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Created May 15, 2014 07:30
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Symbolic force computation
# Compute force on a particle with a pair potential
# Uses Lennard-Jones potential
import sympy
# Assigment looks like a relational operator, but probably shouldn't be
from sympy.core.relational import Assignment
import sympy.printing
import numpy as np
from sympy.strategies.traverse import top_down
# Base class for modeling procedures (sequence of expressions)
class procbase:
def subs(self, old_name, e2):
var = self.vars[old_name]
self.stmts = [s.subs(var,e2) for s in self.stmts]
self.args = [s.subs(var,e2) for s in self.args]
return self
def output(self):
print 'Function ',
print ' args = ',self.args
print ' body:'
for st in self.stmts:
print ' ',st
def latex(self):
print 'Function ',
for st in self.stmts:
print ' ',sympy.latex(st)
# Replace a function name with a concrete function body,
# evaluting the function by substituting parameters
#ftype - function name to replace
#conc - concrete function object
# expected members:
# stmts - list of statments in the function body
# args - list of function arguments
def evalfunctype(ftype, conc):
def efunc(expr):
if isinstance(expr, ftype):
cexpr = None
sdict = zip(conc.args, expr.args)
for s in conc.stmts:
if isinstance(s, Assignment):
cexpr = s.rhs.subs(sdict).doit()
sdict.append( (s.lhs, cexpr) )
cexpr = s.subs(sdict).evalf()
except AttributeError:
cexpr = s.subs(sdict).doit()
return cexpr
return expr
return efunc
# fix up expression tree - workaround for a bug
def replacematadd(expr):
#print 'expr = ',type(expr)
if isinstance(expr, sympy.Add):
args_are_mat = True
for a in expr.args:
args_are_mat = args_are_mat and isinstance(a, sympy.MatrixExpr)
#print 'args are mat',args_are_mat
if args_are_mat:
return sympy.MatAdd(*expr.args)
if isinstance(expr, sympy.Mul):
e = sympy.Mul(*expr.args)
return expr
def lj(r):
return 4*(1/r**12 - 1/r**6)
class lj_force_sym(procbase):
def __init__(self):
r = sympy.Symbol('r') # scalar
s = - sympy.diff(lj(r), r)
self.args = [r]
self.stmts = [s]
self.vars = {'r':r} = 'LJ force'
class pair_pot_sym(procbase):
def __init__(self):
n = sympy.Symbol('n_d')
r2 = sympy.MatrixSymbol('r2',n,1) #vector
r1 = sympy.MatrixSymbol('r1',n,1) # vector
d = sympy.MatrixSymbol('d',n,1) # vector
s1 = sympy.Assign(d, r2 - r1) # can we type this?
r = sympy.Symbol('r') # scalar
s2 = sympy.Assign(r, abs(d))
V2 = sympy.Symbol('V2')
ret = V2(r)
self.args = [r1, r2]
self.stmts = [s1, s2, ret]
self.vars = {'r1':r1,'r2':r2,'n_d':n,'V2':V2} = 'pair_potential'
class pair_force_sym(procbase):
def __init__(self):
n = sympy.Symbol('n')
r2 = sympy.MatrixSymbol('r2',n,1) #vector
r1 = sympy.MatrixSymbol('r1',n,1) # vector
d = sympy.MatrixSymbol('d',n,1) # vector
s1 = sympy.Assign(d, r2 - r1) # can we type this?
r = sympy.Symbol('r') # scalar
i = sympy.Symbol('i')
s2 = sympy.Assign(r, abs(d))
F2 = sympy.Symbol('F2')
ret = d * F2(r)/r
self.args = [r1, r2]
self.stmts = [s1, s2, ret]
self.vars = {'r1':r1,'r2':r2,'n_d':n,'F2':F2} = 'Pair force'
class total_force_sym(procbase):
def __init__(self):
n = sympy.Symbol('n')
F = sympy.Symbol('F')
i = sympy.Symbol('i')
j = sympy.Symbol('j')
r = sympy.IndexedBase('r')
s = sympy.Sum(F(r[i], r[j]), (j,1,n), constraint=sympy.Ne(i,j))
self.args = [r, i, n]
self.stmts = [s]
self.vars = {'n':n, 'F':F, 'i': i, 'r':r} = 'Force on particle i'
# Particle positions
r1 = sympy.Matrix([1.1, 2.3, 4.4])
r2 = sympy.Matrix([0.1, 2.1, 1.4])
r3 = sympy.Matrix([0.2, 1.5, 1.4])
pos = [r1,r2,r3]
# Force
total_force = total_force_sym()
tvars = total_force.vars
# Specialize to number of of particles
s2 = total_force.subs('n', len(pos)).stmts[0]
# Compute force on particle 1
target_i = 1
s2 = s2.subs('i', target_i)
# evaluate the sum
s2 = s2.doit_direct()
print ''
print 'Specialized force to 3 particles, on particle',target_i
print s2
print ''
s3 = s2.subs({tvars['r'][1]:pos[0], tvars['r'][2]:pos[1], tvars['r'][3]:pos[2]})
pp = pair_force_sym()
pp = pp.subs('n_d', 3)
pp_eval = evalfunctype(sympy.Function('F'), pp)
pp2 = top_down(pp_eval)(s3)
# workaround for a bug - some tree nodes are in an unexpected state after replacement
#print ''
#print 'replacing matadd'
pp2 = top_down(replacematadd)(pp2)
print ''
print 'After replacing pair force'
print pp2
print ''
ljp = lj_force_sym()
print ''
lj_eval = evalfunctype(sympy.Function('F2'), ljp)
lj2 = top_down(lj_eval)(pp2)
print ''
print 'After replacing LJ force:'
print lj2
print ''
print 'Final answer:'
print lj2.doit()
Function Force on particle i
args = [r, i, n]
Sum(F(r[i], r[j]), (j, 1, n))
Specialized force to 3 particles, on particle 1
F(r[1], r[2]) + F(r[1], r[3])
Function Pair force
args = [r1, r2]
d = (-1)*r1 + r2
r = MatrixNorm(d)
After replacing pair force
[-3.0]]) + (0.309344112444873*F2(3.23264597504892))*Matrix([
Function LJ force
args = [r]
-24/r**7 + 48/r**13
After replacing LJ force:
[-3.0]]) + ((-0.00649445057204655)*0.309344112444873)*Matrix([
Final answer:
[ 0.0130989998176291]])
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