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Last active December 19, 2015 08:19
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Save markandrus/5924673 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Here's a toy implementation of a 'Trie' so that I can get a feel for Free monads (not that this is a monad; maybe I should explore using MonadPlus instead of the Monoid constraint?).
{-#LANGUAGE GADTs, StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Trie
( Trie
, emptyTrie
, trieIsEmpty
, trieFromList
, trieFromLists
, joinTries
, trieToLists
, suffixesOf
, main ) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Monad.Free (Free(..))
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.Map as M (empty, fromList, lookup, Map, null, singleton, toList, unionWith)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
-- | Here's a toy implementation of a 'Trie' so that I can get a feel for
-- @Free@ monads.
newtype Trie k = Trie { unTrie :: Free (Map k) (Maybe (Trie k)) }
deriving instance Show k => Show (Trie k)
-- | Construct an empty 'Trie'.
emptyTrie :: Trie k
emptyTrie = Trie $ Impure M.empty
-- | Test to see if a 'Trie' is empty.
trieIsEmpty :: Trie k -> Bool
trieIsEmpty (Trie (Impure m)) = M.null m
trieIsEmpty _ = False
-- | Construct a 'Trie' from a list.
trieFromList :: [k] -> Trie k
trieFromList ks = Trie $ go ks
where go [] = Pure (Nothing)
go (k:ks) = Impure . singleton k $ go ks
-- | Construct a 'Trie' from a list of lists (of @Ord@erable values).
trieFromLists :: Ord k => [[k]] -> Trie k
trieFromLists [] = emptyTrie
trieFromLists (ks:kss)
= foldr (\a b -> b `joinTries` trieFromList a) (trieFromList ks) kss
-- | Join two 'Trie's.
joinTries :: Ord k => Trie k -> Trie k -> Trie k
joinTries l r = Trie $ go (unTrie l) (unTrie r)
where go (Pure Nothing) (Pure Nothing) = Pure Nothing
go l (Pure Nothing) = Pure . Just $ Trie l
go (Pure Nothing) r = Pure . Just $ Trie r
go l (Pure (Just r)) = Pure . Just $ joinTries (Trie l) r
go (Pure (Just l)) r = Pure . Just $ joinTries l (Trie r)
go (Impure l) (Impure r) = Impure $ unionWith go l r
-- | Deconstruct a 'Trie' into a list of lists.
trieToLists :: Trie k -> [[k]]
trieToLists (Trie (Pure Nothing)) = [[]]
trieToLists (Trie (Pure (Just t))) = [] : trieToLists t
trieToLists (Trie f)
= foldr (\(k, t) kss -> kss ++ (map ((:) k) $ trieToLists t)) [] $ go f
where go (Pure p) = foldMap (go . unTrie) p
go (Impure m) = map (fmap Trie) $ toList m
-- | Check if a list (of @Ord@erable values) is an element of a 'Trie'.
elemOfTrie :: Ord k => [k] -> Trie k -> Bool
elemOfTrie [] (Trie (Pure _)) = True
elemOfTrie [] (Trie (Impure _)) = False
elemOfTrie ks (Trie (Pure Nothing)) = False
elemOfTrie ks (Trie (Pure (Just l))) = elemOfTrie ks l
elemOfTrie (k:ks) (Trie (Impure m)) =
case M.lookup k m of
Nothing -> False
Just t -> elemOfTrie ks $ Trie t
-- | Returns a 'Trie' containing all suffixes of the given list (of
-- @Ord@erable values) in the original 'Trie'.
suffixesOf :: Ord k => [k] -> Trie k -> Maybe (Trie k)
suffixesOf [] (Trie (Pure l)) = l
suffixesOf [] t = Just $ t
suffixesOf ks (Trie (Pure l)) = l >>= suffixesOf ks
suffixesOf (k:ks) (Trie (Impure m)) = M.lookup k m >>= (suffixesOf ks . Trie)
-- | Test application.
main :: IO ()
main = print $ trieToLists <$>
(suffixesOf "Hell" $ trieFromLists ["Jazz", "Help", "Hello", "Hellish"])
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