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Last active April 19, 2024 02:41
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Updates a Slack User Group with People that are on call in PagerDuty (updated for pagerduty v2 api and pull from env vars instead of KMS). Based on:
Lambda Func to update slack usergroup based on pagerduty rotation
NOTE: If you get a permission denied while setting the usergroup it is because there’s a workspace preference in slack
that limits who can manage user groups. At the time of writing it was restricted to owners and admins so i had to get
an owner to install the app. First i added them as a collaborator and then had them re-install the app, and got the new
auth token and added that to param store.
Slack permissions required:
- Installer must be able to update user groups.
- usergroups:read
- usergroups:write
- users:read
# !/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import os
import logging
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SlackOnCall(object):
# The Slack API token to use for authentication to the Slack WebAPI
slack_token = None
# The Pager Duty API token to use for authentication into the PagerDuty API
pager_duty_token = None
# The Slack @user-group to update (Default: oncall)
slack_user_group_handle = 'oncall'
# The maximum escalation level to add to the group
# (eg. if escalation level = 2, then levels 1 and 2 will be a part of the group
# but not any levels 3 and above.
escalation_level = 2
def __init__(self, slack_token, pager_duty_token,
slack_user_group_handle=slack_user_group_handle, log_level='INFO',
escalation_level=escalation_level, escalation_policy_ids=None):
self.slack_token = slack_token
self.pager_duty_token = pager_duty_token
self.slack_user_group_handle = slack_user_group_handle
self.escalation_level = int(escalation_level)
if not escalation_policy_ids:
self.escalation_policy_ids = []
self.escalation_policy_ids = [s.strip() for s in escalation_policy_ids.split(',')]
self._slack_user_group = None
self._on_call_email_addresses = None
self._all_slack_users = None
def run(self):
Gets user group information and on-call information then updates the
on-call user group in slack to be the on-call users for escalation
levels 1 and 2.
slack_users = self.slack_users_by_email(self.on_call_email_addresses)
if not slack_users:
log.warning('No Slack users found for email addresses: %s', ','.join(self.on_call_email_addresses))
slack_user_ids = [u['id'] for u in slack_users]
if set(slack_user_ids) == set(self.slack_user_group['users']):'User group %s already set to %s', self.slack_user_group_handle, slack_user_ids)
self.update_on_call(slack_users)'Job Complete')
def _make_request(url, body=None, headers={}):
req = Request(url, body, headers)'Making request to %s', url)
response = urlopen(req)
body =
body = json.loads(body)
if 'error' in body:
msg = 'Error making request: {}'.format(body)
raise ValueError(msg)
return body
except ValueError:
return body
except HTTPError as e:
log.error("Request failed: %d %s", e.code, e.reason)
except URLError as e:
log.error("Server connection failed: %s", e.reason)
def slack_user_group(self):
:return: the Slack user group matching the slack_user_group_handle
specified in the configuration
if self._slack_user_group is not None:
return self._slack_user_group
url = '{}&include_users=1'.format(self.slack_token)
groups = self._make_request(url)['usergroups']
for group in groups:
if group['handle'] == self.slack_user_group_handle:
self._slack_user_group = group
return group
raise ValueError('No user groups found that match {}'.format(self.slack_user_group_handle))
def on_call_email_addresses(self):
Hits the PagerDuty API and gets level 1 and level 2 escalation
on-call users and returns their email addresses
:return: All on-call email addresses within the escalation bounds
if self._on_call_email_addresses is not None:
return self._on_call_email_addresses
url =''
on_call = self._make_request(url, headers={
'Authorization': 'Token token=' + self.pager_duty_token,
'Accept': 'application/vnd.pagerduty+json;version=2'
users = set() # users can be in multiple schedule, this will de-dupe
for escalation_policy in on_call['oncalls']:
if escalation_policy['escalation_level'] <= self.escalation_level:
users.add(escalation_policy['user']['email'])'Found %d users on-call', len(users))
self._on_call_email_addresses = users
return users
def all_slack_users(self):
if self._all_slack_users is not None:
return self._all_slack_users
url = '{}'.format(self.slack_token)
users = self._make_request(url)['members']'Found %d total Slack users', len(users))
self._all_slack_users = users
return users
def slack_users_by_email(self, emails):
Finds all slack users by their email address
:param emails: List of email address to find users
:return: List of Slack user objects found in :emails:
users = []
for user in self.all_slack_users:
if user['profile'].get('email') in emails:
return users
def update_on_call(self, slack_users):
Updates the specified user-group
:param slack_users: Slack users to modify the group with
user_ids = [u['id'] for u in slack_users]
url = '{0}&usergroup={1}&users={2}'.format(
)'Updating user group %s from %s to %s',
self.slack_user_group_handle, self.slack_user_group['users'], user_ids)
def lambda_handler(*_):
Main entry point for AWS Lambda.
Variables can not be passed in to AWS Lambda, the configuration
parameters below are encrypted using AWS IAM Keys.
# Boto is always available in AWS lambda, but may not be available in
# standalone mode
import boto3
# To generate the encrypted values, go to AWS IAM Keys and Generate a key
# Then grant decryption using the key to the IAM Role used for your lambda
# function.
# Use the command `aws kms encrypt --key-id alias/<key-alias> --plaintext <value-to-encrypt>
# Put the encrypted value in the configuration dictionary below
config = {
'slack_token': os.environ['SLACK_API_TOKEN'],
'slack_user_group_handle': os.environ['SLACK_USER_GROUP_HANDLE'],
'pager_duty_token': os.environ['PAGERDUTY_API_TOKEN'],
'escalation_level': os.environ['ESCALATION_LEVEL'],
'escalation_policy_ids': os.environ['ESCALATION_POLICY_IDS']
return SlackOnCall(**config).run()
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