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Created August 15, 2015 01:45
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VMware fusion server Ansible run
MARKs-MB:sufia-centos mark$ ansible-playbook adrl-prod.yml
PLAY [provision production centos 7 host for ADRL 2.0] ************************
GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [generic-centos | format volume for /opt] *******************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [generic-centos | mount volume at /opt] *********************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [housekeeping | disable SELinux] ****************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [housekeeping | update all yum packages] ********************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [housekeeping | install dev tools and libraries] ************************
ok: [hydra-head] => (item=autoconf,automake,binutils,bison,flex,gcc,gcc-c++,gettext,libtool,make,patch,pkgconfig,redhat-rpm-config,rpm-build,rpm-sign,screen,wget,curl-devel,httpd-devel,openssl-devel,readline-devel,sqlite-devel,mysql-devel,ImageMagick-devel,nasm,libxml2-devel,libxslt-devel,libyaml-devel,libffi-devel,gdbm-devel,git,xfsprogs)
TASK: [housekeeping | create install group] ***********************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [housekeeping | create install user] ************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [housekeeping | chown /opt] *********************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [housekeeping | create install directory] *******************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [housekeeping | create cap group] ***************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [housekeeping | create cap user] ****************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [housekeeping | create cap directories] *********************************
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=/opt/alex2/shared/config/initializers)
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=/opt/alex2/shared/log)
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=/opt/alex2/releases)
ok: [hydra-head] => (item=/home/deploy/.ssh)
TASK: [housekeeping | add keys for capistrano user] ***************************
ok: [hydra-head] => (item=
TASK: [ruby | remove package ruby] ********************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [ruby | download ruby] **************************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [ruby | unzip ruby file] ************************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [ruby | check if ruby is installed] *************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [ruby | configure ruby] *************************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [ruby | make ruby] ******************************************************
skipping: [hydra-head]
TASK: [ruby | install ruby] ***************************************************
skipping: [hydra-head]
TASK: [ruby | symlink ruby for root] ******************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [ruby | symlink gem for root] *******************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [ruby | install bundler] ************************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | install JDK 1.8] *****************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | untar java 8] ********************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | install java 8 as first alternative] *********************
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=java)
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=jar)
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=javac)
TASK: [hydra-stack | install tomcat packages] *********************************
ok: [hydra-head] => (item=tomcat,tomcat-webapps,tomcat-admin-webapps)
TASK: [hydra-stack | set tomcat to restart on reboot] *************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | create velocity log] *************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | symlink velocity log] ************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | download solr tarball] ***********************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | untar solr tarball] **************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | check solr dir] ******************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | make solr lib dir] ***************************************
skipping: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | copy over war file] **************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | copy over dist jars] *************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | copy over contrib dir] ***********************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | copy over example collection] ****************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | copy logging jars] ***************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | set ownership and group for solr] ************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | copy log4j properties file] ******************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | set ownership and group for tomcat] **********************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | create solr xml file] ************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | symlink solr xml file to tomcat] *************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | symlink schema from code to solr] ************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | symlink solrconfig from code to solr] ********************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | download fedora] *****************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | make fedora data dir] ************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | check fedora.war] ****************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | copy over fedora.war] ************************************
skipping: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | create tomcat config and java options] *******************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | restart tomcat] ******************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [hydra-stack | create shared fedora and solr configs] *******************
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=fedora.yml)
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=solr.yml)
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=blacklight.yml)
TASK: [services | install zip utility] ****************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [services | download fits zip] ******************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [services | unpack fits] ************************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [services | make fits executable] ***************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [services | copy fits] **************************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [services | symlink fits] ***********************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [services | enable epel repo] *******************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [services | install redis] **********************************************
ok: [hydra-head] => (item=redis,php-pecl-redis)
TASK: [services | run redis] **************************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [services | copy resque init script] ************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [services | start resque] ***********************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [services | enable epel repo] *******************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [services | install psycopg2] *******************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [services | install postgresql packages] ********************************
ok: [hydra-head] => (item=postgresql,postgresql-devel,postgresql-server,postgresql-contrib,postgresql-libs,postgresql-python)
TASK: [services | create pg_backups directory] ********************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [services | add pg_backups script] **************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [services | add pg_backups cron job] ************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [services | create shared config files] *********************************
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=database.yml)
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=redis.yml)
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=resque-pool.yml)
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=secrets.yml)
TASK: [passenger | install passenger gem] *************************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [passenger | symlink passenger utilities for root user] *****************
ok: [hydra-head] => (item=passenger)
ok: [hydra-head] => (item=passenger-config)
ok: [hydra-head] => (item=passenger-install-apache2-module)
ok: [hydra-head] => (item=passenger-install-nginx-module)
ok: [hydra-head] => (item=passenger-memory-stats)
ok: [hydra-head] => (item=passenger-status)
TASK: [passenger | install passenger-install-apache2-module] ******************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [passenger | generate passenger.conf file] ******************************
ok: [hydra-head]
TASK: [passenger | restart apache] ********************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | create pg marmotta database] ********************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | add pg hydra user] ******************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | create marmotta group] **************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | create marmotta user] ***************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | download jetty] *********************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | untar jetty] ************************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | copy jetty contents to working directory] *******************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | download marmotta] ******************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | unzip marmotta] *********************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | copy marmotta] **********************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | set default variables for jetty] ****************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | copy marmotta config files] *********************************
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=jetty.xml)
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=jetty-plus.xml)
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=marmotta-override-web.xml)
TASK: [marmotta | set marmotta system config properties] **********************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | create jetty init script] ***********************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | copy marmotta file for jetty] *******************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | symlink marmotta file to jetty] *****************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | set permissions for marmotta directory] *********************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | create logs directory] **************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | set permissions for jetty directory] ************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [marmotta | start jetty and marmotta] ***********************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [app-config | update ssh config] ****************************************
changed: [hydra-head]
NOTIFIED: [app-config | restart ssh service] **********************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [app-config | add log rotation for production logs] *********************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [app-config | add log rotation for catalina.out (tomcat/fedora/solr logs)] ***
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [app-config | create apache vhosts file] ********************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [app-config | add alex2 shared config files] ****************************
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=ezid.yml)
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=smtp.yml)
changed: [hydra-head] => (item=fedora.yml)
TASK: [app-config | add alex2 shared templates] *******************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [app-config | add config/environments directory] ************************
changed: [hydra-head]
TASK: [app-config | add shared config/environments/production.rb] *************
changed: [hydra-head]
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
hydra-head : ok=102 changed=57 unreachable=0 failed=0
MARKs-MB:sufia-centos mark$ ssh deploy@
Permission denied (publickey).
MARKs-MB:sufia-centos mark$ ssh centos@
Last login: Sat Aug 15 00:06:35 2015 from
[centos@hydra ~]$ sudo cp .ssh /home/deploy/
cp: omitting directory ‘.ssh’
[centos@hydra ~]$ sudo cp -r .ssh /home/deploy/
[centos@hydra ~]$ sud su deploy
-bash: sud: command not found
[centos@hydra ~]$ sudo su deploy
[deploy@hydra centos]$ ls
ls: cannot open directory .: Permission denied
[deploy@hydra centos]$ cd ~
[deploy@hydra ~]$ ls
[deploy@hydra ~]$ ls -la .ssh
total 12
drwx------ 2 deploy deploy 4096 Jul 31 12:53 .
drwx------ 3 deploy deploy 4096 Jul 31 12:53 ..
-rw------- 1 deploy deploy 407 Aug 15 00:39 authorized_keys
[deploy@hydra ~]$ exit
[centos@hydra ~]$ exit
Connection to closed.
MARKs-MB:sufia-centos mark$ ssh deploy@
Last login: Sat Aug 15 00:39:24 2015
[deploy@hydra ~]$ exit
Connection to closed.
MARKs-MB:sufia-centos mark$ ssh deploy@
Last login: Sat Aug 15 00:39:44 2015 from
[deploy@hydra ~]$ sudo poweroff
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