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path = FIND<PathCreator>().path;
points = path.CalculateEvenlySpacedPoints(spacing);
//this spacing is different from the mesh spacing so the mesh stays optimized
progress += deltaTime * movementSpeed;
//Get evenly spaced points
//points[X] is equal to all the anchorPoints and Handles
//starting at the very first anchor then the two handles then the last anchor and so forth
public xyz[] CalculateEvenlySpacedPoints(float spacing, float resolution = 1)
List<xyz> evenlySpacedPoints = new List<xyz>();
xyz previousPoints = points[0];
float dstSinceLastEvenPoint = 0;
float t; xyz p0;
xyz anchor0; xyz p1;
xyz anchor1; xyz p2;
xyz handle0; xyz p3;
xyz handle1; xyz p4;
xyz r;
private void Update()
p0 = xyz.Lerp(anchor0, handle0, t);
float Lerp(float val1, float val2, float t)
return (1 - t) * val1 + t * val2;
xyz Lerp(xyz pos1, xyz pos2, float t)
return x=Lerp(pos1.x,pos2.x,t)
y=Lerp(pos1.y, pos2.y,t)
z=Lerp(pos1.z, pos2.z,t)