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Created March 14, 2018 10:17
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Example of the way the dialog is currently implemented. See full files here:
# types
type alias Model =
{ viewState : ViewState
, gameState : GameState
type alias GameState =
{ gold : Int
, goldOfferGetVal : Int
, offerOrGet : OfferGet
, currentCustomer : Customer
, dialog : List String
, currentTrade : Trade
type alias Trade =
{ goldOffered : Int
type Msg
= Noop
| Speak String
| ChangeMoney Int
| ConfirmTradeMsg
# State
speakAndRespond : GameState -> String -> GameState
speakAndRespond gameState playerSpeech =
{ gameState
| dialog =
|> appendDialog "You" playerSpeech
|> appendDialog (npcDialog gameState)
, currentTrade = updateTradeGold gameState.offerOrGet gameState.goldOfferGetVal gameState.currentTrade
npcDialog : GameState -> String
npcDialog gameState =
case gameState.actionRadioState of
MoneyDiscussion ->
case gameState.offerOrGet of
Offer ->
"Sure, I'd love " ++ toString gameState.goldOfferGetVal ++ " gold!"
Get ->
"Well, if I'm going to add " ++ toString gameState.goldOfferGetVal ++ " gold, you'd better make it worth my while!"
_ ->
"Nah, not interested, thanks."
updateTradeGold : OfferGet -> Int -> Trade -> Trade
updateTradeGold offerGet gold trade =
{ trade | goldOffered = calculateChangeInGoldTrade offerGet trade.goldOffered gold }
calculateChangeInGoldTrade : OfferGet -> Int -> Int -> Int
calculateChangeInGoldTrade offerGet oldGold alteredGold =
case offerGet of
Offer ->
oldGold + alteredGold
Get ->
oldGold - alteredGold
appendDialog : String -> String -> List String -> List String
appendDialog personName string dialog =
(personName ++ ": " ++ string) :: dialog
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