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Development of a mini C++ MPI3 wrapper

Step 2 - Communicator

Add a communicator class. For now it contains a rank function to get the MPI rank. Eventually it will contain most of the communication functions.

The raw MPI_Comm value is stored internally to the class.

Add a method to the environment to get a world communicator object. (Todo: explain the use of static get_world_instance.)


#ifndef MINI_MPI3_HPP
#define MINI_MPI3_HPP

#include <stdexcept>

#include <mpi.h>

class communicator
  communicator(MPI_Comm impl) noexcept : impl_(impl) {}

  int rank() const {
    int rank = -1;
    int s = MPI_Comm_rank(impl_, &rank);
    if (s != MPI_SUCCESS) throw std::runtime_error("MPI_Comm_rank failed");
    return rank;

  MPI_Comm impl_;

inline void finalize()
  int s = MPI_Finalize();
  if (s != MPI_SUCCESS) throw std::runtime_error("cannot finalize MPI");


inline void initialize(){
  int s = MPI_Init(nullptr, nullptr);
  if (s != MPI_SUCCESS) throw std::runtime_error("cannot initialize MPI");

class environment
  environment() { initialize(); }
  ~environment() { finalize(); }

  static inline communicator& get_world_instance()
    static communicator instance{MPI_COMM_WORLD};
    return instance;

  communicator world() const {
    communicator ret{get_world_instance()};
    return ret;


#endif /* MINI_MPI3_HPP */

Test code:

#include <mini_mpi3.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  environment env;
  communicator world =;
  std::cout << "Hello from " << world.rank() << std::endl;
  return 0;

Run command:

mpirun -np 4 ./a.out


Hello from 2
Hello from 0
Hello from Hello from 3

Next step: First communication routine

Development of a mini C++ MPI3 wrapper

Step 1 - Initialization

The first part is to call MPI_Init and MPI_Finalize Create an 'environment' class that performs these functions for the lifetime of the object.

For simplicity, MPI_Init is called with null pointers.

#ifndef MINI_MPI3_HPP
#define MINI_MPI3_HPP

#include <stdexcept>

#include <mpi.h>

inline void finalize()
  int s = MPI_Finalize();
  if (s != MPI_SUCCESS) throw std::runtime_error("cannot finalize MPI");


inline void initialize(){
  int s = MPI_Init(nullptr, nullptr);
  if (s != MPI_SUCCESS) throw std::runtime_error("cannot initialize MPI");

class environment
  environment() { initialize(); }
  ~environment() { finalize(); }

#endif /* MINI_MPI3_HPP */

Test code:

#include <mini_mpi3.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  environment env;
  std::cout << "Hello" << std::endl;
  return 0;

Run command:

mpirun -np 4 ./a.out



Next step: Communicator

Development of a mini C++ MPI3 wrapper

Step 3 - First communication routine

The next step is to add a communication routine to the communicator class.

For simplicity, we will use broadcast. For the C++ interface, we will add broadcast of a scalar value.

For the call to MPI_Bcast most of the parameters are straightforward

  • the address of the value passed in,
  • the count for a scalar is one
  • the datatype is more involved - will discuss below
  • the root value (optional value to the broadcast_value function)
  • the internal MPI_Comm value.

The biggest issue is the C++ type needs to be converted the MPI type enumeration.

Use a template class ('datatype') and specializations for each C++ type contain an operator that converts to MPI_Datatype. (There are other ways of representing this in the class - setting up a static 'value' set to the MPI data type)

For this mini mpi3, conversion for int and double is implemented. For a more extensive list, a macro is used. mini_mpi3.hpp

#ifndef MINI_MPI3_HPP
#define MINI_MPI3_HPP

#include <stdexcept>

#include <mpi.h>

// Convert C++ type to MPI type enumeration
// int -> MPI_INT
// double -> MPI_DOUBLE
template <class T> class datatype;

template <> struct datatype<int> {
  operator MPI_Datatype() const{return MPI_INT;};

template <> struct datatype<double> {
  operator MPI_Datatype() const{return MPI_DOUBLE;};

class communicator
  communicator(MPI_Comm impl) noexcept : impl_(impl) {}

  int rank() const {
    int rank = -1;
    int s = MPI_Comm_rank(impl_, &rank);
    if (s != MPI_SUCCESS) throw std::runtime_error("MPI_Comm_rank failed");
    return rank;

  template<class T>
  void broadcast_value(T &t, int root = 0) {
    int count = 1;
    MPI_Datatype dt = datatype<T>{};
    MPI_Bcast(std::addressof(t), count, dt, root, impl_);

  MPI_Comm impl_;

inline void finalize()
  int s = MPI_Finalize();
  if (s != MPI_SUCCESS) throw std::runtime_error("cannot finalize MPI");


inline void initialize(){
  int s = MPI_Init(nullptr, nullptr);
  if (s != MPI_SUCCESS) throw std::runtime_error("cannot initialize MPI");

class environment
  environment() { initialize(); }
  ~environment() { finalize(); }

  static inline communicator& get_world_instance()
    static communicator instance{MPI_COMM_WORLD};
    return instance;

  communicator world() const {
    communicator ret{get_world_instance()};
    return ret;


#endif /* MINI_MPI3_HPP */

For the test, set a scalar value on rank 0 to a different value than the other ranks. Perform the broadcast and verify the new value on all ranks.

Test code:

#include <mini_mpi3.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  environment env;
  communicator world =;

  int a = 1;
  if (world.rank() == 0) {a = 3;}
  std::cout << "From rank " << world.rank()  << " a = " << a << std::endl;
  return 0;

Run command:

mpirun -np 4 ./a.out


From rank 0 a = 3
From rank 1 a = 3
From rank 2 a = 3
From rank 3 a = 3

Next step: Broadcast array

Development of a mini C++ MPI3 wrapper

Step 4 - Broadcast array

The next improvement is to broadcast an array type with a start iterator and a length. And make it work with a variety of array types (raw C++ arrays, STL containers)

Here the issue is obtaining the address corresponding to the start iterator. We are assuming the container storage is contiguous.

One solution is to declare a templated get_pointer function that is overloaded on different types - C++ pointer, STL iterator, etc. mini_mpi3.hpp

#ifndef MINI_MPI3_HPP
#define MINI_MPI3_HPP

#include <stdexcept>

#include <mpi.h>

// Convert C++ type to MPI type enumeration
// int -> MPI_INT
// double -> MPI_DOUBLE
template <class T> class datatype;

template <> struct datatype<int> {
  operator MPI_Datatype() const{return MPI_INT;};

template <> struct datatype<double> {
  operator MPI_Datatype() const{return MPI_DOUBLE;};

// Get address for different kinds of iterators
template <class T> auto get_pointer(T *t) { return t; }

template <class It> auto get_pointer(It it) { return it.base(); }

class communicator
  communicator(MPI_Comm impl) noexcept : impl_(impl) {}

  int rank() const {
    int rank = -1;
    int s = MPI_Comm_rank(impl_, &rank);
    if (s != MPI_SUCCESS) throw std::runtime_error("MPI_Comm_rank failed");
    return rank;

  template<class T>
  void broadcast_value(T &t, int root = 0) {
    int count = 1;
    MPI_Datatype dt = datatype<T>{};
    MPI_Bcast(std::addressof(t), count, dt, root, impl_);

  template <class It, typename Size>
  void broadcast_n(It first, Size count, int root = 0) {
    MPI_Datatype dt = datatype<typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type>{};
    MPI_Bcast(get_pointer(first), count, dt, root, impl_);

  MPI_Comm impl_;

inline void finalize()
  int s = MPI_Finalize();
  if (s != MPI_SUCCESS) throw std::runtime_error("cannot finalize MPI");


inline void initialize(){
  int s = MPI_Init(nullptr, nullptr);
  if (s != MPI_SUCCESS) throw std::runtime_error("cannot initialize MPI");

class environment
  environment() { initialize(); }
  ~environment() { finalize(); }

  static inline communicator& get_world_instance()
    static communicator instance{MPI_COMM_WORLD};
    return instance;

  communicator world() const {
    communicator ret{get_world_instance()};
    return ret;


#endif /* MINI_MPI3_HPP */

This test uses both a raw C++ array and a std::vector.

Test code:

#include <mini_mpi3.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main()
  environment env;
  communicator world =;

  // Broadcast_n with raw C++ array
  double va[3]; 
  if (world.rank() == 0) {va[0] = 1.1;}
  world.broadcast_n(va, 3);
  std::cout << "From rank " << world.rank()  << " va[0] = " << va[0] << std::endl;

  // Broadcast_n with std::vector
  std::vector<double> vv{1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
  if (world.rank() == 0) {vv[0] = 4.0;}
  world.broadcast_n(vv.begin(), vv.size());
  std::cout << "From rank " << world.rank()  << " vv[0] = " << vv[0] << std::endl;
  return 0;

Run command:

mpirun -np 4 ./a.out


From rank 0 va[0] = 1.1
From rank 0 vv[0] = 4
From rank 1 va[0] = 1.1
From rank 1 vv[0] = 4
From rank 2 va[0] = 1.1
From rank 2 vv[0] = 4
From rank 3 va[0] = 1.1
From rank 3 vv[0] = 4

Development of a mini C++ MPI3 wrapper

This guide uses a series of steps to help understand how the C++ MPI3 library is developed.

Location of the full-size MPI3 wrapper library


  1. Initialization
  2. Communicator
  3. First communication routine
  4. Broadcast array

Meta comments

Explaining a code by a series of small incremental steps seems very useful. Part of this example is exploring if a structured format would help make such guides easier to write. The main ingredients at each step seem to be:

  • a description of each step
  • the source for each step (this version has the full file - eventually would need snippets or highlights to keep the displayed size managable)
  • an optional description of the test code
  • test code
  • output of the test code.

Depending on the step, the compile command and compiler output might be useful (especially if demonstrating a compile failure at some step).

Is this a useful format for understanding a code?

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