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Last active June 28, 2024 08:40
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# Remove HP bloatware / crapware - BETA version
# -- source :
# -- contrib: francishagyard2, mark05E, erottier, JoachimBerghmans, sikkepitje, Ithendyr
# -- note : this script could use your improvements. contributions welcome!
# List of built-in apps to remove
$UninstallPackages = @(
# List of programs to uninstall
$UninstallPrograms = @(
"HP Device Access Manager"
"HP Client Security Manager"
"HP Connection Optimizer"
"HP Documentation"
"HP MAC Address Manager"
"HP Notifications"
"HP System Info HSA Service"
"HP Security Update Service"
"HP System Default Settings"
"HP Sure Click"
"HP Sure Click Security Browser"
"HP Sure Run"
"HP Sure Run Module"
"HP Sure Recover"
"HP Sure Sense"
"HP Sure Sense Installer"
"HP Wolf Security"
"HP Wolf Security - Console"
"HP Wolf Security Application Support for Sure Sense"
"HP Wolf Security Application Support for Windows"
$HPidentifier = "AD2F1837"
$InstalledPackages = Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers `
| Where-Object {($UninstallPackages -contains $_.Name) -or ($_.Name -match "^$HPidentifier")}
$ProvisionedPackages = Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online `
| Where-Object {($UninstallPackages -contains $_.DisplayName) -or ($_.DisplayName -match "^$HPidentifier")}
$InstalledPrograms = Get-Package | Where-Object {$UninstallPrograms -contains $_.Name}
# Stop HP Services
Function StopDisableService($name) {
if (Get-Service -Name $name -ea SilentlyContinue) {
Stop-Service -Name $name -Force -Confirm:$False
Set-Service -Name $name -StartupType Disabled
StopDisableService -name "HotKeyServiceUWP"
StopDisableService -name "HPAppHelperCap"
StopDisableService -name "HP Comm Recover"
StopDisableService -name "HPDiagsCap"
StopDisableService -name "HotKeyServiceUWP"
StopDisableService -name "LanWlanWwanSwitchgingServiceUWP" # do we need to stop this?
StopDisableService -name "HPNetworkCap"
StopDisableService -name "HPSysInfoCap"
StopDisableService -name "HP TechPulse Core"
# Remove installed programs
$InstalledPrograms | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host -Object "Attempting to uninstall: [$($_.Name)]..."
Try {
$Null = $_ | Uninstall-Package -AllVersions -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host -Object "Successfully uninstalled: [$($_.Name)]"
Catch {
Write-Warning -Message "Failed to uninstall: [$($_.Name)]"
Write-Host -Object "Attempting to uninstall as MSI package: [$($_.Name)]..."
Try {
$product = Get-WmiObject win32_product | where { $ -like "$($_.Name)" }
if ($_ -ne $null) {
msiexec /x $product.IdentifyingNumber /quiet /noreboot
else { Write-Warning -Message "Can't find MSI package: [$($_.Name)]" }
Catch { Write-Warning -Message "Failed to uninstall MSI package: [$($_.Name)]" }
# Fallback attempt 1 to remove HP Wolf Security using msiexec
Try {
MsiExec /x "{0E2E04B0-9EDD-11EB-B38C-10604B96B11E}" /qn /norestart
Write-Host -Object "Fallback to MSI uninistall for HP Wolf Security initiated"
Catch {
Write-Warning -Object "Failed to uninstall HP Wolf Security using MSI - Error message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
# Fallback attempt 2 to remove HP Wolf Security using msiexec
Try {
MsiExec /x "{4DA839F0-72CF-11EC-B247-3863BB3CB5A8}" /qn /norestart
Write-Host -Object "Fallback to MSI uninistall for HP Wolf 2 Security initiated"
Catch {
Write-Warning -Object "Failed to uninstall HP Wolf Security 2 using MSI - Error message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
# Remove appx provisioned packages - AppxProvisionedPackage
ForEach ($ProvPackage in $ProvisionedPackages) {
Write-Host -Object "Attempting to remove provisioned package: [$($ProvPackage.DisplayName)]..."
Try {
$Null = Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -PackageName $ProvPackage.PackageName -Online -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host -Object "Successfully removed provisioned package: [$($ProvPackage.DisplayName)]"
Catch {Write-Warning -Message "Failed to remove provisioned package: [$($ProvPackage.DisplayName)]"}
# Remove appx packages - AppxPackage
ForEach ($AppxPackage in $InstalledPackages) {
Write-Host -Object "Attempting to remove Appx package: [$($AppxPackage.Name)]..."
Try {
$Null = Remove-AppxPackage -Package $AppxPackage.PackageFullName -AllUsers -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host -Object "Successfully removed Appx package: [$($AppxPackage.Name)]"
Catch {Write-Warning -Message "Failed to remove Appx package: [$($AppxPackage.Name)]"}
# # Uncomment this section to see what is left behind
# Write-Host "Checking stuff after running script"
# Write-Host "For Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers"
# Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | where {$_.Name -like "*HP*"}
# Write-Host "For Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online"
# Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | where {$_.DisplayName -like "*HP*"}
# Write-Host "For Get-Package"
# Get-Package | select Name, FastPackageReference, ProviderName, Summary | Where {$_.Name -like "*HP*"} | Format-List
# # Feature - Ask for reboot after running the script
# $input = Read-Host "Restart computer now [y/n]"
# switch($input){
# y{Restart-computer -Force -Confirm:$false}
# n{exit}
# default{write-warning "Skipping reboot."}
# }
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foeyonghai commented May 16, 2024

@Leonarduk00, did you run this with user permissions or admin permissions? I deployed this script always with SYSTEM permissions by Intune. Need to admit that I never tested or used it with user permissions. If is ran as a user I think that this could(must) be blocked in the script.

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Yet another "i'm here as a regular user, i tried the one from the original git and my PC's still freezing regularly, is there a latest script that I won't be running with Intune" post. I really want everything HP stripped away from my Z2's and I'm wondering what is the best version of the script to run.

Also along with all this BS, did you guys notice that out of the box, there's a Defender blanket exclusion for the entire HP folder that's not user-deleteable? Absolute fricken madness. I'm definitely returning to Lenovo for my next workstations - I wanted off a Chinese based company, and this is how a US based one treats me. Insane.

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