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Last active May 8, 2019 12:53
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Details for students

General notes

  • make teams with 3 - 5 members
  • GitHub account:
    • I recommend using the personal email address for the main email address, and the FMI one as secondary
    • Register for Student Developer Pack. You need the FMI email address for this.
  • inspiration for app ideas:


  • repository on GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab/etc.
    • Personal recommendation: GitHub
  • Continuous Integration: Travis - free for private repos too, via GitHub Student Developer Pack.
  • use Issues, PRs, add labels, assign task to team members.
  • you can add me as collaborator to your team repository. I might make some code reviews if I am added as a reviewer for your app's PRs, or even make small PRs.
  • it is important to see that the team members have activity on GitHub, send PRs, make discussions on PRs/Issues, discuss ideas, changes, and if I am added as collaborator, I can see these on your repository.
  • add Issues and Project tasks in your repository, assign them to team members. Use labels for PRs, Issues.
  • important: In order to be able to evaluate 30% of the project's demo, the documentation has to be provided first, to know what to expect from the project and to appreciate the percentage.


  • you can use any tool for writing it: GitHub Wiki, Google Docs, etc, or written by hand, although last one is highly discouraged.
  • for diagrams, etc, you can use:, google draw, etc.
  • must contain topics presented at course lectures.
  • in either English or Romanian.

Barem de notare

Note, 2019

Note, 2018

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Grupa 244

Joc top-down 2D RPG, va fi constituit dintr-o succesiune de camere cu dificultate progresiva. Deciziile luate pe parcurs vor influenta drumul jucatorului, oferind astfel finaluri diferite. Camerele vor fi de 3 tipuri: Boss Fight, Puzzle si Decision Making.
Membri: Popescu Dan-Andrei, Raducanu Tiberiu-Gabriel, Soare Ana-Maria-Adina.
Proiectul va fi realizat in Unity, iar script-urile vor fi scrise in C#.

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Grupa: 244
Membri: Orasanu Andreea, Istudor Georgiana-Cristina, Gavrila Alexandru Ionut

Name: K9 Adopt
Descriere: Site pentru pentru adoptie de caini.
Vom avea 2 tipuri de useri:Admin si Utilizator.
Utilizatorii isi pot exprima interesul in adoptia unui anumit caine prin lasarea unui comentariu
Folosim: Python, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript. Frameworks: Flask

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Grupa: 234
Echipa: Monopoly
Membri: Hirhui Ema-Ioana, Calin George-Adrian, Druker Remus-Antonio
Descriere: Clasicul boardgame, pana la 6 jucatori, turn-based, jucat dupa regulile originale.
Tehnologii: Unity, C#

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Grupa 234
Descriere:Un joc interactiv, simulator de masini cu mini checkpoint, o multime de obstacole si power ups in functie de nivel.
Membrii:Damian Mario, Gaitanaru Andrei, Colis Stefan.

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GRUPA: 244
NUME PROIECT: Faded Island
MEMBRI: Dinca Vlad, Gustin Samuel, Purecel Mihai, Tudose Vlad
- joc story-driven top-down RPG 2D
- userul are posibilitatea de a-si alege factiunea la inceputul jocului; fiecare factiune are perk-uri unice;
- existenta NPC
- caracterul va fi controlat cu wasd/↑←↓→, va fi capabil sa atace (ranged/melee, in functie de factiune) + o abilitate
- jucatorul trebuie sa completeze task-uri pentru a avansa in story
- harta cu pozitia curenta a caracterului
- jucatorul descopera informatii si decide daca sunt relevante/importante/adevarate sau nu
- optiunea de a salva in localstorage
TEHNOLOGII: HTML5, CSS, Canvas, JavaScript, Tiled

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FMI Mobile
Echipa : Dumitrascu Claudiu (234), Albu Mihail (242), Cazacu Razvan (234)
I: De ce ?
R: Studentii folosesc mai multe aplicatii pentru a avea acces la informatii. De ce sa nu le aiba pe toate intr-un loc ?
Implement goals:

  • News feed
  • Legare UMS
  • Inbox Mail
    Chat - Grupa ( care sa primeasca mesaje, documente de la profesori )
    - Grup de an -> Informatii legate de examene // materiale

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CatalinSpataru commented Mar 13, 2019

Echipa: Spataru Catalin; Ciutacu Andrei; Alexandru Andrei
NUME: Beer Finder
Descriere: O aplicatie pe care lumea o poate folosi pentru a vedea ce tipuri de bere se gasesc intr-un pub, un local si/sau in ce local pot gasi anumite sortimente de bere.
Tehnologii: Android, React Native

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IrinaButu2307 commented Mar 13, 2019

Echipa: Butu Anda Irina, Cercel Ana-Maria, Ciobanu Andrei Ovidiu, Hristescu Andrei
Nume: Travel Journal - Android App
-Stocare de date in Firebase
-Editare lista calatorii si lista de calatorii favorite (import camera/storage)
-Generare recomandare de calatorie in functie de destinatiile anterioare
-Integrare sistem chat: text, apel video, share multimedia, share calatorii, GIF & Stickers
Tools & Technologies: Java & Android Studio

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Grupa 244
Echipa: Aelenei Roxana, Aldea Ana-Catalina, Grigore Andreea, Iancu Andrei
Descriere: un chat criptat, sub forma unei aplicatii web. Utilizatorii pot avea discutii private sau in grup.
Tehnologii: Javascript(React), C#, SQL

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