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Forked from rich-biker/documentation.ajs
Last active March 15, 2020 08:21
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Generate Markdown documentation from a driving view in Archi using jArchi scripting.
Script: Documentation Generation
Purpose: To generate architecture output based on a driving view
Author: Richard Heward - Tame Blue Lion Ltd
This generates a markdown file with the embedded images and text based upon a driving view in Archi of groups that trigger each other and embedded views.
See my blog for a more detailed explaination.
Setting embed to false will have the images saved to file and references placed in the document. It's then up to your markdown engine. This isn't that well tested.
Note - markdown can be converted to PDF / Word Docs or anything. I've used pandoc command line to do this.
Date: 8-Oct-2019
Mark Backer
- Document all viewObjects (also embedded viewObjects) in a markdown table
- Beautify tables with element documentation.
- order of element in the table follows the order and embedding of the element in the view
- Driving view properties IncludeViewElements and IncludeAppendix
- Also include sketch-views. A sketch view can contain a picture created outside Archi
- node needs to be installed
- Install with npm the module nano-markdown
// Script used to simulate the "require" keyword in Nashorn.
// See
// Node module to convert a markdown string to html
// See
// to install node module
// $ npm install -g nano-markdown
convertMarkDown2Html = require("nano-markdown");
// Get current date
var currentDate = new Date().toLocaleString("en-US", { day: 'numeric', month: 'short', year: 'numeric' });;
console.log("Documentation Generation @", currentDate);
var Sections = [];
var nextOne = null;
var outInfo = "";
var theToc = "";
var path = "";
var embed = true;
// For every view, create a table with documentation for the elements on the view
var IncludeViewElements = true; // to override: set property `IncludeViewElements = "false"` on the driving view.
// For all the view, create an addendum with documentation for all elements on all views
var IncludeAppendix = false; // to override: set property `IncludeAppendix = "true"` on the driving view.
var renderViewScale = 2; // size of rendered views.
var drivingView = null; // will be set to the selected view that has all the groups and view references on.
function generateLink(theString) {
// this function thanks to Steven Mileham
var regex = /[\[\]\(\)\#\\\/\"]/gi;
return "#" + theString.toLowerCase().replace(regex, "")
.replaceAll(" ", "-")
.replaceAll("\<", "lt")
.replaceAll("\>", "gt");
// document the elements (not relations) on the view
function getviewObjects(view) {
// outInfo += "\n#### View Elements \n\n";
// recurse through all children and return maximum recursion level
// maxlevel is used to generate a table column for each level
// start with level 0. Don't count the first level, this is the view
var maxLevel = recurseViewMaxEmbedding(0, view);
console.log(`Generate table with ${maxLevel} element columns for ${view}`)
outInfo += `<table>
<th colspan="${maxLevel}" width="20%">Element</th>
<th rowspan="2" width="80%">Documentation</th>
// for (let i = 1; i < maxLevel+1; i++) { outInfo += `<td align="center">(${i})</td>` }
for (let i = 1; i < maxLevel + 1; i++) { outInfo += `<td align="center"></td>` }
outInfo += ` <td></td>
// write a Markdown table line for every child and the child's children
// First level is a view, not an element > start with level = 0.
recurseWriteTableLine(0, maxLevel, false, view);
outInfo += `
outInfo += "\n\n";
// recurse through all child elements to find deepest level of embedding
function recurseViewMaxEmbedding(level, pObject) {
if ($(`#${}`).children("element").size() == 0) {
return level
let maxLevel = 0
$(`#${}`).children("element").each(function (c) {
recurseLevel = recurseViewMaxEmbedding(level + 1, c);
if (maxLevel < recurseLevel) {
maxLevel = recurseLevel;
return maxLevel
// Recursive function to write table lines voor elements at current level
function recurseWriteTableLine(pLevel, pMaxLevel, pChildLineIsWritten, pObject) {
// scope of childArray is this function and all recursions
var childArray = [];
// Write table line for every visual child element of view and children
// Write recurring visual references of the same child element only once
if (pObject.type !== "archimate-diagram-model") {
if (!pChildLineIsWritten) {
// markdown wants "Cell content must be on one line only"
// replace new lines with html paragraphs and lists with html list.
let htmlString = convertMarkDown2Html(pObject.documentation);
// remove excess of new lines and line breaks
htmlString = htmlString.replace(/(?:\n\r|\r\n)/g, '');
outInfo += `<tr valign="top")>`;
// for (let i = 1; i < pLevel; i++) { outInfo += `<td></td>` }
if (pLevel > 1) {
outInfo += `<td colspan="${pLevel - 1}"></td>`
outInfo += `<td colspan="${pMaxLevel - pLevel + 1}">${}</td>
console.log(`${">".repeat(pLevel)} ${}`)
} else {
console.log(`${"-".repeat(pLevel)} Skip duplicate ${}`)
// stop if element has no children
if ($(`#${}`).children("element").size() == 0) {
let i = 0;
$(`#${}`).children("element").each(function (c) {
childArray[i] = c
// Sort array of embedded children from left to right
// set for checking if there are multiple visual objects of a concept
let conceptIdOfChildSet = new Set()
for (let i = 0; i < childArray.length; i++) {
recurseWriteTableLine(pLevel + 1, pMaxLevel, conceptIdOfChildSet.has(childArray[i], childArray[i]);
// function sortPosition(a, b) {
// sort visual object from left to right like reading
function sortPosition(a, b) {
let aCentroid = { "x": (a.bounds.x + a.bounds.width) / 2, "y": (a.bounds.y + a.bounds.height) / 2 }
let bCentroid = { "x": (b.bounds.x + b.bounds.width) / 2, "y": (b.bounds.y + b.bounds.height) / 2 }
// sort form top to bottom
// (a.bounds.y - b.bounds.y) || ((a.bounds.y + a.bounds.height) - b.bounds.y) )
// sort from left to right
return ((aCentroid.x - bCentroid.x) || (aCentroid.y - bCentroid.y))
function getViews(Level, Levelobj) {
var thisView = null;
var thisPath = "";
var imageURL = "";
if (!Levelobj) {
return null;
else {
// find the view references composed within this group
$(Levelobj).children().each(function (viewRefs) {
if ((viewRefs) && ((viewRefs.type == 'archimate-diagram-model') || (viewRefs.type == 'canvas-model'))) {
outputHdr(Level + 1,;
// Find the actual linked views
// $('archimate-diagram-model').each(function (linkedView) {
$('view').each(function (linkedView) {
if ( == {
//console.log(" Linked Item: ",, " -> ",;
linkedView.documentation != "" ? outInfo += "\n" + linkedView.documentation + "\n" : true;
var bytes = $.model.renderViewAsBase64(linkedView, "PNG", { scale: renderViewScale, margin: renderViewScale * 10 });
if (embed) {
outInfo += "\n![" + + "](data:image/png;base64," + bytes + ")\n";
else {
thisPath = path +;
$.fs.writeFile(thisPath + ".png", bytes, "BASE64");
imageURL = thisPath.replaceAll(" ", "%20");
outInfo += "\n![" + + "][" + + "]";
outInfo += "\n[" + + "]: " + imageURL + ".png";
outInfo += `<p align="center">${}</p>\n`;
// Now document the view details, by default, if there is no IncludeViewElements property on the driving view.
if ((IncludeViewElements) && (viewRefs.type == 'archimate-diagram-model')) {
function outputHdr(Level, Name, Doc) {
var indent = "";
var tocIndent = "";
for (var i = 0; i < Level; i++) {
indent = indent + "#";
for (var j = 0; j < Level - 1; j++) { // ToC needs one less indent tab.
tocIndent = tocIndent + "\t";
console.log("Level ", Level, " ", indent, " (", Name, ")");
.repeat doesn't work on the PC?..
var indent = "#".repeat(Level);
var tocIndent = " ".repeat(Level);
var outHdr = indent + " " + Name;
var thisLink = generateLink(Name);
if (Level == 1) {
outInfo += '<div style="page-break-before: always;"></div>';
outInfo += "\n\n---\n"; // horiz line before level 1s
outInfo += "\n" + outHdr + "\n";
// anchors don't work in most markdown viewer.
// outInfo += "\n" + "[](" + thisLink + ")";
if (Doc) {
outInfo += Doc + "\n";
// console.log(indent +" " +Name);
theToc += tocIndent + "* [" + Name + "](" + thisLink + ")\n";
function getSubGroups(Group, lvl) {
var nextsubGroup = null;
var nextsLevel = lvl + 1;
$(Group).outRels("composition-relationship").each(function (rel) {
var incomingRels2 = $("triggering-relationship").size();
var outgoingRels2 = $("triggering-relationship").size();
var subGroup =;
if (incomingRels2 == 0) {
// It's the first child in the sub group
Sections.push([subGroup, nextsLevel]); // from lvl
// There's another trigger out so find the next..
nextsubGroup = $(subGroup).outRels("triggering-relationship").first();
// add the next one onto the array
if (nextsubGroup) {
Sections.push([, nextsLevel]); //from lvl
// recurse to get the next subgroup
getSubGroups(, nextsLevel);
else {
// just ignore the rest, the getSubGroups will take care of them.
return (null);
function getNextGroup(Group, glvl) {
var nextGroup = null;
var outgoingRels = $(Group).outRels("triggering-relationship").size();
var nextLevel = glvl + 1;
//check for sub groups
getSubGroups(Group, glvl);
if (outgoingRels == 1) {
// There's a triggering out so find the next..
nextGroup = $(Group).outRels("triggering-relationship").first();
if (nextGroup) {
// add the next one onto the array
Sections.push([, glvl]);
// recurse to get the next group
getNextGroup(, glvl);
else {
window.alert("The groups should all use triggering relationships");
return (null);
function createAphabeticalTable(pView) {
var markdownTable = '';
var allElements = $(); // empty collection
$(pView).find("diagram-model-reference").each(function (viewReference) {
// Find the actual linked views
linkedView = $("view").filter(function(v) {return ===})
console.log(`Total allElements.size() = ${allElements.size()}`)
// Use the Java Collections sort routine
var Collections = Java.type("java.util.Collections");
markdownTable = '<div style="page-break-before: always;"></div>';
markdownTable += "\n\n---\n"; // horiz line before level 1s
markdownTable += "# Toelichting elementen\n\n";
markdownTable += `| Element | Type | Documentatie |\n`;
markdownTable += `| ------- | -----|------------- |\n`;
var uniqueRowSet = new Set();
allElements.each(function (e) {
markdownRow = `| ${} (${e.type}) | ${e.documentation}|\n`
if (!uniqueRowSet.has(markdownRow)) {
let htmlString = convertMarkDown2Html(e.documentation);
// remove excess of new lines and line breaks
htmlString = htmlString.replace(/(?:\n\r|\r\n)/g, '');
markdownTable += `| ${} | ${e.type} | ${htmlString}|\n`
console.log(`eNameAndTypeSet.size() = ${uniqueRowSet.size}`)
// console.log(markdownTable)
return markdownTable;
drivingView = selection.filter("archimate-diagram-model").first();
if (!drivingView) {
window.alert("Please open and select a Driving View for the documentation");
else {
console.log("Driving view is: " +;
// if there is a property IncludeAppendix, override value
if (drivingView.prop("IncludeViewElements")) {
IncludeViewElements = (drivingView.prop("IncludeViewElements") === "true");
$(drivingView).children("grouping").each(function (thisGroup) {
if (thisGroup) {
var incomingRels = $(thisGroup).inRels("triggering-relationship").size();
var outgoingRels = $(thisGroup).outRels("triggering-relationship").size();
if (incomingRels == 0) {
// It's the first section, put it in the array.
Sections.push([thisGroup, 1]);
getSubGroups(thisGroup, 1);
if (outgoingRels == 1) {
// There is a next group, lets get it..
nextOne = $(thisGroup).outRels("triggering-relationship").first();
// Add the next one to the array
if (nextOne) {
Sections.push([, 1]);
getNextGroup(, 1);
else {
window.alert("The groups should all use triggering relationships");
return (null);
return (null);
else {
// just ignore the rest, the getNextGroup will take care of them.
return (null);
var docGen = "";
var datum = new Date();
let exportFilename = `${datum.toLocaleDateString('nl-NL')} ${}`
var exportFile = window.promptSaveFile({ title: "Export to File", filterExtensions: ["*.md"], fileName: exportFilename});
// where's the path. Find where the last slash delimiter is
var lastSlash = "";
if (exportFile) {
if (exportFile.indexOf("/") == -1) {
lastSlash = exportFile.lastIndexOf("\\"); // Windows
} else {
lastSlash = exportFile.lastIndexOf("/"); // Mac or Linux
path = exportFile.substring(0, lastSlash + 1);
fileName = exportFile.substring(lastSlash + 1, exportFile.length);
console.log("path: ", exportFile.substring(0, lastSlash + 1));
console.log("fileName: ", exportFile.substring(lastSlash + 1, exportFile.length));
// go through the array, and output.
for (var i = 0; i < Sections.length; i++) {
outputHdr(Sections[i][1], Sections[i][0].name, Sections[i][0].documentation);
getViews(Sections[i][1], Sections[i][0]);
docGen = "# " + + "\n"
docGen += "\n---\n";
docGen += drivingView.documentation + "\n\n"
docGen += `Mark Backer\nVNG Realisatie\n`;
docGen += `${datum.toLocaleDateString('nl-NL')}\n`;
docGen += "## Inhoud\n";
docGen += theToc + "\n";
docGen += outInfo;
// if there is a property IncludeAppendix, override value
if (drivingView.prop("IncludeAppendix")) {
IncludeAppendix = (drivingView.prop("IncludeAppendix") === "true");
if (IncludeAppendix) {
docGen += createAphabeticalTable(drivingView)
$.fs.writeFile(exportFile, docGen);
// end of script
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