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Created April 10, 2011 06:11
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trait LogicLike[A, This[A] <: LogicLike[A, This]] {
def or(t: => This[A]): This[A]
def map[B](f: A => B): This[B]
def flatMap[B](f: A => This[B]): This[B]
def filter(p: A => Boolean): This[A]
def split: Option[(A, This[A])]
def |(t: => This[A]): This[A] = or(t)
def run(n: Int): List[A] =
if (n <= 0) Nil else
split match {
case None => Nil
case Some((a, t)) => a :: - 1)
* This really just knows how to "lift" values into the logic monad.
trait Logic {
type This[A] <: LogicLike[A, This]
def fail[A]: This[A]
def unit[A](a: A): This[A]
def or[A](as: List[A]): This[A] =
as.foldRight(fail[A])((a, t) => unit(a).or(t))
class ListLogic[A](private[ListLogic] val l: List[A]) extends LogicLike[A, ListLogic]
def or(t: => ListLogic[A]): ListLogic[A] = new ListLogic(l ::: t.l)
def map[B](f: A => B): ListLogic[B] = new ListLogic(
def flatMap[B](f: A => ListLogic[B]): ListLogic[B] =
new ListLogic(l.flatMap(f(_).l))
def filter(p: A => Boolean): ListLogic[A] = new ListLogic(l.filter(p))
def split: Option[(A, ListLogic[A])] =
l match {
case Nil => None
case h :: t => Some(h, new ListLogic(t))
object ListLogic extends Logic {
type This[A] = ListLogic[A]
def fail[A] = new ListLogic(Nil)
def unit[A](a: A) = new ListLogic(a :: Nil)
class Bridge(logic: Logic) {
import logic._
object Person extends Enumeration {
type Person = Value
val Alice, Bob, Candace, Dave = Value
val all = List(Alice, Bob, Candace, Dave) // values is broken
import Person._
val times = Map(Alice -> 5, Bob -> 10, Candace -> 20, Dave -> 25)
case class State(left: List[Person],
lightOnLeft: Boolean,
timeRemaining: Int)
private def chooseTwo(list: List[Person]): This[(Person,Person)] =
for { p1 <- logic.or(list); p2 <- logic.or(list); if p1 < p2 }
yield (p1, p2)
private def next(state: State): This[State] = {
if (state.lightOnLeft) {
for {
(p1, p2) <- chooseTwo(state.left)
timeRemaining =
state.timeRemaining - math.max(times(p1), times(p2))
if timeRemaining >= 0
} yield {
val left =
state.left.filterNot { p => p == p1 || p == p2 }
State(left, false, timeRemaining)
} else {
val right = Person.all.filterNot(state.left.contains)
for {
p <- logic.or(right)
timeRemaining = state.timeRemaining - times(p)
if timeRemaining >= 0
} yield State(p :: state.left, true, timeRemaining)
private def tree(path: List[State]): This[List[State]] =
logic.unit(path) |
(for {
state <- next(path.head)
path <- tree(state :: path)
} yield path)
def search(n: Int): List[List[State]] = {
val start = List(State(Person.all, true, 60))
val t =
for { path <- tree(start); if path.head.left == Nil }
yield path
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