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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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{-#LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-#LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-#LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-#LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-#LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-#LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-#LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Snake
( GameIO
, GameT(..)
, GameF(..)
, Direction(..)
, GameState
, Snake
, play
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (join, void)
import Control.Comonad (Comonad(..))
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar, tryTakeMVar)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor(..))
import Data.Bifunctor.Flip (Flip(..))
import Data.Functor.Classes (Show1(..))
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
import Data.Functor.Foldable (Base, Fix(..))
-- import qualified Data.Functor.Foldable as R (Foldable(..), Unfoldable(..))
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import Data.Maybe (maybe)
import Data.Set (fromList, member)
import Data.Traversable as T (Traversable(..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Prelude hiding (sequence)
import System.IO (BufferMode(..), getChar, hSetBuffering, hSetEcho, stdin)
-- | 'Direction' is the direction the 'Snake' is moving in.
data Direction
= L -- ^ Left
| R -- ^ Right
| U -- ^ Up
| D -- ^ Down
deriving (Eq, Bounded, Generic, Ord, Read, Show)
-- | 'GameF' is the 'Base' functor of the 'Game'.
data GameF a b
= MoveF Direction a b -- ^ The 'Snake' is moving.
| DeadF a -- ^ The 'Snake' collided with something and died.
deriving (Eq, Foldable, Functor, Generic, Ord, Read, Show, Traversable)
instance Show a => Show1 (GameF a) where
showsPrec1 = showsPrec
instance Bifunctor GameF where
bimap ab cd (MoveF dir a c) = MoveF dir (ab a) $ cd c
bimap ab _ (DeadF a) = DeadF $ ab a
instance Comonad (Flip GameF b) where
duplicate wa@(Flip (MoveF dir a b)) = Flip $ MoveF dir wa b
duplicate wa@(Flip (DeadF a)) = Flip $ DeadF wa
extract (Flip (MoveF _ a _)) = a
extract (Flip (DeadF a)) = a
-- | The 'Snake' is a list of the X/Y coordinates of its segments.
type Snake = [(Int, Int)]
-- | 'GameState' is a tuple of the X/Y bounds of the game space and the 'Snake'.
type GameState = ((Int, Int), Snake)
defaultBounds = (20, 20)
defaultSnake = [(4, 4), (3, 4), (2, 4), (1, 4)]
defaultGameState = (defaultBounds, defaultSnake)
defaultGame = MoveF R defaultGameState defaultGameState
-- | Compute the next step of the 'Game'.
step :: GameF GameState GameState -> GameF GameState GameState
step (MoveF dir state@(bounds@(x, y), snake@(head:tail)) _) =
let newHead@(sX', sY') = nextHead dir head
in if sX' < 0 || sY' < 0 || -- Check for collisions.
sX' > x || sY' > y ||
elem newHead tail
then DeadF state
else let state' = (bounds, take (length snake) (newHead:snake))
in MoveF dir state' state'
nextHead L (sX, sY) = (sX-1, sY)
nextHead R (sX, sY) = (sX+1, sY)
nextHead U (sX, sY) = (sX, sY-1)
nextHead D (sX, sY) = (sX, sY+1)
step game = game
-- | Change the 'Snake's 'Direction'.
changeDirection :: Direction -> GameF a b -> GameF a b
changeDirection newDir game@(MoveF dir a b)
| newDir == L && dir == R || -- Disallow 180° turns.
newDir == R && dir == L ||
newDir == U && dir == D ||
newDir == D && dir == U
= game
| otherwise = MoveF newDir a b
changeDirection _ game = game
newtype GameT f a = GameT { getGameT :: Fix (Compose f (GameF a)) }
deriving (Generic)
deriving instance (Functor f, Show1 f, Show a) => Show (GameT f a)
type GameIO = GameT IO
unFix :: Fix t -> t (Fix t)
unFix (Fix f) = f
instance Functor f => Functor (GameT f) where
fmap f = GameT . Fix . Compose . fmap f' . getCompose . unFix . getGameT
f' (DeadF a) = DeadF $ f a
f' (MoveF d a game) = MoveF d (f a) (getGameT . fmap f $ GameT game)
-- type instance Base (GameT f a) = Compose f (GameF a)
-- instance Functor f => R.Foldable (GameT f a) where
-- project = fmap GameT . unFix . getGameT
-- instance Functor f => R.Unfoldable (GameT f a) where
-- embed = GameT . Fix . fmap getGameT
newtype Game a = Game { getGame :: Fix (GameF a) }
deriving (Generic, Read, Show)
instance Functor Game where
fmap f = Game . Fix . f' . unFix . getGame
f' (DeadF a) = DeadF $ f a
f' (MoveF d a game) = MoveF d (f a) (getGame . fmap f $ Game game)
makeGetDirection :: IO (IO (Maybe Direction))
makeGetDirection = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetEcho stdin False
-- Clock thread for sampling user input
clock <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $
let loop = do
threadDelay 125000
putMVar clock ()
in loop
-- User input thread
direction <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $
let loop = do
c <- getChar
let d = case c of
'a' -> Just L
'd' -> Just R
'w' -> Just U
's' -> Just D
_ -> Nothing
tryTakeMVar direction
putMVar direction d
in loop
-- Function for getting the Direction, if any
let getDirection = do
takeMVar clock
direction <- tryTakeMVar direction
return $ join direction
return getDirection
play' :: (Functor f, MonadIO f) => f (Maybe Direction) -> f (GameT f GameState)
play' getDirection = go getDirection defaultGame where
go _ (DeadF state) = return . GameT . Fix . Compose . return $ DeadF state
go getDirection game = do
printState . extract $ Flip game
dir <- getDirection
let game' = maybe game (`changeDirection` game) dir
let next = step game'
return . GameT . Fix . fmap getGameT . Compose . sequence
$ fmap (go getDirection . const next) game'
printState ((x, y), snake) = do
let points = fromList snake
liftIO . putStrLn $ unlines
[[if member (x, y) points then '#' else '.'
| x <- [0..x]] | y <- [0..y]]
play :: IO (GameT IO GameState)
play = makeGetDirection >>= play'
evaluate :: (Functor f, Monad f) => GameT f a -> f (GameT Identity a)
evaluate (GameT (Fix (Compose ma)))
= GameT . Fix . Compose . Identity <$> (ma >>= go)
go (DeadF a) = return $ DeadF a
go (MoveF dir a (Fix (Compose ma)))
= (MoveF dir a . Fix . Compose . Identity) <$> (ma >>= go)
-- Thanks to /r/brianhamrick:
:: (Functor f, Functor g)
=> (f (g (Fix f')) -> g (f' (Fix f')))
-> Fix f
-> g (Fix f')
sequenceFix semisequence
= fmap Fix . semisequence . fmap (sequenceFix semisequence) . unFix
evaluate' :: (Functor f, Monad f) => GameT f a -> f (Game a)
evaluate' (GameT game) = Game <$> go game where
-- go :: Fix (Compose IO (GameF a)) -> IO (Fix (GameF a))
go = sequenceFix semisequence where
-- semisequence :: Compose IO (GameF a) (IO (Fix (GameF a)))
-- -> IO (GameF a (Fix (GameF a)))
semisequence = (sequence =<<) . getCompose
main :: IO ()
main = play >>= evaluate' >>= (print . void)
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