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Forked from nasser/iteracy.rb
Created February 14, 2012 23:51
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An iterated version of David M Berry's iteracy.rb that randomizes the text of the points
# ----------------------------------------------
# David M. Berry Feb 2012
# modified slightly by Mark C Marino Feb 2012 a bit later
# Based on the webpage:
# Programmed in Zajal -
# Many thanks to Ramsey Nasser
# ----------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------
# This bit defines and fills the arrays used below
# Mark: I decided to break up your longer claims to smaller chunks
# ----------------------------------------------
iteracy = ["1. Computational Thinking", "2. Algorithms", "3. Reading and Writing Code", "4. Learning programming languages", "5. Aesthetics of Code", "6. Data and Models"]
idesc = ["being able to devise and understand the way in which /ncomputational systems work", "to be able to read and write the code associated with them/n","for example abstraction, pipelining, hashing, sorting, etc./n", "understanding the specifically algorithmic nature /nof computational work/n","e.g. recessions, iteration, /ndiscretisation, etc./n", "practices in reading/writing code require new skills/n", "to enable the reader/programmer/n", "to make sense of and develop /ncode in terms of modularity, data, encapsulation, naming, /ncommentary, loops, recursion, etc./n","understanding one or more concrete programming languages/n", "to enable the student to develop a comparative dimension/n", "to hone skills of iteracy, e.g. procedural, functional, object-oriented, etc./n","developing skills related to appreciating the aesthetic /n dimension of code/n","here I am thinking of 'beautiful code' and 'elegance' as key/n concepts./n","understanding the significance and importance of /n", "data, /ninformation and knowledge and their relationships to /nmodels in computational thinking (abstract machines, etc.)./n"]
# ----------------------------------------------
# This bit initalises the global variables used
# ----------------------------------------------
x2, y2 = 250, 250
current = ""
description = " "
counter = 0
tcounter = 0
xx = 10
yy = 200
startcounter = 0
setup do
# ----------------------------------------------
# This bit initialises all the variables used
# ----------------------------------------------
current = iteracy [counter]
description = idesc [counter]
counter = counter +1
tcounter= tcounter +1
size 500
title "ITERATED"
background 0
fill false
alpha_blending true
smoothing true
circle_resolution 64
draw do #main loop
# ----------------------------------------------
# This bit asks the question
# ----------------------------------------------
color :green
text " ------------ CODE LITERACY QUESTION --------------"
text ""
text " @MARKCMARINO: Who has a good alternative to 'literacy' "
text " when it comes to programming or reading code? "
text "" #add a space
color :yellow
text " @BERRYDM: 'ITERACY' based on the notion of iteration."
text " Iteration deals with looping through a "
text " collection (like an array) using loops."
text "" #add a space
text " --------- click mouse for more details -----------"
# ----------------------------------------------
# This bit answers the question from the array above
# ----------------------------------------------
color :white
text current, xx, yy
textarray = description.split("/n") #break the description into lines based on '/n'
for startcounter in (0..textarray.count) # iteration (loop) to print paragraph description
text textarray[startcounter], xx, yy+30+(startcounter*13)
# ----------------------------------------------
# This bit draws the funky iterative background
# ----------------------------------------------
alpha = 0..200 #define variable alpha
radius = 100..500 #define variable radius
depth = 40 #define variable depth
depth.times do |n|
t = n/depth.to_f
color 255, alpha * t #define colour and shades
circle x2, y2 + sin(time * 0.001 + n * 0.25) * 30, radius * t**2 #draw circles
mouse_down do |x, y, btn| #mouse press loop
# ----------------------------------------------
# This bit iterates through the answers from the array above
# ----------------------------------------------
current = iteracy [tcounter]
description = description + " " + idesc [counter]
counter = random max (14) #I wanted to radomize the combination
tcounter = tcounter +1
if tcounter > 5
tcounter = 0
description = " "
current = " " #Mark: wanted to erase the board every so often
xx = 10
yy = 150 # Leave in Place
startcounter = 0 # reset the startcounter
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