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Created June 20, 2012 13:40
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Tree zipper
package test.zipper
object TreeZipper extends App {
// exp 2 * 3 + 4 * 6
val _2 = Node("2", Nil)
val _3 = Node("3", Nil)
val _4 = Node("4", Nil)
val _6 = Node("6", Nil)
val mult1 = Node("*", List(_2, _3))
val mult2 = Node("*", List(_4, _6))
val plus = Node("+", List(mult1, mult2))
val locOfPlus = Location(plus, Top)
for (l1 <- locOfPlus.down;
_2 <- l1.down;
u2 <- _2.update(Node("5", Nil));
up1 <- u2.up;
up2 <- up1.up;
dn1 <- up2.down;
dn2 <- dn1.down) {
sealed trait Tree[+A]
case class Node[+A](a: A, childs: List[Tree[A]]) extends Tree[A]
sealed trait Context[+A]
case object Top extends Context[Nothing]
case class NodeContext[A](left: List[Tree[A]], parent: Location[A], right: List[Tree[A]]) extends Context[A]
trait ZipperNavigation[A] { self: Location[A] =>
def left : Option[Location[A]] = ctx match {
case NodeContext(Nil, parent, right) => None
case NodeContext(h :: t, parent, right) =>
Some(Location(h, NodeContext(t, parent, tree :: right)))
case _ => None
def right : Option[Location[A]] = ctx match {
case NodeContext(left, parent, Nil) => None
case NodeContext(left, parent, h :: tail) =>
Some(Location(h, NodeContext( tree :: left, parent, tail)))
case _ => None
def down: Option[Location[A]] = this match {
case Location(Node(_, Nil), ctx) => None
case Location(Node(_, h :: t), ctx) => Some(Location(h, NodeContext(Nil, this, t)))
def up: Option[Location[A]] = this match {
case Location(_, Top) => None
case Location(t, NodeContext(l, Location(Node(a, _), Top), r)) =>
Some(Location(Node(a, l ::: List(t) ::: r), Top))
case Location(t, NodeContext(_, Location(Node(a, _), NodeContext(l, p, r)), _)) =>
Some(Location(Node(a, l ::: List(t) ::: r), NodeContext(l.reverse, p, r)))
case k => None
trait ZipperMutator[A] { self : Location[A] =>
def update(t: Tree[A]): Option[Location[A]] = this match {
case Location(_, ctx) => Some(Location(t, ctx))
def insertLeft(newt : Tree[A]): Option[Location[A]] = this match {
case Location(tree, Top) => None
case Location(tree, NodeContext(l, p, r)) =>
Some(Location(newt, NodeContext(l, p, tree :: r)))
def insertRight(newt : Tree[A]): Option[Location[A]] = this match {
case Location(tree, Top) => None
case Location(tree, NodeContext(l, p, r)) =>
Some(Location(newt, NodeContext(l ::: List(tree), p, r)))
def delete: Option[Location[A]] = this match {
case Location(tree, Top) => None
case Location(tree, NodeContext(Nil, p, Nil)) => Some(p)
case Location(tree, NodeContext(f :: l, p, Nil)) =>
Some(Location(f, NodeContext(l, p, Nil)))
case Location(tree, NodeContext(l, p, r :: rest)) =>
Some(Location(r, NodeContext(l, p, rest)))
case class Location[A](tree: Tree[A], ctx: Context[A]) extends ZipperNavigation[A] with ZipperMutator[A]
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