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Created June 30, 2016 05:38
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// Here you can provide your own command line
// which is used to run rubocop. The path will be
// replaced by the file or folder which needs
// to be checked.
// If check_for_rvm or check_for_rbenv is enabled,
// it will be prefixed with a call to rvm or rbenv.
// If none of them are enabled, the command will be
// executed without any additions.
"rubocop_command": "",
// If you want use RVM to run RuboCop, just
// set this to true.
// Note: If check_for_rvm and check_for_rbenv are both enabled,
// the plugin will use RVM.
"check_for_rvm": false,
// The path to RVM's rvm-auto-ruby binary
"rvm_auto_ruby_path": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby",
// If you want to use rbenv to run RuboCop, just
// set this to true.
// Note: If check_for_rvm and check_for_rbenv are both enabled,
// the plugin will use RVM.
"check_for_rbenv": true,
// The path to rbenv's binary
"rbenv_path": "/usr/local/Cellar/rbenv/0.4.0/bin/rbenv",
// If you want issues to be marked automatically inside the view
// set this to true.
// Attention ST2 users: Using that functionality consumes a bit
// of time, so ST2 might be a bit unresponsive when saving. As soon
// as you encounter performance problems during saving a ruby file you
// should set this to false.
"mark_issues_in_view": true,
// Auto correct feature warning message
"show_auto_correct_warning": true,
// Optional general config file for rubocop.
// "rubocop_config_file": "/Users/mariuszblaszczak/projects/trainapp/.rubocop.yml"
"rubocop_config_file": ""
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