, Disable, MouseRippleThickness
GuiControl, Disable, MouseRippleMaxSize
GuiControl, Enable, VisualMouseClicks
GuiControl, Disable, editF8
GuiControl, Disable, editF9
} else
GuiControl, Enable, MouseRippleThickness
GuiControl, Enable, MouseRippleMaxSize
GuiControl, Disable, VisualMouseClicks
GuiControl, Enable, editF8
GuiControl, Enable, editF9
OSDpreview() {
Thread, Priority, -20
Critical, off
Gui, SettingsGUIA: Submit, NoHide
if (A_TickCount-tickcount_start2 < 150)
if (showPreview=0)
Gui, OSD: hide
maxAllowedGuiWidth := (OSDautosize=1) ? maxGuiWidth : GuiWidth
if (GUIposition=1)
GuiY := GuiYa
GuiX := GuiXa
} else
GuiY := GuiYb
GuiX := GuiXb
GuiX := GuiX ? GuiX : GuiXa
GuiY := GuiY ? GuiY : GuiYa
ShowOSDsettings() {
if (prefOpen = 1)
SoundBeep, 300, 900
WinActivate, KeyPress OSD
if (A_IsSuspended!=1)
Sleep, 50
prefOpen := 1
static positionB
global editF1, editF2, editF3, editF4, editF5, editF6, editF7, editF8, editF9, btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4, btn5
GUIposition := GUIposition + 1
Gui, SettingsGUIA: Add, Radio, x15 y35 gVerifyOsdOptions Checked vGUIposition, Position A (x, y)
Gui, Add, Radio, xp+0 yp+25 gVerifyOsdOptions Checked%GUIposition% vPositionB, Position B (x, y)
Gui, Add, Button, xp+145 yp-25 w25 h20 gLocatePositionA vBtn1, L
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+27 yp+0 gVerifyOsdOptions w55 r1 limit4 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF1, %GuiXa%
Gui, Add, UpDown, vGuiXa gVerifyOsdOptions 0x80 Range-9995-9998, %GuiXa%
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+60 yp+0 gVerifyOsdOptions w55 r1 limit4 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF2, %GuiYa%
Gui, Add, UpDown, vGuiYa gVerifyOsdOptions 0x80 Range-9995-9998, %GuiYa%
Gui, Add, Button, xp-86 yp+25 w25 h20 gLocatePositionB vBtn2, L
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+27 yp+0 gVerifyOsdOptions w55 r1 limit4 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF3, %GuiXb%
Gui, Add, UpDown, vGuiXb gVerifyOsdOptions 0x80 Range-9995-9998, %GuiXb%
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+60 yp+0 gVerifyOsdOptions w55 r1 limit4 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF4, %GuiYb%
Gui, Add, UpDown, vGuiYb gVerifyOsdOptions 0x80 Range-9995-9998, %GuiYb%
Gui, Add, DropDownList, xp-150 yp+25 w145 Sort Choose1 vFontName, %FontName%
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+150 yp+0 gVerifyOsdOptions w55 r1 limit3 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF5, %FontSize%
Gui, Add, UpDown, gVerifyOsdOptions vFontSize Range7-295, %FontSize%
Gui, Add, Progress, xp-60 yp+25 w55 h20 BackgroundBlack c%OSDtextColor% vOSDtextColor, 100
Gui, Add, Button, xp+60 yp+0 w55 h20 gChooseColorTEXT vBtn3, Pick
Gui, Add, Progress, xp-60 yp+25 w55 h20 BackgroundBlack c%OSDbgrColor% vOSDbgrColor, 100
Gui, Add, Button, xp+60 yp+0 w55 h20 gChooseColorBGR vBtn4, Pick
Gui, Add, Progress, xp-60 yp+25 w55 h20 BackgroundBlack c%CapsColorHighlight% vCapsColorHighlight, 100
Gui, Add, Button, xp+60 yp+0 w55 h20 gChooseCapsColor vBtn5, Pick
Gui, Add, Edit, xp-60 yp+25 w55 r1 limit2 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF6, %DisplayTimeUser%
Gui, Add, UpDown, vDisplayTimeUser Range2-99, %DisplayTimeUser%
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+0 yp+25 w55 r1 limit3 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF7, %GuiWidth%
Gui, Add, UpDown, gVerifyOsdOptions vGuiWidth Range55-990, %GuiWidth%
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+60 yp+0 w55 r1 limit3 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF8, %maxGuiWidth%
Gui, Add, UpDown, gVerifyOsdOptions vmaxGuiWidth Range55-995, %maxGuiWidth%
Gui, Add, Edit, xp-60 yp+25 w55 r1 limit3 -multi number -wantCtrlA -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap veditF9, %OSDautosizeFactory%
Gui, Add, UpDown, gVerifyOsdOptions vOSDautosizeFactory Range10-400, %OSDautosizeFactory%
Gui, Add, text, x15 y15, OSD location presets. Click L to define each.
Gui, Add, text, xp+0 yp+72, Font
Gui, Add, text, xp+0 yp+25, Text color
Gui, Add, text, xp+0 yp+25, Background color
Gui, Add, text, xp+0 yp+25, Caps lock highlight color
Gui, Add, text, xp+0 yp+25, Display time (in seconds)
Gui, Add, text, xp+0 yp+25, Width (fixed size / dynamic max,)
Gui, Add, text, xp+0 yp+25, Text width factor (lower = larger)
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+25 gVerifyOsdOptions Checked%OSDautosize% vOSDautosize, Auto-resize OSD (screen DPI: %A_ScreenDPI%)
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+25 gVerifyOsdOptions Checked%OSDborder% vOSDborder, System border around OSD
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+25 gVerifyOsdOptions Checked%FavorRightoLeft% vFavorRightoLeft, Favor right alignment
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+25 gVerifyOsdOptions Checked%NeverRightoLeft% vNeverRightoLeft, Never align to the right
Gui, Add, text, xp+15 yp+15 w250, Recommended if you want to place the OSD on a secondary screen
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp-15 yp+35 gVerifyOsdOptions Checked%JumpHover% vJumpHover, Toggle OSD positions when mouse runs over it
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xp+0 yp+25 gVerifyOsdOptions Checked%showPreview% vshowPreview, Show preview window
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+170 yp+0 gVerifyOsdOptions w115 limit20 r1 -multi -wantReturn -wantTab -wrap vpreviewWindowText, %previewWindowText%
Loop, % FontList.MaxIndex() {
GuiControl, , FontName, % FontList[A_Index]
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, Button, xp-170 yp+40 w70 h30 Default gApplySettings, A&pply
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, Button, xp+75 yp+0 w70 h30 gCloseSettings, C&ancel
Gui, SettingsGUIA: show, autoSize, OSD appearances: KeyPress OSD
VerifyOsdOptions() {
GuiControlGet, OSDautosize
GuiControlGet, NeverRightoLeft
GuiControlGet, FavorRightoLeft
GuiControlGet, GUIposition
GuiControlGet, showPreview
if (showPreview=1)
GuiControl, Enable, previewWindowText
} else
GuiControl, Disable, previewWindowText
if (NeverRightoLeft=1)
GuiControl, Disable, FavorRightoLeft
} else
GuiControl, Enable, FavorRightoLeft
if (FavorRightoLeft=1)
GuiControl, Disable, NeverRightoLeft
GuiControl, , NeverRightoLeft, 0
} else
GuiControl, Enable, NeverRightoLeft
if (GUIposition=0)
GuiControl, Disable, GuiXa
GuiControl, Disable, GuiYa
GuiControl, Disable, btn1
GuiControl, Disable, editF1
GuiControl, Disable, editF2
GuiControl, Enable, GuiXb
GuiControl, Enable, GuiYb
GuiControl, Enable, btn2
GuiControl, Enable, editF3
GuiControl, Enable, editF4
} else
GuiControl, Enable, GuiXa
GuiControl, Enable, GuiYa
GuiControl, Enable, btn1
GuiControl, Enable, editF1
GuiControl, Enable, editF2
GuiControl, Disable, GuiXb
GuiControl, Disable, GuiYb
GuiControl, Disable, btn2
GuiControl, Disable, editF3
GuiControl, Disable, editF4
if (OSDautosize=0)
GuiControl, Enable, GuiWidth
GuiControl, Enable, editF7
GuiControl, Disable, maxGuiWidth
GuiControl, Disable, editF8
} else
GuiControl, Disable, GuiWidth
GuiControl, Disable, editF7
GuiControl, Enable, maxGuiWidth
GuiControl, Enable, editF8
LocatePositionA() {
GuiControlGet, GUIposition
if (GUIposition=0)
ToolTip, Move mouse to desired location and click
CoordMode Mouse, Screen
KeyWait, LButton, D, T10
MouseGetPos, x, y
GuiControl, , GuiXa, %x%
GuiControl, , GuiYa, %y%
LocatePositionB() {
GuiControlGet, GUIposition
if (GUIposition=0)
ToolTip, Move mouse to desired location and click
CoordMode Mouse, Screen
KeyWait, LButton, D, T10
MouseGetPos, x, y
GuiControl, , GuiXb, %x%
GuiControl, , GuiYb, %y%
} else
EnumFonts() {
hDesk := DllCall("GetDesktopWindow", "Ptr")
hDC := DllCall("GetDC", "Ptr", hDesk, "Ptr")
Callback := RegisterCallback("EnumFontsCallback", "F")
DllCall("EnumFontFamilies", "Ptr", hDC, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", Callback, "UInt", lParam := 0)
DllCall("ReleaseDC", "Ptr", hDesk, "Ptr", hDC)
EnumFontsCallback(lpelf) {
FontList.Push(StrGet(lpelf + 28, 32))
Return True
ChooseColorBGR() {
cc := dlg_color(OSDbgrColor,hwnd)
OSDbgrColor := hexRGB(cc)
StringRight, OSDbgrColor, OSDbgrColor, 6
GuiControl, +c%OSDbgrColor%, OSDbgrColor
ChooseColorTEXT() {
cc := dlg_color(OSDtextColor,hwnd)
OSDtextColor := hexRGB(cc)
StringRight, OSDtextColor, OSDtextColor, 6
GuiControl, +c%OSDtextColor%, OSDtextColor
ChooseCapsColor() {
cc := dlg_color(CapsColorHighlight,hwnd)
CapsColorHighlight := hexRGB(cc)
StringRight, CapsColorHighlight, CapsColorHighlight, 6
GuiControl, +c%CapsColorHighlight%, CapsColorHighlight
ApplySettings() {
Gui, SettingsGUIA: Submit, NoHide
if (ForceKBD=1) || (AutoDetectKBD=1)
ReloadCounter := 1
IniWrite, %ReloadCounter%, %IniFile%, TempSettings, ReloadCounter
Sleep, 20
Sleep, 20
AboutWindow() {
if (prefOpen = 1)
SoundBeep, 300, 900
WinActivate, KeyPress OSD
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, link, x16 y45, Script developed by <a href="">Marius Șucan</a> for AHK_H v1.1.27.
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, link, xp+0 yp+20, Based on KeyPressOSD v2.2 by Tmplinshi. <a href="">Send me feedback</a>..
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, text, xp+0 yp+20, Freeware. Open source. For Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10.
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, text, xp+0 yp+35, Many thanks to the great people from #ahk (,
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, text, xp+0 yp+20, ... in particular to Phaleth, Drugwash, Tidbit and Saiapatsu.
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, text, xp+0 yp+20, Special mentions: Burque505 / Winter and Neuromancer.
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, text, xp+0 yp+35, This contains code also from: Maestrith (color picker),
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, text, xp+0 yp+20, Alguimist (font list generator), VxE (GuiGetSize),
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, text, xp+0 yp+20, Sean (GetTextExtentPoint), Helgef (toUnicodeEx),
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, text, xp+0 yp+20, Jess Harpur (Extract2Folder), Tidbit and Lexikos.
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, Button, xp+0 yp+35 w75 Default gCloseWindow, &Close
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, Button, xp+80 yp+0 w85 gChangeLog, Version &history
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, text, xp+90 yp+1, Released: %releaseDate%
Gui, Font, s20 bold, Arial, -wrap
Gui, SettingsGUIA: add, text, x15 y10, KeyPress OSD v%version%
Gui, SettingsGUIA: show, autoSize, About KeyPress OSD v%version%
CloseWindow() {
Gui, SettingsGUIA: Destroy
CloseSettings() {
changelog() {
Gui, SettingsGUIA: Destroy
baseURL := ""
historyFileName := "keypress-osd-changelog.txt"
historyFile := "keypress-files\" historyFileName
historyFileURL := baseURL historyFileName
if (!FileExist(historyFile) || (ForceDownloadExternalFiles=1))
UrlDownloadToFile, %historyFileURL%, %historyFile%
Sleep, 4000
if FileExist(historyFile)
FileRead, Contents, %historyFile%
if not ErrorLevel
StringLeft, Contents, Contents, 100
if InStr(contents, "// KeyPress OSD - CHANGELOG")
FileGetTime, fileDate, %historyFile%
timeNow := %A_Now%
EnvSub, timeNow, %fileDate%, Days
if (timeNow > 10)
MsgBox, Version history seems too old. Please use the Update now option from the tray menu. The file will be opened now.
Run, %historyFile%
} Else
MsgBox, 4,, Corrupt file: keypress-osd-changelog.txt. The attempt to download it seems to have failed. To try again file must be deleted. Do you agree?
IfMsgBox Yes
FileDelete, %historyFile%
} else
MsgBox, Missing file: %historyFile%. The attempt to download it seems to have failed.
downLangFile() {
baseURL := ""
langyFileName := "keypress-osd-languages.ini"
langyFile := "keypress-files\" langyFileName
langyFileURL := baseURL langyFileName
IniRead, ReloadCounter, %IniFile%, TempSettings, ReloadCounter, 0
if (!FileExist(langyFile) || (ForceDownloadExternalFiles=1))
UrlDownloadToFile, %langyFileURL%, %langyFile%
Sleep, 5000
if FileExist(langyFile)
FileRead, Contents, %langyFile%
if !ErrorLevel
StringLeft, Contents, Contents, 100
if InStr(contents, "// KeyPress OSD - language definitions")
langFileDownloaded := 1
Sleep, 300
} Else
langFileDownloaded := 0
FileDelete, %langyFile%
MsgBox, Incorrect contents for the downloaded file: %langyFile%. File deleted. Automatic keyboard detection is now disabled.
} else
langFileDownloaded := 0
MsgBox, Missing file: %langyFile%. The attempt to download it seems to have failed. Automatic keyboard detection is now disabled.
if (langFileDownloaded!=1)
ForceKBD := 0
AutoDetectKBD := 0
IniWrite, %AutoDetectKBD%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, AutoDetectKBD
IniWrite, %ForceKBD%, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, ForceKBD
Sleep, 200
if (ReloadCounter<3)
ReloadCounter := ReloadCounter+1
IniWrite, %ReloadCounter%, %IniFile%, TempSettings, ReloadCounter
if (langFileDownloaded=1) && (ReloadCounter<3)
ReloadCounter := ReloadCounter+1
IniWrite, %ReloadCounter%, %IniFile%, TempSettings, ReloadCounter
updateNow() {
if (A_IsSuspended!=1) && !A_IsCompiled
if A_IsCompiled
MsgBox, 4, Question, Do you want to abort updating?
IfMsgBox Yes
verifyNonCrucialFilesRan := 1
IniWrite, %verifyNonCrucialFilesRan%, %inifile%, TempSettings, verifyNonCrucialFilesRan
Sleep, 150
prefOpen := 1
baseURL := ""
mainFileTmp := A_IsCompiled ? "source-keypress-osd.ahk" : "temp-keypress-osd.ahk"
mainFile := "keypress-osd.ahk"
mainFileURL := baseURL mainFile
thisFile := A_ScriptName
zipFile := ""
zipFileTmp := zipFile
zipUrl := baseURL zipFile
ShowLongMsg("Updating files: 1 / 2. Please wait...")
UrlDownloadToFile, %mainFileURL%, %mainFileTmp%
Sleep, 3000
if FileExist(mainFileTmp)
FileRead, Contents, %mainFileTmp%
if not ErrorLevel
StringLeft, Contents, Contents, 100
if InStr(contents, "; KeypressOSD.ahk - main file")
ShowLongMsg("Updating files: Main code: OK")
FileMove, %mainFileTmp%, %thisFile%, 1
Sleep, 1350
ahkDownloaded := 1
} Else
ShowLongMsg("Updating files: Main code: CORRUPT")
Sleep, 1350
ahkDownloaded := 0
FileDelete, %mainFileTmp%
} else
ShowLongMsg("Updating files: Main code: FAIL")
Sleep, 1350
ahkDownloaded := 0
ShowLongMsg("Updating files: 2 / 2. Please wait...")
UrlDownloadToFile, %zipUrl%, %zipFileTmp%
sleep, 3000
if FileExist(zipFileTmp)
FileRead, Contents, %zipFileTmp%
if not ErrorLevel
StringLeft, Contents, Contents, 50
if InStr(contents, "PK")
ShowLongMsg("Auxiliary files: OK")
Sleep, 1350
FileDelete, %zipFileTmp%
zipDownloaded := 1
} Else
ShowLongMsg("Auxiliary files: FAIL")
Sleep, 1350
FileDelete, %zipFileTmp%
zipDownloaded := 0
} else
ShowLongMsg("Auxiliary files: FAIL")
Sleep, 1350
zipDownloaded := 0
if (zipDownloaded=0 || ahkDownloaded=0)
someErrors := 1
if (zipDownloaded=0 && ahkDownloaded=0)
completeFailure := 1
if (zipDownloaded=1 && ahkDownloaded=1)
completeSucces := 1
if (completeFailure=1)
MsgBox, 4, Error, Unable to download any file. Server is offline or no Internet connection. Do you want to try again?
IfMsgBox Yes
if (completeSucces=1)
MsgBox, Update seems to be succesful. No errors detected. The script will now reload.
verifyNonCrucialFilesRan := 1
IniWrite, %verifyNonCrucialFilesRan%, %inifile%, TempSettings, verifyNonCrucialFilesRan
if (someErrors=1)
MsgBox, Errors occured during the update. The script will now reload.
verifyNonCrucialFilesRan := 1
IniWrite, %verifyNonCrucialFilesRan%, %inifile%, TempSettings, verifyNonCrucialFilesRan
verifyNonCrucialFiles() {
baseURL := ""
zipFile := ""
zipFileTmp := zipFile
zipUrl := baseURL zipFile
SoundsZipFile := ""
SoundsZipFileTmp := SoundsZipFile
SoundsZipUrl := baseURL SoundsZipFile
historyFile := "keypress-files\keypress-osd-changelog.txt"
beepersFile := "keypress-files\keypress-beeperz-functions.ahk"
mouseFile := "keypress-files\keypress-mouse-functions.ahk"
ripplesFile := "keypress-files\keypress-mouse-ripples-functions.ahk"
historyFile := "keypress-files\keypress-osd-changelog.txt"
beepersFile := "keypress-files\keypress-beeperz-functions.ahk"
mouseFile := "keypress-files\keypress-mouse-functions.ahk"
settingsHtml := "keypress-files\help\settings.html"
faqHtml := "keypress-files\help\faq.html"
presentationHtml := "keypress-files\help\presentation.html"
shortcutsHtml := "keypress-files\help\shortcuts.html"
featuresHtml := "keypress-files\help\features.html"
soundFile1 := "sounds\firedkey1.wav"
soundFile2 := "sounds\firedkey0.wav"
soundFile3 := "sounds\deadkeys1.wav"
soundFile4 := "sounds\mods1.wav"
soundFile5 := "sounds\clicks1.wav"
soundFile6 := "sounds\caps1.wav"
soundFile7 := "sounds\keys1.wav"
soundFile8 := "sounds\clicks0.wav"
soundFile9 := "sounds\mods0.wav"
soundFile10 := "sounds\deadkeys0.wav"
soundFile11 := "sounds\keys0.wav"
soundFile12 := "sounds\caps0.wav"
IniRead, ScriptelSuspendel, %inifile%, TempSettings, ScriptelSuspendel, %ScriptelSuspendel%
if (ScriptelSuspendel!=1) {
GetTextExtentPoint("Initializing", FontName, FontSize, 1)
Sleep, 50
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime*2
IniRead, verifyNonCrucialFilesRan, %inifile%, TempSettings, verifyNonCrucialFilesRan, 0
IniRead, checkVersion, %IniFile%, SavedSettings, version, 0
if (version!=checkVersion)
verifyNonCrucialFilesRan := 0
if FileExist(soundFile1) && FileExist(soundFile2) && FileExist(soundFile3) && FileExist(soundFile4) && FileExist(soundFile5) && FileExist(soundFile6) && FileExist(soundFile7) && FileExist(soundFile8) && FileExist(soundFile9) && FileExist(soundFile10) && FileExist(soundFile11) && FileExist(soundFile12)
missingAudios := 0
if !FileExist(beepersFile) || !FileExist(ripplesFile) || !FileExist(mouseFile) || !FileExist(historyFile)
downloadPackNow := 1
if !FileExist(soundFile1) || !FileExist(soundFile2) || !FileExist(soundFile3) || !FileExist(soundFile4) || !FileExist(soundFile5) || !FileExist(soundFile6) || !FileExist(soundFile7) || !FileExist(soundFile8) || !FileExist(soundFile9) || !FileExist(soundFile10) || !FileExist(soundFile11) || !FileExist(soundFile12)
downloadSoundPackNow := 1
if !FileExist(settingsHtml) || !FileExist(faqHtml) || !FileExist(presentationHtml) || !FileExist(shortcutsHtml) || !FileExist(featuresHtml)
downloadPackNow := 1
FileGetTime, fileDate, %historyFile%
timeNow := %A_Now%
EnvSub, timeNow, %fileDate%, Days
if (timeNow > 25)
verifyNonCrucialFilesRan := 2
IniWrite, %verifyNonCrucialFilesRan%, %inifile%, TempSettings, verifyNonCrucialFilesRan
if (downloadPackNow=1) && (verifyNonCrucialFilesRan>3)
if (downloadPackNow=1) && (verifyNonCrucialFilesRan<4)
verifyNonCrucialFilesRan := verifyNonCrucialFilesRan+1
IniWrite, %verifyNonCrucialFilesRan%, %inifile%, TempSettings, verifyNonCrucialFilesRan
ShowLongMsg("Downloading files...")
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime*2
UrlDownloadToFile, %zipUrl%, %zipFileTmp%
sleep, 1500
if FileExist(zipFileTmp)
FileRead, Contents, %zipFileTmp%
if not ErrorLevel
StringLeft, Contents, Contents, 50
if InStr(contents, "PK")
Sleep, 1500
FileDelete, %zipFileTmp%
reloadRequired := 1
} Else
FileDelete, %zipFileTmp%
if (downloadSoundPackNow=1) && (verifyNonCrucialFilesRan<4)
verifyNonCrucialFilesRan := verifyNonCrucialFilesRan+1
IniWrite, %verifyNonCrucialFilesRan%, %inifile%, TempSettings, verifyNonCrucialFilesRan
ShowLongMsg("Downloading files...")
SetTimer, HideGUI, % -DisplayTime*2
UrlDownloadToFile, %SoundsZipUrl%, %SoundsZipFileTmp%
sleep, 1500
if FileExist(SoundsZipFileTmp)
FileRead, Contents, %SoundsZipFileTmp%
if not ErrorLevel
StringLeft, Contents, Contents, 50
if InStr(contents, "PK")
Extract2Folder(SoundsZipFileTmp, "sounds")
Sleep, 1500
FileDelete, %SoundsZipFileTmp%
} Else
FileDelete, %SoundsZipFileTmp%
if (reloadRequired=1)
MsgBox, 4,, Important files were downloaded. Do you want to restart this app?
IfMsgBox Yes
IniWrite, %verifyNonCrucialFilesRan%, %inifile%, TempSettings, verifyNonCrucialFilesRan
IniWrite, %version%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, version
if FileExist(soundFile1) && FileExist(soundFile2) && FileExist(soundFile3) && FileExist(soundFile4) && FileExist(soundFile5) && FileExist(soundFile6) && FileExist(soundFile7) && FileExist(soundFile8) && FileExist(soundFile9) && FileExist(soundFile10) && FileExist(soundFile11) && FileExist(soundFile12)
missingAudios := 0
Extract2Folder(Zip, Dest="", Filename="") {
; function by Jess Harpur [2013]
; Based on code by shajul
SplitPath, Zip,, SourceFolder
if !SourceFolder
Zip := A_ScriptDir . "\" . Zip
if !Dest {
SplitPath, Zip,, DestFolder,, Dest
Dest := DestFolder . "\" . Dest . "\"
if SubStr(Dest, 0, 1) <> "\"
Dest .= "\"
SplitPath, Dest,,,,,DestDrive
if !DestDrive
Dest := A_ScriptDir . "\" . Dest
fso := ComObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not fso.FolderExists(Dest) ;
AppObj := ComObjCreate("Shell.Application")
FolderObj := AppObj.Namespace(Zip)
if Filename {
FileObj := FolderObj.ParseName(Filename)
AppObj.Namespace(Dest).CopyHere(FileObj, 4|16)
} else
FolderItemsObj := FolderObj.Items()
AppObj.Namespace(Dest).CopyHere(FolderItemsObj, 4|16)
SetStartUp() {
; ToolTip, %A_ScriptFullPath%
regEntry := """" A_ScriptFullPath """"
RegRead, currentReg, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, KeyPressOSD
if (ErrorLevel=1) || (currentReg!=regEntry)
Menu, SubSetMenu, Check, Start at boot
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, KeyPressOSD, %regEntry%
} else
RegDelete, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, KeyPressOSD
Menu, SubSetMenu, unCheck, Start at boot
ShaveSettings() {
firstRun := 0
IniWrite, %alternativeJumps%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, alternativeJumps
IniWrite, %audioAlerts%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, audioAlerts
IniWrite, %AutoDetectKBD%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, AutoDetectKBD
IniWrite, %autoRemDeadKey%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, autoRemDeadKey
IniWrite, %beepFiringKeys%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, beepFiringKeys
IniWrite, %CapsColorHighlight%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, CapsColorHighlight
IniWrite, %CapslockBeeper%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, CapslockBeeper
IniWrite, %ClickScaleUser%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ClickScaleUser
IniWrite, %ClipMonitor%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ClipMonitor
IniWrite, %ConstantAutoDetect%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ConstantAutoDetect
IniWrite, %deadKeyBeeper%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, deadKeyBeeper
IniWrite, %DifferModifiers%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, DifferModifiers
IniWrite, %DisableTypingMode%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, DisableTypingMode
IniWrite, %DisplayTimeTypingUser%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, DisplayTimeTypingUser
IniWrite, %DisplayTimeUser%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, DisplayTimeUser
IniWrite, %enableAltGrUser%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, enableAltGrUser
IniWrite, %enableTypingHistory%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, enableTypingHistory
IniWrite, %enterErasesLine%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, enterErasesLine
IniWrite, %FavorRightoLeft%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, FavorRightoLeft
IniWrite, %firstRun%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, firstRun
IniWrite, %FlashIdleMouse%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, FlashIdleMouse
IniWrite, %FontName%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, FontName
IniWrite, %FontSize%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, FontSize
IniWrite, %ForcedKBDlayout%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ForcedKBDlayout
IniWrite, %ForcedKBDlayout1%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ForcedKBDlayout1
IniWrite, %ForcedKBDlayout2%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ForcedKBDlayout2
IniWrite, %ForceKBD%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ForceKBD
IniWrite, %GUIposition%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, GUIposition
IniWrite, %GuiWidth%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, GuiWidth
IniWrite, %GuiXa%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, GuiXa
IniWrite, %GuiXb%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, GuiXb
IniWrite, %GuiYa%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, GuiYa
IniWrite, %GuiYb%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, GuiYb
IniWrite, %HideAnnoyingKeys%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, HideAnnoyingKeys
IniWrite, %IdleMouseAlpha%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, IdleMouseAlpha
IniWrite, %IgnoreAdditionalKeys%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, IgnoreAdditionalKeys
IniWrite, %IgnorekeysList%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, IgnorekeysList
IniWrite, %JumpHover%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, JumpHover
IniWrite, %KeyBeeper%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, KeyBeeper
IniWrite, %KeyboardShortcuts%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, KeyboardShortcuts
IniWrite, %LowVolBeeps%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, LowVolBeeps
IniWrite, %maxGuiWidth%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, maxGuiWidth
IniWrite, %ModBeeper%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ModBeeper
IniWrite, %MouseBeeper%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseBeeper
IniWrite, %MouseHaloAlpha%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseHaloAlpha
IniWrite, %MouseHaloColor%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseHaloColor
IniWrite, %MouseHaloRadius%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseHaloRadius
IniWrite, %MouseIdleAfter%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseIdleAfter
IniWrite, %MouseIdleRadius%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseIdleRadius
IniWrite, %MouseVclickAlpha%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseVclickAlpha
IniWrite, %NeverDisplayOSD%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, NeverDisplayOSD
IniWrite, %NeverRightoLeft%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, NeverRightoLeft
IniWrite, %DoNotBindAltGrDeadKeys%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, DoNotBindAltGrDeadKeys
IniWrite, %DoNotBindDeadKeys%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, DoNotBindDeadKeys
IniWrite, %OnlyTypingMode%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, OnlyTypingMode
IniWrite, %OSDautosize%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, OSDautosize
IniWrite, %OSDautosizeFactory%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, OSDautosizeFactory
IniWrite, %OSDbgrColor%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, OSDbgrColor
IniWrite, %OSDborder%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, OSDborder
IniWrite, %OSDtextColor%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, OSDtextColor
IniWrite, %pasteOSDcontent%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, pasteOSDcontent
IniWrite, %pgUDasHE%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, pgUDasHE
IniWrite, %prioritizeBeepers%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, prioritizeBeepers
IniWrite, %releaseDate%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, releaseDate
IniWrite, %ReturnToTypingUser%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ReturnToTypingUser
IniWrite, %ShiftDisableCaps%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShiftDisableCaps
IniWrite, %ShowDeadKeys%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShowDeadKeys
IniWrite, %ShowKeyCount%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShowKeyCount
IniWrite, %ShowKeyCountFired%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShowKeyCountFired
IniWrite, %ShowMouseButton%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShowMouseButton
IniWrite, %ShowMouseHalo%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShowMouseHalo
IniWrite, %ShowPrevKey%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShowPrevKey
IniWrite, %ShowPrevKeyDelay%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShowPrevKeyDelay
IniWrite, %ShowSingleKey%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShowSingleKey
IniWrite, %ShowSingleModifierKey%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShowSingleModifierKey
IniWrite, %SilentDetection%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, SilentDetection
IniWrite, %StickyKeys%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, StickyKeys
IniWrite, %synchronizeMode%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, synchronizeMode
IniWrite, %UpDownAsHE%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, UpDownAsHE
IniWrite, %UpDownAsLR%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, UpDownAsLR
IniWrite, %version%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, version
IniWrite, %VisualMouseClicks%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, VisualMouseClicks
IniWrite, %ToggleKeysBeeper%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ToggleKeysBeeper
IniWrite, %SilentMode%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, SilentMode
IniWrite, %TypingBeepers%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, TypingBeepers
IniWrite, %DTMFbeepers%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, DTMFbeepers
IniWrite, %MouseClickRipples%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseClickRipples
IniWrite, %MouseRippleThickness%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseRippleThickness
IniWrite, %MouseRippleMaxSize%, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseRippleMaxSize
LoadSettings() {
firstRun := 0
defOSDautosizeFactory := round(A_ScreenDPI / 1.18)
IniRead, alternativeJumps, %inifile%, SavedSettings, alternativeJumps, %alternativeJumps%
IniRead, audioAlerts, %inifile%, SavedSettings, audioAlerts, %audioAlerts%
IniRead, AutoDetectKBD, %inifile%, SavedSettings, AutoDetectKBD, %AutoDetectKBD%
IniRead, autoRemDeadKey, %inifile%, SavedSettings, autoRemDeadKey, %autoRemDeadKey%
IniRead, beepFiringKeys, %inifile%, SavedSettings, beepFiringKeys, %beepFiringKeys%
IniRead, CapsColorHighlight, %inifile%, SavedSettings, CapsColorHighlight, %CapsColorHighlight%
IniRead, CapslockBeeper, %inifile%, SavedSettings, CapslockBeeper, %CapslockBeeper%
IniRead, ClickScaleUser, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ClickScaleUser, %ClickScaleUser%
IniRead, ClipMonitor, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ClipMonitor, %ClipMonitor%
IniRead, ConstantAutoDetect, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ConstantAutoDetect, %ConstantAutoDetect%
IniRead, deadKeyBeeper, %inifile%, SavedSettings, deadKeyBeeper, %deadKeyBeeper%
IniRead, DifferModifiers, %inifile%, SavedSettings, DifferModifiers, %DifferModifiers%
IniRead, DisableTypingMode, %inifile%, SavedSettings, DisableTypingMode, %DisableTypingMode%
IniRead, DisplayTimeTypingUser, %inifile%, SavedSettings, DisplayTimeTypingUser, %DisplayTimeTypingUser%
IniRead, DisplayTimeUser, %inifile%, SavedSettings, DisplayTimeUser, %DisplayTimeUser%
IniRead, enableAltGrUser, %inifile%, SavedSettings, enableAltGrUser, %enableAltGrUser%
IniRead, enableTypingHistory, %inifile%, SavedSettings, enableTypingHistory, %enableTypingHistory%
IniRead, enterErasesLine, %inifile%, SavedSettings, enterErasesLine, %enterErasesLine%
IniRead, FavorRightoLeft, %inifile%, SavedSettings, FavorRightoLeft, %FavorRightoLeft%
IniRead, FlashIdleMouse, %inifile%, SavedSettings, FlashIdleMouse, %FlashIdleMouse%
IniRead, FontName, %inifile%, SavedSettings, FontName, %FontName%
IniRead, FontSize, %inifile%, SavedSettings, FontSize, %FontSize%
IniRead, ForcedKBDlayout, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ForcedKBDlayout, %ForcedKBDlayout%
IniRead, ForcedKBDlayout1, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ForcedKBDlayout1, %ForcedKBDlayout1%
IniRead, ForcedKBDlayout2, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ForcedKBDlayout2, %ForcedKBDlayout2%
IniRead, ForceKBD, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ForceKBD, %ForceKBD%
IniRead, GUIposition, %inifile%, SavedSettings, GUIposition, %GUIposition%
IniRead, GuiWidth, %inifile%, SavedSettings, GuiWidth, %GuiWidth%
IniRead, GuiXa, %inifile%, SavedSettings, GuiXa, %GuiXa%
IniRead, GuiXb, %inifile%, SavedSettings, GuiXb, %GuiXb%
IniRead, GuiYa, %inifile%, SavedSettings, GuiYa, %GuiYa%
IniRead, GuiYb, %inifile%, SavedSettings, GuiYb, %GuiYb%
IniRead, HideAnnoyingKeys, %inifile%, SavedSettings, HideAnnoyingKeys, %HideAnnoyingKeys%
IniRead, IdleMouseAlpha, %inifile%, SavedSettings, IdleMouseAlpha, %IdleMouseAlpha%
IniRead, IgnoreAdditionalKeys, %inifile%, SavedSettings, IgnoreAdditionalKeys, %IgnoreAdditionalKeys%
IniRead, IgnorekeysList, %inifile%, SavedSettings, IgnorekeysList, %IgnorekeysList%
IniRead, JumpHover, %inifile%, SavedSettings, JumpHover, %JumpHover%
IniRead, KeyBeeper, %inifile%, SavedSettings, KeyBeeper, %KeyBeeper%
IniRead, KeyboardShortcuts, %inifile%, SavedSettings, KeyboardShortcuts, %KeyboardShortcuts%
IniRead, LowVolBeeps, %inifile%, SavedSettings, LowVolBeeps, %LowVolBeeps%
IniRead, maxGuiWidth, %inifile%, SavedSettings, maxGuiWidth, %maxGuiWidth%
IniRead, ModBeeper, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ModBeeper, %ModBeeper%
IniRead, MouseBeeper, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseBeeper, %MouseBeeper%
IniRead, MouseHaloAlpha, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseHaloAlpha, %MouseHaloAlpha%
IniRead, MouseHaloColor, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseHaloColor, %MouseHaloColor%
IniRead, MouseHaloRadius, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseHaloRadius, %MouseHaloRadius%
IniRead, MouseIdleAfter, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseIdleAfter, %MouseIdleAfter%
IniRead, MouseIdleRadius, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseIdleRadius, %MouseIdleRadius%
IniRead, MouseVclickAlpha, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseVclickAlpha, %MouseVclickAlpha%
IniRead, NeverDisplayOSD, %inifile%, SavedSettings, NeverDisplayOSD, %NeverDisplayOSD%
IniRead, NeverRightoLeft, %inifile%, SavedSettings, NeverRightoLeft, %NeverRightoLeft%
IniRead, DoNotBindAltGrDeadKeys, %inifile%, SavedSettings, DoNotBindAltGrDeadKeys, %DoNotBindAltGrDeadKeys%
IniRead, DoNotBindDeadKeys, %inifile%, SavedSettings, DoNotBindDeadKeys, %DoNotBindDeadKeys%
IniRead, OnlyTypingMode, %inifile%, SavedSettings, OnlyTypingMode, %OnlyTypingMode%
IniRead, OSDautosize, %inifile%, SavedSettings, OSDautosize, %OSDautosize%
IniRead, OSDautosizeFactory, %inifile%, SavedSettings, OSDautosizeFactory, %OSDautosizeFactory%
IniRead, OSDbgrColor, %inifile%, SavedSettings, OSDbgrColor, %OSDbgrColor%
IniRead, OSDborder, %inifile%, SavedSettings, OSDborder, %OSDborder%
IniRead, OSDtextColor, %inifile%, SavedSettings, OSDtextColor, %OSDtextColor%
IniRead, pasteOSDcontent, %inifile%, SavedSettings, pasteOSDcontent, %pasteOSDcontent%
IniRead, pgUDasHE, %inifile%, SavedSettings, pgUDasHE, %pgUDasHE%
IniRead, prioritizeBeepers, %inifile%, SavedSettings, prioritizeBeepers, %prioritizeBeepers%
IniRead, ReturnToTypingUser, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ReturnToTypingUser, %ReturnToTypingUser%
IniRead, ShiftDisableCaps, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShiftDisableCaps, %ShiftDisableCaps%
IniRead, ShowDeadKeys, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShowDeadKeys, %ShowDeadKeys%
IniRead, ShowKeyCount, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShowKeyCount, %ShowKeyCount%
IniRead, ShowKeyCountFired, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShowKeyCountFired, %ShowKeyCountFired%
IniRead, ShowMouseButton, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShowMouseButton, %ShowMouseButton%
IniRead, ShowMouseHalo, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShowMouseHalo, %ShowMouseHalo%
IniRead, ShowPrevKey, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShowPrevKey, %ShowPrevKey%
IniRead, ShowPrevKeyDelay, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShowPrevKeyDelay, %ShowPrevKeyDelay%
IniRead, ShowSingleKey, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShowSingleKey, %ShowSingleKey%
IniRead, ShowSingleModifierKey, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ShowSingleModifierKey, %ShowSingleModifierKey%
IniRead, SilentDetection, %inifile%, SavedSettings, SilentDetection, %SilentDetection%
IniRead, StickyKeys, %inifile%, SavedSettings, StickyKeys, %StickyKeys%
IniRead, synchronizeMode, %inifile%, SavedSettings, synchronizeMode, %synchronizeMode%
IniRead, UpDownAsHE, %inifile%, SavedSettings, UpDownAsHE, %UpDownAsHE%
IniRead, UpDownAsLR, %inifile%, SavedSettings, UpDownAsLR, %UpDownAsLR%
IniRead, VisualMouseClicks, %inifile%, SavedSettings, VisualMouseClicks, %VisualMouseClicks%
IniRead, ToggleKeysBeeper, %inifile%, SavedSettings, ToggleKeysBeeper, %ToggleKeysBeeper%
IniRead, SilentMode, %inifile%, SavedSettings, SilentMode, %SilentMode%
IniRead, TypingBeepers, %inifile%, SavedSettings, TypingBeepers, %TypingBeepers%
IniRead, DTMFbeepers, %inifile%, SavedSettings, DTMFbeepers, %DTMFbeepers%
IniRead, MouseClickRipples, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseClickRipples, %MouseClickRipples%
IniRead, MouseRippleMaxSize, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseRippleMaxSize, %MouseRippleMaxSize%
IniRead, MouseRippleThickness, %inifile%, SavedSettings, MouseRippleThickness, %MouseRippleThickness%
if (GUIposition=1)
GuiY := GuiYa
GuiX := GuiXa
} else
GuiY := GuiYb
GuiX := GuiXb
CheckSettings() {
; verify check boxes
alternativeJumps := (alternativeJumps=0 || alternativeJumps=1) ? alternativeJumps : 0
audioAlerts := (audioAlerts=0 || audioAlerts=1) ? audioAlerts : 0
AutoDetectKBD := (AutoDetectKBD=0 || AutoDetectKBD=1) ? AutoDetectKBD : 1
autoRemDeadKey := (autoRemDeadKey=0 || autoRemDeadKey=1) ? autoRemDeadKey : 1
beepFiringKeys := (beepFiringKeys=0 || beepFiringKeys=1) ? beepFiringKeys : 0
SilentMode := (SilentMode=0 || SilentMode=1) ? SilentMode : 0
ToggleKeysBeeper := (ToggleKeysBeeper=0 || ToggleKeysBeeper=1) ? ToggleKeysBeeper : 1
CapslockBeeper := (CapslockBeeper=0 || CapslockBeeper=1) ? CapslockBeeper : 1
ClipMonitor := (ClipMonitor=0 || ClipMonitor=1) ? ClipMonitor : 1
ConstantAutoDetect := (ConstantAutoDetect=0 || ConstantAutoDetect=1) ? ConstantAutoDetect : 1
deadKeyBeeper := (deadKeyBeeper=0 || deadKeyBeeper=1) ? deadKeyBeeper : 1
DifferModifiers := (DifferModifiers=0 || DifferModifiers=1) ? DifferModifiers : 0
DisableTypingMode := (DisableTypingMode=0 || DisableTypingMode=1) ? DisableTypingMode : 1
enableAltGrUser := (enableAltGrUser=0 || enableAltGrUser=1) ? enableAltGrUser : 1
enableTypingHistory := (enableTypingHistory=0 || enableTypingHistory=1) ? enableTypingHistory : 0
FavorRightoLeft := (FavorRightoLeft=0 || FavorRightoLeft=1) ? FavorRightoLeft : 0
FlashIdleMouse := (FlashIdleMouse=0 || FlashIdleMouse=1) ? FlashIdleMouse : 0
ForcedKBDlayout := (ForcedKBDlayout=0 || ForcedKBDlayout=1) ? ForcedKBDlayout : 0
ForceKBD := (ForceKBD=0 || ForceKBD=1) ? ForceKBD : 0
GUIposition := (GUIposition=0 || GUIposition=1) ? GUIposition : 1
HideAnnoyingKeys := (HideAnnoyingKeys=0 || HideAnnoyingKeys=1) ? HideAnnoyingKeys : 1
IgnoreAdditionalKeys := (IgnoreAdditionalKeys=0 || IgnoreAdditionalKeys=1) ? IgnoreAdditionalKeys : 0
JumpHover := (JumpHover=0 || JumpHover=1) ? JumpHover : 0
KeyBeeper := (KeyBeeper=0 || KeyBeeper=1) ? KeyBeeper : 0
KeyboardShortcuts := (KeyboardShortcuts=0 || KeyboardShortcuts=1) ? KeyboardShortcuts : 1
LowVolBeeps := (LowVolBeeps=0 || LowVolBeeps=1) ? LowVolBeeps : 1
ModBeeper := (ModBeeper=0 || ModBeeper=1) ? ModBeeper : 0
MouseBeeper := (MouseBeeper=0 || MouseBeeper=1) ? MouseBeeper : 0
NeverDisplayOSD := (NeverDisplayOSD=0 || NeverDisplayOSD=1) ? NeverDisplayOSD : 0
NeverRightoLeft := (NeverRightoLeft=0 || NeverRightoLeft=1) ? NeverRightoLeft : 0
DoNotBindAltGrDeadKeys := (DoNotBindAltGrDeadKeys=0 || DoNotBindAltGrDeadKeys=1) ? DoNotBindAltGrDeadKeys : 0
DoNotBindDeadKeys := (DoNotBindDeadKeys=0 || DoNotBindDeadKeys=1) ? DoNotBindDeadKeys : 0
OSDautosize := (OSDautosize=0 || OSDautosize=1) ? OSDautosize : 1
OSDborder := (OSDborder=0 || OSDborder=1) ? OSDborder : 0
pasteOSDcontent := (pasteOSDcontent=0 || pasteOSDcontent=1) ? pasteOSDcontent : 1
pgUDasHE := (pgUDasHE=0 || pgUDasHE=1) ? pgUDasHE : 0
prioritizeBeepers := (prioritizeBeepers=0 || prioritizeBeepers=1) ? prioritizeBeepers : 0
ShiftDisableCaps := (ShiftDisableCaps=0 || ShiftDisableCaps=1) ? ShiftDisableCaps : 1
ShowDeadKeys := (ShowDeadKeys=0 || ShowDeadKeys=1) ? ShowDeadKeys : 0
ShowKeyCount := (ShowKeyCount=0 || ShowKeyCount=1) ? ShowKeyCount : 1
ShowKeyCountFired := (ShowKeyCountFired=0 || ShowKeyCountFired=1) ? ShowKeyCountFired : 1
ShowMouseButton := (ShowMouseButton=0 || ShowMouseButton=1) ? ShowMouseButton : 1
ShowMouseHalo := (ShowMouseHalo=0 || ShowMouseHalo=1) ? ShowMouseHalo : 0
ShowPrevKey := (ShowPrevKey=0 || ShowPrevKey=1) ? ShowPrevKey : 1
ShowSingleKey := (ShowSingleKey=0 || ShowSingleKey=1) ? ShowSingleKey : 1
ShowSingleModifierKey := (ShowSingleModifierKey=0 || ShowSingleModifierKey=1) ? ShowSingleModifierKey : 1
SilentDetection := (SilentDetection=0 || SilentDetection=1) ? SilentDetection : 1
StickyKeys := (StickyKeys=0 || StickyKeys=1) ? StickyKeys : 0
synchronizeMode := (synchronizeMode=0 || synchronizeMode=1) ? synchronizeMode : 0
UpDownAsHE := (UpDownAsHE=0 || UpDownAsHE=1) ? UpDownAsHE : 0
UpDownAsLR := (UpDownAsLR=0 || UpDownAsLR=1) ? UpDownAsLR : 0
VisualMouseClicks := (VisualMouseClicks=0 || VisualMouseClicks=1) ? VisualMouseClicks : 0
TypingBeepers := (TypingBeepers=0 || TypingBeepers=1) ? TypingBeepers : 0
DTMFbeepers := (DTMFbeepers=0 || DTMFbeepers=1) ? DTMFbeepers : 0
MouseClickRipples := (MouseClickRipples=0 || MouseClickRipples=1) ? MouseClickRipples : 0
if (UpDownAsHE=1) && (UpDownAsLR=1)
UpDownAsLR := 0
if (VisualMouseClicks=1) && (MouseClickRipples=1)
VisualMouseClicks := 0
if (ShowSingleKey=0)
DisableTypingMode := 1
if (DisableTypingMode=1)
OnlyTypingMode := 0
if (ForceKBD=1)
AutoDetectKBD := 1
if (ForceKBD=1) || (AutoDetectKBD=0)
ConstantAutoDetect := 0
; verify if numeric values, otherwise, defaults
if ClickScaleUser is not digit
ClickScaleUser := 10
if DisplayTimeUser is not digit
DisplayTimeUser := 3
if DisplayTimeTypingUser is not digit
DisplayTimeTypingUser := 10
if ReturnToTypingUser is not digit
ReturnToTypingUser := 15
if FontSize is not digit
FontSize := 20
if GuiWidth is not digit
GuiWidth := 350
if maxGuiWidth is not digit
maxGuiWidth := 500
if IdleMouseAlpha is not digit
IdleMouseAlpha := 70
if MouseHaloAlpha is not digit
MouseHaloAlpha := 130
if MouseHaloRadius is not digit
MouseHaloRadius := 35
if MouseIdleAfter is not digit
MouseIdleAfter := 10
if MouseIdleRadius is not digit
MouseIdleRadius := 40
if MouseVclickAlpha is not digit
MouseVclickAlpha := 150
defOSDautosizeFactory := round(A_ScreenDPI / 1.18)
if OSDautosizeFactory is not digit
OSDautosizeFactory := defOSDautosizeFactory
if ShowPrevKeyDelay is not digit
ShowPrevKeyDelay := 300
if MouseRippleMaxSize is not digit
MouseRippleMaxSize := 155
if MouseRippleThickness is not digit
MouseRippleThickness := 10
; verify minimum numeric values
ClickScaleUser := (ClickScaleUser < 3) ? 3 : round(ClickScaleUser)
DisplayTimeUser := (DisplayTimeUser < 2) ? 2 : round(DisplayTimeUser)
DisplayTimeTypingUser := (DisplayTimeTypingUser < 3) ? 3 : round(DisplayTimeTypingUser)
ReturnToTypingUser := (ReturnToTypingUser < DisplayTimeTypingUser) ? DisplayTimeTypingUser+1 : round(ReturnToTypingUser)
FontSize := (FontSize < 6) ? 7 : round(FontSize)
GuiWidth := (GuiWidth < 70) ? 72 : round(GuiWidth)
GuiWidth := (GuiWidth < FontSize*2) ? round(FontSize*5) : round(GuiWidth)
maxGuiWidth := (maxGuiWidth < 80) ? 82 : round(maxGuiWidth)
maxGuiWidth := (maxGuiWidth < FontSize*2) ? round(FontSize*6) : round(maxGuiWidth)
GuiXa := (GuiXa < -9999) ? -9998 : round(GuiXa)
GuiXb := (GuiXb < -9999) ? -9998 : round(GuiXb)
GuiYa := (GuiYa < -9999) ? -9998 : round(GuiYa)
GuiYb := (GuiYb < -9999) ? -9998 : round(GuiYb)
IdleMouseAlpha := (IdleMouseAlpha < 10) ? 11 : round(IdleMouseAlpha)
MouseHaloAlpha := (MouseHaloAlpha < 10) ? 11 : round(MouseHaloAlpha)
MouseHaloRadius := (MouseHaloRadius < 5) ? 6 : round(MouseHaloRadius)
MouseIdleAfter := (MouseIdleAfter < 3) ? 3 : round(MouseIdleAfter)
MouseIdleRadius := (MouseIdleRadius < 5) ? 6 : round(MouseIdleRadius)
MouseVclickAlpha := (MouseVclickAlpha < 10) ? 11 : round(MouseVclickAlpha)
OSDautosizeFactory := (OSDautosizeFactory < 10) ? 11 : round(OSDautosizeFactory)
ShowPrevKeyDelay := (ShowPrevKeyDelay < 100) ? 101 : round(ShowPrevKeyDelay)
MouseRippleThickness := (MouseRippleThickness < 5) ? 5 : round(MouseRippleThickness)
MouseRippleMaxSize := (MouseRippleMaxSize < 90) ? 91 : round(MouseRippleMaxSize)
if (GuiXa<0 || GuiXb<0 || GuiYa<0 || GuiYb<0)
NeverRightoLeft := 0
; verify maximum numeric values
ClickScaleUser := (ClickScaleUser > 91) ? 90 : round(ClickScaleUser)
DisplayTimeUser := (DisplayTimeUser > 99) ? 98 : round(DisplayTimeUser)
DisplayTimeTypingUser := (DisplayTimeTypingUser > 99) ? 98 : round(DisplayTimeTypingUser)
ReturnToTypingUser := (ReturnToTypingUser > 99) ? 99 : round(ReturnToTypingUser)
FontSize := (FontSize > 300) ? 290 : round(FontSize)
GuiWidth := (GuiWidth > 999) ? 999 : round(GuiWidth)
maxGuiWidth := (maxGuiWidth > 999) ? 999 : round(maxGuiWidth)
GuiXa := (GuiXa > 9999) ? 9998 : round(GuiXa)
GuiXb := (GuiXb > 9999) ? 9998 : round(GuiXb)
GuiYa := (GuiYa > 9999) ? 9998 : round(GuiYa)
GuiYb := (GuiYb > 9999) ? 9998 : round(GuiYb)
IdleMouseAlpha := (IdleMouseAlpha > 240) ? 240 : round(IdleMouseAlpha)
MouseHaloAlpha := (MouseHaloAlpha > 240) ? 240 : round(MouseHaloAlpha)
MouseHaloRadius := (MouseHaloRadius > 999) ? 900 : round(MouseHaloRadius)
MouseIdleAfter := (MouseIdleAfter > 999) ? 900 : round(MouseIdleAfter)
MouseIdleRadius := (MouseIdleRadius > 999) ? 900 : round(MouseIdleRadius)
MouseVclickAlpha := (MouseVclickAlpha > 240) ? 240 : round(MouseVclickAlpha)
OSDautosizeFactory := (OSDautosizeFactory > 402) ? 401 : round(OSDautosizeFactory)
ShowPrevKeyDelay := (ShowPrevKeyDelay > 999) ? 900 : round(ShowPrevKeyDelay)
MouseRippleMaxSize := (MouseRippleMaxSize > 401) ? 400 : round(MouseRippleMaxSize)
MouseRippleThickness := (MouseRippleThickness > 51) ? 50 : round(MouseRippleThickness)
; verify HEX values
if (forcedKBDlayout1 ~= "[^[:xdigit:]]") || (strLen(forcedKBDlayout1) < 8) || (strLen(forcedKBDlayout1) > 8)
ForcedKBDlayout1 := "00010418"
if (forcedKBDlayout2 ~= "[^[:xdigit:]]") || (strLen(forcedKBDlayout2) < 8) || (strLen(forcedKBDlayout2) > 8)
ForcedKBDlayout2 := "0000040c"
if (OSDbgrColor ~= "[^[:xdigit:]]") || (strLen(OSDbgrColor) < 6) || (strLen(OSDbgrColor) > 6)
OSDbgrColor := "111111"
if (CapsColorHighlight ~= "[^[:xdigit:]]") || (strLen(CapsColorHighlight) < 6) || (strLen(CapsColorHighlight) > 6)
CapsColorHighlight := "88AAff"
if (MouseHaloColor ~= "[^[:xdigit:]]") || (strLen(MouseHaloColor) < 6) || (strLen(MouseHaloColor) > 6)
MouseHaloColor := "eedd00"
if (OSDtextColor ~= "[^[:xdigit:]]") || (strLen(OSDtextColor) < 6) || (strLen(OSDtextColor) > 6)
OSDtextColor := "ffffff"
FontName := StrLen(FontName)>2 ? FontName : "Arial"
dummy() {
MsgBox, This feature is not yet available. It might be implemented soon. Thank you.
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