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Last active January 16, 2020 11:28
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  • Save markcerv/58c67d4a95be7ec6b46c1c067bbdfc34 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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BoxStarter - 2018 - for windows 10 machine
# This script is setup to use
# Easiest way is to use IE, and call up this URL:
# or fireup Boxstarter Shell, and then type in:
# Install-BoxstarterPackage -PackageName <<<THE ___RAW__ URL OF THIS GIST>>> -DisableReboots
# Want to find more package? visit:
# Let's get explorer configured the way mark likes it
# explains these
# Sets options on the Windows Explorer shell
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar -EnableExpandToOpenFolder -EnableShowRibbon
# Turn off UAC for the installs below to work without constant interruptions.
# Install Apps
# Want a list of chocolatey packages?
cinst 7zip # instead of winzip
cinst dropbox # who doesn't use dropbox?
cinst filezilla # my favorite windows sftp program
cinst firefox
cinst gitkraken
cinst git # I don't think this specific version is necessary, but it might be. :)
# better save it in comments -Version 1.7.11
cinst hashcheck # very useful to get md5sum's of .isos, etc
cinst imgburn
cinst insomnia-rest-api-client # don't REST w/out it. useful for API dev
cinst jing # screen recording. But saves to a .swf. But FREE
cinst keepass-classic #
cinst keepassx # Use this one w/ coworkers
#cinst putty # Install from instead -
cinst python3
#cinst pip
cinst slack # even w/ move to MS Teams, still use for tracking whats on staging sites
cinst sublimetext2 # Great editor.
cinst teracopy # move/copy files AND do validation when done
#cinst ultravnc # If you don't know VNC, you must not do xwindows
cinst vagrant
cinst vim
cinst virtualbox
cinst virtualbox.extensionpack
cinst virtualclonedrive
cinst vlc
cinst windirstat # Best way to see where your disk space is getting used up
# Turn back on UAC
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