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Created July 3, 2012 14:53
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Save markd2/3040220 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// clang -Weverything -framework Foundation -o string-fun string-fun.m
int main (void) {
@autoreleasepool {
// Split and join
NSString *splitString = @"hello:-(there:-(everybody";
NSArray *split = [splitString componentsSeparatedByString: @":-("];
NSLog (@"split: %@", split);
NSString *joinString = [split componentsJoinedByString: @":-)"];
NSLog (@"%@ -> %@", splitString, joinString);
// Extract substrings based on index
NSString *subby = @"whatsoever";
NSString *first = [subby substringToIndex: 4]; // LEFT$
NSString *last = [subby substringFromIndex: 6]; // RIGHT$
NSRange range = NSMakeRange (4, 2);
NSString *middle = [subby substringWithRange: range]; // MID$
NSLog (@"%@ -> %@ %@ %@", subby, first, middle, last);
// Has prefix / suffix
NSString *tweet = @"@wookiee your pony is looking colorful today!";
NSLog (@"looking at tweet: '%@'", tweet);
if ([tweet hasPrefix: @"@"]) NSLog (@" tweet is a reply");
if ([tweet hasSuffix: @"!"]) NSLog (@" tweet is excitable");
if ([tweet hasSuffix: @"?"]) NSLog (@" tweet is questionable");
// Easy concatenation
NSString *cookie = @"I made you a cookie. ";
NSString *eated = @"But I eated it";
NSString *cat = [cookie stringByAppendingString: eated];
NSLog (@"LOL: %@", cat);
cat = [@"I made you a cookie. " stringByAppendingString: eated];
NSLog (@"LOL^2: %@", cat);
// Quick number conversions. Skips whitespaceSet and ignores trailing
// characters. NSScanner / NSNumberFormatter suggested for more exact
// parsing of numbers.
NSArray *intValues =
[NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"1", @" 2bork", @"\t \t3greeble5",
@"-12", @"-", @"", nil];
for (NSString *scan in intValues) {
NSLog (@" %@ -> %d", scan, [scan intValue]);
NSArray *boolValues =
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"1", @"2", @"y", @" yEs", @"Yes",
@"0", @"n", @"\tNo", @"NO",
@"", @"gronk", nil];
for (NSString *scan in boolValues) {
NSLog (@" %@ -> %d", scan, [scan boolValue]);
// Common prefix
NSString *thing1 = @"BigNerdRanch";
NSString *thing2 = @"Bigbooty, John";
NSString *commonPrefix = [thing1 commonPrefixWithString: thing2
options: 0];
NSLog (@"%@ is common between %@ and %@", commonPrefix, thing1, thing2);
// Capitalization
NSString *sentence =
@"fOUr scOrE aND sEveN-yEARs aGo ouR FAthers brouGHT Fourth.";
NSLog (@"original: %@", sentence);
NSString *capped = [sentence capitalizedString];
NSLog (@" capped: %@", capped);
NSString *upper = [sentence uppercaseString];
NSString *lower = [sentence lowercaseString];
NSLog (@" upper: %@", upper);
NSLog (@" lower: %@", lower);
// Trimming
// Remove whitespace from ends of a string
NSString *original = @"\n \t\t hello there \t\n \n\n";
NSString *trimmed =
[original stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:
[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
NSLog (@"trimmed '%@' to '%@'", original, trimmed);
// Padding and truncating to length
NSString *original = @"I've got a bad feeling about this ";
NSString *shorter = [original stringByPaddingToLength: 22
withString: nil
startingAtIndex: 0];
NSLog (@" shorter: %@", shorter);
NSString *leader = [original stringByPaddingToLength: 40
withString: @"."
startingAtIndex: 0];
NSLog (@" leader: %@", leader);
NSString *longer = [original stringByPaddingToLength: 40
withString: @"(:-"
startingAtIndex: 0];
NSLog (@" longer: %@", longer);
NSString *phased = [original stringByPaddingToLength: 40
withString: @"(:-"
startingAtIndex: 1];
NSLog (@" phased: %@", phased);
// Actually using the starting index for something useful
// These will end up having different characters at the end
NSString *thing = @"thing";
NSString *thingy = @"thingy";
NSString *outOfPhaseThing = [thing stringByPaddingToLength: 30
withString: @"-="
startingAtIndex: 0];
NSString *outOfPhaseThingy = [thingy stringByPaddingToLength: 30
withString: @"-="
startingAtIndex: 0];
NSLog (@"%@", outOfPhaseThing);
NSLog (@"%@", outOfPhaseThingy);
NSString *inPhaseThing = [thing stringByPaddingToLength: 30
withString: @"-="
startingAtIndex: thing.length % 2];
NSString *inPhaseThingy = [thingy stringByPaddingToLength: 30
withString: @"-="
startingAtIndex: thingy.length % 2];
NSLog (@"%@", inPhaseThing);
NSLog (@"%@", inPhaseThingy);
return 0;
} // main
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