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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Quip Autofocus — Quip's focus mode, accessible by the "Hide Conversation" button, is awesome. But since the majority of the documents I use Quip for are personal documents, I've found it a pain to always have to click it. This incredibly hacky userscript automatically enables focus mode when opening a Quip document. You can go back to the docume…
// Quip Autofocus
// Super hacky, not optimal, but "damn it, it works"
// I'll come up with a better solution after exams
// suggested namespace: **
// I use this in a Fluid app as a Userscript. Not tested anywhere else
console.log('quip.autofocus.js - Loading Quip autofocus');
var qafFocusedThread = null; // stores the last focused thread ID
// allows js to only focus once,
// allowing user to show conversation pane
// simple toggle/bool isn't used, since we might need to focus
// if the user navigates via link to another Quip document
setInterval(function() {
// Check if a thread (document) is active
if (document.querySelector('.thread') != null) {
// Thread is active
// Check if focused
if (document.querySelector('.thread.focused') == null) {
// Thread is not focused
// Get the thread ID
var qafThreadId = window.location.href.replace('','')
// Have we already autofocused this thread?
// a.k.a., is the last doc we autofocused the current one?
if (qafThreadId == qafFocusedThread) {
// Thread previously focused, so don't focus
// This allows the user to still show the conversation pane to go back
} else {
// Not yet focused, focus
console.log('quip.autofocus.js - Focusing');
// Prepare to go zen
// Save current focusedDoc (thread)
qafFocusedThread = qafThreadId;
} else {
// Thread not active - don't focus
// but clear focusedDoc, since the user might have gone back
// this allows user to go to doc A, go back,
// then go to doc A again, autofocused
if (qafFocusedThread != null) {
qafFocusedThread = null;
}, 500); // told you it was hacky. need to see if there is a hook
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